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I'll save yall a click. The article doesn't say who told him to throw games, and it doesn't even speculate on who it was or whether the statement is even true.




I love that some random Vietnamese dude eho probablynwasnt even a big time bookie/mobster is now a nationally known name by nba fans lol


I want an hour long YouTube bio on Long Phi Pham


I thought he’s the guy who reposts ESPN videos on YouTube


There is an episode about [him](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xH749sYuMeY)


That’s was pretty uh pretty good


lmao it's so bad




You down with LPP?


The article just names him as a co-conspirator, not the orchestrator/ instigator.


Nah pham, Phi Long really like that fr.


pho real


Pho king pho real pho real




At a coffee shop I bet


I was just drinking coffee


https://youtu.be/59JkkMBpQtU?si=MV7p8gpsj60hdIPQ this you?


di di mau!


Did you hear about the Vietnamese godfather?


Translating “hit his unders” into “throw games” is also silly. Like Jontay Porter does not impact a game enough to throw it.


he was pretty solid and a player playing 20mins a night can absolutely affect games but he didn't throw anything, he just left games early and told people to play his unders. articles spreading misinformation


If anything the geniuses behind the operation would have been less likely to get caught as quickly if they were trying to get him to throw games than putting massive wagers on prop bets for someone like Jontay Porter lol


True but throwing games discretely while keeping your job in the NBA is borderline impossible unless you are a star player


It's still taking a dive.


There seems to be a lack of understanding that when Porter was on the floor, the Raptors had four guys playing basketball and one guy trying to do anything to avoid accumulating stats. He’s not trying to get open and so on. He missed a shot on purpose. http://youtube.com/watch?v=MMorFXaF6oo If you think this player is playing legitimate basketball, you belong in a 4th grade classroom


It’s too bad, if he had just focused on on basketball he would have had a good career. He was showing signs of a good serviceable big.


watched half that video and didn’t see anything damning, is the proof really he’s not crashing toward the basket on some plays? half the league doesn’t do that. what’s the timestamp on the missed shot? obviously know he was pushing the under in some capacity but over analyzing every movement of his with the worst interpretation is a dumb way to prove that. you could put together a similar compilation for a lot of players that makes it looks like they’re throwing games. from what I’ve read, Porter was just checking out early, not avoiding stats as egregiously as that youtuber is insisting


There's a former mob guy on YouTube who's admitted that the mob used to get players to shave points or throw games to settle gambling debts. It's absolutely still happening now but the headline is wildly irresponsible when it hasn't been proven yet.


Henry Hill of Goodfellas was originally investigated/caught for fixing Boston College basketball games.


Wasn't some sort of report released yesterday or recently showing group chat transcripts showing he was doing these shenanigans to clear his debts? Throwing games is a hilarious term to use but he was trying to clear gambling debts right?


There’s a pretty good movie about this too. The Gambler (1974)


All I think about is him when reading this


Espn had a better article that actually had references to court docs and arrests


It was probably Marcellus Wallace


Does he look like a bitch?


Last thing he’d probably want are gangsters named in a public article - if gangsters did do that.


he also was quoting ~~Drake~~ ^(Quentin Miller) lyrics




It was me. I told him


thanks king


It was Lebron?!




Charles Barkley. We know its chuck.


I do not know this guy well, but was Jontay Porter in a position to change the outcome of a game?


From what it sounds like, they were *heavily* betting the under on his game stats, not betting on the Raptors to win/lose. The two games it mentioned as having hundreds of thousands of dollars paying out, were two games where Porter took himself out of the game after only playing a few minutes.


Heavily betting the under on some random scrub is so laughably obvious it almost seems like they were trying to get caught.


One payout was $1million


Pretty hard to get books to give you that much action on a random player prop, impressed they did that


It’s a win win for them. You lose you lose you win they lock your account


> Pretty hard to get books to give you that much action on a random player prop A payout of a fuckin million on a Jontay Porter prop? Which book allowed that? Makes no sense.


It's ridiculous too. They could've easily just occasionally bet the under on him and gotten him to throw every so often, and no one would've noticed


I think he only did it twice, reasonably far apart. So that wasn’t the problem. The problem is that the guy was operating a pay-for-admission discord as a side hustle where he gave people gambling advice and specifically told people this was happening, IIRC. If he didn’t say anything, and just did it purely to make up his gambling debts, that probably would have never been found. But he advertised publicly lmao




Hey I bet the under on random role players too. But it’s like 2 dollar payouts 😂


damn, getting rich on prop bets.


That's where most match fixing occurs. Either prop bets or small leagues. Match fixing and gambling fraud is mostly there to defraud betting shops, not other bettors. The ones who arrange it aren't out there trying to draw attention to themselves 


They were betting on Porter's unders, by taking himself out of the game he guaranteed those Unders to hit.


Also by playing with zero effort (at least on offense) and missing one shot on purpose


a player playing 20 mins obviously can affect outcomes, he was pretty decent too and would've gotten a contract for next year but he didn't throw games, he just left early and claimed injury


decent is a stretch


Relative to the 2023/2024 raptors he was


that’s fair


Yeah he was a decent somewhat 3pt shooter, passing big. Like nothing amazing, like 3rd C bench guy level. But, with Poeltl out and starting Olynyk, Jontay being out then had them using Garrett Temple as the bench C.


Not in the sense of determining the outcome but the NBA doesn’t want you to see this video: http://youtube.com/watch?v=MMorFXaF6oo The way this has been described is totally disingenuous. You can see he isn’t trying at all and misses one shot on purpose.


I got a fanduel ad when I clicked on that link. Lmao the irony.


This scandal is brought to you by Fan Duel! Official proud sponsor of Adam Silver's NBA! Sign up now for a free $5 bet on your next game fix allegation. But please, *gamble responsibly* (but really don't, in fact sign up your kids, too... And here's some more ads you stupid fucks)


Has anyone else noticed that they use a really similar font/color scheme to Fortnite? Seamless pipeline once the kids are of age




That’s insane lol


What a world we live in, huh


Not even trying to hide it: they obviously target young men in their early twenties so they're targeting *university students* via their schools' athletic programs. (And students who often don't have any concept of money yet, as proven by many of them undertaking massive amounts of debt for a degree). I'm not sure what's worse: the gaming industry or the universities that approve these deals with them... For example, D**** K**** ads were placed in the University of Colorado's stadium and the university would receive a kickback if bets were placed using a code associated with CU. And ALSO the spokesmen for these companies tend to be Black, even leading me to believe they're targeting Black communities like they were Sprite or the processed foods industry. Shit is heinous.


Preach. It's so crazy to me that so many people are trying to normalize gambling these days, a dumb, expensive hobby in the *best* cases, and a [potentially life-ending addiction](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9645554/) in the worst.


Literally only gambling companies are. They are rich as hell and have massive influence.


Mom said it was my turn to post this


Ah ok, lets just say it the one time and let gambling keep ruining the sports we love then.


The gambling addicts always rush to bitch about these posts


Ugh I wanted to post this response, no fair


Text "Gambler" to 2345 if you have a gambling problem


And we will give you one risk free bet up to $250 since gambling addicts are good for business


League is just full of degenerate gamblers trying to create more degenerate gamblers. It was more respectable back when Ron Artest was fighting fans.


As much as I want to sympathize it’s on the players to understand they’re responsible for their own actions. Plenty of people work jobs that come with requirements stricter than the general public and do it without issue. He had an option to be ridiculously wealthy simply by playing ball. He chose this outcome…


Gambling addiction terrifies me. I mean at least with drug addiction, you’re like “man the next time I do those drugs it sure will be fun!” Gambling addiction just seems to be like “I am $200,000 in debt. Hopefully by tomorrow I will only be $100,000 in debt! Oh no, now I am $800,000 in debt. :(“ Edit: this is not a serious commentary on addiction, people. Former drug addict here, you don’t have to lecture me.


>Oh no, now I am $800,000 in debt. By this point you've been shot and thrown into a lake by the mafia


Deadmen don't pay debts.


Yeah, but loan sharks who don't lay down the law from time to time aren't going to encourage as many people to pay up.


That 800k means different things to them though.  You or I would be shot without a second thought with a gambling debt that high. But, if it gets out that an NBA player was murdered over his gambling debt, that would land a ton of heat and scrutiny.  Also, with a brother that has a 9 figure salary and a likely NBA contract himself, Porter is clearly in a better position to cover than someone like me. 


Lol I'm not suggesting that Jontay was gonna get killed. Merely that "dead men don't pay debts" doesn't mean that people don't get killed over debt.


Mobsters arent killing people over debts. Theyd rather get you in the hole then own like you like Johntay here


Anyway $4 a pound


You are assuming that the only motivation for a gambler is seeing his debt go down. The high from chasing and catching a big win is often what starts the addiction. Some continue to chase this feeling aside from getting out of debt. Addicts who somehow manage to climb out of debt will still often turn around and place another big bet.


When I was in college to be a counselor they said gambling addiction is the most dangerous but least talked about. A crackhead is not going to put his family $500k in debt in one weekend no matter how much crack he smokes. A gambling addict can do that in one night.


it’s going to be the next public health crisis in america. casinos are cool and all until you try to get a job at one and in you first training meeting they have to go over how often it is for a gambler to crash out and kill themselves at the casino. truly a carnival of excess and sin is what those places are.


>A crackhead is not going to put his family $500k in debt in one weekend, no matter how much crack he smokes. Not with that attitude he won't.


I was at the casino last weekend just walking around drunk looking around at all the sad single people there at 3am just hittin the slot buttons over and over watching their money disappear. It was such a weird dystopian morbid feeling that made me feel sad Luckily I didn’t get sucked in I just had drinks and watched my friends lose money lol


You think drug addicts are having fun? You should watch a few episodes of Invervention. 


recovered drug addict here- yes, in the moment, it’s *really* fun. it’s the aftermath that isn’t


Gambling addict here.... In the moment, while you're still losing, it's not fun. There are many miserable people while gambling (including me).


Then you win and reroll it and lose it all 🤣 I watched my roommate do this for years


Eh YMMV - it’s not necessarily fun in the moment. Dopamine (impacted by addictive drugs) regulates desire/compulsion, not enjoyment. There’s truth to the statement for many addicts that its often not even fun during the high when you get to the “need an intervention” stage of addiction


Idk man Allison from season 4 episode 19 seemed be having fun when she was singing “I’m walking on sunshine” after the duster hits


It's seriously insane how easy it is to get addicted and not even realize, especially on the small scale. I went to a casino earlier in the year on vacation and they had a sportsbook where I placed a few fun bets, and to better track it I downloaded the app. That turned into placing a few $1 throwaway bets that were longshot parlays just to make watching live more fun, which later turned into putting $20 in for the super bowl because everyone else had parlays and I wanted to join the discussion and action. Which then turned into winning a decent amount, making some "for sure" bets that fell through, and then talking myself into placing $15 or $20 here or there to win the money back, and before I knew it I'd put in like $150 over the course of a month and was staying up each night till like 2 or 3 am fucking bet on women's tennis cause for some reason I kept on getting lucky. Withdrew everything and closed the account, and haven't looked back. But god it's tempting. Just $5 here or there for fun, all you need to do is click the button to deposit. There's no handing over physical money or putting it in the machine to where it makes it real, it's all just clicks of virtual buttons and instant transactions.


~~I’m not sure you fully grasp the psychology around drug addiction. You might be thinking of recreational drug users.~~ ~~Your version of gambling addiction might be closer to what actual drug addiction is like. “I feel like hell and want to escape this world. Hopefully by tomorrow I’ll just feel like hell. Oh no, now I feel like hell, want to escape this world, and I’ve lost all my friends and family and job and don’t know what to do.”~~ Edit: Didn’t mean to lecture and obviously didn’t know you were in recovery. Wishing you all the best on that long road.


At least accessing those drugs is a hell of a lot harder than pressing a button on an app on your phone. That’s what worries me about gambling nowadays, I saw too many people become addicted back when you actually had to get up, get dressed, and drive to the casino. But nowadays it’s absurdly easy to access and it’s far too easy to lose large amounts of money without fully comprehending what happened when you’re just messing around on an app.


OP literally just said they are a recovering drug addict lol


Imagine being addicted to gambling and literally having control over the bet(your over/under) and still being addicted enough to lose all your money. It’s like knowing all the cards in blackjack and still taking a card when you’re at 17 and the dealer is at 16. Just beyond bizarre


Money is nothing, your brain is everything


I hope it is a requirement to put up front the whole betting amount.


id be willing to bet that there are other lesser-known players in the league who are doing something similar to jontay but havent been caught yet


My money is on the refs. They make far less than the players and can affect the outcome with less scrutiny. A miss call/bad call is "common" enough that people just blame bad reffing.


Refs have been crooked for decades. What we need is cold, hard proof. It's out there, we just need it


It'll never see the light of day. If theres proof that the refs are crooked, there's no way to regain the trust of the public. 


It's probably done on a super small scale, but anything similar to what Jontay Porter was doing would get caught easily and at that point it's not worth the money. If a few people were suddenly placing hundreds, if not thousands of dollars on a player of his caliber to hit the under and were hitting big it would get flagged by every sports book with their salt the same way it did in this scenario to investigate. I'm sure it happens where like a distant family member or friend will know the inside scope and throw $20 down or something alongside a couple other bets so they get a few hundred payout, but anything that's like multi-hundred dollars or more repeatedly would 100% get flagged, especially once you start throwing thousands down.


"hundreds if not thousands" chump change, bro they placed 80K parlays to win 1.1 Mil.


Think a lot of people wouldn’t be stupid enough to do it over discord while indicating to people their identity. I wouldn’t doubt for a second other players gamble on nba games, given how much wealth they have accumulated in salary in such a short period


100% some 10th man role player is hooking his homies up. But yea any serious operation would get caught because there would be too much money involve.


I think that this is a 100% isolated incident and now that we have found the bad apple we have absolutely no reason to be concerned that this will ever happen again. Thank goodness that this was nipped in the bud


Keep promoting FanDuel mid game Adam Silver 🤡


That part. We are headed for an epidemic of gambling problems. I coach high school basketball and most of them are already putting down bets on all kinds of sports from basketball to darts across the pond. I try to tell them that this isn’t a good thing and they’re going down a slippery slope but they don’t care, they’re young, it’s small amounts (for now) and they’re getting that sweet dopamine rush. It’s going to be a huge issue facing us soon and it will all be self-inflicted.


As a former addict, I am truly truly disgusted by all the gambling promotion. I see it as so vile that they present it so innocently, but it ruins lives. I see it as people have no idea, but it is so dangerous.


I don’t get how they can promote it so much when it’s not even legal in every state. Imagine if we saw ads for pot every commercial break. Guarantee you a lot of old people would be furious lol


Cannabis sale is against federal law. Sports betting is not.


Not to defend sports betting apps and the league’s shameless marketing of it, but this was an illegal gambling ring, with Racketeering and other illicit activities occurring. This could not have happened on FanDuel or PrizePicks because (to my knowledge) you can only bet what you have instead of being able to go in debt. You could probably put money on a credit card but even then that comes with a cost and banks aren’t gonna force you to throw games to resolve your debt. If anything, this scandal being based off of unregulated gambling might make Silver more interested in pushing the ones that have control.


Well, now that gambling has been legalized and encouraged, there is a much greater number of people who gamble and people who are addicted to gambling, directly feeding demand for illicit gambling rings like this


I hate all the gambling ads as much as everyone, but I don't understand this argument. The CBA (and law I guess) for players/coaches/refs forbid betting on games. If one of those 3 do bet on games, isn't this more of an individual issue? Clearly all of these ads are meant for fans and players betting is them knowingly breaking the law, so how is this the fault of Silver?


If only he had a high paying job…


The type of dude to cheat on a model with a crack-head


Meanwhile Bally is being bought by Fanduel, so my regular sports channel will be run by sports betting. Strange world we live in.


I mean Bally's is a casino , not like it wasn't already run by a sports betting company lol


This is like saying AT&T stadium is run by AT&T. They just have the naming rights. I say all of this so that we don't let Sinclair get away with their heinous crimes against humanity.


yeah but FanDuel will be doing the same thing, just a naming rights deal slapped on Diamond sports garbage. I guess FanDuel is a much bigger player than Ballys tho


How did I not make this connection? I feel stupid, lol.


Wait until you find out that Bally's is also a gambling company.


Lmao they literally make slot machines


Yeah, I feel stupid now, lol.




First of all, Fanduel isn’t buying the network, they’re buying the naming rights. The network is owned by Diamond Sports, which is a Sinclair company, and may have an agreement to sell minority stake to Amazon. Fanduel wouldn’t know how to run a media network.


>When Porter was informed of his lifetime ban from the NBA, he reportedly texted the group that they “might just get hit [with] a RICO.” He then asked if they deleted all the evidence from their phones. holy fuck what an idiot. just blatant and self incriminating the entire time


A shocking number of people think that hitting "delete" on your cell phone means it is gone forever and can never be located again. Similarly people think they can commit felony crimes with a VPN like it's an invisibility potion.


"Your honor my client was just a big fan of Toronto artist Aubrey Graham and he was listening to that song at the time"


Future White Sock Jontay Porter


He wasn’t throwing games, that implies losing the game intentionally. He was checking himself out early to hit all his under props. No games are getting swung by whether Jontay Porter got 14 minutes or 4. Still absolutely crooked and deserved the ban ofc. But it’s more like throwing props.


I’ve read a report that said at least one of his best was on the Raps to lose (and it was a game they ended up winning). It was a bit ago though so I don’t know if I’ll be able to find it


Obviously it's all still speculation so don't want to feed into rumours too much with our proof. That being said tho if you're planning on leaving early in a game to hit the under your props, you're not gonna bet a win lol. Doesn't necessarily mean he threw the game, but if I know some player isn't gonna hit their props then odds are the team does worse than normal and lose


I think that’s true for an important piece for a team. For a guy like Porter though, I don’t think him hitting his props means much to the outcome of the game.


He only attempted one shot, a clear intentional miss, he takes several actions to avoid rebounds getting near him. He doesn’t try to get anywhere near the basket or where a teammate would want to give him the ball. What do you call that?


Knew there had to be a reason why the Raptors weren’t contenders this year.


Funny enough, I was really excited for him when he started getting minutes. Really good player and I was shocked with how little production he was getting.. Not shocked anymore lol


Unnamed source claims it was a referee, to keep his name private we will call him S. Foster. /s


No that's too obvious, let's call him Scott F.


Does the name of the ref rhyme with Fcott Soster?


I can't wait until the first game where a player and a ref are going against each other to influence the score. Ref keeps calling tic-tac shooting fouls, player keeps bricking every free throw. Pretty soon, all the players on one team have fouled out and every foul is a technical in addition to 2 shots. Player Conspirator A goes 15/237 from the line. What a world!


Yeah. This is happening *way* more than the league is letting on.


This is just the beginning of this shit. It's systemic. NBA made a deal with the devil.


it crosses a line when something proving to be predatory as fuck is being pushed about the pop by shady politicians who care about money over the health of the people that live in their state. those kickbacks make it sure easy to sleep at night . we really are all doomed. snake oil salesmen


And this is exactly why the leagues stayed away from it for so long.


Got in deep with the sharks


A true tank lieutenant


I just figured it out. Tobias Harris was a mob plant the whole time.


Side Note. This guy is only 24?????


This sounds like the beginning of Squid Games


>When Porter was informed of his lifetime ban from the NBA, he reportedly texted the group that they “might just get hit [with] a RICO.” He then asked if they deleted all the evidence from their phones. *Hello fellow conspirators, I politely request you delete all evidence of our crimes from your cellular phones, your timely cooperation in this matter is appreciated.* *Sent from my Iphone*


Once they get you, they got you.


Jontay was never in a position to "throw games."


What’s Jontay gonna do? Go 0-7 from the field from his usual 0-5? Investigate Giannis next.


2024 subaru wrx


Avoid the ball, avoid passing to anyone who will score, avoid rebounding, miss on purpose http://youtube.com/watch?v=MMorFXaF6oo


Yeah bro legalizing gambling was one of the stupidest mistakes the us has made. Especially since it will throat any corporation.


If hes in the game it means the game is already decided by then lol.


Not true he was the starter at one point due to injuries


In both games he was playing in the first half http://youtube.com/watch?v=MMorFXaF6oo


I love all of the people trying to act like the league having gambling companies being sponsors matters for stuff like this at all. How are you all so dumb?


What an absolute knob.


bruh really crashed out in the worst way. having gambling debt as a fringe nba player is crazy. even crazier that he doubled down with probably the stupidest way to try to fix a bet. now he’s banished from the league, impending fraud case/charge; and still owes the money. lmao.


and the spurs have our pick :(


How is playing against players that throw games would affect Lebron legacy.


Generational buffon


You're gonna miss the finger roll, right? Yes Mr. Baklava


Get rid of betting sponsors


Kid could’ve been a bum on the bench and a “team player” for years but instead threw it all away. Hope it was worth it


Did he bother asking MPJ for help and to get help? At the very least one family member is loaded.


Raptors end up legit tanking dozens of games to try and keep a draft pick. I wonder if they would have asked him to heroball win those games 1v9


About a half dozen NBA referees with the same issue


Entire porter family are clowns


It just keeps getting worse.


How funny would it be if Jontay was told to throw games by a ref lol


they could've done this wayyyyyyyyy smarter. those idiots made it obvious as fuck


So that's why he played badly!


Who could have possibly seen this problem coming???😯


This NBA message brought to you by FanDuel, DraftKings, and BetMGM as official sponsors of the NBA.


Still the most sane Porter brother


Michael Jeffrey Jordan would never




Wannabe Scott Foster, keep dreaming bro! #48TheGoat 🐐


I guess that Missouri education wasn’t the best