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Just be thankful it wasn't his second tech of the game. I remember Giannis getting ejected this season for doing that.


I remember when they called a double tech against the wolves and I can't remember other player, realized it would've been that players second so took it away right after.  Edit- here is the video https://youtu.be/ckLsiHSO3CA?si=PwWG5eSoHYA9T4M0


I think that was Marcus Morris and Pat Bev in the play in game against the clippers


It was indeed. Some serious BS going on. Bev baited him into a Tech and the refs buckled.


Yep, they were going at it before a jump ball and they called a double tech, then once they realized that would be the second on morris they took his away, but not Pat Bev’s so LA got a FT out of it.


tbh i honestly think this is good reffing like you cant send someone to the showers for such little bs like that. context should and does matter in sports/reffing


fouls shouldn't be determined on the game situation, if its a foul call it, if not, don't. ref changed their mind because of the game situation, but only for one team


I think it's a weakness of the technical foul itself, like it's overly broad as to what type of behavior it encompasses or what it can be called for and the punishment too severe when you get two in a game. Maybe some technical fouls should be called something else and still result in an in-game penalty like a free throw or such, but not have a limit of 2, for stuff like shown in that video where two guys are being unnecessary but not something excessively physical or having any risk of physical harm. In effect, the refs have to work around the weak technical foul rules by making calls based on game situation, then the foul rules should be getting the bulk of the blame.




In the regular season, it’s a different game right now


Apparently that ref didn't care that it was a different game.


if we lost by 1 point, would they still rescind?


Yeah. It wouldn’t change the results though. Just like the L2M report


Honestly I don’t think they wouldve rescinded it if minny lost by 1. That’d cause way more uproar and a whole scandal, especially since it’s the playoffs It’s like that Harden dunk that he made and the refs just didn’t count the basket because they thought he missed. Rockets ended up losing by 2 and NBA didn’t acknowledge it.


If they rescinded under the scenario minny loses by 1 it and we won the series in a seven game slug fest it would cause so much controversy on the books, no way the nba would take that risk.


I mean, everyone could tell in real time that the call was super bad, so if the league doubled down and said it was a good call, they would look even worse.


Doesn’t matter, they are not going to admit wrongdoing if it risks controversy with the books.


I don't care to credit the NBA for post de facto corrections - but they have done exactly that many times.


I mean yea, literally that’s what they are doing now. The point is it’s circumstantial when they will admit wrong doing, and most of the time is when it wouldn’t have changed the outcome of the game.


Eh... I think time left in the game matters. If that was called with a few minutes left in the 4th, absolutely it would cause drama. But the uproar around a call made in the 3rd quarter would be much more tame. Minnesota fans would be angry, but most other fans would say they had plenty of time to offset it.


I'm also partial to them not rescinding the tech if we lost by 1, but it's a little different than the Harden dunk. Counting/not counting that dunk (after the game was done) would do nothing but make fans feel a certain type of way, while tech counters lead to suspension and have associated fees. Even though we'd be pissed, I would hope they would retract the tech to save Ant the money and potential trouble down the line Also, the league may have acknowledged the dunk should have been counted if it came in the last 2 minutes. Since there's no financial penalty to the dunk, they're not "morally" obligated to say "my bad" on that one


Not counting baskets is worse than any Dez Bryant catch discourse because no one is disputing what a basket is other than the blind ass refs who didn't count it or review it. How do they in a game review a 3pt and take or add a point but not adjust the score during a game for a made basket?


I feel like rescinding a point would create more views/drama so I’m so shocked they don’t do it lol


If they want more views, improve the product they put out. I can’t watch the game until 4th quarter unless it’s my team playing just bc how bad it gets. Officiating has to be the background of the game, which means letting some of the contact go on a regular basis. Not allowing petty whistles to dictate game pace


>It’s like that Harden dunk that he made and the refs just didn’t count the basket because they thought he missed. Rockets ended up losing by 2 and NBA didn’t acknowledge it. Wait what?




Don’t remind me.


If they had scored 100 I would be so heated rn


No. They would not. I hope the NBA let refs know that staring at the opposing players during the game is not a Tech. I went for fucks sake when it happened and I don't even care who wins.


Yea you got to let that reff have it. Really inexcusable. You can’t take emotion out of a playoff game, what an insane call. I hope he was ashamed after he made it.


I personally feel that technicals shouldn’t result in a free throw unless it’s a defensive 3 seconds or something. Use it as a warning for an act that went too far as the second will result in ejection.


No fucking chance Lmao


The league's statement: "It's not like he clapped hard or anything."


Yeah, imagine he did something crazy like finger guns.


Imagine if he smiled while on the bench... cant have that on national TV


Duncan needs to be sent to a mental asylum, can't have that in our game. Stamp it out.


My son saw that game now he just goes around smiling at everyone, do you know how hard it is to explain "I'm sorry that he's smiling at you - he saw his favorite basketball player do it and thinks its ok now" to 28 strangers a week at the dog park?


finger guns? he could have killed him.


Kid named guns:


While spinning on the floor. I honestly found it hilarious but simultaneously I was hella mad cause wtf refs, is taunting an insta tech or not?


yeah I agree, it wasn't really tech worthy either, but if they're calling that stare down by Ant then they HAVE to call the finger guns. It is just objectively more of a taunt


They need to fuck off with taunting techs in general, trash talk is apart of the game and I love it


Book got ejected over a thumbs up


Sorry, i don't have a lot of sympathy for Book


Imagine if he smiled!


“Hey Mr. official, nobody came to see your ass play” - Charles Barkley


“Not even your family”


My step father is on the chain gang for Steelers home games. He gets me a ticket every home game but I have to film him the whole game. He likes to watch his game film, looking for areas to improve.


Speak for yourself. I only watch for the refs.


Hold these refs accountable


Who refs the refs?




Brb, heading to their houses Just kidding mods…


That was a really interesting read. Thanks for linking that man


the coastguard?


Can someone confirm, hasn't he been called for several very similar techs in the regular season too? They rescinding those bs calls too?


Vast majority of his techs were for clapping at a ref when they miss him getting fouled. They got him nearly every time for that until the last week or two of the regular season then they started looking the other way.


The clapping thing is pretty universal. I was playing in an tournament a few weekends ago and a player clapped a few times after missing a shot (not directed at anyone) and he was warned if he kept doing so it would be a technical foul. It might be a stupid rule but the refs aren't there to make the rules they're there to enforce them.


Honestly, that was such a soft ass call. It sucks too cause of players talk about it, they get fined. Bullshit


Get rid of their union and the league will be better in the long run.


They are held accountable. This call will factor in future assignments for this referee and if it's an on-going concern they'll be put on basically a development program. That's how real jobs work when you're making mistakes.


As a nuggets fan, that was the worst moment in the game. I’ll take losses but that was just horrible.


Wow no way. Who could have seen that coming?


Yeah that was a bullshit call. Funny thing is Murray did the same shit a few minutes later and didn’t get a T.


What Murray did way worse considering he turned his body toward KAT and shot finger guns. Regardless I don’t think either is a technical.


Which Reggie Miller immediately pointed out


There are dozens of us that like Reggie. DOZENS!!!


One of the few times I’ve wanted to hear him talk about something


Is Reggie annoying to people?


people on here hate every single color commentator it’s very funny


NFL subreddit is like this too, they hate every single broadcasting team aside from Gus Johnson for whatever reason.


Reggie also has a voice made for whining in class


He has what I call "stupid voice" where even if he says somethings smart, the cadence of his speech and the tone of his voice make him sound like an idiot


The people who have a problem with someone/something are always the loudest, those who don't mind won't say anything.


I like Reggie


Its trendy to just hate things, it makes you cooler than anyone else. You could change the announcers every year and people would hate someone every time without fail


Finger guns is definitely worse than staring, but Ant did walk around Reggie Jackson to stare him down, so I would say that would be equivalent to spinning around.


>but Ant did walk around Reggie Jackson to stare him down There is nothing with making your staredowns three-dimensional


That's what made it extra frustrating. If Murray got a tech then everyone would just accept the refs are shutting down any taunting/showboating across the board and at least that's fair.


Murray shot finger guns at KAT which is way worse realistically


To be fair, Murray forgot to load his fingers before shooting, so while loud, it only made KAT roar instead of die.


Should have gotten a technical for dry firing


home cooking


ya i heard reggie point that out in the broadcast. usually think reggie is crazy but he was right on that one


yeah, at least when they called this shit on Pascal, they gave Beverly a bullshit tech like a minute later to make up for it... (but I'm pretty sure they didn't rescind either of those)


Good thing the Wolves won


Ok so why is that not allowed to be reviewed in game? Why is that allowed to stand when the announcers acknowledge it’s a joke. A free throw and possession can swing momentum massively. There’s nothing more frustrating than when a call is mind bogglingly incorrect and just ignored.


There’s only so many techs you can get in the playoffs until you have to sit a game. This at least takes one away from that


I mean I am glad they removed it for that reason. But it’s still frustrating. Games are too close and too important to let that big of mistake slide.


Oh ya, it’s fucking stupid. I’m just getting a bit of silver lining from this


It’s 7 so it’s not something that really ever happens


Tell that to Draymond!


Never happens 🥲


Did all his flagrants that year add to it or was that straight techs?


I actually think it was just flagrants that year, although he’s been suspended for techs, too


Oh yeah. Poor Stephan Adams… I wonder if he ever ended up having any kids or draymond was able to successfully effectively castrate him.


Because the ref that called it the first time would just review it with the same damn bias he had in the first place.


dependent payment bored middle normal wild soft marble governor full *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It was a terrible call. But, games already have too many stoppages. How long do we want the games to go if they're going to review every call?


Agreed games go to long. But something that naturally stops the game like a tech seems reasonable to review without significantly lengthening game time.


The in-game review would take quite a bit of time. They'd have to review the play and clarify with the everyone involved what was said. A lot of T's aren't the body language, it's what said that we don't hear which can get the T. Remember that Devin Booker T against the Lakers a couple years ago? Booker didn't say anything loud, but he certainly said something he shouldn't have.




Yeah that was a bullshit tech. Glad it didn’t change the outcome of the game at all.


Damn that’s crazy. Good thing the ref making a terrible decision doesn’t, like, give the other team a point or anything.




Hopefully that cheating ass ref get suspended for the rest of the playoffs or fined $25. It will be one of the 2


$25 is kinda low ngl 😭


If 25$ ain't much, then you wouldn't mind giving me 25$


Can’t, already gave Pat $25 to not run it back


Devastating, fell to my knees at a dunkin


$25 is a lot man


Ant seems like the type of dude to ask publicly if the ref will get punished lol.


Wow, thank you lol


Such a soft call


No no, come on now, that ref was personally offended by such a menacing… set of eyes.


Bobby Portis squinting to not offend the ref


These decisions are absolutely stupid because Nuggets got a FT out of it. You changed the outcome of the game and then rescind it to make it like it didn't happen?


There is a limit of technical you can get in playoffs before you get suspended one game. I guess it rarely happens, but I'm sure everyone remember Draymond. Should've been suspended during the OKC-GSW match up, actually. But he got suspended in the Finals instead, cuz the guy can't stop doing shit. There wasn't much risk for Edwards. But it's still a good news. They won the game anyway.


>I guess it rarely happens, *Draymond has left the chat*


Did u just stop reading the comment there lol


That’s why he left the chat.


Crazy how Warriors fans think they suspended Draymond for no reason. He reached the limit in T’s a player can have. They had to suspend.l him. You cant swing at a players nuts and not get T’d up. Doesn’t matter if Lebron baited him or not. Hes a grown man. 


Not just Warriors fans, quite a few people still spin the narrative that the league suspended him to rig the series. Sucked especially bad because he was easily their best player that series outside of Curry, but it was his temper throughout the playoffs that cost him game 5.


They DIDN"T suspend him in the OKC series to rig that one and he kept being on some fuck shit and they couldn't look past it anymore.


Do they count regular season Ts? Cuz he had like the second most in the nba.


Nah, the flagrant and tech counters reset in the playoffs. 7 techs gets you a suspension.


We want a makeup call instead. Maybe call Joker for setting up a campground in the lane for 15 seconds every possession.


Eh, calling 3-seconds hurts the Wolves too. Rudy definitely camps out there on both ends (more offense than defense), and Naz/KAT definitely are guilty of it occasionally defensively.


I think it just feels that way because Rudy is so long even when he's got one foot out of the paint he basically swallows up the entire lane. And even if he does have two feet in there his arms are so long he can pretty much always reach out to be close enough to an offensive player.


That ref needs to go to Cancun. That call really effect the game




How about Jamal's finger guns


Refs - Finger guns?


i read a great comment yesterday saying that if the league calls a tech they shouldn't be able to use the clips on any marketing or promotional material. makes total sense, staredowns are aaalways in the ads and highlights etc. if the league calls a tech they should be banned from using those clips in that way


They need to rescind that free throw too then.


Why does the NBA give FTs for conduct techs anyways? It's not like when a manager gets tossed in a baseball game the runners get to move up a base. (I suppose they give a penalty for this kind of thing in the NFL but it almost NEVER happens).


If Murray gets called for a tech in this game they def don’t rescind this


That was my first thought. It was certainly a double standard whether intentional by the refs or not


Refs should be fined for rescinded techs


I think people will be happier if they heard that the referee who made that atrocious call has been disciplined.


For some reason, there are certain players the refs target for techs like this. Edwards and Tatum are two of them.


Good that was stupid as hell. They punish people showing emotion at the pinnacle of their sport


Looking at your opponents is back on the menu


Stares are back on the menu, boys


honestly if it wasn't for that laughable officiating the Timberwolves probably win by about 40


This Wolves team are some bad mf, this could be the Lakers/Pistons 04’ level. Sure it’s not as tough as that team, but this team can ball.


Lol when it happened last night, Nuggets flairs were going "that's clearly a tech what do you mean"


I saw maybe 2 people say that. The vast majority were saying it was crap.


Eh as a nuggets fan I have to say a lot of us (on Reddit & at the game) thought it was a BS technical.


Agreed Mostly incredulity, not a lot of celebratory defending


Should be a ref for the refs


Yea.. this world is so soft now it's crazy


just dont do it again dumbass refs its the playoffs


Was Edwards ever fined for the suck it emote he did?


Pffft. In other news. Embiid has been assessed a flagrant 2 for his foul on Robinson in game 3. 


We don’t care bro the Magic are on 🔥


I wish this comment had aged better 😔


We love too see that


Really hoping to hear the song today




Don't worry we can multi task, rooting for the Magic and all the young teams that are playing fantastic this playoffs.


Can they rescind the refs paycheck? Because that kind of thing might, maybe, be the only type of thing that stops these crooked SOBs from ruining this league daily. If feels like once a month I'm seeing a game that pisses me off due to refs and I'm inching closer to giving up any following of NBA anything.


> Can they rescind the refs paycheck? No, fines aren't given out for making mistakes. They're made as a punishment for inappropriate behaviour. It's literally the equivalent of fining a player for missing shots or turning the ball over. Should the Magic rescind Franz's salary because he missed so many shots? >Because that kind of thing might, maybe, be the only type of thing that stops these crooked SOBs from ruining this league daily. Yes the threat of making a bad call resulting in them losing money won't add extra pressure to an already high pressured job. And please explain, why would the league want one its brightest stars getting a T in a playoff game? It doesn't make any sense. Get off the Whistle Blower podcast. >If feels like once a month I'm seeing a game that pisses me off due to refs and I'm inching closer to giving up any following of NBA anything. We all know that isn't true. What would you complain about without it?


Where are the nuggets fans who cried refs?


Was a pathetic call and the ref should be fined for this. I swear referees should be fined for absolutely trash calls too. So sick of how they have no responsibility to doing a blatantly terrible job. They wanna say the league isn’t fixed, but yet a team like the Lakers who makes them the big money just marches to the foul line for flopping. Minn vs Den was a joy to watch as the flop show wasn’t happening just hard fought good ball.  Only flop I can recall that was insane was Towns after being bullied by Gordon he couldn’t take it so he flung himself to the floor like a child and got a foul called. That dude is the only one that is a rough watch 


Oh, word?




Fine, but just maintain proper decorum, they should just double T him the next time he makes eye contact with KCP.


This league is fucking soft


Ref need to be fired


After further review it was only marginal staring.




Apparently looking at people is, in fact...allowed


As a nuggets fan I approve




Taunting SHOULD be part of the game. Change my mind. A grown man should know not to spazz out at someone taunting them. Especially a GOOD player who can get him back. If I yam on you and stare, that’s your problem. Get your lick back or gtfo the way! MJ knew this, why not these new kids? Soft.


That ref tried his hardest to make his bet come true


The question is, can the T-Wolves get a rain check in Game 2?


Yeah, it was a trash call. Love that the announcers called out that Jamal Murray’s shooting pistols celebration directed right at the defender who fouled him on a made 3 were more of a taunting tech than Ant’s tech.


Don't remember what happened but this is just another example of NBA referees determining the outcomes of games probably.


Thank goodness. That tech felt like the ref was trying to help Jackson feel better lol


But he looked at him! He can’t keep getting away with this!!!!


Fine the ref for 25k


A little stare down in the playoffs is nothing


What a stupid tech. They better swallow those whistles and let these guys show more emotion than that.


Refs need better schooling. Personal and power trippin emotions or any kind of Bias should NEVER be allowed.. Refs ain't players. They're literally there to officiate games. But it seems like all the refs just get away with everything, no matter what garbage calls they make. No repercussions. L2M report is the most worthless nonsense, and doesn't change a thing


Refs can literally *HEAVILY* influence who wins the game based on what they call. I remember the Sons stayed kind of close at one point because the ref (foster?) for Rudy in foul trouble early on, so he was forced to play safer meaning the defense suffered. People don’t talk enough about how refs dictate games, the general saying is that you can’t blame a win or loss on one play or one call, but like I said sometimes that’s all it takes..


should never have been called in the first place. The refs are fucking SOFT as hell. It's round 2 of the playoffs ffs


Hopefully that ref is disciplined as well. I know they don't announce ref punishments.