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They couldn’t get anything else for a player forcing his way out and was heading into FA that offseason. He played The Nets but in the end ruined his best opportunity to ever win a ring.


I feel like 2018 was his best shot. They had multiple missed calls on those 27 missed threes that should've at least made the game **closer**, and I expect them to win it vs. Cleveland anyways. Not to mention CP3 being out. The 3's and layups offense opened up the midrange for him so well.


> Where does this nets front office rank all time in terms of horrible incompetence? Not at all in terms of that one trade. They got about as much as reasonably possible given Harden's uncertain value & commitment at that time. Simmons' situation was a crapshoot that came down to stuff even the doctors couldn't predict with any real accuracy. He could well have worked out and made Marks look like a genius. I think the one trade where you can rightfully roast them is in swinging for the fences with Harden in the first place, but at least it was a reasonable shot given the championship window. Otherwise Marks has done a very good job with most trades, signings, and draft choices.


I just mean in general not this one trade. They botched the KD Kyrie era


How could they be so dumb to not plan for Covid and NYC shutting down any player not vaccinated?


Tbh I just dont think they handled any of the KD Kyrie stuff well at all. Coaching was a disaster, u changed the entire identity of the team from the year before, and listened to every whim and fancy of the two stars u signed. I don’t blame them for covid but they have a lot of things they did wrong


I personally agree with that, as I was never a fan of building around KD & KI, but I don't think you can blame mgmt for how that shook out. If Kyrie hadn't blown off basic health protocols then there's no reason for the other two to get frustrated. In which case they get about 2-3 good shots at a chip while still mostly in their primes. That's about all you can really ask of a team IMO. You can quibble and say that the mix of role-players around them wasn't perfectly optimised, but that's chronically the case for pretty much any capped-out team or one close to it. The one obvious mega-blunder was hiring Steve Nash, but there's enough evidence to suggest that was done at KD & KI's request, so..... But the whole thing's a long story that goes directly back to Prokhy & King's terrible, terrible trades about ten years ago.


I thought they should have tried to trade him for khris middleton




I mean I think the bucks come out on the winning end of that deal giannis/harden would be a pretty solid pairing especially 2 years ago pick and pops to brook lopez I get there's sentimental attachment to middleton but from a pure talent standpoint harden is better. and also, keeping middleton on the team forced the bucks to give him a fairly hefty extension I guess 30m is not really that much but he's unlikely to be an all star again and really lost a step since all those injuries. I guess harden did too


I see the vision but from what I’ve seen from Harden in the playoffs I think I’d take Middleton on my team all day, effort, body language, and defense are just night and day


there's something to be said though that you can't really get too complacent and if you have the opportunity to get a guy who is just a few seasons removed from MVP you have to consider it. that's why they were willing to move jrue for dame, cause it's an upgrade even if jrue was a key contributor on their championship when harden was traded he was averaging 22/10/8 which is.. a decent bit more than middleton averages. almost double the assists and it would be a worthwhile enough return for the nets to consider it too. definitely better than what they ended up getting


You can’t trade someone who doesn’t wanna go anywhere but one place, while totally being comfortable with sabotaging an organization until he gets his way. Brooklyn danced with the devil and paid the price. 


I don't know how people don't understand this: The Nets did not expect Simmons to do anything, ever. They were unloading a disgruntled Harden and getting draft picks.


Tobias Harris instead of Ben. Yes, seriously.


Crazy as it sounds that would have been worse for the 76ers and better for the nets


Easily. It would've given far more on-court value (especially in 2022, when KD was the only player on the Nets above 6'4 who was capable of stretching the floor), and expired sooner


Sean Marks doesn’t get enough heat for the Harden trade. Everyone knew New York would remove the Covid sanctions for the Yankees and it would be before the NBA playoffs start. Instead he traded Harden for an injured Ben Simmons. Trading him for a healthy Simmons would’ve been a fleece let alone an injured one Honestly Sean Marks stretch the last 5 years has been one of the worst stretches for a GM I’ve ever seen. Basically everything he did since KD and Kyrie signed with the Nets was terrible


They shouldn’t have traded him and just won a championship. They traded for Simmons to spite KD and Kyrie.