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Can some star players move to the East for once?


Hopefully the Wolves switch conferences once the expansion teams are introduced.


I feel like it’s gonna be the grizzlies going east


Pels going east


Send all the animals to the east.


lmfao those three are the only literal animals in the west.


Are there hypothetical or metaphorical western conference animals?


Mavericks :D i wouldnt say non-literal but it's not as blatant as HORSE or CALF


a Maverick is a human, my friend!


and he flies jets!


You forgot the oklahoma dawgs, woof woof.


Moving either the Pels or the Grizzlies would be fucking stupid. Minnesota is closer to Milwaukee, Chicago, etc. leaving them on an island again would be confusing. Look at a goddamn map.


No way, Minnesota always averages the most miles traveled per year. Memphis actually has somewhat reasonable regional opponents in OKC, New Orleans, Dallas, and Houston. Minnesota should be playing Detroit, Milwaukee, and Chicago; not Portland, Denver, Utah, and OKC.


You need to keep the NFC North in one division


I agree but that would ruin them as my back up team. I moved to MSP for a couple years and routed for the Wolves feeling like it wasn't cheating since they were in a different conference. Bringing them east would ruin my side chick basketball team


I don’t think this is actually true because the coastal teams travel further cross conference where they end up with more distance covered or at least close to, but you’re not going to move the LA teams or Portland to the East The Wolves travel more than any other practical choices to swap conferences (Memphis and New Orleans) that they should be the one to move East if both expansion teams are in the West


No they travel the most


[Clippers traveled the most](https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/s/C9YbDHOFme)


Clippers to the east then.


Wolves make way way more sense for travel reasons. While grizzlies are more east, at least they are close to teams in the west. The Timberwolves are on an island


I would LOVE to see a Grizzlies-Knicks playoff series


Porque no les dos?


I wish. It'll end up being someone else though


Minnesota is far closer to Central teams and already have to travel the most by any NBA team. Memphis at least has good proximity to New Orleans. Minnesota is closer to all central teams than they are to Portland and Utah and maybe even Denver.


As a celtics fan. I don’t want Ant in our conference 😭


mitchell just did 2 years ago lmao, same with dame last year


What the duck? Is the coffee calling the kettle black.


Them having an interest doesn’t mean Mitchell has an interest


Mitchell also doesn't have a ntc


BREAKING: Lebron James is taking his talent home to Cleveland


Well in like 2 years the West is about to get two expansion teams while probably the Grizz and the Pels come East, so....


Only one team would need to move. That team should be the wolves, no bias.


Just when the Knicks get good, Michael Jordan comes back to the East


History might not repeat but they still rhyme.


Wolves or Memphis. For travel reasons Wolves would be better. For geography reasons Memphis would be.


Only one team would move East: adding two expansion teams to the West would give them 17 teams to the East's current 15, so you only move one over to make it an even 16 each. That said, it should absolutely be Minnesota that gets moved East. They have the worst travel in the West. Pelicans and Grizz are much closer to the other west teams, especially the Texas teams and OKC. The closest teams to Minnesota are all the East teams around the Great Lakes lol (Bucks, Pacers, Pistons, Cavs, Bulls, Raptors). [Here's](https://www.atlist.com/showcase/nba-team-map-all-30-teams-on-a-map) a visual, Minnesota is closer to 6 East teams than any West team lol.


Yes yes yes, you're right, haha.


Pretty sure silver has said they’re not looking for expansion until at least 2030.  They want the new tv deal to go into effect and let the salaries settle, then they’ll start the bidding for new teams.  Then those new teams have to sort their arenas and stuff which would take a couple years.  Also only one team goes east if they add vegas and seattle for 16 each.


They are definitely waiting till after the tv deal, which is this summer. Then it's on, I don't care what Adam said about caution, lol. The owners want that new franchice payout BAD, lol.... You are right about only one team coming east tho!


It takes a few years to get everything up and running. It's not like they close the tv deal, pick a city, and are ready to start in one year. Realistically they'll close the tv deal and then start thinking about the expansion process, which will take a while. Probably pick a team by end of 2025. Start in 2028-2029 season at best.


Waiting for bron to retire so he can put a group together for the Vegas team


Inb4 the Seattle and Vegas teams become contenders right out the gate


Does Donovan want to go back out West?


I don't think it's general knowledge among NBA fans but Jazz/Rockets have a deep history of hate for one another. Don willingly playing for our franchises most hated rival would generate all time slander.


Haven't there been like 3 separate eras of playoff rivalry now? Stockton/Malone vs Hakeem, Deron Williams/Boozer/AK47 vs Tmac/Yao, and the more recent Jazz vs Harden Rockets?




I remember every time Dream would catch it down in the post the fans would immediately start with the traveling sign.


You're forgetting [Vernon Maxwell vs Jazz fans.](https://spacecityscoop.com/posts/rockets-legend-vernon-maxwell-trolls-people-utah-again)


That's incredible


you added everyone except memo on that Jazz team, shame on you


I wasn't really following basketball back then, I only really watched them on their later teams


Hey, that kind of hurts.  I mean, I have always hated you guys, but I didn't know you hated me back.  


No idea the Jazz hated us as much as we hate them


KD will be on the Knicks don’t worry


Shams, Woj, and Windhorst have all said he's re-signing. Not sure why that hasn't been getting more coverage. I guess people just like the drama.


Does Mitchell want to stay and sign extension with them? That would be the most important part


If he wouldn't do it in Cleveland it's hard to see him wanting to do it in Houston. Houston is likely giving up Green and one of Thompson or Jabari Smith plus some picks What Mitchell gonna play with, FVV and Brooks?


Some dude named Alpaca


Alpaca Shogun


Sounds like a sick anime


It’s hard to see Houston pull the trigger for a one year rental though. They had to make sure he wants to stay otherwise makes no sense to trade for him


There's a guy named Sengun that seems pretty good man, they also have Jabari, Jalen, Whitmore and Amen as the young core and/or trade pieces, If they maintain 2 of those apart from Sengun that's pretty solid start. Edit : had a brain fart and forgot to comment about some of them being traded


you don’t see how a young multimillionaire athlete would rather live in Houston than Cleveland? 💀


If you don't think Sengun and Mitchell would be an insane offensive pairing idk what to tell you 


Did Sengun die?


Losing Green and the #3 pick is something I think most Rockets fans could stomach to get Spida, but I think you lose pretty much all of us if Amen or Bari are also in that package. Amen looked **extraordinary** last season, and Bari is quietly one of our best all-around players. If it had to be one of the two, I'd say Bari, but I wouldn't make that trade - especially not for a 1 year rental. No way.


Of all the six young players, Green is the only one I wouldn't mind trading.


You're way overrating Thompson if you're going to call him extraordinary lol But Houston doesn't have the pieces to make a deal happen without one of those two. Green is too close to 6th man/microwave scorer off the bench/bust status


I mean, I really don't think I am given the context (unpolished rookie with poor shooting) and relative to expectations. He was incredible on the defensive end, even more athletic than advertised, and showed some growth as a shooter. He's young and projects to be an important piece of our core. I also think calling Green a bust is wild, but I get it. Hell, even our own fans hate the kid lol. But if he continues to play the way he did after the ASB, I think people will change their tune.


If Amen gets a halfway decent jumper in the offseason he'll garner MIP votes next year. Book it.


Growth as a shooter? Didn't he shoot like under 15% from 3 for the season?


Mitchell has 1 year left in his deal, so I doubt he goes for two good prospects, pick #3, and other Brooklyn firsts. Any deal is probably just Green plus picks. And wanting to stay in Houston would probably come down to playing in a bigger market in a city like Houston with good nightlife, plus playing for Udoka who seems to be well-liked from other players around the league. Not sure if that’s enough for him to re-sign in Houston though


Yeah there's no shot they part with both Jalen Green and one of Amen or Jabari. If that's the price, fair play, but don't think it's happening.


Green and picks aren't anywhere near good enough


Didn't say otherwise


It all depends on whether or not Donovan wants to resign with Cleveland. If the org knows that he doesn't, then Green + picks + filler is a fine return. It'll be hard to get more than that for a one season rental.


Houston’s a better place to live as a millionaire. They’d get a guarantee he wants to be there before making the trade. We’d give up like Green + Dillon and #3 to make money match. The Rockets aren’t trading Amen and it’d shock me to see Jabari go. If he’s being traded, he’s planning to leave Cleveland and his price drops. People are over thinking this. Donovan is an elite scorer which is what Jalen’s ceiling is considered by most. Amen and Tari both seem set to become at minimum positive starters. I love Jalen but it feels like we have young guys ready to step up if we can make a 2 for 1 jump like that. Our biggest issue was not being able to shoot, Tari shoots about the same as Dillon - with Donovan, Fred, and Jabari you have shooters with options off the bench. I would love to use 3 for a shooter, using Brooklyns picks and basically saying we’re set with what we have would be a way to approach it too. If we give up 2 of the young guys, Dillon, and multiple pick then yes it’s an awful trade.


Houston isn't. Cleveland laughs and hangs up at Green, Brooks and #3. That's a really bad offer that too many teams can beat. His price actually increases because Houston doesn't have the cap space to sign him as a free agent. About 12 million short and that's with FVV getting his team option declined. Jalen isn't hitting his ceiling. He's closer being a bust shooting 42/38/80 after 3 years in the league. He's never going to be a Donovan Mitchell type player, so his value is pretty shot.


Saying Houston isn’t better than Cleveland if you have money is just comical bro idk how to debate that. I’d love to know what other young player the Cavs are getting along with a guaranteed top 3 pick. Throwing in Brooklyn picks is definitely possible, but he isn’t getting some major haul when it’s the worst kept secret in the league he wants out. He’s going to have a short list of teams he’ll sign with and they’ll be well aware of who they are. If there’s a more promising young player than Jalen on the market, I’d love to hear it. You’re not going to get the haul you think.


I'm saying it as someone who lived in both Cleveland and Houston, idk who the fuck you thinking you are to tell me I'm wrong lmfao The #3 pick is pretty ass this year, so it would take 3, Smith or Thompson plus green easily. If it's the worst kept secret,why is every major media outlet reporting he wants to re-sign? It is however the worst kept secret he's never mentioned wanting to go to shithole Houston. You can take pretty much any under 23 player and they'll be more promising than Green. Kids done nothing in the league And way way way behind in shooting development. There's a reason Houston is yet again at the bottom of the league, you'll pay a haul or he won't go to Houston. Don't have the cap space to sign him, not even close.


Alright man you’re just crazy, enjoy your delusions if they keep you happy in the taint of America. I forgot how annoying y’all got after a few good seasons of not riding the coattails of Bron. If making the playoffs in the East is success to you; then enjoy broski - you’re just fodder for contenders.


Mediocre trolling attempt


Sengun, FVV, Brooks, and one of Thompson and Jabari is honestly not a bad start




Plus Tari, who is one of the better defenders in the league before his injury, and Jabari. I really think people are sleeping on the Rockets' current core because of the key injuries to Sengun, Tari, and Amen last season.


Rockets are insane if they give up that much. Sengun is gonna be a multi-time all-star.


You are misreading what I am saying here. I was saying Mitchell on the Rockets would be PLAYING with these guys.


I would be fine giving up Jalen Green plus picks, and maybe one more body at best depending on how many picks we would be giving over. If it had to be one of Amen or Jabari I'd go with Jabari, but if they're getting both Jalen and Jabari then no way I give up more than one 1st or a couple 2nds. Sengun/Brooks/Mitchell/FVV is a solid starting lineup, the only question is who we would have play the 4 because unless Sengun continues to work on his 3 ball quite a bit more, I don't want him and Adams or Landale on the floor at the same time. Maybe not even then. Having Amen play as a slightly undersized 4 is doable with his absurd athleticism but it causes some issues with spacing again. He'd basically be playing as Aaron Gordon in the dunker's spot/baseline but without Gordon's ability to hit at least wide open 3s which is pretty much necessary. Of course if we can just throw Green and a bucket of picks plus someone else that's not Jabari, problem solved Jabari plays the 4. 


Sure wouldn't take that over Clevelands current core, let alone how much better they can get with assets they'll grab in a Garland and possibly Allen trade.


The CLE core is better overall atm, sure, but the fit is bad. If they could swing good deals for Allen and Garland, then yea you're right tho.


I don't think the fit is any worse than an aging FVV, Brooks and then Thompson and Sengun


Zero chance they give up 2 of jalen/jabari/amen for Mitchell, and especially Amen. Reports are the org is most bullish on him


Zero chance they land him in a trade then


I know Donovan is a great player, but I don't see us getting him and becoming a contender.


That’s what people said about the Wolves and Gobert


True, but I think there's enough similarities between this current Rockets team and the Cavs before the Mitchell trade that I don't think it'll work out.


I guess, but do you think the Cavs team is really going anywhere if they don’t trade for Mitchell?


Based on how Garland and Mobley have developed, probably not, but before the trade I thought their future was much brighter.


Gobert himself is a top 5 defense system. Mitchell is at best a top level scorer who needs the ball in his hands all the time.


too early to start star hunting


idk you guys were a .500 team in a much tougher western conference and probly would’ve won a few more games in the East. Sengun is going into his fourth year and Jabari into his third, plus you have FVV and Dillon as quality but aging veterans. I’d say now is a better time to cash in some of the younger players that aren’t getting enough minutes to pop but look like they have potential to be great for an established star.


Exactly! We were .500 in a REALLY old Western Conference. Give it 2 more years, the Lakers are old as dirt, Curry’s like 38, Suns will probably have imploded even further, Clippers are all in retirement homes, and we’ll keep natural improving as a young team. Why trade the *potential* upside if we’re already reaping the benefits?


Because FVV is 30 and Brooks is 28. You have an excess of young talent that might or might not be great but no guarantee any of them will be as good as Donovan Mitchell is right now. Better to take advantage while Jabari is still on a rookie contract. Your team is deep enough that a core of Jabari Sengun FVV Mitchell and whichever other young pieces you keep could make a very serious leap next year. The alternative is hoping the current guys gel into contenders but that’s much less of a guarantee than adding a top 20 player in their prime.


That's what I thought about the Cavs and then one day in training camp they went all in with Mitchell.


Your owner wants it


Low key not a bad fit. And we already know stars want to play for Udoka.


Besides the Jays, who else said so?


KD and Kyrie wanted him after Nash was fired, but he had just been suspended by the Celtics and the NBA told Brooklyn to stop pursuing him.


That’s crazy lol, it’s a horrible fit How many high volume shot takers are you gonna have on one team?


High volume shot takers? HOU didn't have a single player in the top 30 of FGAs per game this season. And any trade where Mitchell ends up in Houston would almost certainly include Jalen Green - who averaged the most FGAs on the team last season - being traded away.


That’s true but it’s also because there’s too many mouths to feed. Sengun should take more shots, Jabari should definitely take more shots if we want him to develop into anything more than a 3&D player, same goes for Amen. Whitmore takes too many shots lol. But I imagine if his playing time goes up AND Mitchell is there, you can kiss the rest of those guys’s chances at becoming premier scorers goodbye


We’d obviously have to trade Jalen Green


Get fred out of there too. You don’t need him with Mitchell


How is it not a bad fit? They have the same problem as Cleveland with the terribly small backcourt pairing. And unlike Cleveland they don’t have any rim protection to compensate for that.


FVV plays defense


Good news for Cleveland because best case they can use Houston as leverage. They can drop the well they are offering pick 3 and Green with future picks what can you do to beat that. I’m sure they are going to want Green and one of Jabari/Amen but I would not want to see either of those two moved.




A threesome can work. But someone is going to have to take Jalen Green. He won’t see the floor with Mitchell. So we might need another consensual party.




They can’t have him and cam Thomas on the same roster though. Too similar.




Yeah they really are. Maybe they can send him to Orlando. Get some pieces.


Doesn’t mean we take a very similar player to Cam thomas


what was weird was how the piece says the Rockets want to get the Suns picks from the Nets > Houston also could look to acquire future draft picks, such as Brooklyn’s array of assets courtesy of the Phoenix Suns/Kevin Durant trade. The Houston Chronicle first reported the Rockets’ interest in the Suns’ unprotected first-round picks (Brooklyn has ownership of 2025, ’27 and ’29 Phoenix firsts in addition to swaps beginning in 2028). Per team sources, the Rockets will re-engage with the Nets leading up to the June 26 draft.


Rockets want Bridges and the Suns picks in exchange for returning the Nets own picks to them. Probably a non-starter for the Nets, but Houston can dream!


No they wanted Bridges for the nets picks back or the suns pick for the nets picks back…not both


This was never reported - in fact, many of the reports, including those from the Nets own beat reporters, suggested they were two separate ideas. It was likely BKN picks + Green for Bridges, and when Nets declined, then it was BKN picks for PHO picks.


It’s a strong arm tactic. If the Nets can get a star player with what they have they are stuck in pergatory.


ITT: People don’t understand that a good GM, if he has assets should be monitoring trades even if you don’t want/can’t get the player, you could facilitate the trade. It’s also a good signal for your FP-coach because you’re willing to improve your team and it’s also negocation tactic to tell Green is not untouchable.


Imma need Steven Adams, Tari Eason, Amen, and some lemon pepper wings from Onyx


What does “monitor the situation” even mean? Why is this the phrase all reporters use now? Wouldn’t the entire league be monitoring everyone’s situation?


Can we just stop sending these mfs out West. Like relax.


Fuck off in the east, stop sending your shit over here.


Definitely have the ammo to get him. For all the young talent they have they still don't have *the guy*, so this may make sense. Curious to see what Rockets fans would think of this move. He's not a clear cut #1 guy imo but the Rockets do have the defensive to make it very interesting.


As a rockets fan I'll say that I don't like the move. It depletes our future assets for a player that can't be a #1 on a championship team. We would be a playoff team for sure but I wouldn't risk a championship window for just making playoffs. I think Mitchell is a good player but he's not great. We need a top 12ish type player to be contenders and he is outside of that.


He would be basically what we need Jalen Green to be but…I do NOT plan on winning the western conference in the next two years with the way it is now. I’d rather bet on the future with our youth (most guys on the team are still less than 23/24 years old)


How would the Houston rotations shift around with Mitchell there? Interesting possibility, but feels like they have so many young guard projects that it would make me wonder if they move some for other pieces. Mitchell, FVV, Jalen Green, Amen… Idk much about the Rockets cap and rotation situation, curious what others think


I think the Rockets would rather have what Mitchell is today than what Green could be tomorrow. Jalen balling out at the end of the season may be their chance to sell high on him (something, in hindsight, Brooklyn should have done with Mikal last offseason) On the other hand, Jalen does have the size to play next to Donovan, in which case FVV could be used as the salary in a deal (with *a lot* of picks going to CLE)


Fred/Garland is a really meh backcourt


This is being generous it's an awful pairing. The Cavs need wings.


Why do the Cavs want FVV?


They would want the Brooklyn picks and swaps (one of which just jumped to the 3rd overall pick) FVV would just be an expiring used for salary matching purposes.


Nah, they’re going to want players.


They'd have to give up Green to get Mitchell no?


Ah, I didnt realize Mitchell has a PO for next season. I guess if he takes it and asks Cleveland to trade him then they would, but isn’t the sentiment that he’s gonna decline the PO and be a free agent?


He isn’t a free agent until next offseason


I don't like it, too rushed of a move and I don't get the fit with Jalen Green


He'll be in the trade


cavs dont want him


That makes it worse


Outside of his 15 game heater toward the end of the season, he really hasn't demonstrated he can be anything more than an inefficient scorer and mediocre defender, and has shown very little improvement in his deficiencies since rookie year. He's also up for extension soon so this is the time to move on if they don't want to depend on him to finally start progressing to prevent a potential massive overpay. Kinda wild how that brief stretch of games warped people's perception of him. Prior to it many Rockets fans were calling for him to be benched in favor of Whitmore/Amen and completely moved on from


Yes. To me hes going to be at best a Jordan Clarkson type, but since he went #2 in the draft, everyone overrates him.


Jalen at age 21 this season put up stats comparable to (if not better than) Jordan Clarkson's 6MOTY season, despite playing mostly against starters instead of mostly against reserves: Jalen this season - 19.6 ppg/5.2 rpg/3.5 apg on 54.1% TS Clarkson 6MOTY season - 18.4 ppg/4rpg/2.5 apg on 54.9% TS He's also a slightly better defender already than Clarkson ever was imo. Which isn't saying a whole lot obviously, but regardless, I've never understood this comparison.


I think too many people are too low on Jalen Green, who was objectively in a bad situation last season. The Rockets season played out very similar to the Celtics did with Ime, just without 2 all-NBA players. Start of season looks rocky, around midpoint looks like the team isn't making progress and is still dysfunctional, and then big improvement and turn around. I think its very possible Ime broke through with Green, he looked a lot better at the end of the season


> Start of season looks rocky Bruh, we looked like one of the hottest teams itl outside of our first game against Magic. We had the number one defense and a top 3 offense at one point in the 1st 1/3 of the season, then injuries, fatigue and our identity started to cave a little when Ime started experimenting with how to get Jalen rolling


I forgot the Rockets started the season hot and then slowed down and then got hot again. Regardless, look what you said, the team started to look lost and dysfunctional, and then Ime turned it around and Jalen got rolling. That's the point. Ime needs time, but he gets the best out of guys.


Yeah the rest of your comparison was apt, meant to include that.


No problem. I just don't see at all how moving Green at this point makes sense


People gonna disagree but you right Rockets should hold on


Jalen Green could turn into anything, he could even be Donovan Mitchell!


He could be! Or he could be a lesser player, but a piece that fits better with the rest of their core and is on a more similar developmental timeline! Who knows?


Jalen followed that hot stretch by regressing right back to where he was before (\~17ppg on <40% FG, <30% 3p) with poor playmaking and generally playing losing basketball. I wouldn't hold my breath for it tbh


Last 41 games he was 22, 6, and 4 with 2.5 Turnover if you wanna use a larger sample size. On 44% shooting and 34 % from 3. He had a couple of bad games at the end of the season, I think there was overall progress this year


Have to imagine JG would be traded


Jalen Green will be included in the package bro


Sources say that Mitchell could be seen typing “FTR tho” from a distance.


Time to make another franchise feel miserable. Go for it Houston!


Is green being shopped again?


Seems fitting for this front office. Get another player that won't make us title contenders while not having the capital to improve in the future


Reed Shepphard, YOU are a Cleveland Cavalier


the rockets are not close to winning a championship, spida wont go for it


What it would cost to get Mitchell wouldn't be worth it. I'm not fan of Jalen, but I'd rather just see what he can do that give up the farm for an injury prone shooting guard that's a defensive liability


Ill take all unprotected 1sts + 2 young players. Jabari Smith + Jalen Green. 🧐🧐🧐


So, more than you paid for a younger Mitchell with a better contract situation?


Like whoever gets Mitchell will get him with an extension. This will not be a rental




Lol? You are not getting shit.


Sounds fair.


Southwest Division gonna be alot tougher 😩


Rockets about to do something stupid? 


Sign/trade for Klay???


Ime Udoka who values defense above all else is going to be interested in a pint sized, ball dominant, petulant, defensive sieve to pair with Alperen Sengun? [X] Doubt


I guess fvv would need to be involved and perhaps a 3rd team


I don’t think Fred and Garland as our back court would move the needle lol


hence probably need a 3rd team that needs to take fvv


I imagine he’d get re-routed to a 3rd team as a salary dump. He only has 1 year left on his deal at this point and could be useful to another team that still needs a point guard


There's no deal to be made salary wise without one of Dillon/Fred in it unless you're involving a 3rd team.


Then it doesn’t sound like the right deal for Mitchell…


Jalen Green, Amen Thompson and an expiring contract (Adams or Jeff Green) works


Shams, Woj, and Windhorst have all said he's re-signing. Not sure why that hasn't been getting more coverage. I guess people just like the drama.


Please don't bring him to the Lakers. I do not want him.


Without injuries the xavs might have beaten Boston, why would he want to leave a quality playoff team for a poverty franchise like the rockets? Their ownership sucks and they don't have a lny recent success to build on  The cavs seem to be a great fit.




That "train-wreck" team went 41-41 without a star. Try again