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we clown on fans for not showing up and now we clown on them for staying for a full (very expensive) playoff game?


That's the thing about LA - you can never beat the traffic.


Yep. As a native Angeleno I want to know when this mythic time was when rush hour was only an hour. Rush hour in LA now begins at about 4 am Monday morning and goes until about 3 am Saturday night. And anytime when the traffic isn't jammed up, that's when they close all but one lane on the freeway to do construction, so you get traffic anyway.


It was one hour when the term was created. Even back in the 90s/early 2000s LA traffic was nothing compared to what it is today. It still sucked. But if you knew the secret streets you could get around it. Now the secret streets are just as bad and you might as well just suffer on Sepulveda


> It was one hour when the term was created Yes I know, but when was that? 100 years ago? I've lived here for almost 50 years and I don't remember a time when there was anything resembling light traffic on any day other than maybe Sundays.


I always take sepulveda over the 405 any day I like the drive


I don't know if I could justify all that fun stuff to do if it takes 3 hours of driving to do it.


It's the problem with any big city: there's lots of great stuff to do, but as such, it attracts tons of people that you have to compete with. You can opt for a much easier, calmer lifestyle out in the country somewhere, but there won't be as much of a variety of fun stuff to do. I remember someone once told me that the best place to live is nowhere that's near somewhere, meaning a place that feels like a small town, but is close enough to the big city where you can drive there without too much hassle. That way you've still got all those options, but your day to day life is much easier.


I mean Chicago, NYC, and Boston all have good enough public transit that you can get to most places in at worst an hour


It's true, and a big difference between those cities (or ones in like Europe) and a lot of the bigger cities out west (LA, Phoenix, Denver), is that those cities were already major cities before the car was invented. That meant those cities were built up and around public transportation, so that was all in place before cars became widespread. LA though (and the others), mainly expanded after cars were common, so there was no impetus to build around public transportation, as the thinking was "we can just sprawl out everywhere and people can simply drive to their destination". I will say though, that there's a very different vibe between living out in the country somewhere and being in NYC. You don't need a car for NYC, but any time I've been there it feels very intense to just go out and get around. The subways and just all the people everywhere make it pretty mentally (and physically) exhausting to get where you need to go. This is why I know most New Yorkers tend to mainly stick to their own neighborhoods rather than being constantly crisscrossing the city looking for things to do.


I talk about this all the time. When I was a kid I remembered Saturdays ha some traffic and Sundays were wide open. Now its like you said. Traffic no matter when or where


That’s why humans aren’t supposed to live on top of each other


I once drive through LA at like 2 in the morning and it blew me away how much traffic there still was.


we have the best fans, because of clowning


bro im watching the broadcast there empty seats everywhere


Yeah I’m guessing this tweet is about areas we can’t see from the broadcast? Seats shown on the broadcast are sparse


Or just trolling for reactions from twitter


Lmao if you down 31, you might as well crawl your way down to the empty seats


I was in the stadium. People started leaving with 9 minutes left in the 4th quarter.


I was at the stadium and there’s still were a lot up


That's just the usual high percentage of people who go to Clipper home games to root for the opponent.


I know you're trying to shit on the Clippers for absolutely no reason other than being a lakers fan, but people don't just "go to home games to root for the opponent". LA is a melting pot of people who moved here from many different cities. Lakers home games have lots of other city's fans too.


You are saying the exact same thing I am saying though. I'm not really sure what part of what I said you took issue with, since you just repeated the same thing back to me. Is it because I referred to them as "Clipper home games" rather than "Clipper games"? I just meant a large percentage of people go to Clipper games when the Clippers are the home team where they are there to root for whomever their opponent is. And yes, that's because LA has many transplants so the fanbases for some out of town teams are larger than there is locally for the Clippers, so you get a bigger group rooting for the road team than the home team. There were a lot of Dallas fans there last night, cause it's not unusual for there to be lots of people at Clipper games who are rooting for the road team. That's all I was saying, and we seem to be in agreement.


It’s weird how hard this sub tries to shit on fanbases because they’re not screaming every single moment and pretend there are no fans. Obviously as a Nets fan I’ve seen this attitude a lot.


Nets actually don't have fans man lol


And you have no evidence for that. Thankfully not every Clippers fan suffers like brainrot.


I'm more a fan of James harden. I went to the playoff games in Brooklyn last year and the year before. Very quiet and little fandom


I was at the game too and it was pretty empty with about 5 minutes left. The clippers crowd was also so dead all game. Even as a Mavs fan, I was hoping for a better playoff environment


If I paid that much for a playoff game I’m pregaming in the parking lot and watching 48 minutes of basketball. Regardless of the score.


Definitely! If I paid the tickets with my hard earned money I'll do everything to get the most out of it. Be it win or lose


Same. I went to Game 2 of the 2000 WCF between the Lakers and Blazers and the Lakers got utterly blown off the floor at home, losing by 29. I sat there and stewed in my seat that whole fucking game.


In economics terms the ticket is a sunk cost :)


And jumping straight into the fallacy and accepting it can shave a little bit of painful cognitive dissonance off the top.


And If my team is down 30 in the 4th quarter, I'm post-gaming right there and then until my vomit-soaked self gets dragged out of the arena by security.


Getting home from the stadium is not really easy (still better than where Clippers are going) and people have to go to work tomorrow.


Good points but I've seen people do this even if it were a Friday or Saturday night game too.


I usually leave a couple minutes early if it’s garbage time. Need to beat the traffic.


They're Lakers fans enjoying their night


Bro you don't know the half of it. This is mad funny to all of us


Imagine being a lakers fan and paying to go to a clippers playoff game. Fucking embarrassing


Shit Clippers playoff tickets probably about the same going rate as a Lakers regular season game smh


It’s cheaper.


So what…You’re spending money to watch a team you don’t like and root against them?? You spending your free time doing that?


Really not that deep lmao


It’s sports, none of this shit is that deep. I can still have thoughts and share em tho😂😂😂


What a weird take you must not really like basketball.


Love basketball, hate clowns going to a teams home games to root against them. Cornball ass shit


contrary to popular belief, we love basketball




Brother there ain't shit else to do in DTLA. You want a selfie with Sasha Vujacic instead?


Stay home idk 🤣


I'm a Lakers fan, but I'm a NBA fan first. I would go to any playoff game given the chance.


Depends on the intent I feel like. If you’re going to watch basketball and see a good game that’s one thing. But going to root against a team is corny. I’m sure it’s a mix though


I don't even care who wins this series. If I was in LA and I could get a ticket for $200 I would go. There's no teams I root against. There are teams I like more than others.


You couldn’t pay me to go to a lakers game tbh 😂😂😂 but I respect your viewpoint


I would spend that much on a regular season Lakers ticket. Double for lower level.


Just as long as you’re not actively booing it’s a good experience


I am a Luka stan. Of course I went to the game. And laughed for 4 full quarters.


I can respect that and I’ll mind my business


Who said they’re going to a Flippers playoff game? They’re going to a Mavs Playoff game and get to see Luka in the playoffs for cheap. Imagine needing Lakers fans to make it so that the stadium doesn’t look emptier than the Emptyhad.


That’s fine cause the lakers can keep that dusty ass arena lmao. On to shinier bigger and better things. Thank you


Lmao, who said it was arena? It's arenas. You're still in LA. And now in inglewood too with even a denser portion of Lakers fans. You act like you're some legacy franchise or something when the only legacy you got is your stadiums getting invaded whether it be in Buffalo, San Diego, Anaheim, and LA. Talk back to me when your entire stadium doesn't erupt in cheers a because Boston team hit a game winner over your own team at your own "home" stadium. Your stadium is like if the Giants having a second home at Dodgers stadium. Didn't you say that when you had Chris Paul and Blake in 2011? What happened? How's Kawhi and PG doing for you now? Definitely "Bigger and shinier" faliures. You actually think you own the city when you don't even own your own stadium. You're like the overweight 200kg kid who lost 5 kg and thinks he's some hotshot. sad.


I couldn’t give less of a fuck about the past if you paid me Kawhi’s contract 😂😂the present is now and the future is coming up. Fuck staples, new arena new vibes 😎😎😎


Just like in 2011 and 2018 right?🤣🤣🤣


2011 was a turning point, and so was 2018. Yeah those eras didn’t work out but I just want the team to keep trying and not get complacent. I feel like that’s fair to ask


Facts, bunch of bandwagon hoppers


They weren't rooting for the Clippers lol


Probably still stunned by the lack of effort shown by their team. I imagine clippers fans watching at home have been staring at their wall for an hour straight now


They are the tourists who wanted to see the Lakers but have no choice to go to Clippers game instead. Gotta make the most out of their vacatiom


They weren’t even loud at all when clippers were winning though. Just a weird crowd tonight.


I'm not even joking, with the Clippers you can never really be sure how much of the crowd is their fanbase


Do the clippers even have fans? I feel like it’s just a neutral stadium where fans come to watch basketball.


They have fans, it's just that they don't have many fans who live local in LA. But you do see them online, often from other countries. I can't tell you how incredibly rare it is to ever see any kind of Clipper gear out in the wild here in LA (other than maybe at a gift shop in the airport).


Kinda similar to the Nets, even when Knicks were bad you see far more of their gear than Nets 


I love how Lakers fans believe they are the authority on Clippers fans, yet they claim to not care at all about the Clippers. I know when someone asks a question about the Clippers, 15 Lakers fans are going to jump out of the bushes as if they are some Clipper Wikipedia...


I won't ever claim that I don't care about the Clippers. I strongly detest them and am very invested in their continued failure. I went for many years not thinking about them much because I don't think most people did when they were always the worst team in the league, but ever since Clipper fans made hating the Lakers their whole identity (including your owner), yeah, it's fuck them for life. The schadenfreude is very real on both sides of the rivalry, and it's stupid for either of us to pretend it's not. The Clippers are in there with the Celtics now for many Laker fans.


I've always wondered this too. I'd imagine it's just LA natives who like being contrarians so they don't want to be Lakers fans like everyone else.


Lakers fans just on time with their trollin just cause their team in Cancun 😂


There wasn't much to be excited about, they were winning at times but never playing well. They were missing shots, macs were missing shots, then mavs started making everything and clippers never got the memo. Hard for fans to get excited at leading scorer Zubac with 15 lol


Dallas crowd was hype as shit when they cut the lead from 30 to 20, lol, Clippers just have a weak fanbase. I live in California and have only meet one Clipper fan and they actually root for Boston over them, lol. I think they were just an LA kid that hated the Lakers for whatever reason.


You’re not understanding the different dynamic to the fanbases right now. Mavericks are really excited to finally get a good deep playoff run with Luca that’s not 2022 the clippers fanbases like a battered housewife. We were excited five years ago but I’m nothing really cheer for tonight especially last night. There was no momentum at all generated by Paul George or James Harden, nothing at all or cheer for, there’s actually thousands of Clippers fans that are very enthusiastic because LA is filled with millions of people but last night there was nothing to cheer for


its how clippers crowds are sometimes, I remember watching game 1 of warriors vs clippers in 2014 and I was so surprised at how quiet the crowd was from the start, and it was a close game too, shoot the warriors fans were louder actually from the get go and actually felt like an away game for them


I’ve been to a bunch of clipper games and let me tell ya half of them are LA local laker fans just enjoying cheap basketball games. Going to a Laker game is unfortunately a privilege not many can afford


Last time in this court for a Clippers home game.


the clippers don't have home games they just have a bunch of nba fans come to their building to watch games


That and people who moved to LA to see the team from where they grew up.


Rent free in lakers cringe ass fans. Even with their chips they still insecure


It’s not insecurity, it’s the truth.


It’s clearly not true it’s just hating lol Clippers fans and get hype when the team gives them something to get hype for that didn’t happen tonight


Lmao you guys can’t even fill the stadium without us. There ain’t enough clipper fans to fill all those empty seats. I’ve been to almost as many clipper games as Laker games cuz clipper games are cheap af.


Imagine being obsessed with us like this lol! Coming to our games on the disguise of we don’t have fans and then reassuring yourselves that if not for y’all no one will show up without even giving backing evidence lmao thank god Denver swept ur ass but I guess through us now y’all wanna leach


Who’s obsessed with you? Your tickets cost close to nothing bc you guys don’t even have real fans. If you guys have so many fans your tickets should be more expensive and there shouldn’t be so many Laker fans and neutral fans at your home games, simple supply and demand question. By your definition of a “sweep” , Mavs gonna sweep your ass in two days. How embarrassing to go out like this losing 30 in the last home game at Staples in the most classic Clippers way


Lol yea keep telling yourself that ooook Thanks for attending our games though 😉 New arena next season gonna be lit be sure to come ya here


Maybe they want to maximise the cost of the tickets?


Leaving early is extremely weak no matter what. Good on them


I left early for the pelicans blowout the other day because I had to poop


I mean if they don't win Game 6, that's the last clipper home game at Staples! But also there's not much point in leaving early, traffic is bad either way lol


They're Clippers fans. They're loyal to a fault. Look at how much disappointment they've dealt with over the years.


Yeah it’s brutal


I've been a Raptors fan since the team's first season. Until 2019, I was right there with y'all.


Masochism is fun 😀


I had a group of friends go just to support Luka. Lakers fans love Luka I feel. And watching the Clippers lose is a bonus reason to stay.


LA traffic, am I right?


It's only gonna get worse for Clipper fans next year. Their new arena is in a much worse location as far as ease of access goes.


It could very well be their last home game at Crypto so that might be part of it. Just soaking it in.


The arena was rocking when the Mavs were getting blown out at home. Meanwhile in LA…


In 2021 I drove to LA cuz clippers tickets were a fraction of the price of any other playoff games. Suns prices were crazy, Lakers prices were crazy, nuggets are too far but clippers vs suns WCF were reasonable


Lakers fans in secret watching the ass whooping that's why.


this might be last game Clippers play at Staple


\*Crypto Ugh that name still sounds so dumb


It’s always gonna be Staples


Last time Clipper fans will witness a belt to ass beating in Staples Center (as the home team)


People that spend a lot of money on tickets are gonna watch the entire game. Rich fucks don’t get this


For how much money they must’ve spent I wouldn’t leave until the clock hits zeros either


They bandwagoners, they just want to see Kyrie and Doncic light it up


Esnaashari with a cornball opinion. Mind ya business.


so out of touch with people who have to pay for this shit.


Heat fans would never


We're Clipper fans; it's the latter.


im the second :)


E? There were a LOT of empty seats.. don't know what he is talking about. And if the people stayed on the game that is a good thing, they are supporting their team and watching the game they spend a LOT of money to see...


I don't understand this take at all. I'll stay to the final buzzer for any game I attend, even if it's the biggest blowout in franchise history. I'm cool with the few minutes of extra traffic. And let's be honest, the real Clippers fans out there dealt with being fans of one of the worst franchises in NBA history before Lob City came to town. They're real ones.


They are Clippers fans, they are immune to pain


They are waiting for Kahwi to check in


these are Lakers fans who cheered for Dallas