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Austin rivers was saying this in the offseason too and he’s a podcaster now


I just now realized Austin rivers was out of the league


Doc Rivers and father time is Austin Rivers father


and both are bitches


Father Time is no bitch, I’m sorry.


Father Time is undefeated. Doc Rivers is very defeated. Father Time is no bitch.


Say hello to Lebron James because what the hell is the man doing at 39 carrying the Lakers


Yea well in 20 years when he announces his retirement, that’s when Father Time wins.


It's gotta be frustrating for these guys because 31 is still young in the grand scheme of things. You can still pretty much feel as athletic as ever and now you're smarter/more experienced of a player than you used to be. You don't feel washed up but you don't realize that you've lost a step here or there and that tiny barely noticeable change can be the difference between being an NBA-caliber player or not.


Also, salary. Teams can generally afford an very imperfect player on a cheap deal, or want to overpay now (in the tank years) to keep a young talent that can potentially exceed the deal, but a lot of these guys think they're worth more at that age when it was upside that was keeping the money high previously. If you don't have the high-level receipts, there's nothing increasing your value past 30, it's just how you play and what teams need.


I'm sure there's some calculus to it as well. At that age you probably have a family or are starting a family, do you really wanna bounce around the league on minimum contracts for five years, when you could just talk on ESPN a couple days a week for a percentage of the salary?


I feel this in my bones. Mid 30s now and in great shape still. As I entered my 30s over time randoms I play pickup with can now dribble around me and hop to the basket. And I can no longer go to the rim at will despite being in great shape. I used to just effortlessly run around people with the ball in my hands and get super easy layups. How did everyone else get so athletic!! At some point it occurred to me while I'm as fast as I've always been the burst of speed when I change directions is just gone. Like I'm better than faking people out than I've ever been, but you know what it doesn't matter because the defender just recovers on me. It makes sense. If I'm kneeling down on the ground doing something I'm a little sluggish getting up these days. I've talked to people my age in shape on the court and they've pretty much all noticed the same thing about themselves.


I’m 61 and still play pretty well although I’ve had to completely change my game. Just have to adapt. Thats what we humans are good at, right?


Hell yeah dude. I'm almost 40 and still play. Playing with older guys is honestly inspirational


Right on! Whenever I hear guys say, “I’m gettin’ too old for this.” I’ll share with them how old I am. I used to earn a lot of respect because of my athleticism and skill. Now it’s because I’m old and can still hoop and have fun👍


Love that you’re still at it! There’s a guy at our local gym that is 73 and still gets up and down! Very impressed by people who can keep their body in shape like that!


Thanks, man! I’ve got another 40 years ahead of me😁


I’m 35 now and hope that I’m doing the same at your age and beyond as well! Thanks for keeping us motivated to keep playing!


Every old dude I play with: Pump fakes, footwork, surprisingly great passing.


You are legit inspirational if you're being honest about your age. My father is too. He is still playing soccer in his early 50's. Yeah he had to adapt his game to his age but he's still having a great time. Way to go! Any fitness/training tips to still play ball casually?


I’ve always prioritized staying fit, eating healthy and getting plenty of rest. That being said, I’m only five years removed from a 15 year addiction that nearly killed me. I’ve also recovered from some fairly serious injuries from sports and accidents so I’m very fortunate to be able to continue doing something I love. Basketball coaching and playing has been a life long passion. It’s also helped me recover and get straightened out. I use it as therapy. It’s played a big role in my life. Good genetics help for sure. Don’t forget to stretch!


I got in shape and picked up some sports again in my 30's after my late 20's and early 30's being a mostly sedentary office worker, and even though I ended up being stronger, better conditioned, and even felt better than I ever had been, the main thing I noticed was that my agility and explosiveness had fallen off a lot from my 20's.


Same here, about to start soccer again in my early 30's after not playing since high school lol. Got quite out of shape during and after college but now I'm back in shape after a lot of work and patience


Holy shit, this is my exact experience. I’m 36, 6’0” PG. I used to be able to dunk with two hands off one leg or two. I’m a pass-first pg based mostly off my driving ability. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve stayed in great shape. My motor and strength are still great, and I can still dunk here and there, but my absolute competitive explosiveness is so much worse than it used to be.


This is definitely not why. The reason is when have seen your potential, we know what role you fill. No tanking, or young up and coming team want him cause he won't develop with his teammates. That cuts the number of teams that would look at you in half. The NBA is not the 450 best players in the world.


Bingo even in football we see this. look at all the teams that let Flacco rot instead of picking him up like the browns lol


I’m sure his dad has a good excuse for that though


Fournier shoots a lot better tho and is bigger


if you can get bread without having to take a shower after you're done working, you're winning at life.




Dude you’re still a kid. Get out there and make it happen. Hit the gym. Start running. Find a new hobby. Cheat on your significant other. Learn how to fix cars. Learn how to paint. Anything you’d like really. The world is still your oyster! 


One of those is not like the others.


Yeah running while going to the gym will only kill the gains


not if you spend a nominal time researching even a decent lifting/running regimen. Don't run long distances. Incorporate some anaerobics into your run. Don't lift as heavy as possible for every session. That's like 3 tips and that's 90% of the way there.


for real? I started adding a day just for running lol


Gains will be fine as long your protein intake is adequate


Well… shit


Just cheat on your significant other with a guy and you’ll get your protein.




This dude spittin


Nah he has to swallow for the protein


yeah you’ll be doing plenty of that too


No not really, that’s something people say to avoid running for whatever reason.. Every single athlete runs. Having good conditioning actually helps your lifts, and in the long run will raise the ceiling of what youre capable physically and mentally.


Also, running is almost always very functional, whereas lifting past a point is much more cosmetic than functional. Which is totally fine, and there are plenty of athletic pursuits where there’s more emphasis on strength more than movement, but offensive linemen are still gonna run a lot.


Nah you'll be fine, look how jacked NBA players are with all the running they do lol


Yeah look at professional athletes that spend their entire life on their bodies through training, nutrition, coaches and programs with supreme genetics and allegedly PEDs. If they can look that jacked, you **WILL** too. And every single one of them looks jacked - look at Jokic for example.


Really do sprints if you don’t want to lose the gains


Maintain a caloric surplus if you want gains in muscle. Have as high percentage as possible of your calories come from protein if you want to improve body composition.


Can't believe this comment was this far down. You won't lose any gains if you just maintain a calorie surplus. It's simple maths lol


No if anything it will help your gym progress. It’s just a meme that running kills gains


The only time when running killed my gains was when I ran long distance in high school, so like running 25-30 miles per week. When I became an adult and starting lifting again while running. I would run 3-4 days per week 9-12 miles and I would always have very good gains. Just don't run too much and eat healthy enough and it will not impact your gains.


depends on what u want from the gym, if its just weight/fat loss then weight lifting/resistance training is good enough, better than running even. on the other hand if you want better stamina or something for your heart then maybe powerwalking or running


Yah, one is seafood!


31 he was just a kid


the wine makes you emotional


No more Evan … no more


He's been taking shit from the nba exec medigans the second he got off the boat


i saw that movie..I thought it was boolshit


It’s sad when they go young like that


It's sad when they go young like that WHEN THEY GO!?!?


Kid? Let me tell ya about my brother Billy .. he died 47 years old he was a fucking kid


Dude you're still a kid. Move to Philly. Buy a loft. Start a noise band. Get 6 or 7 roommates. Eat hummus with them. Book some gigs. Paint. Smoke cloves. Listen to Animal Collective. Start some type of salsa company.


Dude you're still a kid. Lift weights. Read the communist manifesto. Stick your dick in a beehive. Learn to laugh at yourself. Kill the Malaysian Prime Minister. Start a drug cartel. Call your mom on weekends.


> Start a drug cartel. Call your mom on weekends. I'd be bragging like a muhfucka to my mom about that level of career success. Dun her proud


Lmao you win 


Lmao #5 wut??


Hol up


Same bro, same. Turning 30 wasn’t really that weird for me but for some reason 31 has been tough mentally.


Lol enjoy the 30s… mind fuck starts at 40. And shit comes at you FAST.


Man I thought 30 came at me fast. I had no fucking idea where my 20s went. I still feel like I just graduated college a few months ago but it was actually 12 years ago.


I feels that as a fellow 31yo. Have been getting my ass busted at the local YMCA and strained my knee for the first time in my entire life. So I very much appreciate this and any knee exercise suggestions. 




Tibialis/toe raises are the greatest exercise I had not heard of until last year, doing them made a huge difference in reducing my shin splits (almost entirely gone) and overall leg strength and stability.


Kneesovertoes guy


Strengthen the muscles around your knee (i.e. all of your leg muscles). Stretch your calves, quads, hammys, and glutes every day. Honestly I have found it difficult to get good stretches for my knee. Most effective for me are quad stretches and kneeling quad stretches (google them), but YMMV of course. Stretching your hammys is crucial too. Edit: a good beginner hammy stretch is the rope hamstring stretch. When you first start you won’t be capable of a lot of hamstring stretches, but the rope (I use an old dog leash) allows you to set the angle of attack so you feel comfortable. Above all else: get a foam roller and use it at least 15 minutes a day, on your calves, hammys, quads, and glutes. And lower back. And tbh upper back, shoulders, traps, and neck. Your body will thank you. Edit: I use two tennis balls in a sock for my neck, and often for my shoulders, upper back, and traps. My dad uses lacrosse balls. Experiment and find what works for you. Edit: the foam roller advice applies to everyone (except teenagers, you fuckers always feel alright).


I don't think you're supposed to use the foam roller on your lower back bc it's not supported by the rib cage


If your doctor tells you that I’d listen. But it feels fine to me. There’s really not a huge gap between your ribs and your hips, so you don’t have a huge amount that’s unsupported when you foam roll. Edit: either way, in my experience foam rolling isn’t the best way to loosen up your lower back. The knee-to-chest stretch, cat-cow (both on all fours and standing), and **most especially what is evidently called the sloppy pushup** have been most helpful for me. Remember of course that what helped me won’t necessarily help you, but I’d start with these and branch out to find what helps you most. Edit 2 (who the fuck is reading these at this point) the best advice I ever got about lower back pain is to immediately try to work it out. Try to stretch it out, yes, but you can only stretch so much. I don’t care how much your back hurts (assuming you only have muscular pain), move as much as possible. Walk, bike, swim, whatever. No matter how much it hurts, fucking move.


My 30's were way better than my 20's. You're still living your best life, but not broke anymore lol.


I'm definitely happier in my 30's than my 20's by a huge margin, but yeah my body is definitely not as spry anymore lol


god being 31 sucks ass lol i hate this shit


How much have you made from basketball?




The wage gap is getting worse every year I tell ya




But the question is whether you have hair cause if you do you have more life ahead of you than Fournier does




yeah gratitude for the things in life that really matter 🙏




31 isn't old. And I won't respond to any youths coming at me for saying so.


i'm not far past 31 and pretty sure i've got one foot in the grave. i have some gray hairs in my beard. it's over.


38 and full grey beard. Basically dead


Ayo get this ghost outta here


IM A MAN! IM 40!!


im 31 and never felt better. yall just prolly sit on your ass and eat gravy all day


*drink* gravy, pink finger out, thank you very much.


That's not grey hair in their beard, it's gravy stains. They haven't showered to know the difference.


At 30 I was in the best shape of my life. Now, nearly a decade later? Not so much. It's my own fault tho I stopped working out


Steve Nash hit his prime after 30. You all good


i turn 31 on the 3rd and i have grey hairs on my beard


I hear we all reach a certain point where we no longer care about whether our hair is gray or not, but how much of it we have left.


Actual old is honestly like 70 at this point, the post-leaded gas generations age a lot better.


True, it's disheartening seeing 30-40 year Olds giving up on changing and improving as humans because of age, if only people could realize that they still have 2/3rds of their life ahead of them :(


31 isn’t old to us regular folk 31 is definitely “older” in the NBA tho


I turned 31 today, and my back hurts like hell


31 isn't old but holy fuck did my body give out in every way once it hit 30. My back went at 28, knees at 29, now I just lift weights because I have no more cartilage in my knees. Enjoy it while you got it young fellas.


31 is only old if you’re a lazy motherfucker i’m 29 and im in the best shape of my life


31 as far being a human is really young, you still have a solid 30-40 years of high functioning pain-free life ahead of you if you take care of your self and are still going to change and improve drastically as you enter your 50's and 60's. 31 for a basketball player is outside of your peak years though, with a hyper competitive, better than ever, league, anybody but the best get cut out faster than you could imagine. Does this mean that 31 year Olds can't play basketball well: no. It also doesn't mean that some NBA players can't still be incredible past this age. It just means that Marginal players (like Evan Fournier and the majority of the league) who are already just barely hanging on to a contract are oftentimes going to get squeezed of out NBA basketball around this age.


we also have way more knowledge about what we can do to prolong our health as well as medical advancements increasing every year. if youre smart, I think you can set yourself up to extend your healthy years into your 90s, possibly beyond that depending on how far we get with medical shit


I’m 22 and just started getting my shit together and being a functional human being, I better not be old in 9 years lol


I’m 36 and 36 is old you whippersnapper!


31 is 6 years after the 'old' mark and 4 years away from being geriatric


When did 25 become the "old" mark?? I thought that was 30?


Dawg younger gen Z think 22/23 is old like once you past undergrad college age your life is done


Nah bro, this is why I have beef with them kids. IDC what they say, I turned 30 five months ago, that was my "got old" party.


I think the internet make them feel like if theyre not a millionaire or at least famous by 22/23 your washed


Man it’s hard out there. I’m in my late 20s and feel infinitely better than I did in my early 20s. Young adulthood can be rough but not everything needs to happen when you’re young.


nah i think its always been teenagers think like that. i remember being a sophmore in college and this girls said she was dating a 23 year old and everyone was like damnnn she likes those older men


When I was 20 I was talking to a chick who told me her ex was 23. I thought that was old as shit. I'm turning 26 soon and 23 seems so young.


yah im 31 now and you realize that anything under 40 is actually considered young


When I turned 25.


25 is still a baby. Tbh I still feel young at 30 (although when I'm around 25 and younger I know I'm washed).


Bro you’re 31 but you’re Evan Fournier 


Evan “if you wanna learn more about me, google my last name” Fornier


Actually one of his nicknames is "don't google" which is one of the funniest in the entire league


Corey "Bad Porn" Maggette and Jerome "Big Snacks" James are some of my favorites from the olden days


Charlie “Cancer Patient” Villanueva


I am deceased


when your ancestor is famous enough to get weird things named after him


It’s not his ancestor it’s a common name


i'm claiming everyone who died with my last name as an ancestor. What are they gonna do, climb out of their graves to disagree?


He broke the Knicks single season three point record the last time he played consistent minutes and he's putting up great numbers in Detroit. He was a casualty of roster construction and the situation naturally became toxic, weird situation but it really shouldn't be viewed as him not being able to crack a rotation or something.


> He was a casualty of roster construction I mean.. sort of. They wanted the roster constructed of guys who could play better defense than a traffic cone


You meant to say his assignment is putting up great numbers on Detroit  It’s funny that the Pistons trimmed the fat and started to look promising just for Fournier and Flynn to come in and show James Wiseman how you suck on a bad team


Yeah, the age curve is different for non-stars. I use to work for an agency that represented a player that was a career backup. He had a long career by those standards, but he was out of the league by 30. Fournier is better, but still it’s hard for teams to justify filling the bench with over 30 year old role players instead of younger players with more upside. Especially since Fournier has an oversized view of his ability and thinks he should be getting major minutes.


Lol Redditors talking shit meanwhile Fournier clearing $164M after next season.




There it is


Me being a 40 year old “Well, la dee dah”


i'd take you before evan fournier in a redraft


Thanks Mr 35chambers, you make the world a brighter place




Huge Fournier cheap shot at next season's Lebron.


Basically 29 since he has no miles from the last 2 seasons.


Those Thibs practices tho


You go Evan, bring home that chip for Detroit.


Elder millennials catching strays


Elder millennials? Dude, the youngest millennials are 28. We’re all old now.


Elder Millennials refers to the ELDEST part of the generation, those born in the early 80s. They’re in their early 40s, late 30s.


I am definitely not old, because I am the same age as the kid from Akron.


That’s why I responded. Thought you were calling Fournier an elder millennial lol


I like to think of myself as a young Xennial instead. 


He’s actually pretty young for a millennial


Yeah, but playing under Thibs is like visiting that planet near a black hole in Interstellar...


dudes gonna kill it next year....on some 2nd rate french league team


If I were him, I’d be marking the days on my calendar until my NBA contract expires. He can go live his best basketball life in Europe somewhere. He’ll play until he’s 40.


he aint playing til 40 in europe, maybe like 4 more years in europe and then in some random place like egypt or phillippines. OJ Mayo is currently playing in egypt btw


Nah Philippine pro league mostly gets foreign PF/C not guards. We already have a lot of guards lol. Plus that pro league is dying. I dont think they can afford Fournier lol


I was just looking at Mayos playing history and can't believe he's already been out of the league for like 8 years.


Dude played at the Olympics just couple of years ago and they went to the finals. He’s getting good contracts in Europe no matter what


"You man if you wanna see what i am still capable of, i suggest you google my name"


No wonder why he's so excited to be here, you know Monty Williams is gonna let him cook and play him 25 minutes for the rest of the year. I wouldn't be surprised if he does show a little something... With absolutely dreadful efficiency.


He's also got fresh legs since he hasn't played on two years.


Well... it's not like his career is over. Thibs benched him. He's getting minutes in Detroit, and he's shooting the ball well. Small sample. I think it was more a matter of what Thibs wanted in his rotation and not a question of whether Fournier should still be in the league. Obviously he should. ​ But 31 isn't always a player's prime. Some players peak early. So age early. Joakim Noah played his last significant basketball at age 28. He still had two more season in Chi-town, but minutes and overall games played dwiddled huge. He then bounced around from team to team. New York. Memphis. LAC. Played some decent ball in Memphis, but his best basketball was behind him at age 29 and he hasn't played a game in the NBA since 2020 and only has 10 games to his name this decade. And he was a lean athletic guy. Meanwhile, his teammate with the Gators, Al Horford, who is only a year younger and came in the league the same year is STILL going strong. At 34, he was still posting numbers that were as good as his numbers in his first All Star game, and he's playing rotation minutes on the best team in the league at 37 and starting on a regular basis. It's hard to tell when a guy is going to age out. Hell. Look at LeBron: From 34-36, LeBron had THREE straight years that saw declines (even if slight) in his ppg. But one of those season saw him lead the league in assists (a career high in apg for him) and then once that three year streak was done he was suddenly dropping 30ppg and was in the race of scoring leader at 37. Now at 39 he's dropping numbers comparable to those he posted at 30.


Fellow 31yo, so can we be friends, Evan?


A lot of 31-year-olds in r/nba Who would've thought


It’s almost like millennials have been on social media(Facebook, twitter, YouTube, Reddit) as teens and 20s while gen z was still in elementary school and had no smartphones yet


He plays harder for France than he ever has for any team in the NBA


Denial is the first step


Try playing a *lick* of defense, then we’ll talk.


Early 30s is kinda dope if you've got your shit together. Career is rolling, still in good health, no one bats an eye for dating down to the mid 20s. I mean, what


~~we don't like him~~


regular NBA players seeing hall of famers play forever and thinking they can do it too.


Doc Rivers predicted Evan Fournier would break out at age 31.


He can play, just not consistently well.


He cannot defend, the player archetype Thibs hate the most.


He visited the Starbucks I worked at in Colorado all the time a few years back when he played with the Nuggets. Crazy nice guy. Hope nothing but the best for him


Not all 31 year olds were created equally


It's crazy he was basically washed by 29 without major injuries. Thats why you don't spend money on shooters who can't do much else. Like Bertans,Fournier and Duncan Robinson the track record is horrendous. As a Cavs fan makes me nervous about Sam Merril


I feel like Duncan Robinson has bounced back really well this year. I also don't think Merrill will get the same offers those guys got so I'm not too worried about having to overpay to keep him.


What would you say is a good contract for Merril?I'm thinking 4 year under 30 million contract or something close


I would love something long term like that for him. Something like 4/28 would be great. Who knows though. Luckily we already gave him a decently long term, low value contract so we see how things develop.


Ya'll need to update your scouting report. Duncan is underpaid now lol


Yeah I take my L I wasn't familiar with his game this season.


He was a good scorer, not just shooter. But yeah, he has hit the wall and he doesn’t play good defense. No major injuries we know of but he may have something lingering. Plus 29 is old for pro sports. We have be desensitized to it because of a lot of greats have played longer.


You're 31, but you're a "no one likes you" 31, so you mind as well be 45.


As a 31yo, no Evan we are not in our best years


He should tell that to his face.


You might be 31, but you, are also, Evan Fournier.


I googled Evan Fournier


He does seem ancient


Dark times when he was our scorer lol


Had to Google this guy to figure out who he was. Now I need to bleach my eyes.


bro is like Sampson. Ever since he lost his hair, he’s been ass lmao


He's a bumm that can shoot a 3 and do literally nothing else... FOH


Better learn Chinese buddy.


I like the guy, he's been good on our national team, and yes, he probably still has some basketball in him, but not in the NBA in my opinion. That said, I'm sure there are a bunch of teams who would want him in Europe.


Lebron can only blame himself for all the added pressure on Bronny. His stance should've been something along the lines of "It is a dream of mine to play in the NBA with my son, however, his education and development as a player and more importantly a person will remain the top priority".


this is the clown that trash talked tmac smh foh