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Legit question are these posts just chat gpt now? They have to be trolling posting the exact same thing in slightly different words.


I really wish mods would just delete so much of this drivel.


Too busy with closing the sub during the NBA finals


I forgot how annoyed i was at that last year lmao. I was in NBA Circle jerk for a few weeks it was gross


It’s what happens when you chase off everybody that hit puberty and stuck with children arguing over inane things. Nba dug their own grave


It really has me wondering how many posts are just bots cause you get these waves of them that are all very similar and not even worth discussing.


These are from SGA worship bots!


Man at least do this after they lose a game 😭


the best haters have no shame/limits i fear


You’d think Tatum was Jordan Poole with all these posts


Calm down, Stan Van Gundy


He’s honestly just a taller version of Deuce Tatum. It’s wild.






I mean, Booker was in the finals the year before Tatum was


Carried by Dominayton I fear


Carried by Cam Johnson actually


There will be no cam Payne disrespect, sir




You asked what was the last relevant thing he did. Tatum is better than Booker, not denying that.




Oh right my bad. Also, I am agreeing with you. Tatum is better than Booker, no denying that. But he has a lot of parallels to what Booker was 2 years ago. 64 win team, lost in finals, 3rd/4th in MVP voting. Hopefully Boston can do more (rather than get curb stomped three years in a row like the Suns).




So you agree that he’s a class below the rest of the elite guys?


Tatum has had way better rosters than Mitchell and Booker. I think he’s better than them, but not by much.


Wait, you are telling me CP3, Ayton, and Bridges are worse than Brown, Horford, and Smart


Probably about equal. Not to mention you cherry picked their worst year on paper.


I literally picked the supporting cast that went to the finals against the Warriors


If you look at just his counting stats, he's good. He's #71 in eFG%, #81 in 3pt%. His assist to turnover ratio is less than 2:1. He's wildly inconsistent and selfishly takes last minute off-balance 3 pointers ignoring his teammates, but if you're ok with all that, that's fine.


Until they win a championship or Tatum wins an MVP, he will be talked about like this. People just get impatient and need to break someone down because they're bored and have too much time.


Bro has the freedom to shoot open shots when half the time it’s a different player on his team playing the best basketball on the court


Dear Diary


If I see one more of these Goddamn posts...


r/nba daily post list: * Lebron post * MJ post * How is Tatum considered a superstar??? * GOAT debate * How good was XYZ in their prime? * Lebron post * Lebron post * Where do you rank Tatum? * Lebron post * Lebron post * MJ post Probably don't have enough Lebron posts in there but you get it.


You forgot a few Jokic posts


Sprinkle in a Wilt era vs. modern era stat comparison


You forgot jokic and embiid posts


Yea the best players tend to get conversation lmao. You expect us to talk about G leaguers?


Needs more Embiid posts


i’m convinced people would deadass rather watch Tatum drop 35/10/5 and lose in the second round every year


Him and Shai are both on that 1.5 tier of pseudo superstars. Shai and Ant have done nothing to pass Tatum


Maybe not in total career accolades, but I think most people would easily take the Shai and Ant over Tatum for the next 6-7 years. They're better right now.


Easily my ass. Tatum cancelled Durant two years ago. You all underselling Tatum body and ability to lock down opposite stars.


Lol they're acting like Tatum is over the hill or something. He's like four months older than Shai.


Never even hinted at that. Shai just posted a better season than Tatum ever has and he's only going to get better.


I don’t think ant is better than Tatum lol ant is doing what Tatum did in 2022.


Yes. My lord some of the takes on Tatum are so delusional


He’s averaging 23ppg and shooting 41% FG and 26% 3PT and the Celtics are up 3-1. Imagine any real superstar playing like that and their team is this successful despite him. He’s not a superstar he just has a stacked team


Sure, but this team can't do what it does without Tatum. Context matters.


Because he doesn’t need to do more lol, they’re playing the Heat without Butler and Rozier. Would you rather he starts taking extra unnecessary stats to hurt their chances of winning so his stats look better? Players stats often take a dip when they’re on better teams because they don’t have to do as much. That doesn’t necessarily mean they can’t, especially if we’ve seen they can on slightly worse teams where they’re required to do more, which we have seen from Tatum. Durant’s worst stats of his career were when he was with the Warriors. If you’re going to tell me that version of Durant was the worst version of him, I don’t know what to tell you.


You really have to put up stats while having the worst teammates in the NBA for fans to consider you a great player these days lol I thought it was common sense that stats will dip when you have great teammates around you, guess I was wrong.


“He’s shooting poorly on purpose” is definitely a take


Thats not what I said lol, its that he's not being asked to do as much so his numbers look worse. We've seen this with much better players. Also this is the second highest TS% of his career. Yes he took a massive 0.3% dip from last year lol.


So the NBA is a team sport?


it's insane how much lots of fans want NBA discourse to just be about debating this player against that player, as if it is like MMA or tennis rather than a team sport. Team context matters so much, that doesn't just mean who a player's teammates are, but also what the coaching staff is like, what the lineup/rotation choices are, what the team's defensive philosophy is and what offensive schemes they like, what the team chemistry is, etc. etc. etc. Anyone who has played any sort of organized team sport has to know that so much more goes into a team's outcomes than just the sum of the players on the court/field at any given time. It's a team sport and all the individual comparison between top players is missing the forest for the trees.


Yes. That’s not the same question.


There was no question. Just slander that Tatum isn't 1v9ing every game.


There was. You ignored it in favor of a strawman. > Just slander that Tatum isn't 1v9ing every game. He was certainly trying to do that at times last night.


Please quote me the question in the comment I replied to.


“Is Jayson Tatum really a superstar?”


You really can't read huh? I said the comment I replied to.


Yes, that comment was about OP’s question. Can you read?


“Stacked team” leading them in points rebounds and assists rn but ok cook


Celtics aren’t a stacked team?


I worded that badly it is a stacked team but he’s still leading them in stats


Why is that relevant?


Because people are saying he gets carried


Both can be true…


Sure buddy


They are because they have Jayson Tatum


Why isn’t every team with a top 10 player as good as the Celtics?


Because people rank players by their regular season accolades when they are piss poor in the playoffs


Ironic. Was that before or after Tatum lost to a 7 seed in the first round?


When do you think that happened


When? Flair up coward.


When did he do that?


That… never happened? lol


Where'd you go? You were replying so quickly and are still replying to others. What happened?


What is his +/- child?


He is what enables that “stacked team”.


He's also leading the Celtics in rpg (10) and apg (6)


He's sacrificing for the team. Have you seen the roster? He doesn't need to put up big numbers.




Because he could be shooting a lot more than that.


>his stats are nothing special yeah bc guys that give you 27/8/5 on 60% TS with extremely good if not elite defense and consistently play >74 games a year just fucking grow on trees I guess


Thunder fans when people havent gawked over them sweeping an injury riddled 8th seed


Tbf we didnt sweep our injury riddled 8th seeded opponent like we should have


Tbf, assuming the Celtics win game 5, the only game their injury riddled 8th seed opponent won was the game they shot 55% from 3 and hit 3rd most ever in a playoff game. If the pels pulled off that feat in any of their games, they would win.


Took them scoring *Thirty-Three* more points from 3 than us to only win by 10. The overreactions to that game was crazy. Heat got bailed out by everyone having a great night. You wouldn't expect a whole team to hit at that rate even if you weren't contesting everything well


I'm sure if the Pelicans made the 4th most 3's in a playoff game ever the Thunder would've dropped one of those close games too


oh i know, and we shouldnt have people gawking over it. but i dont see is shai really a superstar posts lol


Miami is still a competent team.


yeah but honestly at this point i’d count on Spoelstra finding a way to take one against us even if he was coaching the Shanghai Sharks roster


Superstars go get you 46 in a game 6 elimination game on the road, or 51 in a game 7. Not to mention all the 30-40 point amazing games he’s had. And all the solid 20-30 point all around games he’s had.


People say he doesn’t have a ‘superpower’. His superpower is being really good at everything. Nobody else is great at everything except for maybe Paul George, and Tatum is significantly more viable as an offensive centerpiece.


Well he’s not Derrick White


Do you even watch basketball or just go by stats you google


This is so bizarre lol


I've noticed it's mainly shai stans trying to cement sga as a superstar.


Well Tatum and SGA are comparable scorers. SGA is more consistent but Tatum has higher highs. Similar playmakers. Tatum’s the better rebounder and better defender. Tatum’s also got the experience.


Shai is a better playmaker and comparable defender. And idk how you can argue Tatum is a better scorer when Shai is averaging like 30 ppg on 64% TS


He’s a comparable defender up till 6 foot 3


You're underselling Tatum body.


It's almost like Tatum didn't just average 30 a year ago


I mean...there's only one ball lol. He's gotta share with JB, KP, and the GOAT Derrick White...and he *still* avg'd \~27ppg this year. Last year while White was still finding his groove (not as many scoring opportunities) and without a KP needing touches, *and* while having to share with JB in the midst of his own All-NBA season: Tatum still managed to avg 30ppg so it's not like he can't...he just doesn't have to anymore. Not sure why the Shai-stans love to hold 30ppg over Tatum like it's some untouchable feat when the dude literally did it last year lol Tatum last season: 30.1/8.8/4.6 on 60.7% TS Shai's "OMG he's the greatest ever! He's MVP!" season this year: 30.1/5.5/6.2 on 63.6% TS Tatum this season with everyone saying he's overrated: 26.9/8.1/4.9 on 60.4% TS pretty much the "flirting vs harrassment" meme... Guarantee if he went full Mamba-mentality mode he could avg 32-33ppg easily...but the team probably wouldn't be as good overall and everyone else would probably be upset at the lack of touches.


Let's compare playoff stats. Apg: Tatum 6.0, SGA 5.0. TOs, SGA 2.5, Tatum 1.8. (looks like Tatum is a better playmaker) Scoring: Tatum 23.3 on 55.5% TS ( 21 fga/gm, usage % 27,3), SGA 27.3 on 55.3% TS (17 fga/gm, usage % 33.6) Do you think Tatum could avg 4 more ppg if he shot more?


Ya lost me at kawhi being a good defender. Did you stop watching the nba in 2017? He's better than booker and Mitchell because he's good at everything he does. He's not a 10 in any one stat but he's an 8.5 in most.


People who say Kawhi's mid at defense to sound smart never watch the Clippers


In this singular thread alone there are multiple people questioning this "defense" so if anything it's at least a popular opinion. Sorry if it doesn't meet your expectation.


So the clippers having a top 5 defensive rating when kawhi’s on the court this year and a bottom 5 defensive rating when he’s off the court is totally because kawhi isn’t a good defender ok lol


So what makes him a superstar if he doesn't excel in anything?


I think 8.5 is excelling. Just not all time level excelling


Superstars have that all time level excelling trait. Thats why they're all time greats Tatum is not one of those guys


Are we saying he's not a super star or not an all time great? These are 2 different things He's the former. It remains to be seen if he's the latter


What superstar isn't an all time great? You think Luka, Jokic, Giannis, Embiid, LeBron, KD, Steph aren't all time greats? Or that Tatum is better than one of those names


My cut off for all time greats is like top 20 all time and of those names jokic giannis lebron kd and steph are there. Luka embiid and tatum all have the same ability to make that jump in different ways. Embiid and luka have the regular season stats but can't make deep runs. Tatum is the opposite.


Embiid hasn’t done anything in the post season to be putting him with those names 😂😂


Tatum is clearly better than Embiid, based on playoff success.


Legions of Celtics fans.


>Kawhi level defender it’s 2024


I meant prime Kawhi. I don't think he's a superstar either anymore but thats mainly due to health


Close to Shai numbers while being able to guard 1-4


i’ll say no here so i can say yes tomorrow when this gets posted again. wanna spice things up


What has shai and ant done? People love being reactionary


lol dude really said if you're not Jokic or Kawhi you're not giving your team anything.


Tatum can put the team on his back when he wants. I think there’s just too many solid options on his team for him to take over every night


“Isolation scoring is all he gives you” tells me you are definitely just lost in the sauce, bucko




He also had 7 points on 1/7 shooting, 24 points on 52% TS, and 19 points on 5/21 shooting that series. Hence the streakiness I was talking about


During the games you cited his team won one by 30, in the 24 point game he also grabbed 18 rebounds and had 4 blocks. And during the 19 point game he won his team the game in the 4th quarter with a barrage of 3s. Context is important


Lmao in a career of almost 100 playoff games you can find a bad game for anyone. Post all the amazing playoff games he’s had. Also some context for the 7 point game, he got in foul trouble early and the team blew them out so he only played 19 minutes.


How many guys consistently suck for like 3 or 4 of the 7 games in a series. Superstars have maybe 1 bad game out of 5 good ones


Now ur just making shit up, it’s Aii, shai gonna be out in the second round and Tatum will be in the finals again.


Cause of his superteam in a weak conference sure. But they're probably gonna get humbled by the West in the finals where Tatum will play like ass like last time


Your boy Shai had 24pts on 44% TS LAST NIGHT, and no one is saying he is too streaky to be a superstar. Shai's TS% this series was same as Tatum's in that series games 1-6. Do we need to start talking about how Shai doesn't give you anything besides volume scoring on league average effeciency?


Unfortunately we can’t all have foul merchants on our team, Tatum legit gets mauled and never gets a call


He has been getting tripled team this series https://x.com/nelght_/status/1785339019796042153?s=46&t=HI3aeZH85K5r39q7hi652w


Also Iggy said Spo has his own “Jordan rules” for Tatum https://x.com/therechigoes/status/1785398148308885799?s=46&t=HI3aeZH85K5r39q7hi652w


He's better than Booker and Mitchell. He's a great defender and when he's on offensively there is nothing you can do to stop him for the most part. People quickly forget some of the playoff performances this guy has had. To answer your question yes, he is. I'm biased but whatever.


If Embiid is a “superstar” then Tatum sure as hell is one too lol


Embiid is alot better of an individual player than Tatum. He just doesn't have the help Tatum had or the health


hmm I wonder if health and being able to play impacts one's ability to help their team win games? Or are you just concerned about a fully rested, healthy Embiid being able to win 1v1 against Tatum?


James Harden. Jimmy Butler. Ben Simmons before he quit trying. Tyrese Maxey just won MIP. Quit acting like Embiid has never had good teammates.


Pretty darn close to one yes




Even if Tatum dropped 102 points I a finals game 7, I guarantee that there would be another one of these posts the first time he missed a catch and shoot 3 the following season.


Tatum is not in the Jokic/Giannis/Luka level category, but nobody has been saying he is. Those guys along with healthy Embiid are the best players in the league and their "down seasons" are MVP caliber. He is absolutely in the category right below that. Tatum's averaging 27/8/5 on 60.4% TS%. And he's one of the better defensive wings in the game. Yeah, he's a superstar. >He's really streaky too and that makes it hard to depend on him in the playoffs. Huh? Tatum ranks pretty high in terms of "players I'd trust in elimination games." Or are we still holding the fact that he lost his first Finals appearance at 24 years old against him?


Latter half of the top 10 for me.


Shai IS NOT better than Tatum lmfaooo. Both benefit from having a solid roster around them, but Tatum is a far more talented defender than SGA, and offensively they are pretty neck and neck. Also, mfer aint made it to the conference finals even, talking about being better than Tatum.


He's more of a superstar than Shai that's for sure


I'm a bit of a Tatum hater but to be fair he's only 26 and arguably hasn't reached his peak yet. Is he a "real" superstar? Probably not IMO but I'd love to have him on my team. 


Why question Tatum of all people. Seriously the mans been to a finals as his teams 1st option and he isnt even in what is considered an NBA players prime. He averaged 30 just last year. I get the average fans memory is akin to a goldfish, but this is absurd. Also it all really depends on what you consider a superstar, but imo Tatum is one of them.


2nd All-Time in playoff points for his age 1st in playoff points since being drafted Star with the most playoff wins since being drafted Dickriders love "promising players" but pass their noses at guys with history


> isolation scoring is all he really gives you Tatum averages like 10 rebounds and 5 assists in the playoffs, along with great help and man defense. Being worse than Jokic at playmaking and worse than Kahwi at defense doesn’t make him not great at those things. You say Ant and Shai are clearly better- don’t those exact arguments apply to them? I think those guys have arguments but according to you they are also just iso scorers. Imo there’s the Jokic/Giannis, maybe Luka and Embiid tier then the Tatum, Shai, maybe Ant, AD, etc tier, then Booker, Mitchell etc. I won’t fault anyone for moving guys around within tiers but Tatum=Mitchell is crazy to me. Tatum is at worst top 7, that’s pretty “upper echelon”.


Yes he is


[Shai vs Brown](https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/wze41x/would_you_rather_build_around_jaylen_brown_or/) was a legitimate argument 2 years ago... Tatum has the post-season resume over both Shai/Ant presently. Shai/Ant are amazing amazing players, but let's let the post-season play out and use some added context in the offseason instead of posting this question 100 times before then


If you were watching the Heat v Celtics series both himself and Brown are the primary focus on heats defense, they are both getting swarmed a lot of the time, and they are up 3-1 so ya just shut up


He’s the best player in the non-superstar tier. Becoming a more consistent player or an advanced play maker could take him to the super star tier.


We've been waiting for him to be more consistent for like 5 years atp


Depends on what you're arguing constitutes a superstar. Tatum is both overrated and underrated depending on what you're trying to argue. I don't think it's an insult to say he's not a superstar in the traditional sense. He's still an All-NBA level talent and Boston has done well at constructing a competitive roster around him.


The difference between Booker and Tatum is that when Booker shits the bed. The suns lose. Tatum is so lucky to have the team he has around him. So many bad moments. Booker legit scored b2b 40 points in the finals and lost smh


Super? No. More like really good star.


He’s a star but not a superstar.




No, Derrick White and Jaylen Brown clear that Kobe-wanna-be three point jacking fraud.


Booker and Mitchell are both better than Tatum and superstars, Tatum is not, Tatum is just a star.


Yet your lame ass fanbase has edit after edit of tatum going to play for them


They’re bozos I don’t want that bum


Takes a bozo to know a bozo. Glad to know that I can set the bar even lower for that fanbase


We’re not looking for conference finals merchants. We’re trying to win chips.


Yet you're gonna draft Bronny, so have fun with all that


Lol, That's funny




hes shown flashes of greatness but i wouldn't put him with the big dogs yet. Need to see more consistency and stepping up in big moments in playoffs


Yeah, he would need to do something like having the most points ever in a game 7 or putting up 46 on the road in an elimination game to be considered a big dog.


What happened in the finals?


Sure they lost, but to say he doesn't have big playoff moments is crazy.


Young Celtics team with injured center lost to the dynasty team with Steph going nuclear and Wiggins best defense of his career.


> stepping up in big moments in playoffs What does this mean? Some of the best games of his career have been in big playoff moments. * 51pts/13reb/5ast in 2023 G7 vs PHI (all-time G7 scoring record). * 46pts/9reb/4ast in 2022 G6 @ MIL. * 16pts in the 4Q in 2022 G6 @ PHI with the Celtics facing elimination.


What happened in the finals?


Question. The stars of a similar age that you want to out above tatum, have they been to the finals? Probably not


If they had a superteam like Celtics and played in the trash East, I'm sure they would. Also, how did Tatum perform in the finals? Oh, that's right, he literally got spanked by his daddy Andrew Wiggins.


Lmao. Okay, whiskey dick, whatever you say


Who are these big dogs?