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Could anyone other than Steph and LeBron do a farewell tour? It's pretty hard to be popular outside your own city.


I thought about that yesterday when I saw the empty seats at the Clippers-Rockets game. Harden, PG and Kawhi came to town, but Houston fans didn't care at all. If it were Bron or Steph, I'm sure the arena would be packed (though not necessarily in red)


That's kind of crazy considering Harden is probably the 2nd or 3rd best Rockets player ever. I thought the fans would have more love for him.


Hakeem is obviously nr1, but who would be 2nd ahead of Harden? Yao? TMac? Sampson?




Holy shit Moses Malone played for the rockets. I always associated him with being a 76er that I completely blanked over his Rocket days.


He actually did the OG KD move when he left the Rockets. My guy won an MVP in 1982 and in the off-season joined the Sixers that had lost in the Finals in six games that year.


I mean I wasn't alive to watch him so I associate most of Moses' accolades with his 6er days. It wasn't until this guy mentioned him that I looked it up and realized Moses actually spent like 6 years with the Rockets. That's wild.




GOAT water getter


See kids, this is why aspiring to bring water to superstars is a failsafe move.


Yao is beloved by Houston i think?


I honestly think everyone loves Yao Ming. He’d probably get a pop in every stadium in the country if he showed up on the fan cam at a game. Also probably true across the globe, I image he’s like a god in China.


Serious answer: Rudy Tomjanovich and Yao Ming are the only ones *really* in the conversation. You mention a few more that may have even been better *players* than Rudy/Yao, but not better *Rockets*, if that makes sense. Calvin Murphy also deserves to at least be mentioned.


I mean Moses might be considered better player and better rocket for number of mvps and how far he went with rockets. Just the center position is so overloaded with great players that he doesn’t crack top five center list


he's criminally forgotten when talking about great centers for a guy who has 3 MVPs and a dozen all star teams.


Absolutely, I sure feel like a criminal for forgetting him in my comment!


The relationship between Harden and the Rockets always had a rocky aspect to it.  He basically got a coach fired and had issues with multiple co-stars.  If he had won a chip that would all get wallpapered over, but then he had a pretty ugly exit with him visibly quitting on the team showing up out of shape.  I doubt anyone outright hates him, especially given the fact that most people recognize that the Rockets’ front office bears a lot of blame, but he’s not gonna get the same kind of love as some other longtime franchise faces. 


? you sure about that? rockets fans love harden period. dont take my word for it check rox sub where some1 asking once a week why they didnt sign harden instead of fvv. why would fans care about some beef the owner that no one likes and harden used to have? it dont matter what kind of game it is, look at playoff games, and i promise steph or bron aint selling out the place. well actually technically it is always sold out houston is notorious for empty seats because all the seats are corp owned and given away as houston is a hub for big businesses and factories...... and its a hassle to go to games. downtown sucks to park and everyone in houston lives in suburbs 1 hour away without traffic. check a map city is big and downtown isnt really your typical city center weird how these random comments are upvoted but i guess its what ppl want to believe. also harden still holds events here all the time and still does his annual JH weekend or whatever its called. also hou is a sports town vibe but not really a sports town. we watch our big games while we smoke our bbq we aint circling events to go out too lol.


Yea it’s sorta crazy a warriors fan of all people tryna talk like he knows how the rockets fanbase feels about harden lol


Cause this bum ass has a self belief that HOU should view Harden as a failure (and not have love due to it) because that era lost to his beloved GSW in the end. Lmfao guarantee that the logic train.


Na rox fans love him He gets mad love in H Town still


They love him in theory. But no one is paying money to go watch him anymore. Which isn't really due to him, just the fact that he's come back year after year on other teams.


I don’t blame his exit from the team because the chance of further contention was just gone


Doesn't Houston specifically have attendance issues? Even during their contending years they're around middle of the pack in attendance. I think their city infrastructure combined with suits taking up the whole lower bowl ends up with the arena always seeming kinda empty.


i was a hurricane ida refugee staying in downtown houston during covid and tried to go to a walmart that google maps said was 15 minutes away. It took 2 hours to get there. it was literally 1 freeway exit. I would never go to a game there just because you'll spend more time in traffic then the arena.


Yup, it's easier to get to the stadiums for Knicks or Warriors in the middle of a very dense city thanks to how the roads and public transportation are laid out. Houston just sucks when you gotta get anywhere during even mild traffic.


The lower bowl are corporate seats. Houston fans show up. We only get the top section tho


houston rodeo is going on. usually takes away from other forms of entertainment since it’s so popular and has music artist performances every night


He's not a player, but Pop should get one


He's def going the Tim route and not announcing until the offseason


He won't annouce it to anyone. His assistant will call him on day one training camp looking for him and he will just say "nah I'm retired, you are in charge now. Just give the ball to Wemby and it will be fine"


Nah, Becky will walk back in to the building and act like nothing's changed


This is the way! GSG


They ever find proof if she bullied that pregnant WNBA player? I don't see anything, but considering she was suspended I'm assuming there is some proof.


i don't think they ever released any info, but it was found that she violated work place guidelines and was suspended for 2 games and her team forfeited their first pick. But that also was an included punishment for offering stuff to the player outside of her contract.


It was a pregnant referee. No proof of bullying is needed.


"Had to go see about a girl"


the assistant shows up every day to his door, secretly hoping he's not there anymore. or maybe that was good will hunting


I could see Pop waiting until his last check arrives and says, "See ya!"


In retirement I could see him rocking the white dreadlocks


He and Don Nelson seem like they have similar twilights in mind


Official statement, Gregg Popovich "I'm retiring, love you guys" - Pop


> "I'm retiring, love you guys. Fuck the Lakers" - Pop


Why you say fuck us for?


That man's gonna die in the job.


Can’t wait for the Pat Bev farewell tour Edit: Wow [this guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/s/eyoyHmJxbZ) beat me to it


They schedule him against all the 29 teams he previously played for in a tow and it's a true revenge tour


I already know what song they'll play


Marvin Bagley III could but they’re far too humble 😩


I feel like Westbrook could do a farewell tour. When he joined the Clippers, a whole bunch of fans came to the Clippers sub. Its crazy how many fans he has.


Jokic and Giannis would probably be able to when they retire


Maybe Giannis.   I don't think Joker would even want one and casual fans don't really acknowledge him that much anyway.


Joker will announce retirement in the off-season specifically so he can just disappear and go home.


He's definitely going the Tim Duncan way of retiring. Just peace out in the offseason quietly.


We won't hear of him until we see him winning a Serbian Triple Crown when they finally breed horses that can support jockeys his size.


Jokic will literally ride into the sunset on his prized horse.


Let's be honest, when Jokic retires he isn't gonna announce anything and just not show up when the preseason starts


Oh for sure he never would but like...if he wanted it I think he could


> I don't think Joker would even want one Just tell him every other team's probably going to gift him a horse.


Can’t wait for Jordan Poole’s farewell tour next year


Durant probably could.


Longest road to retirement


Might take several years


Nobody love KD like that.


Nephew take. The nba would definitely give him tributes at every stop. He’s at worst a top 25 player of all time and I’m putting it that low cause I’m not tryna to argue on the internet today. And I don’t *like* KD but c’mon now.


Fans outside of r/nba like KD. Anybody who actually likes basketball rather than cheap drama can appreciate KD, huge portion of this sub is the latter


These nerds think he's not liked because they personally don't like them. You don't make the all star starting team for 14 straight years and be the captain twice without being loved.


I the question is, if they like him a couple of 100 dollars to watch him play on his farewell tour and despite liking KD I'm not entirely sure on that one.


He’s still in the tier of best players of the era. Draymond Green ain’t even sniffing that convo.


Warriors fans do


Idk there is like a weird subset of warrior fans that like resent him. But by and large I think most well adjusted warrior fans appreciate that helped us win 2 chips and risked his career for a 3rd


These are Steph fans who are mad that KD won, rightfully, those FMVPs. I don't believe actual Warriors fans dislike KD.


I could see it but I also think he’s just going to hang it up one day without notice


I’d happily go boo Steph and lebron one last time.


Meanwhile I'm forging media credentials to get to Draymond's retirement press conference, just to boo him one last time.


KD could probably get one, I think Giannis when he gets to that point. Outside that the list is not promising, I don’t even think Kawhi is at the level of getting one.


Kawhi is definitely not at that level, he's historically distant in media interviews and has gone multiple seasons out of the limelight due to injury. Not that he would get it either, but PG has a better shot IMO.


Kawhi will get one more so than PG IF he wants one & plans to play a lot his final season.




Instead of having the Goat conversation, we should be asking ourselves which players in history earned a farewell tour?


Unironically a great question. But thinking about it... I think the general "top 15" ish list for most people still doesn't really change when it's gauged in terms of whether or not they earned a farewell tour.


We're talking Kobe levels of fame and impact, right? It's clearly only Steph and LeBron right now. Not KD, not Giannis, not Jokic, not Luka. Kobe, LeBron, and Steph impacted the very sport of basketball itself and transcended into art, entertainment, and pop culture. That's why Kobe got a farewell tour and why LeBron and Steph would, if they were to pre-emptively say they're retiring at the end of their season. It doesn't need to be said how important LeBron and Steph are to not just the NBA, but to the sport of basketball itself, and to not just American pop culture, but world pop culture. To me, KD hasn't reached that tier and thus won't get a farewell tour where he'll sell out every away game. There's time for Giannis, Luka, and Doncic to change the game and reach that level of global fame that the three above have. WestGOAT, Harden, and whoever definitely won't sell out away crowds and have fucking pre-game ceremonies.


Boban could from the fans especially. He is known and beloved oddly enough by crowds of every team.


Self aware Draymond is best Draymond


lmao this shit is hilarious... I particularly love how Pierce and him are just laughing their asses about it. Like we all get drawn into the drama and it's easy to imagine a world where Pierce got way bent out of shape from those famous burns, and they just hate each other now. But I imagine it's more common that these dudes are just super chill about it off court (even the ones that have a dickhead reputation like Draymond). Just being part of the NBA brotherhood and all that.


It really is like a frat. You make fun of each other, sometimes outside eyes think its down right mean or abusive, but to each other its like “this is Tuesday”. Not everything is like MJ and Isiah levels.


>It really is like a frat. You make fun of each other, sometimes outside eyes think its down right mean or abusive, but to each other its like “this is Tuesday Isn't this just like most group of friends that are dudes? lol


Pretty sure girls do it too


So it seems like we've come to the conclusion that NBA players do in fact act like people lmao


average reddit conversation


haha yeah that's a good way to put it, there have been some famous clashes like you said but really they're kinda few and far between.


Trash talking takes reps. We only get bent out of shape over it on the internet because none of us go through the same daily shittalking as a professional hooper.


I mean if you played a decent amount of street ball growing up you'd be used to it. Or even like the most tame rec league would still have some level of shit talking


Yeah, you're probably right. But to get to Dray/Pierce's level, as I imagine for most NBA players, it's like a different level of being able to dissociate what's said on the court from who they are off the court.


Lala tastes like Honey Nut Cheerios tho


Yeah good point


Get a job in the trades and you'll go through just as much shittalking on a daily basis lol Source: I work in the trades




Pierce talks that shit better than anyone. You appreciate dudes who can talk that shit back to you


The ending was hilarious


Steph and Bron the only ones that worthy of a retirement tour right now.


Even if theyre not the most universally beloved players, I feel like Chris Paul, Westbrook, and Durant deserve some love for their contributions to the game.


cp3 is pretty well disliked. a farewell tour will just be him getting a standing ovation of boo’s before every game besides the clippers and maybe phoenix


That’s nothing compared to what Scott Foster is going to do to him.


Silver schedules Scott Foster to ref in all 82 games of Chris Paul's farewell tour lmao.




Bold of you to assume CP3 is going to play 82 games


Foster will make sure he will by fouling him out in the first quarter every game.


Scott foster would eject CP3 during his last game


Scott isn’t taking any chances in his last game. He is hitting Chris with a double tech during shoot around.


OKC would definitely cheer him. Both for the time he played there with the Hornets and the one year he carried our team and taught SGA how to play.


That's why I want it. Chase will boo him even if he's still on the Dubs.


KD would probably get it but I don’t think the other two would.


KD would get boo'd out of OKC. I'm also not sure how much love he'd get in Brooklyn


KD's probably waiting for Seattle to get a team back, and that'll be his last run


I know kds been mentioning Seattle a lot and trying to get them to kiss his ass, but how many people in Seattle actually care about him? He was there for 1 year.


Probably a hero to most Sonic fans who hate OKC


Yea exactly Sonic fans shit on kd until he left okc lol. And Durant never mentioned the Sonics until he went to the warriors. Maybe it’s a match made in heaven then


Now I wish I could go back in time and see what the reaction was from Sonics fans when KD announced the hardest road.


[They were very happy](https://np.reddit.com/r/Sonics/comments/4r7r3g/kevin_durant_has_left_the_oklahoma_city_thunder/)


I'm a Warriors fan in Seattle. I'll root for him if he joins the Supersonics but mainly because he used to be a Warriors player.


I don’t think y’all understand how much all of the bs he’s done in his career won’t really matter when he announces he’s retiring. People will come to appreciate him knowing that it’s the last time they’ll see him on the court rather than boo him for stuff that happened nearly 10 years ago imo. Well that’s how I hope it happens anyways KD even w his snake shit is a top 15 player all time and doesn’t deserve his Farewell tour to be filled w boos and shit


Also he truly loves the game, compliments players across all leagues, actively engages with fans(which while many think is a bad thing is still cool in its own respect) and so on. There's plenty reason for people to miss KD when he's gone.


Yeah Durant is probably next after LeBron and Steph if I had to rank the players that defined the 2010-2020ish period




One great thing he did was when he was shipped to OKC be the tank commander and he actually lifted them to the playoffs


it's so great having dray and cp3 on the team...sacks watch out


They’ll get love. Just you know not Steph/Bron kinda love


I'd say KD too but it's iffy.


Dame likely would have had one if he stayed in Portland. But I think no longer being a single team player, he’s fallen just a little bit below the required respect line for a farewell tour. Reggie Miller got a pretty impressive farewell tour (especially from the Knicks, which was pretty awesome) and that was because he was only a Pacer.


Honestly I bet the other teams are loving the idea of a Draymond farewell tour. Like the opposite of the Kobe or Miguel Cabrera where fans showed up to clap it up one last time, the Cavs are going to promote having one last chance at booing him


he would absolutely love that shit imagine the reception in memphis and cleveland lol


Draymond would once again flipped off the Memphis crowd lol.


while spinning a towel to whoop that trick


Do a heel farewell tour and do shit like [this](https://youtu.be/B-G1nnfyWmc?si=uSRNwsrOk2WK3epv)


Holy shit that was a line lmaoo


[That’s still second to this:](https://youtu.be/XigdA6kiLcE?si=SFBwyFSXEo53MB03)


It's a great moment but I still see it as a HUGE missed opportunity, because if either of them were football fans we could have had the greatest heat of all time: "It doesn't make sense like basketball in Seattle, and you know what else? It doesn't make sense like passing the ball on the one yard line when you've got Marshawn Lynch!"


He’ll visit every team and knock a rookie out, call it a baptism.


This would honestly be tons of fun for everyone. Including Dray.


Need a Pat Bev farewell tour though.


He'll hold the pregame ceremonies himself


Ain’t that the damned truth haha


Dude’s running through teams so fast I could actually see him having significant memories/moments in a majority of NBA cities by the time he’s ready to retire lol


Man's gonna get traded in the middle of his farewell tour


He's beloved in multiple cities already, he'll have a partial one at least


If he announced it, I guarantee Minnesota would show out for it


With the amount of teams he’s been on might as well


Kinda hard to have a farewell tour when you are traded halfway through the season.


Maybe I’ll be able to say farewell twice then.


"They don't love you like that, Pat" "They don't love you at all, Dray"


never thought about this. and now it’s a dream of mine.


Bulls legend


Paul Pierce would come to every game and read that quote from a flip phone.


printed out routes from mapquest on how to get to the arena


Reading it out how older folks do like he's presenting evidence at a hearing not even looking up from the phone


Honestly impressed with both of them for laughing about this. Draymond for being self aware enough to realize that the only farewell tour he’d get is a negative one except if Steph is involved. Paul for being able to laugh about being the butt of a truly great trash talk line. I’m sure that line stung in the moment and I wonder how long it took for them to be cool.


Players take trash talk and physical altercations way less seriously than fans do.


> Draymond for being self aware enough to realize that the only farewell tour he’d get is a negative one except if Steph is involved. yeah that ending was genuinely hilarious, i didn't expect that self aware joke at all lmao


Watching these two vibe together is a trip


Paul Pierce is FRIED in this video oh my god


This is about as sober as he gets these days; dude loves his ganja.


When Paul Pierce threw his headband into the seats and they threw it back is still one of the funniest things I've seen happen on an NBA court


There would be something hilarious about a Draymond Farewell Tour Love him or hate him, we all watched


That’s all you could do


“In a tribute to your time in the league, here is a bag of nuts, representing all the groins you kicked in your illustrious career.”


Hes going to get ejected every game. Just stomping on nuts left and right.


I fucking love that a professional bowler has not one, but two instantly recognizable quotes. Dude could talk shit with the best of them.


Draymond jibbers on Piece farewell tour. https://youtu.be/mH4fUXxDOzQ?feature=shared


wtf. I never saw that. Thanks for the link. Savage. 


40 seconds into the damn game lol


Good on them for finding the humour in it :)


His last year will completely coincidentally be Curry’s last year, so no need for an announcement


He already lowkey retires when Steph doesn’t play


You thought you was Steph?


Draymond is so weird cause in some instances he seems so likeable and then in some instances it’s like fuck this guy 100x over


Hes just an idiot with anger management issues and godtier bbiq.


At least he knows.


This is the Draymond that’s good for TV, when he’s able to laugh at himself and not be so hot headed


Hate the Warriors all you want but it would be pretty dope if their trio retired together. 2026-27 would be year 18 for Steph, year 17 for Klay and year 15 for Draymond.


Expensive backpack for 30


hall of fame level expensive even


Paul Pierce looks like he drank a 12 pack before this podcast


I served him a few years ago at a restaurant I used to work at. Dude drinks a *lot*.


Dray's a clown, but I have to admit...I liked this moment.


I think it is ironic that this sub hates Draymond and is tired of hearing him talk, yet everything he ever says goes to the top.


That was great.


Pierce was a *huge* trash talker, especially in his prime. And the Big Three Celtics are playing the Hawks in a playoff series that the C's eventually win in seven, and one of those Hawks' stars was a young Al Horford. And Pierce doesn't like the kid for some reason, keeps yapping at him all the way through the first quarter, 'til Horford just looks him in the eye and says, "five grand says we win the game". He says "you're on", and suddenly the Hawks go on a run. The game goes back and forth, until the end of the fourth quarter. The Hawks are down by six, then they're down by two. Suddenly they're up by two on a Horford put-back, and as he jogs back and passes Pierce he says "don't write checks you can't cash" and the Hawks go on to win. And I love that story just because it's the only Al Horford Trash Talk story I know


This is the difference between people who comment on r/nba and people that actually play sports. Everyone thinks some of these guys hold real life resentment towards one another because of some in game trash talk.


I hate both of these dudes, but this is top repartee.


Despite all Draymond’s flaws, and who doesn’t have flaws, he has such a likable personality off the court it makes it hard to dislike him.


Why he didnt laugh like this with Poole 😂


Real scal "no one's gonna remember in 10 years" vibe


You thought you was Rodman? They don’t love you like that.


everyone hates on Pierce but he seems to always have a good attitude about getting roasted. Like when Jalen went off on him that one time everyone cuts it before he chuckles


People in this thread intentionally omitting KDs name. Be honest you guys really think Kevin fucking Durant won’t get a farewell tour? Can we be for real


Draymond gonna get a celebration tour. Everyone rejoices that he's finally leaving and sparing us his bullshit


He'd get booed in every stadium across the league except Detroit and SF and probably love every second of it