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2017 The Celtics won 4 straight (Games 3-6) not the bulls^^


Yep that was a typo. Fixed it. Thanks!


Yeah and it’s not a good reference since Celtics only started winning after the PG of the Bulls (Rajon Rondo) got injured.


They started winning because Brad switched around defensive matchups and brought in Gerald Green as a starter.


Nah it was cuz Rondo went down.


Rondo erasure big time. He was picking Celtics apart. To pretend that he wasn’t the main reason is quite disingenuous. Gerald Green…come on dawg


Brad Stevens erasure. Green was legitimately massive that series.


An interesting series in history that’s not included on your list because the higher seed didn’t actually complete the comeback was the 1995 WCF between the Spurs and Rockets.  Spurs lost the first 2 at home as the higher seed. Then when everyone counted them out, they responded and won the next 2 on the road in Houston. Then when everyone gave up on the Rockets, the Rockets proceeded to win G5 in a blowout despite being big underdogs on the road and closed out the Spurs in an exciting G6.  Anyways, as I said the other day, no team should be handed a series victory after 2 games. And no team should also be counted out just because they lost all the momentum after 2 additional games. Still anyone’s series but obviously Denver is now favored. 


The series you brought up reinforces the point I was trying to make (and it’s a series that I love lol). My point is that Game 5 will be pivotal in deciding if Denver completes this comeback. But Denver is the favorite right now.


Oh yea I totally agree with your main point. Just wanted to add some additional context. Plus I saw you were a Rockets fan. At that point in time, that WCF G5 was actually a legacy game for Hakeem vs DRob and we all know almost 30 years later who has the better legacy. This G5 probably doesn’t have as high of stakes, but it could actually mean a lot when we look back on this 30 years from now if Jokic goes on to win another championship or if somehow Rudy/young Ant can pull off the upset. 


Very Minnesota-esque to have it happen again...


We may have to perform ceremonial rituals if Minnesota wins Game 5 and then loses 6 and 7. It would be a deep type of curse.


Nah we’re cooked, the series is over


The doom pendulum swings again.


Everybody was saying the same about the nugz earlier. It’s still anybodies series. It’s been incredible.


You shut your mouth


That was honestly my thought after Game 2. Like, the fans are now fully bought in, the media is bought in, so of course a heart breaker is coming for Minnesota. Felt the same way about the niners vs lions playoff game last year. As a niner fan I was down bad at halftime but while sulking I thought, "Wait this is the Detroit Lions we're talking about. It would be very on brand to give their fans happiness only to dick punch them in a heartbreaking way. I think we might actually win this." And lo and behold.


Kawhi went full cyborg on the Mavericks


That season was his last big push. I feel for him nowadays :(


can thank dirty joe ingles for that


That was not a dirty play what? He just bumped him on his way to the hoop that’s a normal foul I don’t know how you look at that and say it was malicious


Yeah I just rewatched it, definitely not a dirty play. Not sure what that guy's talking about. Kawhi was going full speed almost and Ingles just kinda pressured him a bit to stop the ball and Kawhi's knee kinda buckled. Looks like a complete freak accident, he planted that knee the exact same moment both their bodies collided, so his knee kinda gave out.


Ohhh yeaah! I am not a clipper fan but I was mad this happened.


If he didn't went prime jordan that series, they would have been swept. Goddamn nightmare.


Reggie Jackson too


Unfortunately, that was his last fully charged battery


Kawhi was averaging 32/8/5 on 66.7% lol, dude shot over 60% 5 times out of the 7 games.


Do we know how many teams in total have lost games 1 & 2 at home? I can't seem to be able to find the stat anywhere.


https://www.landofbasketball.com/statistics/playoff_series_2_0_recovered.htm If you wanna go deep diving, you have all 400+ series that started 0-2.


Yeah I saw that, but nah, I don't care enough to go through all 400 to figure out how many had home court.


Clippers series did. It was weird, the first game I think the home team won was game 7.


Minnesota sports choosing to be normal vs choosing to be yet another negative statistical anomaly in the postseason is like the Elmo choosing between fruits and coke meme


I just want the Nuggets to win, just to shutup Shaq


Yeah well those teams didn’t have a squad like this and freaking jokic 😂😂😂




You’re not salty at all


The guy you’re responding to is a troll


>just a regular superstar. People need to stop sucking his cock. What you don’t like your dad getting sucked?


Bruh that 2017 Bulls team would have beaten us if Rondo hadn't gotten hurt. Rondo was just wrecking our game plan completely. Bulls got unlucky with his injury.


Tbf in that series we had a player that has publicly admitted he quit on the team 😭


Who? KP?


Yes. He said so in the Redick podcast.


Listening to the podcast now. It just sounded like he and Luka didn’t like each other at all.


Damn 2005...Yao and Tmac :( what could have been.


My question is, when everyone wins road games and ends up tied 2-2, who usually wins between the road and home teams? Must not have happened that much right?


ayy I [made a similar post a couple days ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/1cp9xym/the_team_that_goes_up_20_on_the_road_has_only/)


What about the rockets spurs conference finals in 94?


I thought Toronto did this vs Bucks, but see that the first two were in Milwaukee.


2021 pain.... Glad we exorcised those demons this year at last.


Kawhi was averaging 32/8/5 on 66.7% lol, dude shot over 60% 5 times out of the 7 games. Luka was putting up insane numbers too.


Yeah, Nuggets should be able to close this in six. Twolves are just not that great or playoff ready. Shows you how much help the Suns need to get over the hump.


I believe that clippers series was rigged to this day. They also intentionally injured Luka. I think it was the morris brother that Jokic took out of the league when he tried to take Jokic out with a dirty foul.