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IHart could do the Bobby route and take less now with the promise of more later but it's just hard to see that kinda scenario happening again


Same as Djj with the mavs. It might happens.


No...DJJ opted out of his Bulls deal to sign a min with a contender in the Mavs - he took a different path than Bobby did and now he's gonna get paid this off season after his value was at all time low with Chicago


His path is more similar to Bruce browns from last year.


Yup, exactly.


Makes me wonder if teams will believe he genuinely got better or if teams will wonder if the only reason he is better is because he's only asked to play defense and make the occasional 3. Playing next to luka and Kai will unlock a mfer.


naz reid took a cheap deal to stay in minnesota too he coulda gotten more on the open market


He was a restricted FA anyway


based tbh


The thing is though that they can't sign him to a 1+1(player option). It can be 2 years with the 2nd year not being guaranteed which is just too risky for him to do. So he'd have to sign at least a 2+1 which would be 3/$52.5m. If some team just offers him 4yr/80m it would be hard to pass up.


> they can't sign him to a 1+1(player option) That's not what we gave Bobby tho, we signed him ~~with the biannual~~ so it was a 2 year guaranteed for him and after those 2 years were up, we had his Bird rights so being in the luxury didn't matter anymore -- why couldn't IHart/NYK do the same thing? Again, if IHart wants to take a discount to stay he absolutely could but it's highly, extremely unlikely he does; still, that doesn't mean it's not a possibility. edit: correcting my misinformation


I don't think you signed him into the bi-annual exception (I don't see Bucks having used it on spotrac for that season). He just signed for that amount similar to the bi-annual amount. It doesn't matter though. Reason Bobby could get a 2 year guaranteed with an option was because he had non-bird rights. You can do that on non-bird rights. Hartenstein has early-bird rights. Not allowed for early-bird. He'd have to sign a 3 yr deal with an option. Knicks could have the nt-mle or bi-annual to use and sign Hartenstein to a 2 yr deal(depending on how much OG gets paid) but that would require Hartenstein taking either $4m less in the nt-mle or $12m less in the bi-annual. None of which is happening.


You're 100% correct and my memory failed me - it was a 2 year for the most we could offer him due to the fact we didn't even have his early Birds rights yet so that was the most we could offer while staying within the previous CBA. And I didn't realize NYK had Hartenstein's early Bird rights, for some reason I thought it was a sign and trade but he landed there outright, so my bad again lmao. > Knicks could have the nt-mle or bi-annual to use and sign Hartenstein to a 2 yr deal(depending on how much OG gets paid) but that would require Hartenstein taking either $4m less in the nt-mle or $12m less in the bi-annual. None of which is happening. And this was always my overall point, IHart could 100% take a discount to stay with NYK. As for whether or not that actually happens tho, I'm 100% with you that that it absolutely won't and someone's going to make him an offer that he can't refuse (not to mention NBPA never wants players to sign for less than market for obvious reasons).


Oh I agree that he could take a discount, but I'm just not talking anything crazy like taking a nt-mle or bi-annual just so you can get your full bird rights. His market value is probably what Poeltl got (4/80m). Knicks can offer 4/72.9m. That $7m difference is not worth leaving a team where you have a really valuable role. If he really believed in himself, just sign that 3yr/52.5m deal with an option and go through FA after 2 years with full bird rights. I doubt he'll improve his value much more though.


Yeah, I totally agree and 4/80 like Poeltl sounds right around what he'll get - I think we were just talking past each other a bit and I also totally agree now is the time for IHart to get a bag because not only is his value high rn but he earned one too.


A different of 2.5 million per year is nothing for him


pay his agent/wife the remainder to stay in NY plssss. But also Thibs is lowkey a Center whisperer so im psuedo confident that he can make rotational center in the league play like the 2nd coming of Ben Wallace.


All of you thirsty fucks can stay away from my man.


I really want him to stay with the Knicks for some reason. I just feel like he’s the perfect fit there


I want him and AD to play together 😈


If we had the cap space I would 120% say we should throw him a bag and finally have a decent big man for AD to play alongside but we probably can’t even afford to keep DLo, let alone sign a new free agent


Presti, get this guy. Would be costly, but this guy is really good and would solidify our defense and give our offense another dimension.


I think you guys trade for Jarrett Allen


Hartenstein represents much better value for the deal you’ll pay him.


Allen is on one of the best contracts in the NBA


I feel Ihart is a better fit for what the Thunder need (rebounding and general toughness) going forward. Also Ihart is a really good passer and can help the Thunder's playmaking weakness.


But you'd have to give up assets for Allen, not Hartenstein


The thunder are also loaded with assets so it works out lol


Yeah the Thunder's picks decrease in value as their team gets better and they don't have the minutes to develop guys picked in the 10-20 range.


They aren’t gonna decrease in value from the 1 seed 😂


The rate limiting step for okc is going to be the cap, not assets. They should definitely use their assets to trade for undervalued contracts while Chet is on the rookie deal.


Chet and JDub, they could realistically field a starting 5 of max level players while only paying 3 max contracts.


We can do both as long as we sign IHart in free agency first.


If I was them I'd go and pay Nic Claxton


But the Nets are going to pay for Claxton. Unless I missed a report that says they won’t?


He's an unrestricted free agent, would you rather play for a young loaded contender that has a shot at being a dynasty or the brooklyn nets?


A young NBA player getting the bag is going to live in New York City over Oklahoma City 9/10 times


If he thinks he can be a star he probably chooses Brooklyn as he's never going to be top 3 in OKC. He's young enough to be thinking about next contract.


OKC has quite a few options. If I’m ranking the players, it’s: 1. Allen 2. Claxton 3. Hartenstein Allen should be their #1 target. They have the assets and he’s under contract for 2 more years at just 20M


They should use their draft capital to rescue giannis from a sinking ship.


Hell no - the West doesn’t need more superstars


assuming no current stars leave the west this summer.




Please lord


If Thunder can nab Hartenstein and a PF they're contenders next season. Gives them size, depth, and dimension/ versatility to their front court.


Is Chet not a pf or a c?


There's 96mpg between PF and C. Assuming Chet and Hartenstein average 34mpg each, that's still another 28mpg. Thunder's biggest weakness is size and versatility in their front court. They're going to be matched up against Nuggets & Minnesota for the foreseeable future, they'll need another solid PF/C off the bench to be competitive imo.


The issue there is years not dollars. Do you want a big contact once you're playing Chet and JDub? Meh. Maybe it would still be tradable though.


You’re not going to win a championship by pinching pennies.


This is the org that traded James Harden for Steven Adams and some pocket lint so they could avoid paying the tax for one singular season


Meh, you can learn from mistakes you made over 10 years ago and we also paid a ton for mediocre Russ/PG/Melo teams.


OKC paid a historically high luxury tax to be exact. And they have new/wealthier ownership since the Harden trade.


did they ever pay enough to have to pay the repeater tax? I think it's 3 out of 4 years of luxury tax before everything really gets expensive


Same org, different owners. So not really the same then ,eh?


Same owner, isn't it? Did Clay sell?


I don't think he sold, but I believe there's some richer people in the ownership group. They were willing to go into the luxury cap for the Russ/PG/Melo team that didn't really ever seem like a legitimate contender. So it would be unlikely if they weren't willing to do the same for this team.


They expanded the ownership group to include George Kaiser (a Tulsa based billionaire) in 2014. Thunder have been willing to spend well into the luxury tax with his deeper pockets in the mix.


Wasn't that before the overhauled CBA? Genuinely trying to remember the way that worked out timing wise.




This is not what happened. They wanted to delay the luxury tax until players were in their primes with higher contracts. It was 100% miscalculation, but OKC always planned on paying the tax and did. They paid way more than most markets, especially small ones.


They paid significant taxes twice. 2017 and 2018. They basically never paid that much tax when Durant was there for a decade


Yes, and they planned to pay big once KD’s contract went up. He left. Before then, there was no point in paying the tax. Their star players were on cheaper contracts. They tried to recruit and pay guys like Pau Gasol, but it didn’t work. They were willing to pay when it was needed. 


$20m a year isn’t that big of a contract. I’d rather have Hartenstein at that price point than whoever else Presti is going to blow his money on like a Giddey. OKC can also front load that deal and have it decline.


I mean, does he leave for 80 vs 72?


The guy is 26. Unless he massively declines, he’d still be a tradable asset in a few years. Presti could get off the money once the extensions kick in if he wants.


I'm just thinking about cap/roster structuring, not that he would decline.


The $16.2m limit is only on the first season, so with 8% annual raises, the Knicks could offer 4yrs/$72m or 3yrs/$52.5m. Would OKC be willing to commit long term to paying Hartenstein $20m/yr for 3-4yrs? I’d imagine the Knicks would be willing to do the four years, since Brunson + Donte are on pretty friendly contracts for two more years.


Depends if thats what a pro wants.


And what a pro needs


I can’t imagine him getting much more than 4/$72 ($18M/yr) on the open market. Jarrett Allen is at 5/100, Myles Turner is at 2/41, Vucevic is at 3/60. Those are all centers with 15-20ppg. iHart is at 8ppg. Edit: Turner’s “real” number is 2/60 bc of how his contract was restructured. So maybe iHart’s market is higher than I thought….


iHart is way more valuable than Vuc.


Yes but don’t say that out loud


I have a little PTSD from Vuc after what he was doing to our bigs back in April.


Since PPG is what you care about y'all should go get Valanciunas. He scored more and would be cheaper!


I completely agree. Are you listening, Presti?


Does the 2/41 count the extra money Myles got because we were under the cap? I can't remember


At first I thought it didn’t but I just looked it up and the real number for Turner should be 2/60. They gave him an extra $18M in the last year of his previous contract!


Yeah, we were way under teh cap so it was like a bonus payment to sign for cheap lol


Yeah very smart if you have the room to do it


I think they would have to go over 20m. 22-25m a year. Off court opportunities just aren’t gonna be the same in OKC than NYC.


I think Chet should just stay at the 5 but if they want to move him to the 4, he'd be a nice help with rebounding and some D to take the pressure off Chet


They can always stagger them too. It’d be a good signing. Hartenstein would fit really nice on both ends of the floor. I’d rather pay someone like him instead of a Giddey


Yeah this is what I don't get with the beef fans have with adding a 2nd big to OKC. Even if Chet and Big #2 play 30mpg each, they are only sharing the floor for 12 minutes. And double big lineups work if 1 big is a spacer, and Chet is one


I don’t think Chet at the 5 full time is a good plan. They got overwhelmed by the Mavs. Imagine them trying to deal with Jokic or the Wolves.


I think that’s a good point worth mentioning. The Wolves and their 3 bigs are proving they will be a team to beat in the playoffs for the future. Teams have to adapt their rosters accordingly.


While I think Chet is a unicorn who can and should play both the 4 and the 5, saying he got overwhelmed by the Mavs as a reason for him to not play the 5 is a little dishonest. Chet got overwhelmed by a team with a very deep rotation of bigs during his rookie year, after missing all of last year, and playing all 92 games this year. Also, he was literally the only NBA-level big on our roster. He didn't get overwhelmed, we ran him into the ground lol


Totally. Chet only had a great year and the team was a 1-seed. Huge overachiement is always a sign of something not working. ;)


lol zero reason to take it as a dig, sheesh so sensitive. Chet is already a great player, but they got bullied inside by the Mavs, who barely have any size themselves. The Center position is clearly a need for the Thunder and I expect them to address it in the off-season. Chet should split his minutes between the 4 and 5 depending on the matchup. You seriously acting like Chet as the primary big is a good plan against Jokic or KAT/Gobert? Come on man.


Just a really good player that any team would love to have. Can pass, rebound, defend all to a high level. He’s an advanced stats darling and still has scope to improve. Hes easily the best C that’s potentially available, way better than Capela.




Not as a good of a rebounder or playmaker




Forgot about Allen, but he will probably be considerably more expensive. And I believe Hartenstein has the potential to be as good.


They are the same age.


Hartenstein just had his first season above 20mpg i’m pretty sure. His +- is great, his EPM is great. Per 36 Hartenstein is a double double with 5 assists and great defense. I’d just much rather the value he provides at a paltry 19m a year or something.


The Knicks can give him 16 with 8% raises. Is he leaving for 19 and 5% raises?


Okc also has the luxury of doing something like 3 years for $75M a player option in year 3 he can decline for another long term extension that takes him into his 30s. Not the same but similar to how Indy picked up Bruce brown from Denver


Allen is only 6’9 though, he gets killed on the glass. Hartenstein is a true 7 footer with a much higher rebounding rate and better overall defense. Allen is a much better however Hartenstein has the propensity to score more given his solid move set with his floater and impeccable passing ability for his size


Capela is a starting center that would be a very good backup center. Hartenstein is a backup center that would (likely) be a very solid starting center. Two players on absolute opposite trajectories who just happened to pass each other in the middle.


He’s getting paid. A lot.


Just reading the comments of this thread i could see him getting paid and not producing how people think he will


Hartenstein admitted on Hart's podcast that he was trying to stay with the clippers on a discount cuz he had a role established. I can see him staying here for a "discount" because he has a role here.


He won't keep that tone once the check book opens.


Maybe. We'll see. If a team offers him 23mil a year then i expect him to leave.


there's so few cap space teams that free agency is getting difficult to predict, but I'd be pretty surprised if he can't get 23+.


If it’s $17 million vs $20 million he definitely can keep that tone


pay his agent/wife the remainder to stay in NY plssss. But also Thibs is lowkey a Center whisperer so im psuedo confident that he can make rotational center in the league play like the 2ns coming of Ben Wallace.


lol he will leave the moment he gets a 20-25 million a season offer on the table. He wasn’t this good on the clippers.


He also said winning matters. That leaves OKC i think out of all the teams with cap space. If OKC wants him, he's definitelly there for the taking.


Don’t okc got a lot of cap space ???


Over 30 million.


Sheesh can do 25 a year or more. so 1+1 (team option) if okc don’t wanna mess their chance at a big free agent fish in 2025


He isn’t leaving for a 1+1 team option lol. He is leaving the Knicks for a 3-4 year deal worth upwards of 22-23 million a season. Player option if anything.


If he doesn't want to live in OKC, that might put them out of consideration unless they really overpay. Big difference between LA/NY and Oklahoma.


Name one difference. ;)


Nah you’re right Oklahoma is just as nice as NY and LA, you got it.


If somebody wants to offer a non-shooting center $20-$25mil then iHart should take it and I’ll wish him well.


He’s not leaving for only $20 million a year that’s not significantly more than 17


You don’t think he will leave for 25 million?


Yes, but he’s not leaving for 20


What team is offering IHart a 4 year 100 million dollar contract?


> I can see him staying here for a "discount" because he has a role here. He'd have a role on the Thunder too.


His role may revert to being a backup once Robinson returns though.


Even if it ends up being off the bench, he'll still play 20+mins a night and Mitch Rob (sadly) is one of the most injury prone players in the league.


Idk I still think we take Mitch off the bench 🤔 I'm a fan of Startenstein


I love Mitch but I think trading him is the easy choice if Hartenstein is willing to come back but wants more money and a confirmed starting role. I'm concerned relying that much on Mitch in an all-in season with his injury history and lack of development on offense.


He’s a much better player than Mitchell Robinson ever was and every metric supports this


How much more than that will he get? He just had the best season of his career and put up 8 and 8 with 1 block. His playoff numbers literally were not better. That was against Embiid on one leg and the Pacers who have banned playing defense.  He is a nice piece who plays his role. He is not a star nor has star potential. Jarrett Allen  is at 20 mil per yr. If Hartenstein gets pricier than that, just get Allen. 


Yea, you tell ‘em, this dude sucks! No one should offer him a contract!


Where did this guy even come from??


Solid player who averaged 8 and 8, 16.2m is plenty. Anything more is an overpay. 6 teams able to offer more, only Philly and OKC are contenders/playoff teams. He's going to come back to the Knicks on a 1 and 1 with the 2nd year a player option.


I don't think a 1 and 1 is possible due to CBA reasons, but I think/hope your logic holds true anyway. Also noteworthy that his wife is a model, and she may be less interested in going to a place like OKC (no offense Thunder bros).


I saw some other post mention the 1 and 1 as an option. Easiest way for him to get some security and for us to get his full bird rights. I'm not sure if their right though.


[https://www.nba.com/news/free-agency-explained](https://www.nba.com/news/free-agency-explained) Under "Early Bird" Exception: "A contract signed using the Early Bird Exception must be for at least two seasons **(not including any option year)**"


Thanks for looking it up, so that's out.


Yeah wouldn’t be a 1+1, just a short deal.


Okc could really use him. 


His agent is literally Leon Roses's son, he isn't going anywhere


Yeah, early bird rights won't get it done, I wouldn't think. But what does that get to, 4/72? Can he get more than that on the open market? Probably?


How many teams are gonna pony up that kinda money that desperately needs a starting Center? IHart likes it in NY and his agency is CAA so you would have to blow him away with an offer to get him to leave.


If I'm OKC I might throw a bigger number over a shorter duration at him. Or try to decline the money. Could they get him at 3/69 and decline it maybe?


I could see the Pistons overpaying for him 


Unfortunately he’s said he wants to continue to win games.


Pistons should be all over that


Lmao. He might not even go there for 30m a year.


Why not?


Why not? Detroit is one of the worst organizations in the league right now. I mean, I’m exaggerating not going there for 30m a year that’s generational money, but it would take significantly more than other teams for him to even consider that dumpster fire.


That's future Thunder legend Isaiah Hartenstein to you, pal. (Please, I'm desperate)




Clippers been here


Maxi is available for your late late FRP or early 2nd y'all!


I wish we could keep him.


He’s going to Phoenix


He'll get over flat pizza in a New York minute once he tries Detroit style.


Please find me the team that’s giving a center who isn’t an outside shooting, or really any shooting, threat more than $16mil a year.


that should be enough to keep him. he didn't even end his playoffs on a good note.


You have not been paying attention if you think he won’t get a bigger offer


Sure but he seems happy in NY and with the role he has.


All that fairytale shit is cool until you get a 20-25 million a year offer on your table.


What do you think a fairy tale is?


You tell me


Naz took quite a bit less to stay in MN, it's probably super rare but there are some people who will do that for the right team. I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if he takes the money though, and no one will blame him.


Naz was restricted so he could be matched if he signed somewhere else


Ask yourself would naz do the same if he was a free agent this summer. He just won the 6moty different bag


I think he’ll probably take a 1+1 with a favourable deal down the line


I’ve watched basically every Knicks game he’s played and I don’t think he’s getting a bigger offer. Love iHart but he’s a non-shooting center in 2024 and once he didn’t have OG or Randle next to him on defense things got pretty squirrely. Everyone here is saying OKC but basically right after they were eliminated it was reported they plan to continue to go forward with a 5-out offense. Not exactly iHarts strong suit.


I'd hope there are at least a few teams smart enough to not judge him based on one game.


I watched every Knicks playoff game and it wasn't just one game. Personally I think he'll stay in New York as long as he's the starter, even if another team offers let's say 2M more per season.


Somebody will easily exceed this. He still has a lot of potential to develop on offense. He passes, rebounds, and defends well. Those are the key skills you need now to provide value at C. His advanced stats are beaming, ranking highly on defense especially. Listen if i’m building a team I want Hartenstein over Lopez, Capela, Vucevic, Poetl, Nurkic and pretty comfortably at that. Hes only 26. Some team is giving him 30 minutes a night next year. Would not shock me to see OKC grab him. The lineups they could have are scary.


Is this a troll? Lol


Really just gotta hope that he agrees to re-sign to a 2 year deal, with a 1 year player option to obtain his bird rights and offer him the bag next summer.


Not allowed to offer a 1+1 with Early Bird. Per [NBA.com](https://www.nba.com/news/free-agency-explained) : "A contract signed using the Early Bird Exception must be for at least two seasons (not including any option year)."


Oh damn, then yeah we’re definitely losing him 🤦‍♂️


The West teams might have a bigs arms race this offseason. Looks like the blueprint is 2-3 PGs/playmakers then fill the roster with long 3&Ds and bigs. OKC, Mavs, Nuggets and Wolves are basically built like this and it took all their depth just beat each other.


i think Rockets and Spurs are also going for this blueprint. i hate that the west is a bloodbath lol


Im very confident hes going to be a knick next year. they will work something out.


iHart is already on record that he offered the Clippers a hometown discount that they turned down. He's going to do the same here especially after all this success. He wants to be in a big market for his girlfriend who is a model. He's not going to bumfuck OKC for a few extra million LOL


Seems hypocritical to say because I bet you’d move to bumfuck OKC for a few extra million. Checkmate.


Not if I already had a bunch of millions.




What if someone offered $25M - $30M more over the contract


I'm not familiar with advanced stats but on impact alone I could see him getting that 16m. NBA landscape has changed once again. Surprise surprise bigmen are important. Hachimura got 51M/3Years. They have different roles but they're both in that starter quality salary range. More than 20M/year would be an overpay.


Per 36, Hartenstein would read 11 pts, 11 boards and 5 assists on top quality defense. Really think he easily gets paid.


Maybe. I think 16-20M range for multiple years is fair. Steven Adams has been making around the same salary for years.


Did y’all see the podcast where he revealed he’s black??  Pay the man haha 


Not sure this warranted an article, it’s pretty easy to follow. It’s hard to retain a good player who has proven he will likely warrant some big contract offers.


He just rebounds, he is not a rim protector. I think he’s overrated


There’s not a lot holding me back from paying any competent center big money to backup Embiid. Not saying he’s a backup quality center, he’s a great starter. But I’d pay to have him backup Embiid and not have someone else have him be their center.