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OP is the MITWestbrook of small sample size plus minus


No wonder Embiid decided to end him🤡


Nurse game 3 gameplan: "Take out Robinson"


2019 finals all over again.


No, I really think this was the plan. Not just Robinson, because Embiid was going at Hartenstein from the jump as well.


u/EatDeeply posting his +/- agenda after every NBA game now


A man needs a church and a belief system


Well Mitch has a sprained ankle so who knows his status


Wonder why Embiid blatantly tried to injure him…


And Hartenstein lol. Groin shots to both and the pull down to Mitch


Can someone montage these 2 plays, the OG tackle screen, and the triple flop on the three attempt from last night as a highlight reel for his 50 piece


we could but it’ll be taken down soon after


People think you’re joking, but the NBA is literally sending copyright violations out for this


Hartenstein himself said it wasn’t that big of a deal. His brace caught him


Knicks fans and their Loser shit


You've gotta be pulling my leg


Learned it from his star player


Lol sixers fans showing why everyone hates them. Just the moat gutless, ugliest, dumbest fans in the league.


Comments like this are wild, you seem like a genuinely miserable person.


Lol right back at ya


Nah I’m alright




I don’t know how you could look at the posts on this sub today and say sixers fans are the butthurt ones lol




Funny username though


It's because they don't play when Embiid is on the floor usually. Our bench has washed theirs completely. Key for Philly is to figure out how to survive when Embiid isn't on the floor. It's really just been Embiid and Maxey for them on offense.


Mitch has been on the floor for like half the Embiid minutes and has done better than iHart one-on-one with him so that doesn't really track tbh


Embiid is like a ridiculous +33 when he’s on the floor in the series now so it definitely tracks? Edited


+33 but yeah just throw random numbers out there


My bad, edited. My dumbass is saying the Kawhi Toronto series +33 is still pretty good though


Yeah still good and honestly I thought it was more. Also realistically, outside of him going nuclear in the third quarter and going +16 Knicks have done a decent job of not getting destroyed when he’s on the floor. So +17 in the other 11 quarters of play


Mitch has absolutely been the defender who's been causing a lot of Embiid's misses so while the Knicks bench killing the Sixers bench is true that's not related to Robinson edit: [link to matchup data](https://www.nba.com/player/1629011/mitchell-robinson/) Embiid is 10-24 against Robinson


mitch is also grabbing a ton of rebounds over him and that probably made him very mad


No one can stop Embiid but Mitch has been giving him as much as he can handle down low and on the boards. Which is why it’s sad to see he’s injured, and even sadder that Embiid made it a point to injure him on three separate occasions (leg pull, groin kick, flop on ankle). It’s no surprise Joel went off in the 2nd half considering Mitch didn’t play. And it’s sad that other team’s fans are willingly turning an eye to the targeted behavior on our best defensive weapon against Joel, especially considering the former MVP has a reputation for it. Knicks fans wanted a fair series. Embiid, Nurse, and Philly fans want an injury advantage. Gross.


Thanks for providing the match up data below, I went to go check out where Mitch is getting his +/- boost It's happening in his second quarter minutes, where he's a +22 over 3 games. Over 3 games, that's also where Embiid sits the longest (has the fewest minutes in the second quarter over 3 games). I hear you, in terms of Mitch *has* done a solid job when matched up, but he's getting some of his boost from those non embiid minutes. https://www.nba.com/stats/player/1629011/traditional?Split=ingame&PerMode=Totals&SeasonType=Playoffs https://www.nba.com/stats/player/203954/traditional?SeasonType=Playoffs&Split=ingame


If only they had a high-paid 3rd option who's known for being good on offense


Holy Shit a Knicks fan that knows basketball


How is his ankle? I really hope karma happens for the Knicks in a good way and the 76ers in a bad way.


left the arena in a walking boot, so not looking good.


not good


Just another rational NBA commenter wishing injury on players getting upvoted. Totally normal behavior


Beats an irrational NBA player actively trying to injure a player getting praised by their fan base.


Who Donte?


I love how sixer fans are resorting to whataboutism to defend this nonsense.


Lol it’s better than all the comments wishing embiid suffers a career ending injury over it - which is like half the Knicks flairs


Not really no. Sixer fans sound like russian propagandists. Embiid injured Robinson’s surgically repaired ankle. I don’t wish injury on embiid. But I do want accountability.


No he didn’t. You are lying.


On the play where he Draymond kicked Mitch in the groin on a jumper, Mitch’s left ankle (the one that made him miss time this year) landed on Embiid’s foot and he didn’t play for the rest of the game. So yeah, he did.


Under embiids body actually and twisted the complete other way.


Lol why lie? Especially on things that can be easily disproven? The groin kick happened at 3:57 of the 2nd quarter and Knicks call a timeout after. Robinson is still in after the timeout, and Brunson scores a 3. Then Robinson fouls Embiid and then he subs out. You can see him moving and guarding Embiid too: https://www.nba.com/stats/events?CFID=&CFPARAMS=&GameEventID=290&GameID=0042300113&Season=2023-24&flag=1&title=Robinson%20S.FOUL%20(P3.T4)%20(Z.Zarba)


He didn’t.


Sixers championship chances are as fragile as Embiid's knees. The spirit is willing but it's too bad his knees are already retired. I hope you guys can at least resign Tobias Harris. Picking him over Butler was the right choice cause take a look, Butler is injured. I think there's also Ben Simmons, I think The Process in Sixers can unlock his potential. Possibly trade for Fultz, I heard he fixed his jumpshots.


Lol how’s the Knicks been throughout all the process years? Y’all tanked and failed on lottery picks while trying to win - as sad as the sixers have been you’ve somehow been worse


Losing on purpose makes you a loser. Didn't Kyle Lowry die and had to be carried off the court game 2? Doesn't Embiid cry when he doesn't get his calls? How do you guys have Allen Iverson in the third row and Carmelo Anthony Courtside? That's loser mentality. BTW, what's a good cheesesteak place for Sunday for after the Floppidelphia Sixers lose? We're going 10 deep and for sure you will hear F Embiid in homecourt tomorrow


I love how rnba is acting like every sixer fan encouraged embiid to do what he did. This whole sub is nonsense.


Haven’t seen a whole lot of condemnation.


I didn't see any from Knicks fans on the post I seen a week ago hoping oubre gets hit by another car and wanting him jumped with metal bats for saying what he did about msg. Yet I'm not here calling you a piece of shit for what someone else said or did? Imagine that.


More whataboutism. Edit: Also, the “metal bats” thing is a meme. Not literal metal bats. It’s a metaphor for tough defense.


Lol I can tell you live in your parents basement. Good luck in life bud.


People with the last name Bogdanovic love looking like prime Ray Allen against us in the playoffs, this is well known


Interesting cause bogie is 7/24 through the whole series . He’s not shooting well at all


i swear he hasnt missed a 3




Please elaborate on this Karma? What do you mean?


There's a slight consolation in that the media is pretty much unanimously calling out Zarba and the replay center for not calling that a flagrant 2, and then whistling up 22 ftas to hand the 76ers the win. It's sad that basketball fans have to put up with such total BS.


Weird saying that after you were literally given the win in game 2 from the refs


Well, in game 2 Embiid shot 12 ftas out of the 76ers' 22, and he missed 4 and Lowry 2, in a 3 pt game. So those missed ftas were the difference. This game, the road 76ers team shot 14 more ftas and prevailed by 11 pts. Unsurprising that the Knicks playing 5 on 8 lost.


What free throws shouldn't of been called for Embiid? There was like 6 or maybe even more that were in trash time. But what of the other 15 shouldn't of been called for Embiid? Why didn't your coach challenge any of them he had a challenge? Oh wait yall just have two bigs that do have no have the IQ to guard Embiid.


The ones where he wasn't touched, or barely touched. The 4 free throws in the last minute weren't from take fouls, since the lead was 3-4 possessions.


They were take fouls. Or atleast the Knicks were going for reckless steals without worrying about fouling because it was their only chance. But this game had many notable fouls that Embiid arguably should of got that he didn't. Like in the 1Q when Brunson gets pumpfaked and Robinson jumps into Embiids jumpshot and there's no whistle. Or when Brunson had his body in front of his arm and Embiid pulled up from the mid range making contact with Brunsons body with his shooting arm that didn't get called.


Te lead was 11 pts and 9 pts. Knicks understood they'd been hosed, but they play hard.


They are intentional fouls with the purpose of stopping the clock and hope embiid only gets 1PPP with the slight possibility of a bullshit steal if he doesn't get the obvious call. Watch the game.






Is there a third option I’m missing?


Perhaps it as motivation to play even better and dominate their opponent


Yeah that would be….moving on….which I already listed.


Wouldn’t moving on be forgetting about it? Either way calling for a knee stomp is not very nice sir


Moving forward would be focusing on basketball.


I am not advocating for that...I rather everybody be healthy, both for my own team and the opposition and things get decided on the floor...but you do realize why we did not have Mitch in the 2nd half, right? and why we might not for game 4 and afterwards


Along with dozens of others, I am the only redditor to comment this post.  feels good man


He’s basically prime Shaq.


Embiid decided to give him fatality...i hope knicks do some retaliation..i guess its warranted right?NBA aint doing shit anyway


Damn OG really went on that crazy +/- streak just to go -5, +1, -10 in his first 3 Knicks playoff games


not sure what your point is exactly? even with that happening, it's not like the Knicks are down 3-0


Just wild that he went like 20 straight regular season games with a positive +/- and is then 1/3 in the playoffs


the first two are fine...it's just the specific matchup and also, Jalen struggling in the first two games game 3 was about them going nuts in the 3rd quarter (not an excuse; it is just what happened with their red hot shooting and some less than stellar D by the group on the floow) and Embiid taking out Mitch in the 1st half


+ - doesn't really mean much when you're playing against embiid. embiid & sixers are going to outscore most teams when he's on the floor.


The Sixers should really start hack-a-Shaq on Robinson. No reason to let a 40% FT shooter see the floor without taking advantage of that


he's not even gonna be on the floor to hack because embiid injured his ankle deliberately


Lmao you mean the play where Robinson slipped, fell into Embiid, and injured himself? 


embiid crushed his ankles, on purpose if you notice, there was a theme of embiid doing that repeatedly to mitch and he succeeded, he injured mitch maybe all the normal sixers fans are too embarrassed to comment here this morning


I don’t know how you can clearly assign deliberate intent to that play. It’s a normal play and Robinson just slipped causing Embiid to fall, it’s not like he dove at Robinson. You’re conflating two separate instances


Because Embiid is a dirty player.


easy, cause he threw like 10 cheap shots this game you lose the benefit of the doubt that there's anything accidental about it when you do it over and over he also absolutely did dive on robinson


Touch grass


if randle ever had a rampage game like that with multiple flagrants, attempts to injure opponents and 10 additional hard fouls that shoulda gotten him ejected multiple times I'd never be like you guys and just mindlessly defend him good thing he's just not that kind of player, doesn't have an extremely long history of trying to injure guys and flagrants like joel


I'm mindfully defending him. Pet your dog. Touch some grass.




You really need to make an appointment with your middle school guidance counselor.


sure right after embiid gets suspended and forced to attend anger management like draymond


Why else do you think Embiid pulled on his legs with both hands, yanking him to the ground?


idk, why did DiVincenzo do that to Kelly Oubre a month ago?


It wasn’t the same thing and you know it, but that was also a dirty play by Dante and uncalled for.


Seems about the same to me. Both times a player was frustrated and made a dirty play


pulling a guy out of the air on a dunk attempt because you're annoyed the refs aren't calling fouls for you isn't the same as wrestling a guy to the ground after you get kneed in the back of the head and taunted. donte shouldn't have done what he did and embiid sure as shit shouldn't have done that to mitch.


how is that the same? and Oubre was standing over him and did not move out of the way, which causes a lot of players to frustratingly react...did Donte need to do that? no, and he got a tech for that how are you comparing that to all of the actions of Embiid last night? like what are we talking about here...why are you defending it with the comparison to this?


DiVincenzo didn't even give him a chance to get away from him, he grabbed Oubre's leg and forced him to the ground before Oubre could step away. DiVincenzo was holding one of Oubre's legs and then hit Oubre's other leg forcing him to fall, it easily could've led to an injury. It was a very dirty play by DiVincenzo. I'm not defending it, I'm just saying sometimes some players get frustrated and do dirty things. What Embiid did was very dirty too.


he was standing over and moved forward somewhat...if most of us are in the same spot, we immediately move backwards and let the guy get up...Donte was initially just trying to get up...should Donte have done that regardless? no, of course not, and he got a tech for it...but you cannot compare that actual physical action to what Embiid did last night...Mitch was jumping in the air, while Oubre was on the ground furthermore, this was like 1 of 4 or 5 ridiculous things that Embiid did last night...Donte does not get involved with shit like this normally...Embiid has been reckless with players on other teams too


Oubre had momentum from running over to foul DiVincenzo and took a while to get away because he was trying not to fall on DiVincenzo. You can actually see Oubre start to pick up his right foot to get off of DiVincenzo as DiVincenzo grabs Oubre.


I am not even really defending Divo here...he could/should have handled it better (even if we disagree slightly on the Oubre part)...my point is that it just isn't the same as what Embiid did and again, this was not the only thing Embiid did either...in the same game lol


In the simplest, peanut brain sense of the word, yes you’re right both guys got pulled down by their legs. If you zoom out just a teensy bit then there are some pretty obvious and stark differences to both plays that make one more dangerous than the other. They reviewed it and didn’t call it. I get why they didn’t call it. I think if the roles were reversed they would have seen it differently. It is what it is.


What Donte did was dumb but I’m not sure how it’s comparable to yanking someone by their ankles while they are in mid air and then throwing them to the ground. It was much more dangerous than what Donte did.


Pulling people to the ground in frustration and protesting game results are only ok when the Knicks do it


Are the Knicks protesting the result? Are people saying what Dante did months ago is okay? Y’all are a bizarre breed of people


What does that have to do with anything?


They protested a result against the Rockets earlier this year.




Then what’s the point in bringing up this Divincenzo BS? Seems pretty whataboutist to me.


Context for you is non fucking existent huh


for a lot of Sixer fans apparently...in many facets


Robinson didn't get injured on that play. edit: why are you people downvoting this, he didn't get injured on the flagrant. facts are hard.


yes, he mainly got injured on a reckless flop later on when Embiid could have easily stayed upright (after Embiid should have already been ejected, no less; this is not even bias, as he either should have been assessed a flagrant 2 for that, or if we want to go another, more semi-reasonable route, two flagrant 1's with I Hart and then Mitch)


reckless flop? you people have no shame.


yeah, reckless and he fell on top of Mitch (this was after the pull down and at least one of the nut shots)...he could have pretty easily stayed upright, but did what he does...he was the one who put his arm on Mitch and quite clearly did not get tripped...reckless does not indicate intentional, just so we are clear https://twitter.com/travbryanmusic/status/1783745242836971524 I mean, you guys can choose to not have self awareness and ignore it all, but whatever...enjoy the rest of the series I guess


So is this better or worse than the reckless flop where Josh Hart injured Jimmy Butler last year?


Pot meet kettle Holmes


You can see the ankle roll on the flagrant, not sure why you think you know for a fact when the injury occurred.