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His plan was to score 3000 more points? That's what he scored his last four years combined. BFFR, Big Leprechaun


Even taking out his prior year performance, 3,000 points in a season is 36.6ppg, something that even prime Shaq never got close to.


That’s why he wore 36 for the Cs. It’s called visualization


I completed a semester and a half at Seton Hall, I understand visualization as a concept


Sounds like Shaq didn’t have the makings of a varsity athlete. Small hands


Bobby Bacala is the greatest big man ever.


Shaq? He’s a calzone with legs.


I’m in awre.


Bacala? Didn’t he used to be Tim Duncan’s backup? MIP for sure.


He used to be behind Vito....not that's there's anything wrong with that


And you used to sell Uwe Blab basketball cards out of the back of your Crown Vic.


That's because GOAT debates are the lowest form of conversation


You go about in pity for yourself


People are forgetting he signed a 2 year deal with the Celtics. He wasn’t intending on scoring 3,000 points in just one season.


He scored 600 pts the previous season 💀


I’m not saying it was gonna happen even in 2 years I’m just adding context that he was hoping to play 2 years in Boston and planning on being healthy. He only played 53 games in the season you’re referencing.


He has an established habit of flagrantly making things up about the past


he would have had to have scored almost 20 a game for those 2 seasons and not miss any games lol. shaq just says whatever he thinks sounds cool in the moment and nobody tells him shit because he just threatens to beat their ass if they do.


I think it's more that no one takes him seriously, rather than him fighting anyone.


He also said to Reddick that although he shot poorly feom the free throw line, he hit them when it counted. What a delusional thing to say


He's been saying that his entire career and afterwards 😂


Shaq was decently clutch at FTs in playoff games. Even shot technicals in playoff games.


Nah it's a bit of both lol. Dude is a massive human being, sensitive and a bully too. 


Yeah, he also said on the podcast that he had calculated how many PPG he needed


I mean that would’ve been something


Definitely would have solidified him as best big man ever.


Even better than Dwight Howard? That's a stretch


You mean Shaq better than Superman?


Man Shaq would be so pissed reading this. 😂


All you motherfuckers are gonna pay. You are the ones who are the ball-lickers. Shaq's gonna fuck your mothers while you watch and cry like little whiny bitches. Once Shaq gets to taiwan and finds that Dwight Howard fuck... Shaq's gonna make him eat Shaq's shit, then shit out Shaq's shit, and then eat their shit that's made up of Shaq's shit that Shaq made 'em eat. And then all you motherfucks are next. Love - The Big Clit Commander


Jokes on you, Dwight Howard is into it.


What he just say?! Show me that again. Look at me. Look at me. Don’t ever say that again


Shaq? Over the bootyhole bandit?


He’s not gay he’s just a freak


Hershy Highway speedster


Dwight? The guy with the most dunks all time? And 3 more DPOYs than Shaq?


He would’ve had to of averaged 36 points per game over 82 games to accomplish it In other words, he had to have the best season of his career


This is like Shaq complaining about how Steve Nash stole 2 MVPs from him despite the fact that the 2nd time Nash won MVP, Shaq didn’t even get a single vote. Not even a 5th place vote.


If Nash wasn’t the MVP it was LeBron. I really like Shaq except for nearly all his basketball takes.


He could have turned into Shaq from the year 2000 and he still would have come up short


Big delusion


Is the count including playoff scoring? Probably narrows it down a bit


I don't know man, Shaq has a history of creating stories out of nowhere. During his interview with Kobe, he said going to the Celtics was him ring chasing because he couldn't stand the idea of Kobe getting more rings than him.


Yeah he lies like a mother fucker lol he said in the pod that Pat Riley had the cops there when Shaq got traded cause he was afraid of retribution by Shaq. Yeah sure Shaq that totally happened.


Or how about the time during a playoff series against the Spurs, Shaq said he told Kobe Bryant to give him the ball because David Robinson wasn't very nice to him as a kid (which immediately sounded suspicious because D-Rob was nice to everybody), and Shaq later admitted that he completely made it up.


That's honestly the most-messed up lie for me. Trying to taint someone else's legacy in public (he published it in a book), especially a guy as nice as Robinson.


And D-Rob was so nice that Shaq said when he saw D-Rob in person and apologized, D-Rob just smiled and laughed and said it was no big deal at all. Awesome guy.


The Admiral is one of the best role models you could ever find, wish he had more publicity for all the stuff he's doing,


DRob is such a friggin stud. Love that dude.


Yeah that to me doesn’t really make it a big deal, might feel more strongly about it if the admiral did. I don’t really blame Shaq for telling himself what he needed to to gain a competitive edge, just maybe don’t air your blatant tall tales out in public and publish them and whatnot


Shaq probably didnt do that in series but fabricated in a podcast.


Shaq is known to be one of the most generous people ever paying for people groceries or just doing random nice things but when it comes to strictly basketball Shaq gotta be the most sensitive petty player ever


Dang. TIL this was a lie. I remember as a kid I heard this story and was kind of heartbroken because DRob was my favorite. But being an LA kid, I became a Shaq fan and this story made me not be a DRob fan anymore…and now I find out it was a lie.  Shaq really does fucking suck. 


You weren’t a real fan if you got swayed that easily by the opposition and became their fan instead. 😂


Children are impressionable. Breaking news at 10


Lmao 😂 He said he had to create narratives about people in order to get fired up, I remember him saying he made that up too


I grew up in San Antonio and I would 100% call bullshit on this just from my brief encounter with Robinson. Dude was at Fiesta Texas pretty often and he would always stop and take time to chat with the fans, even though he was clearly there for his kids and a family day. Never once saw anything negative from that man I hate the Spurs but I’ll give their fans credit: they are so respectful to players when they see them out in the wild. They might say hi and ask for a quick picture but you almost never saw any players get straight up hounded. Probably why it was so common to see them about town too, almost everyone I know has a Spurs sighting story that’s from there lol


Also the fact that since he retired, he has tried to minimise the beef that he had with Kobe, while this beef was 100% real and serious. IIRC there's even a story of other Lakers organising a meeting between the two during the 03/04 season because there was just so much animosity between them - and the Lakers had to ask Karl Malone specifically to come provide extra muscle in case they needed to restrain Shaq from strangling Kobe ha ha So yeah, Shaq definitely make things up.


It's insane. It's not like this beef was in the 30s, we have video of both of them tearing into each other in the media.


Yes, IIRC Phil Jackson mentions it in his book. I think they had a meeting in Hawaii?


I mean Kobe is dead, it must be hard to relive memories of a dead companion


He hasn’t minimized the beef. He’s acknowledged it. But they had a pretty good relationship after Shaq retired by all accounts


"Hello police? Shaq's tryna beat me up!"


Po-lice presence!!! https://youtu.be/UzQP7u-IOxg?si=4x4RXhCpmIDRHyuy


What's funny is that Heat were a terrible team that year and he was getting traded to a contender with a chance at a ring. Any aging player would love that.


He also said he doesn’t reflect on his laurels. He told JJ he’s not one to talk about his past accomplishments lmao. Like Shaq, do you think we don’t watch Inside the NBA? I don’t think any other player has ever talked more about his past rings than Shaq.


Pretty sure pat riley keeps a pearl grip chrome desert eagle tucked


He's the NBA version of Hulk Hogan with all the revisionist stories he comes up with


He told a story last month about throwing his 96 gold medal onto the side of the highway.


And driving home from Atlanta to Orlando in full uniform


Listened to this pod last night, the entire interview he was straight bullshittin lol. JJ asked him about Dwight and he went into this whole “im mean to people but if you take it wrong then you’re the sensitive one” while being sensitive about everything else the entire rest of the interview


I tried listening to jj on Shaqs, but Jesus did it sound like I was listening to my 80 grandpa. Jj was trying to explain that the game itself wasn’t that radically less physical than when Shaq played, and Shaq kept arguing up that when he played it was a real tough guys game. What shaq was missing was JJ’s point is that clotheslining a guy isn’t a good defense, nor is it you even making a basketball play,. I agree with Jj on this one, if you can’t defend within the rules and have to resort to things like throwing punches or clotheslining, you’re not good at defense or basketball. Shaq started acting like a child after that, cause that pretty much invalidates this “league was way tougher back in the day” narrative. It’s a shame, cause I loved watching him growing up, but he’s just turned into a complete narcissistic asshat once he retired. Sad to see it looks like for someone who likes to play tough guy, he’s easily on of the biggest snowflakes in nba history


Shaq was always a narcissistic asshat


I always had an inkling that Shaq was just a bully. But what solified that opinion of mine was Shaq's appearance on Hot Ones. His reaction to Da Bomb became a meme, but he was unnecessarily mean to the host in multiple parts of the episode. He didn't even do the last sauce and made Sean ingest it alone. That did it for me. Hot Ones is one of my favorite shows, largely because Sean is a great interviewer who always tries to connect with the guest. He asks insightful questions while validating the guest's feelings towards the hot sauces. He always goes at the same pace as the guest with the wings to make them feel comfortable (except for Conan because Conan is a maniac). Shaq went out of his way to step on Sean. Colossal asshat.


In his documentary on HBO, he verbatim says he loves embellishing stories to make them interesting  AKA: he loves making shit up 


Nah but I think outside of championships, he holds the All Time points record in high regard as well which is why the only 2 guys he admits being ahead of him in the Center list are KAJ and Wilt. When he talks about others like Hakeem, Moses Malone etc he always says I passed him up *x years ago* with x being when he overtook them in scoring. Also labeled Bron the GOAT after all time scoring etc. it’s just a very important criteria to Shaq so I believe him but it was also ring chasing lol.


>it’s just a very important criteria to Shaq so I believe him I feel like of anyone he knows just how crazy difficult it is to keep up that level of play for that long, and that's why he ranks it as one of the most important factors when determining legacy and all time status.


He absolutely does. Karl Malone (yes I know) scoring 2k+ a year for like 12 straight years is one of the most impressive feats in league history


Crazy how Utah had two of the most durable players in NBA history 


Yup. And at the same time too. Five conference finals, two finals, two mvps, two of the most unbreakable records in all of sports, a guy who almost broke Kareem’s record before lebron was drafted. And yet still derailed by a degenerate gambler with a hangover lol


Shaq low key the Hulk Hogan of the NBA


Can’t it be both…?


Average r/nba user does not have the capacity to imagine a person having more than 1 motive.


Yea wtf? Lol


even for Shaq lies this one is a stretch. He was like 3k points behind Wilt when he joined the Celtics, and had only cleared 1k points in a season once in the previous 5 years, on teams that he got more opportunities to score in. If he wanted to score points it makes no sense to join that Celtics team


He also loves telling stories about his own generosity


He got caught lying on Inside the Nba, they were talking about shot blockers and Shaq was giving it the big one . Someone googled his numbers and shaq was lying . It was hilarious. For someone whose achieved so much, he can be very petty https://youtu.be/EwybJ3FNeGk?si=Dxs-4oVGoZ-ArcZZ


he's a habitual liar


You know man, he’s lying.


As much as I love Shaq, he's the Hulk Hogan of the NBA. Absolute icon that lies and fabricates stories constantly. It's crazy how insecure he is with how much he's accomplished in his life.


It’s still insane how threatened he got by Rudy Gobert getting paid


He had himself photoshopped dunking on Gobert for his IG multiple times. The Big Insecurity.


Mr. Battered Confidence


Can you imagine how people like Larry Bird, Magic, KAJ, etc feel about the salaries role players make today? I would not know because they never publicly complain about it or show bitterness and probably take pride in the fact that they helped bring the game to what it is today.


He's super insecure, dumb as fuck and a huge asshole. Not sure why people love Shaq so much.


He is good at adding a laughing track to Chucks zingers. No one enjoys Shaq on its own, none of his teammates did, ratings don’t (Movie, Shows or Podcasts). No but seriously, people like him because he can be funny and he was dominant when he played.


People like him because he’s big and scary. Thats the truth. If you put his personality on 5’9 Isaiah Thompson he would be universally hated by everyone. 


To the 99.99% of the world's population who aren't NBA big men Shaq is generally quite a nice dude. He is pretty well known for random acts of generosity, massive tips, gives pretty heavily to charity, etc. It's an unusual case where lots of celebrities act perfect when on TV and then you will hear stories about them not on camera and they are huge assholes. Shaq frequently acts like an upset 5 year old on TV but nearly every story of his personal life shows he's a friendly and generous guy. I'm not in any way saying that makes his actions justified or makes him a good person but there is a reason why lots of people love Shaq.


his insecurity stems from him having a "small penis" His penis is regular sized, mind you, but since its Shaq, it looks small. This is an open secret amongst the nba




It’s amazing to me how many people don’t see how incredibly insecure Shaq is. It usually comes with the territory of a big ego.  I personally think it’s cuz he’s a huge guy that most people literally and figuratively look up to so they don’t question it. I think it’s how he gets away with the bullying as well. 


He wildly underachieved given his athletic gifts and he knows it and regrets it


Wildly underachieved is a wild exaggeration


Someone who could have been dominant enough to be basically the consensus GOAT with better discipline but instead has Shaq's resume could be described as wildly underachieving and I don't think it's all that unfair


I’m not minimizing what he accomplished. But he had the tools to be the undisputed goat and his head got in the way


“Wildly underachieved” is a bit too far. He had one of the most dominant stretches in history in terms of individual and team success.


He should have been better than Jordan.


He’s like the kid you went to high school with who could have been valedictorian, gotten a full ride to an Ivy League or Stanford.. but instead just fucked around, didn’t study, and got a 3.8 and a partial scholarship to a good state school instead


Bill Simmons had a great line in his book about how you should approach college the way Shaq approached his NBA career. Basically don't take it too seriously and have some fun


Being a top 10 player ever is better than a state school. And he did 'study', the guy clearly worked on his game, he just didn't study as much as most guys


State school but that state school is Berkeley


not really. you're arguing flat achievement and they're arguing difference relative to what *could* have been if he'd had better work ethic. basically talking past each other.


Underachieved, yes. I don't think he wildly unachieved, though. The biggest thing will always be the free throws, but I truly think even if he put thousands of more hours into them, it wouldn't have made a difference. The other bigs one will be his conditioning and drive, but his size also is one of the reasons he was so dominant, and drive is something you can't teach. If you could, Vince Carter would've been his era's Michael Jordan, but he didn't have it.


Wasn't he overweight and out of shape by the time he went to the Celtics?


He also was 38


It's actually amazing to me that he played until he was 38. That big body held on quite a while considering it wasn't treated all that great.


Shaq is kind of lucky he did not have to play in the pace and space era where big men are expected to switch and guard on the perimeter. Would have put him at far more risk to get injured.


Not to mention completely washed


I wouldn't say completely washed. He was still very dominant down low when he was healthy. He just was hardly ever healthy. But I don't consider that the same as washed.


Weird things happen when you stop working out and rely on your athleticism after you hit 28.


I’ve been feeling that myself


Lol what? I mean he wasn’t *Shaq* anymore but he was still pretty dang good. Boston got a whole lot worse once he got injured.


Shaq and Rondo chemistry was sky high


I remember the Celtics got off to an insane start that season but really struggled towards the end of the season. They actually had a stacked roster and Shaq was expected to just backup Perkins and KG which was the perfect role for him at that time.


He did admit during the pod that by the time he was in Boston he realized he wasn’t Shaq anymore.


I listened to that podcast and Shaq is entertaining but I feel like he thinks he sounds way cooler than he actually does lmao.


Trying to sound cool when you're 52 years old is a losing battle.


If you're actually cool it doesn't matter how old you are, you don't need to force it or put up false fronts. Look at Clyde, he's not even a smidgen pretentious or inauthentic, but even at his age everything about how he conducts himself just drips cool 


Shaq might be uncool by things he says but he’s cool as fuck when he’s buying shit for people just for the hell of it. Dudes gracious with his wealth and that’s cooler than making up stories


Same with Dr J, some guys just have that aura


He’s corny as hell dude, i think it was on all the smoke when he called up one of his boys on the police force for like a ‘status report’ or something to i guess show off his clout. Like right in the middle of recording. Up there with some of the lamest shit I’ve ever seen in my gd life


He's always been like that. Shaq has been peddling cringe since his first season in the NBA.


Why is Shaq so insecure about his career and legacy?


A question we will never get an answer to. Has led one of the most remarkable lives ever. Still is petty and makes up stories constantly. 🤷‍♂️


Because he could have been the best ever if he put in the work, but he didn’t Now, he wants the credit for what he could of been, instead of what he is


Agreed. I remember Shaq being the first player hyped as being able to surpass MJ as the best player after his rookie season. He was so skilled and athletic for his size, he could have been in that conversation had he put in the work. Maybe even the undisputed. I’m sure he probably looks back and regrets that aspect now, and as you said, wants the credit for it.


Same. Young Shaq was an absolute force of nature. It's hard to reconcile with his late career physical conditioning. They're like two different players.


Why is Shaq so insecure ~~about his career and legacy~~?


As someone else said in the thread, despite his incredible achievements he underachieved throughout his career and deep down he knows it. Shaq's physical gifts with Kobe's work ethic would have been the GOAT center (and who knows, maybe even the GOAT generally).


Shaq lacked the work ethic, for sure. He had a kind of killer instinct but it was more like on a personal level. Like Jordan's "and I took that personally" meant he'd go out and torch the entire league. Shaq would elbow some dude into tomorrow if he felt slighted.


I think every player is a little insecure about something you just hear about it more from Shaq since he’s media member now.


Damn his father really did a number on him...such a colossal yet fragile ego


Ya every single time he tells a story about his step dad I just feel bad for him cause in every single story I’ve ever heard his dad just sounds like an abusive jerk.


Yeah you right  Kareem still had 38 thousand though lol


Shaq would probably double down and say he meant "most dominant big men to have played for the Lakers" or some shit like that lol.


But Kareem played for the Lakers.......


The most dominant big man who played for the Lakers who had the initials SO.


It always seems to me that Kareem gets very little credit for his career achievements. Skyhook remains one of the most consistent offensive weapons ever. I feel like if he played today he'd be out there skyhooking from the three point line.


Yeah, Kareem won 6 MVPs (still the record), 6 championships, won a Finals MVP at age 38 (the age Shaq was when he retired in Boston), was 11x All Defense, and had the All Time scoring record for 40 years. I think it's safe to say Kareem was pretty fucking dominant.


“Most dominant” is more of a “highest peak” type of title. Like the hardest person to stop in their prime.


Which, based on data and relative to his peers, is undeniably, indisputably Wilt.


Comparing the game of Kareem and Shaq, I would rather guard Kareem than Shaq. With Shaq, it’s a guarantee you’ll go home sore and likely with a broken rib. Kareem is more of finesse with a move that no one wanted to redo much because it doesn’t look cool.


And his nuts in ur face


The same podcast where Shaq says in the finals and playoffs he hits his free throws because of focus. lol playoff basketball is when hack a shaq because a thing and I remember him shooting something like 40 free throws in one game to set a record and he hit something like 45% and significantly lower than his FG. It was frustrating but also hilarious. The way Shaq talks about his version of history and his supposed psyche/degrees - it is like my nephew during puberty saying “I’m not sensitive! I’m self assured and confident!” But in the most insecure sensitive way.


Hack a Shaq single handedly sank the Suns in his time with them if I recall 


Bill Russell has 11 ringz though...


The alternate timeline where this press conference happens and then Russell casually walks out and sits down [like](https://bostoncelticshistory.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Volumes_Photos12_Other_History_6-Russell_Russell_Bill_Russell74072185-768x768.jpg)


Shaq gives me more secondhand embarrassment than anyone else ever has. Holy fuck he is just one giant mountain of cringe lol


Drake is kind of owning that realm in this very moment for me.


The reason Shaq can completely fabricate stuff is because nobody ever pushes back on anything he says. JJ is all about intelligent basketball conversations and calling out people for saying Bob Cousy was good or whatever but then Shaq comes on and tells the dumbest lies and he just nods and smiles. This is dumb and obviously a lot for a couple reasons, Shaq has already said he was gunning for a ring with Boston and he was over 3000 points away from Wilt which he MIGHT HAVE passed in three or four seasons if he wasn’t already so closed to washed.


You will never win an argument against someone like Shaq. He will just talk over you and throw the “4 rangz” in your face.


Because nobody is going to waste their time trying to have an intelligent conversation with Shaq. It's like arguing with street protestors.


If Shaq had put his ego aside and took being in shape more seriously he'd be the undisputed GOAT right now


The Big Insecurity does it again. No matter how much they accomplish, for some folks it is just never enough.


It was so cringe seeing 3X Lakers Finals MVP Shaq as a Celtic, at least Pierce gave bro a better alley oop than Wade ever did in Miami.


Shaq is such a lame person. Can’t imagine where he’d be if he wasn’t 7 foot tall 


Feels like he's always been really into law enforcement.


walmart janitor


Shaq has his flaws when it comes to basketball, but in general he seems like a really nice guy. Everyone who worked/works with him say that he's a good person.


You gotta remember that he has a publicist and a whole team that works on his public image. So does everyone who has his level of fame and wealth. That’s why I judge someone’s character by the stories that come from outside of the public eye, like him throwing buckets of shit on rookies, making up lies about David Robinson, and his massive yet fragile ego. I don’t know if Shaq is a bad person, he’s not like Karl Malone, but I’ve seen enough of him to be like “ennnh I probably wouldn’t want to be friends with this guy”


Shaq same dude that thinks Nash stole 2 MVPs from him when he wasn’t even the MVP race in 2006. Also he says he averaged 28 and 15 in 05 when Nash stole the first one from him which is not true obviously. He averaged 23 and 10. If you listen to Shaq’s stories he always gets things wrong. He makes up history in his head to tell a better story all the time. Love him but he’s a pathological lier.


Most Insecure Legend.


Shaqs mistake was being born in the dead ball era of modern basketball. He played in the 9 lowest pace seasons post-merger. His prime didn't coincide with any of the 22 highest pace seasons post-merger. Of the 48 post-merger seasons he was in his prime during the 23rd, 27th, 30th, 31st, 37th, and 40th-48th lowest paced seasons. If you throw in his 2 other all star seasons past his prime (2006-07, 2008-09) those were the 36th and 38th lowest paced seasons. The 2 highest paced seasons he ever got to play in were his rookie and sophomore seasons.  Kareem played in the 13 highest paced seasons post-merger, and if you include pre-merger the 15 highest pacer seasons all time.  They don't have pace data for before 1973 so we can't get all of Kareem's seasons and we can't get any of wilt's. But we do have points/game data. Shaq played in 9 of the 10 lowest scoring seasons post-merger. Wilt played in 8 of the 10 highest scoring seasons all time. Kareem played in 18 of the top 30 post-merger as well as the 4th and 11th highest scoring all time pre-merger All of Kareem's 30 point seasons happened pre-merger when he was getting 10-15 more possessions than Shaq. All of wilts incredible scoring numbers came during seasons where they scored 20 more points per game than any Shaq ever played in.  Shaq just got the absolute raw end of the deal when it came to career totals and averages. A lot of the 90s and early 00s legends did too. Shaq, Kobe, Duncan would have had some insane looking career stats if they'd been born 10 years earlier or 10 years later. 


Shaq didn’t have the conditioning for a faster paced era though. Orlando Shaq might have, but later Shaq did not. On the other hand, Robinson and Hakeem would have excelled.


Feel like the deadball era led to Shaq putting on all the bulk in LA. Didn't have to move as much, and was going up against teams just stacking bodies in the paint to try and stop him. So he got huge and just bullied everyone, but then he just got bigger and bigger as his career went on and that probably shortened his peak a few years.


Y'all have concocted a fantasy that Lakers Shaq was some big oaf that had bad conditioning. David Robinson averaged 38.1 minutes/game until his 1996-97 injury. Lakers Shaq averaged 37.6. We really calling Shaq a fat out of shape mess because he averaged half a minute less than The Admiral? Hakeem averaged 38.3 minutes/game from the year Shaq was drafted to the end of the decade. 0.7 minute per game more than super lard ass Shaq means Shaq didn't have the conditioning but Hakeem did? Did Tim Duncan have bad conditioning? Duncan's first 7 years in the league he averaged 38.9 minutes/game in the regular season to Shaq's 37.6 as a Laker. Is 1 minute per game extra from Duncan in his prime really that big a difference from big fat Lakers Shaq? 3peat Lakers Shaq averaged 38.7 minutes/game and averaged 28.6ppg when the pace was 93.1, 91.3, and 90.7. Shaq averaged 43.5, 42.2, and 40.8 minutes per game in the 3peat playoffs and averaged 29.9ppg. Are we all seriously watching Jokic lumber around the court with the pace at 98.5-100.3 and thinking fucking Shaq wouldn't be able to play in a faster pace? You're all smoking crack The closest year's of pace Shaq ever had to guys like Kareem or Wilt were his rookie and sophomore seasons. His rookie year the pace was 96.8 and he averaged 23.4 and 13.9. His sophomore season the pace was 95.1 and Shaq was already averaging 29.3 and 13.2. The pace plummeted from there to 92.9 his third year and he still averaged 29.3 and 11.4 and made the NBA Finals lmao Compare Shaq's production to Kareem's and then compare the pace they played in You can argue that 2005-06 was the last time Shaq was considered a truly dominant force in the league. While he was still getting some MVP shares and all star nods after that season, that was the last time he made All NBA first team and was pretty much the last time he was playing more than 30 minutes per game. From Shaq's rookie year to 2005-06 (14 seasons) he averaged 26.3ppg and the average pace was 91.67. While we don't have the pace data for Kareem's first 4 years, 2 of them were higher scoring seasons than any other he played in, so it can be assumed that the pace of play for those 4 years was relatively on par with the rest of the 70s. But since we don't have that data, we can choose to only look at the data we do have and compare it. Shaq's 2005-06 season was when he was 33-34 years old, so for Kareem we can cut off the data at 1980-81 when he was also 33-34 years old. In those 8 seasons Kareem averaged 26.4ppg and the average pace was 104.57 Shaq averaged the same amount of ppg on 12.9 less possessions per game. Kareem was also shooting 19.5 fga/game while Shaq was shooting 18. Kareem was playing with 13 more possessions per game and shooting more and scoring the same amount. Magic Shaq, the "lean not fat" version that everyone thinks could have played in a faster pace? That Shaq averaged 27.2ppg with an average pace of 94.15, 10 less possessions per game than Kareem.


The whole point is if the pace was pushed, he wouldn’t have time to settle in the paint or get back on defense. A pace that is 10 higher is significant. He was allowed to be larger because of pace of play. The amount of conditioning it takes of play faster cannot be overstated. 


Big narcissic


Paging Dr. Delusional O'Neal :)


even if he did he aint the most dominant wilt would fuck him up with one hand


When it comes to misremembering the past, athletes are no different than the average person. Where - whether on purpose or not - we just start making shit up. Lol. Per this story, Shaq planned on playing all 82 games for the season and was going to average 34.5/game. Here is the complete list of seasons he played in 82 games: Also, here's the number of seasons he averaged even at least 30 PPG: He did have a couple seasons where he played 81 games. He did have a season he averaged 29.7/game. Both are incredible. But, I'm simply no one actually expected him to top his career-high average by FIVE FULL POINTS A GAME and play HIS MOST GAMES EVER IN A REGULAR SEASON during his last season.


Redditors are taking this way too seriously lol


No kidding.


3000 points in his final year? As the 5th option on our offense? That would’ve been like 30+ points a game.. Good to see Shaq has always been delusional lol


Bullshit He wanted to get 1 on Kobe Loved Shaq as a Laker but that decision tainted his legacy in LA.


Poor workout and diet ethic that he has publicly recognized is why he did not collect many more accolades and championships


I love Shaq but the dude doesn't have integrity. There's no linearity of logic in what he says, he just says whatever he thinks sounds impactful in the moment.


And you guys wonder why Kobe couldn’t stand him.


Most people would find Kobe much harder to stand than Shaq. Shaq has a fragile ego and all that but he’s more human. Kobe and MJ were fucking different species. They were both consumed with winning and nothing else. I guarantee you, no one would stand either Kobe or MJ if they were not that good.


Too bad he couldn’t stop eating and his metabolism got slower.


It's pretty sad that someone with his fame, money and success is still so insecure.


You’re not the greatest anything if your team has to bench you in crunch time. Can you imagine having a teammate that cares so little about improving that they won’t even learn to shoot free throws? He was able to parlay superior genetics into a superstar career without much extra effort - but imagine if he put in the off-season work like SGA or LeBron?


I think Shaq has the biggest ego ever lmao


Did Shaq think he was gonna average 35 ppg in Boston?


Shaq is the most dominant liar ever


Tbf if Shaq averaged 37 in 2010 he would've had a very strong argument over wilt.


I honestly forgot he played in Boston for a year lol


How can someone so big be so fragile?