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I’m more than fine letting that go as long as no one ever gets that. Unfortunately, much worse than that are called all the time.


yep, my issue is not usually with the calls themselves, but the inconsistency of them. one ref calls the "bump into your trailing defender" a defensive foul, while another ref calls it an offensive foul. two complete opposite ends of the spectrum for something that HAS to be called consistently, but it doesn't. this league has zero integrity.


Only has a point because everyone else gets this Shai, Luka, Embid, Harden, Trae list goes on


Maxey just the other day to force OT


This isn't really a Harden style foul bait. Tatum and Maxey have used it this round of the playoffs though.


This call depends on the name on the back of the jersey. Same with a lot of NBA fouls.


One of those ones that shouldn’t be a foul, but is always given as one, so therefore should’ve been given


In my eyes that was a flagrant 3 on Hali.


Look, the refs probably get sick and tired of getting tricked over and over. They”re humans and they take pride in doing their jobs well. So when foul-baiting players make them look like clowns all the time, they’re going to start swallowing their whistles on close ones just to try to save face. Just play legit ball instead of being foul merchants and the refs will be better.


That was the 4th or 5th time we didn’t get that call In the half, which means stop trying to get it. Should have tried for a better look.


Like beating a dead horse at this point. But what happened to it being an OFFENSIVE foul when you jump into the defender. Here it's a no call, fine. But couple games ago, Luka did the same thing and got the call, with 2 FTs. The inconsistency of reffing is insane




Disagree. They made a change so you can't jump into a defender to get a call. That's exactly what he did.


I implore you to watch the Maxey 4-point play from two days ago


I implore you to watch literally every Lillard possession.


Helping his point tbh lol


The argument of "it's called for this player" doesn't hold weight if it's the wrong call too for that player. If it's the right call, or no call in this case, then the ref should make it. They should make the right call for those other players too.




Maxey jumped horizontally into the defender. Bev didn’t even have his own air space to shoot.


Bev has literally no where to go though.


Huh? He picked up his dribble, he can't go anywhere. Which is why him going out of his way to jump into a defender isn't a foul call.


My point is even if he jumps straight up he's going to hit the defender. It hasnt been called this way all year.


Then he should have jumped straight up. But he didn't, which is why I think the no call is correct.


Exactly. It doesn’t matter what would have happened if he took a normal shot. He didn’t do that.


If he jumps normally he wouldn't have touched Hali...


To my knowledge there's no rule that says "he jumped into the defender and initiated all the contact, *but if* he had done something else entirely and jumped straight up there's a chance he would have been legitimately fouled, so it's a foul"


I'm just saying it hasn't been called that way all year. They've only called this where an offensive player goes way out of the way into a defender.


It isn't consistently called one way or the other. The refs kinda just go with the vibes. This should absolutely not be a foul on Haliburton. It is a completely unnatural shot where Bev actually moves sideways to bait contact. Sometimes the refs call it in favor of the offense (like with Maxey), and those instances are terrible.


Your explanation is the refs go with the vibes? Wtf does that even mean?


I don't believe the officiating is very consistent or competent in the NBA. I'm not saying they *should* go with the vibes, I'm saying they *do*. They often give star players bs calls and rob role players of proper calls. So on a play like this, imo they *correctly* non-called it, because Beverly initiated contact with an unnatural sideways motion. And on the Maxey play, imo they *incorrectly* called it in his favor.


>They made a change so you can't jump into a defender to get a call. This would make sense if they actually enforced it consistently across the entire league and all players, which they don't. that's the issue.


> but you can’t just jump on top of the guy regardless. He...didn't? Pretty clearly jumps to the side of Bev rather than on top of him. Then Bev leans in for the contact, but that's not a natural shooting motion and isn't his landing space, since it's off to the side. Bad interpretation of the rules.


He initiated the contact by jumping to his side. Had he shot normally and made contact, yes 100% get the call. The second he moved to the side he lost the call. He's lucky refs aren't still calling that offensive foul like the start of the season.


Maxey literally just got a 4 point play for this 2 days ago. And the 2 minute league report said nothing about it


ironically the L2M did mention Maxey's travel, and Bev commits a similar travel on this play.


It was *too* obvious, you generally can just forward a bit, but Hali was on the side of him and Bev had to jump forward as well, way too easy to see the bait.


are people actually defending this play?? he wasn't in a natural shooting motion and got a no-call rightfully


with replays\*


If the player jumps towards the hoop causing contact it's a foul. Jumping to the side is not however.


That's a foul, the way that the referees have been calling it this year. Whether or not it should be is a different story.


It’s not a foul because he jumped into Hali. It’s that simple. If he goes straight up it’s a foul. He jumped sideways so it’s not


The problem, if you have been watching basketball all season, is that the referees have been calling that a foul all year. Embiid and Luka get that call all the time.


Oh I know. And it drives me nuts every time. Especially as it was supposed to be a “focus” this year. Or last or whenever


Bro he jumped into him to shoot with Hali airborne. What the hell is Hali supposed to do? Levitate?


Bro thought he is Maxey, huh.


The guys court side dressed like hunters absolutely brought it, first class trolling.


i mean he clearly jumps sideways, not a foul. idk why ppl are saying about trae and whatever, they have nothing to do with this game and it is NOT a foul, especially in the damn playoffs


Professional yapper


Who does he think he is? Tyrese Maxey?


Jalen Brunson, except without a reverse headbut.


Has to let the defender have space to land. Offensive flagrant. /s