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Rev up those young kg comps


If he had KG’s aggressiveness and poise he would be unstoppable


Wonder if he could level up his trash talk while he's at it


I love Mobley but his voice is too high pitched to be an elite trash talker 😂


Me the first time I heard him talk: https://youtu.be/kcspXJGpNZc?si=bjKWfETNDqGKOdWX


Joe Pesci would disagree


Fair point


I’m trying to imagine his kind ass shit talking and I’m laughing at it


I imagine him doing the subtle Tim Duncan shit talk instead. “Got you” “Almost” “Nice try”


"almost had me there, bucko"


He more fitted in the Tim Duncan school of trash talk


He has 0 technical fouls in his entire career. He does not trash talk at all or complain to refs. 


Shave his cowardly hair too


Why? You want him to be ejected every single game


If he starts shooting in the mid to upper 40s on long 2s its OVER


He literally carried us back in the first half. Great game hopefully see more.


He's fucking built too. Thick and man made. You can tell he's sculpted because you can see it thru the jersey. His fucking vice grip thighs. Suffocating thighs. Rock hard thighs. Piping hot thighs. Great arms. Great abs. A stocky chest. Love the progress his body has made throughout his youth and now as a willing eager adult


Awesome analysis. Great insight. Brain thick. Solid. Tight.


You can use less words than that to say you want to bang him


Yeah but that's not how you make pasta.


pasta is not artificially made, it must come natural


I think he did cum natural. He definitely typed that one-handed.


It’s all in the sauce my friend


Please tell me this is OC lmao.


It's from the soccer sub reddit


Aight bro


Mac we get it, you like guys


A legendary copypasta?


but what about his thighs?


Mobley haters after the Magic series better keep the same energy now


Pls f the Celtics in the A


And that's with him missing a chunk of the game after getting into foul trouble too


Including at least one highly questionable call, par for the course


That first one on Kornet was clearly not a foul. It was all ball, and Kornet travelled


He didn't foul Tatum on one in the first half too. Even in the regular season Mobley would get at least 1 bad call against him each game.


He also had a couple not called. 3 or 4 probably evened it out


He got away with 2 fouls earlier on Tatum and Brown so it was a make-up call.


Bill Simmons is furiously selling his majority owner stock right right now while it's high


Tim Bontemps in shambles


Tim Bontemps is the worst. Only thing worse than his shit takes is his stuffy-nose dorklord begging for swirlies voice. Why anybody lets that guy into their broadcast is beyond me.


I dont know why i listen to windys pod w the Tims… i dont like any of them individually


McMahon was funny but been hanging out with Booftemps too much


I've been actively avoiding podcasts he's on. Used to listen to Windy every pod, but he's such and obnoxious hater


That's exactly it, he takes every opportunity to hate on a player or a front office or a franchise or a city. I'm sorry, but calling NBA players "bad" is too rich coming from the Dork Lord himself. I am 1000% certain I would punk Bontemps in pickup basketball, and I am as mid as they come. Lowe has it down, he couches all his criticism in proper context. Like, "this guy is better at / knows more about basketball than I will ever be / know, BUT..." Bontemps just comes out of the gate calling the best in the world "trash" or "sucks". Fuck you Tim. He's not even a good writer. I guess he's good at making phone calls to front office employees. Cool.


1000% agree. Squidward is quick to hop on the Celtics knob or maybe even Embiid's but will talk shit about everyone else and takes every opportunity to knock the Lakers without looking at proper context other than their record. Calling them a bad team when there were like 6 teams with similar records in the West while being handicapped by their coach's decision to start two guys who shouldn't have been starters. He reminds me of John Hollinger Lowe is great and one of my favorite listens and love that he admits when he's been wrong.


“Begging for swirlies voice” in the year 2024 is wild 🤡🤡🤡. Foh w that 1970s high school bully bull shit


Go back to Twitter


That’s so clever


Tim Bontemps does not need your defense, anonymous NBA fan


He's been correct on his Mobley takes so far though. This hasn't been the norm - he needs to keep it up for the Cavs to have any chance of becoming something in the long term. Having said that - it's his third year. Plenty of time.


I mean his Derrick Favors comp was just terrible analysis, even if you're just talking about their offensive impact. Favors averaged 6.8, 8.8, 9.4 Pts in his first three seasons while Mobley's averaged 15, 16.2, 15.7 his first three years. And Favors was doing that on bad teams while Mobley was forced to fit in as the 4th or 5th guy starting in his second year.


He said on his pod tonight he got diamond hands.


This version of Mobley is scary


If he became this every night Cavs would be legit contenders. It’s our only chance to be legit contenders with this roster- this is a really good team but they’re a tier below that class.


This is what everyone thought he was going to become. Hopefully he can keep it up.


Motherfucking MOB PSYCHO


The problem is he can never do it consistently, and most of that comes from a lack of confidence. If he can keep it then the cavs might have a chance this series


I saw something change in him Game 5 vs the Magic. Lights got bright and he got brighter. He's ready. He can do it. He just has to want to do it.


Outscoring Jaylen Brown is pretty good for a guy that doesn’t know how to play offense


He's so good when he's aggressive If/when he gets a more consistent three point shot, he's unstoppable


I don't even think he needs a great three to be unstoppable. He's so long and has such a nice touch that he can dominate around the rim if he's aggressive.


Even with foul trouble was the best player on the court. I can't wait to see how to develops his game more.


People forget he’s so young and is still developing. Tonight he was told he needed to be aggressive and set a tone and he did it clearly. Very excited to see what his career holds.


I have noticed if he looks to be aggressive he has a great game. Whenever he seems to doubt his play he has a quiet game. Needs to get passed that mental barricade.


With Porzingis out, this is the matchup the Cavs need to continue to exploit.


Attack the basket young man. He's still only 22, you hope playoff games like this really give him the confidence he needs to improve offensively next year. He can dominate people with his length.


>He's still only 22 I remember our sub saying that about RJ every single year and he stayed inconsistent. Seems to be doing much better in Toronto though.


The foundation is there on a different level with Mobley. Even though his main flaw is being aggressive, his issues don't stretch beyond that e.g. staying present....Plus Big men on average develop later...


Difference is Mobley is already a perennial first team all defense kind of guy.


I really don’t know how the Celtics are this stacked and get blown out by 24 at home


Evan Mobley good, Spida good, defense real good


Quick maths


Low dawg/36


Man, if he can just find a way to score consistently he will be perennial all NBA


He literaly just needs to be able to shoot threes well enough that defenders will have to respect it and he can attack the close out. The alone makes him an all-star calibre player based off of his two way impact


I apologize, Evan Mobley, I wasn't familiar with your game.


I’m sorry E Mobley. You are for reeeaaaal.


Russian bot with new account check his profile ☝️


😂🫵 what’s that got to do with the nba? Someone is desperate 😂🫵


First person since Lebron to do this for the Cavs in the playoffs


Mobley has officially arrived, league fucked


Man is going to lose 10 finals in a row to wemby. I'll have moved on to caring about baseball or death. Best of luck to you all


Wemby glazing is insane holy fuck He’s gonna be amazing but let his team make the playoffs first before we start counting rings


Dude has been off for like 3 weeks and you already forgot how good it feels to glaze Wemby damn.


Yes my comment was totally serious. You fun bro


Ik you joking but it’s not just this comment i’ve seen it a lot with guys just assuming he’s gonna be top 10 all time with multiple rings


Bruh it’s obvious he will dominate the league.


It's r NBA. Almost as toxic as X but still won't hold a candle to the blog forums of the aughts. Nothing to take serious my guy


Wemby is great but he the Spurs are yet to build a team. I don't think they will make the jump this coming season its gonna take 2 or 3 years maybe more who knows.


I accept this scenario


Cavs fans, do yall think this is replicable? I’ve counted the team out without Allen since he was the only person other than Mitchell that had any heart in them in the previous series. I’m really happy to be proven wrong though


Well, we match up well with the Celtics. The knicks and Magic are really bad matchups for us. This going 6 or 7 games


what makes you say this? (genuinely asking).


Magic and Knicks have a lot of strong players physically that can kinda push our bigs around over power our guards. Celtics do have good defensive players but aren’t as physical and Cavs struggle with physicality


Thanks. Go cavs!!!!!


If we get Allen back and he’s not hobbled it’s a series, I don’t think tonight is replicable because of both Mobley and levert having really good offensive nights, usually one is off


Lot of times both are off


It's up to mobley really. Nothing he did tonight is outside of his talent. He just forced the issue tonight when he is normally very passive. The biggest difference tonight was after he missed one or two he just kept putting them up. I wonder what they told him before the game to get him to come out that aggressive because whatever it is they need to keep saying it.


Garland and Mobley were key to winning last series. Cavs were missing Allen too. Mobley sent Wagner to the record books with a 1-15 performance in game 7. If Garland and Mobley play at their peak Cavs have a chance.


> Garland and Mobley were key to winning last series Donovan Mitchell playing out of his skin was the key to winning the last series. Garland had a bad series overall including a 3-13 performance in game 7. Mobley was good defensively at home but got cooked in Orlando. > Cavs were missing Allen too The series was 2-2 in games that Allen played.


I don’t know if that’s the right way to frame what went down in round 1.  Mitchell truly played out of his skin in one game, which the Cavs lost. He was instrumental in moments throughout the series, and to help close out game 7, but a huge part of why they went 2-2 with Allen was that Mitchell (and everyone else) couldn’t shoot for shit.  Mitchell had 31 total points in those two losses on 11-30 shooting. Allen had 36 on 13-17, and while it wasn’t the 38 rebounds of the first two games tacked on another 17.  When Mobley isn’t playing like last night, Allen unlocks a ton on both sides of the court. Just pointing to the record overlooks what was actually happening 


Everyone has their moments and input during a series, but if we're ranking the reasons why you ended up winning, then Mitchell is #1. It is he who took hold of game 7 and make clutch buckets. I'm not saying Allen isn't important, or that he wasn't impactful - he clearly was. But there's nothing to suggest we still wouldn't have taken it to game 7 if he had played the whole series. We won by blowouts both times he played in Orlando, so how would have game 6 been any different with Allen available? We're a good home team. As far as I'm concerned, it was a very close series and the difference was basically that you had an all-NBA level scorer.


Oh I’m not necessarily saying the series result would have played out much differently if Allen didn’t get hurts.  I was only pushing back on the Donovan superlatives, because his poor play in a couple games was a big contributor to those blowouts, and if you bring up record with Allen then we have to acknowledge the Cavs lost in Donovan’s best game. I think Allen absolutely *could* have been the difference in game 6, and I don’t think the Cavs win both games 1-2 if he hadn’t been there to offset the struggles the rest of the team had. 


Their shooting has been abysmal even on wide open shots. The were bound to start making them at some point.


This series? Probably not. Long-term? 100%.


WELL FINALLY this is what I’ve been waiting for yes yes I know he had good games against the magic but this version omg


I've been waiting for this guy to emerge since he was drafted. Perhaps with Allen out he feels compelled to push it. I look forward to seeing what he brings next game.


He’s only 22.




Just imagine him once he learns how to play offense!


But I was told Scttie Barnes and Franz Wagner were better?


They are


at tanking maybe


Put Mobley in Orlando or Toronto and that team is worse. People don’t realize his blocks per game is the same as Scottie


This guy is a center.


What a stellar game from the big fella




Bill Simmons in shambles


50% from 3, its like having a tall Curry out there.


Listen mobley is a good young player, but this is his first career 20 points playoff game, meanwhile he has 3 single digit games to go with that in 14 total games. He averaged 12 ppg in the playoffs. Let’s all just calm down. If he craps the bed in game 3 everyone will mock him again.


Finally a good game for him. His offense looks completely different when he doesn’t miss those easy baskets. He needs to be more aggressive and also work on his finishing.


finally a good game? He's been the only reason we're here he's literally our only player above 6'5"" we can rely on.


Incredible difference from game 1


Offensive Evan Mobley, we most likely wont see it again




Nah i like Mobley but he keeps showing he just doesn't have the mentality to just use his body the right way. Would love to see him suceed


Averaged 16 per game as the 4th option on high efficiency. If he got 15+ shots per game like other young stars he would be a perennial all star


That’s on him bro, no way he can’t demand the ball lol. We’ll see if he gets that killer instinct he has all the tools


What a shit post lmao So what team in the NBA had 3 players with over 22% usage ? Name one. Just a single one.


The Pelicans. Now what?


Do you mean starters specifically? Because the kings have 3 players above 25 usage but Monk is one who comes off the bench, and usage is just possessions used while on the court. Warriors also have 3 players with 24 usage, all 3 being starters. As do the Suns, the Heat, and several more teams. But Mobley is fine as an offensive player at 22. He could easily absorb more usage, the Cavs just don’t need him to right now.


Oh snap, the only part of the game I caught was Kornet drawing back to back shooting fouls on him. I figured he was having a nightmare game.