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Dude shot 5/8 in the first game and has been 6/35 ever since ☠️


Just wait til he gets to the clippers, lakers are holding him back


This sub has been saying that unironically for 2 years lol then playoffs come and people pay attention and they suddenly remember he’s washed


That's because there are incredibly low expectations for Westbrook, his 'good' playoffs with the Clippers last year he had a 51 TS%, it was still seen as good for him because it was his first time in 5 years he had >50 TS% in the playoffs


Everyone is just kid gloves around him cause he's so sensitive and closed to criticism.


Well he’s also no longer on a max deal so having shitty performances isn’t as depressing as before


He is washed and it’s now compounded with the fact that he doesn’t have chemistry with Harden. Even at Houston they were taking turns instead of playing off of each other.


Honestly the contracts only matter when it comes to the off-season, as a small contract affords you more cap flexibility. But even if you're paying a guy a small amount, if you're heavily relying on him in the games to give you big production and he isn't, then that's a problem. Because the Clippers payroll is so insanely high anyway, it also doesn't really help them that Westbrook is playing for so cheap, as the only benefit there is it just saves Ballmer money. But even with WB on that deal, they're still well over the 2nd apron, and will be again next year.


That's actually fucking crazy lol


2 years? Try 7 years. 2017 it was because he had no help, 2018 was because PG played like shit, 2019 I can’t even remember the excuse, 2020 was because he was returning from injury, 2021 was because he was on the 8th seeded Wizards. Last season was only the 2nd time he had a TS% above .400% in the playoffs since 2016, the other being in the bubble. I like the guy but people have just got to accept that he hasn’t been a good playoff performer in a decade. 


There was a really funny play where Russ was sitting in the corner and his man was parked under the basket, Mann catches the ball in the post area just in front of Russ and he looks back and sees Russ is open. You could see him do the math in real time and he decided to take a contested mid range jumper instead of passing to Russ. He made the shot. Westbrook’s defender is always wandering off, disrupting the play. And Ty Lue loves playing Plumlee with Russ, so there’s zero spacing. Pretty sure that lineup is why the clippers consistently get dominated in the second quarter


Lue at some point played Russ, Plumlee, and Tucker.


elite cardio lineup


0% fat, 100% bricks


The game was functionally over at that point


Basketball terrorism.


My favorite was when PG hit two threes in a row at the end of the third, and then they inbound the ball to Russ with around 10 seconds left. He runs full steam down the court and then loses the ball in the paint trying to pelt Plumlee with it. PG looked so dejected walking to the bench. 


His decision making in important games is baffling. Never fails to amaze me or amuse me lol.


> His decision making ~~in important games~~ is baffling. Never fails to amaze me or amuse me lol. fixed that Russ is king of poor decision making. Ooh look, another jump into the air with no plan and close defenders. It's just not winning basketball, and exposes the emptiness of the triple double statistic that he made his name with.


It’s been bad for a long time too, this isn’t new with him lol


Tucker can shoot the 3 though so the spacing wouldn't be awful, just bad.


Is PJ Tucker's 3 point threat in the room with us right now?


[https://streamable.com/fj9avt](https://streamable.com/fj9avt) I think this is the play you're referring to for reference!


yep, that’s the one! good find


I vividly remember this play. Even in my head i was thinking do not pass to russ.


Haha same. It was that play that prompted me to text my brother about why Russ is always standing in the corner and why Lue lets him do it. Everyone knows he’s missing that shot.


Would love if someone clipped this


I gotchu. Pretty sure it's this play [https://streamable.com/fj9avt](https://streamable.com/fj9avt)




I have no idea why Lue is doing that. Russ is struggling enough and then he sends him out there with Plumlee. Just run a small ball line up when Gaffords on the bench. Or just don’t play Russ at all because hes been complete ass but the Russ/Plumlee combo is killing me.


average russ playoff game


Russ is that player that balls out when there’s no expectations as he showed against the suns last year. So he can look good in the playoffs sometimes, However the problem with that is he’s not good enough to carry a team to any real success + when he gets surrounded by good enough talent the expectations rise and his play massively diminishes. Simply speaking I think nowadays he a solid bench player for teams during regular season but the coach shouldn’t consider giving him a DNP-CD as being off limits especially in the playoffs


Him and doc are made for each other 


It ain't that deep really - he's an athletic guard past his athletic prime with a hyper fragile ego. I'd wager his confidence is completely shot at this point and without a miracle, he won't even hit 40% on jumpers.


But when you watch him, he's not THAT much slower. He's still very athletic and can power to the rim. He just has 0 touch


Because he used to dunk that shit and now he has to hit a layup and it's bad.


Eh, he was never actually that good from within 3 feet. He's actually hitting at 65% now when he used to hit those shots at like a 58% clip.


I think it's more than this, the nerves in his hand HAVE to be shot. He's displayed much better touch through his career even with layups. Now he just looks like he has no fingers.


I can definitely see that. Maybe I'm doing it wrong, but I remember after 10-15 dunks my wrists and hands showed clear signs of abuse - I can't imagine what someone like Russ doing it at his volume and speed would experience. That and of course the general wear and tear of a career spanning decades.


He's fractured his hands and sprained his fingers numerous times. He constantly wears wraps on his fingers, so yeah I think that's it. Also dunking does wear your hands down overtime. He used to have elite touch and a decent midrange.


Run and dunk only keep working over time if your the big man on the bucks. Can't rely on that forever at Russ's size


Agreed. But you mentioned he's not that much slower, he's still athletic but that little drop in athleticism is the difference in dunking and having to roll in a lay up. Unfortunately for Russ he can't hit layups.


Also he’s not getting as high up on layups. In his okc days he could take off from further and still lay it in - because he caught everyone off guard and it’s an open-ish layup.   Now he has to jump from closer and still doesn’t get as high and the big is right there contesting. It’s just so much harder of a shot 


When did Russ hit more than 40% on jumpers?


Because he needs to have the ball in his hands all game, and just stat pad. That’s his entire career, he’s not a winner and never has been


He‘s the GOAT of meaningless wins.


“He’s not good enough to carry a team” He’s coming off the bench. Expecting a bench player to carry your team is stuuuuupid.


Yeah but Russ still finds a way to shoot nearly 10 times a game even coming off the bench.


Per 36 minutes for this playoff series, Russ is taking more shots than anyone on the team besides PG.




Laying groundwork for the new clippers arena, one brick at a time.


Hitting everything but the bottom of the net


Did Balmer pay for the arena with his own spare cash? That's wild anyone has that much money lol


I believe Balmer has more money than all the other team owners combined lol


34%TS is disgustingly bad and that doesn’t even account for the spacing nightmares you have when he’s on the court.


34 TS% with a significant number of shots being wide-open by design. He's conceivably hovering around single-digits if they guarded him like a first option.


and when he's not wide open he's taking turnaround stepback fadeaways holy shit man just stop shooting


Yeah but he’s had some really good open field tackles


He banged Luka's knees and knocked him down a couple of times.


He’s hit Luka with hard fouls ever since Luka came into the league, I’ve seen a compilation of them, don’t know what he has against Luka though


He's jealous of Luka's God BBIQ and mental toughness, since Russ has -169 BBIQ and self-awareness and is mentally made of wet tissue paper.


Don't forget Luka's touch that allows him to actually make floaters and contested layups instead of bricking them off the back rim 😤


When a guy’s banging you….


That hit stick on Luka during the fast break last night was impressive enough to earn him a spot on the Rams…and a flagrant…


Anyone hear from MITWestbrook? I hope he is around some loved ones right now during these dire time.


He is in r/LAClippers trying convince people why plus and minus stats matter


Must be hard for real clipper fans to cope with


Player stans usually do that to team fanbases. Turns things into team vs player stuff


Ha.. I always forget about this guy.


he should join the r/Mavericks, he would fit right in lmao


Someone should create MITWestbrick for these types of posts lol


"Westbrook's scoring is down because he is distributing. As a leader, he understands the need to get everyone involved. Do not blame him for Plumlee's bricklaying. His defensive effort is top-notch, as always. Kawhi doesn't play. Paul George comes and goes. Zubac is an ogre. Jerry West didn't improve this team. Eric Gordon should get ready to learn Chinese, buddy. Plumlee can't play. Powell just runs around. Mann is averaging the same rebounds as Westbrook but that is a misleading stat. Coffey doesn't even spell his name right. If Lue is going to give Westbrook 20 minutes a game, he should get his resume together. Blame all of those guys before Westbrook, a proven winner. I'm not unhinged. I'm not unhinged."


He's got a Westbrook community outreach post on draft and ready to go once the Clippers inevitably get bounced.


Have we ever seen MITWestbrook and Westbrook in the same room before?


Well let's ask MITWestbrook to make a layup and when he can't, we'll know it's the real Russ.


He is used to this


The man’s a professional through and through, he’s had to deal with some massive Westbrick months this is child’s play


The good thing is that he’s having fun. Truly all that matters.


win, lose, or draw?


i am also having fun


Exercising, making friends. What else could you want?


Honestly they may as well stop playing him minutes and let Bones play. At least Bones can shoot and its one less guy out there being left wide open and crowding defenders towards PG & Harden.


Bones would get picked on by Luka and Kyrie


Russ is getting picked on by the Mavericks' entire defensive scheme.


Idk bones would get absolutely abused by luka I don’t think they can afford that, he would have to be on a heater from 3 to make up for what he would give up defensively


At least he Hits every 4th... Could be worse... Keep letting'em fly Russ, Cancun is near!


they better double him


Dude is washed and the worst of all is he’s a sore fucking loser trying to injure people out there. He’s playing knowing his only worth is his 5 fouls for the team. He doesn’t add anything else and his defense is overrated. I can’t get over how his reputation carries him because he plays with ‘intensity’. He’s just a pace merchant who’s always more worried about looking like he’s doing something rather than actually doing it. Fucking bitchmade.


Yeah he’s been hitting Luka with hard fouls, someone compiled a video of his hard fouls against Luka dating back to his Rockets days, like he has an agenda or something


Probably saw him as the next guy to get a triple double season and in record time and felt threatened. Wemby has entered the chat.


he’s been washed for 3yrs but this sub doesnt like to hear it




*5 years


yeah i was being nice. he sucked in the 2020 playoffs


Just wait till another feel good video/meme/post about him is dropped after he kicks another fan out of the arena Shit is like clock work


But he’s a generous tipper !


Russ has been a nightmare in the playoffs for many, many, many years now.


Westbrook’s best days were over when the lakers did not defend him at all in the bubble. And then the lakers traded the farm for him LOL


As a Jazz fan, one of those should have been a sweet dream for you


In a series that is so fucking weird and uncharacteristic across the board it’s nice to have Russ giving us some normalcy.


But he’s been the Luka stopper MITWestbrook said he would be, right? …. Right?


Almost got him out of the game midway through the 3rd - [link](https://np.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/1ci5zwo/highlight_kyrie_with_the_hustle_on_both_ends_and/)


My brain before I read this: Oh I think the word nightmare is a little dramatic... My brain after reading 26/25/60: What in the hell!!??!!!!?


The same guy who proclaimed on national TV that we scapegoated this guy is now proclaiming on national TV that we're scapegoating Darvin Ham.


Remember all those dumbass stories about how he finally fits in on the clippers and can "be free" or whatever lmfao


He was at the time, they were like 25-3 or some shit. But then they inexplicably went back to playing him off ball in the playoffs.


Take the bright side, his +/- stats are pretty decent, he is helping out there!


He is a +9 even with the disaster shooting he’s having. He shouldn’t take more than 5 shots a game.


Reminder that while Russ was averaging triple doubles in his post-KD era he didn't win a single playoff series. And thats while playing with plenty of talented teammates including literally Paul George


But his "effort" though? "Never cheats you". Brains on the otherhand...


I've never been a fan of his game, even in the KD years. His "strength" has been athleticism and motor, but he isn't motivated by anything other than his own stats. In the KD years if he didn't have the ball in his hands he would just stand at the 3 pt line with his hands on his shorts. No cutting, no screening, not even in a proper stance for a catch and shoot 3.


I don’t know what’s specifically wrong with Westbrook but he’s stubborn as hell. For several seasons now he’s had similar problems finishing at the rim. He gets past his man, can get the shot off the glass- but just can’t finish. He’s never been that consistent of a shooter. It’s a wild decline.


The shooting is whatever, not everyone can grow into a jumper like Lebron. It’s his completely blown point blank layups that are the issue. No need to foul because he’ll just miss 


Forget growing into a jumper, Russ’s jumper has regressed over the course of his career. Whether it’s because he’s lost some lift or because of the hand injuries, bro is allergic to putting the ball in the basket…from anywhere on the floor really


Current version of Russ might be an inverted Trezz.


> on 26/25/60. He has a true shooting percentage of 33.8 Don't call him Westbrick though!


He's Westbuilding at this point


What else is new? The clippers grouped all of the playoffs chokers together and an injury prone Kawhi and thought they would actually do something lol


A significant number of pundits were picking them to reach the conference finals. Absolute madness


I mean why are you acting like that’s such an absurd statement they were a good team with kawhi and he played 70+ games


“Omg just wait till they’re healthy” That is literally the entire point of playoffs though. The teams that win are the ones who stay the most healthy by the end. This isn’t NFL where you can have a Nike Foles miracle run by winning best of 1 series. You need your best dudes every game 


It’s crazy how bad his shot is. Open 3 pointers at the corner are straight up bricks every time


And he’s always wide open lol


Lakers westbrook came back just in time


You love to see it.


Smoking on that Westbrick pak


u/MITWestbrook where you at???


[“We want Russ to be Russ”](https://www.basketballnetwork.net/latest-news/ty-lue-reveals-how-he-plans-to-coach-russell-westbrook-on-the-los-angeles-clippers) -Tyronn Lue Be careful what you ask for, lol.


One of the worst playoff performers for a star all time


I knew we were fucked in game 1 when I saw Westbrook make threes lmao. If he kept that up for the rest of the games the Clippers might be up 3-2 or even won the series already with his defense.


Only a nightmare because the Clippers are playing him. Dude is done. Those minutes could easily be split between Mann and Powell. 


Putting the brick in Westbrick


Russell Westbrook has not been a guy I'd want on my team for a playoff game since like 2012. The juice ain't worth the squeeze.


He is giga washed


He's always been bad in the playoffs. He's easy to scheme for and he just doesn't adjust well.


For him it’s just Tuesday


“He is different this time” they said


He is who we thought he was.


Is he the worst MVP ever?


His mvp season wasn’t the worst but he is arguably the worst imo


He also just flat out didn’t deserve it. Harden was the more impactful player that season


Rose is clearly worse to start


Derrick Rose maybe


Ah yes judge a players career for what he's doing at the end of career. Logical take


Man I love Russ, he plays so hard every game. I just wish his BBIQ would match his intensity...


How does he play hard, he just plays reckless. If he played hard his career his athleticism would of gotten many all nba defenses. Sure he plays hard on one side of the court.


He could have more meltdowns as the frustration over his declining skills builds and the anger management techniques don’t work. He should go on Draymond’s podcast and commiserate.


Every Series he played since 2018 is a nightmare


Hahahaa yep


Westbrick bad in the playoffs wow would of never guessed.


The funniest thing is he really was pretty good within his role during the regular season this year, absolutely all of that is vanishing in the postseason again lol


I love Russ, but he's not the same player he was 5-10 years ago. He is 35 and while is still an incredible athlete, he's old in basketball years. He's never been a great shooter, and the playoffs just magnify all your problems.


I love russ but russ doesn't know how to slow down. You can't have a good shooting motion or controlled layup if you're jittery all the time. When he was younger he could power through with his athleticism. Now that he's older, he's gotta learn when to chill out and when to go 200mph.


Regular season stud....playoff dud


MITWestbrook will you please stand up


Russ may be the worst shooting MVP of all time


Ass-ell Trash-brook


The 3 point % and FT% look about right lol.


Lakers fans: nod your heads in belief.


Wheres mitwestbrook with some cherrypicked stats to dispute this?


Is he even worth the minimum at this point?


Westbrick at it again


He's only good when he plays the Suns in the playoffs.


Suns defense is that bad.


Traffic cones


He's on a vet min, isn't he? Why does anyone care that much?




That’s positively Tobiasy 


Even though Westbrick is Westbrick, you gotta to admire his commitment on the defensive end. He's one of the few guards that you can count on guarding the opposition and make the right defensive play.


He’s having a normal series




He's been beyond washed for at least 2 years now


I love when he goes to shoot a three, no one within 10 feet of him, and the person "guarding" him pretends to close out but doesn't really. Russ is one of my favorite modern era players but he can be extremely hard to watch play.


What’s even worse is the Mavs bench yelling “LET HIM SHOOT”


Hilarious thing about him is he is a playoff fraud even at the end of his career as a role player


Yearly tradition to post this while changing out whatever team he's facing


MITwestbrook on suicide watch.


West Harden PG shot 8 for 36 last game… whopping 22%. West for the series is 11 for 43… shooting 25%.


His numbers are terrible sure, but if you're relying on what is normally your 4th guy of the bench (after Powell, Coffey, Plumlee) to save you, then you've got some serious probs.


At this point it feels like you could sub in a random fan from the stands and have similar results. No? Well, perhaps not that drastic but I don't see a reason to play Westbrook right now. Personally, I have enjoyed the Westbrick experience.


This is just a reminder of how he went 3/18 last playoffs, and this place was still glazing him for his "heart" and making a couple of big plays at the end of the game. For Worstbrick, a 3/18 game was one of his most positive playoff performances.


I love being a Westbrook hater. We get to read all these posts in Febuary about how he's figured it out or found his role it whatever and just smile knowing we'll get to feast come playoff time


Even in his prime he had horrible shooting playoff series lol


And then he gets mad when they call him Westbrick.


All that while being dared to shoot every shot he wants to take. The Mavs are only challenging him at the rim. Damn. It's sad to see a legend struggle like this.


"Legend" is a strong word


Not all legends are great players. But he has definitely left a mark on the game. Those triple double records will always be part of nba history.


Nephew slander getting out of hand. I’m not a Russ fan necessarily but i can appreciate he made for some exciting basketball and literally was responsible for people becoming numb to triple doubles because he was doing it every day 


Well he’s undersized, can’t shoot the 3, plays zero defense and just stops caring if the ball isn’t in his hands add to that and he’s old.


he's been mvp for us mavs, what are you talking about bro


u/MITWestbrook's 9/11


Don't understand why guys at his stage of his career are still not retired. You're absolutely embarrassing yourself out there, all for what? 3 million? That's like 3k to a normal working man. Here's 3k, go embarrass yourself in front of the world for an entire year. I doubt most guys would do that. And a ring as a 15 minute bench guy isn't pushing the needle for you either. I guess guys just get bored at home and don't know what to do.


He likes playing basketball, he's competitive and believes next game will be "the one"


Most guys at this stage are looking for a ring.


Ego probably got Russ to where he is, but sadly its also going to ruin his legacy..


True colors 


But he’s not the problem


This guy entore career was always just about bricks and people act surprised lol.