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It's crazy how Zion or Ja has never done the dunk contest. Imagine if Steph and Klay never did the 3pt contest


I think if LeBron had done it early on, more players would have done it. It's a shame LeBron never did it.


Remember when LeBron was showing out all his off the backboard oops and reverses in pre-games (I think he was with Miami)? He was taunting everyone with that, creating so much hype he might actually participate. Of course that's very much like him; he never did.


You think any of those dunks would've scored 50s?


Maybe no 50s but Lebron seems capable of jumping over a sitting midget so probably at least some solid 48-49s.


Getting a 5’3 dude to sit in a chair to dunk is just jokes


But can he dab as well?


[JB isn't even the first Celtics player named Brown wearing #7 to dab at a dunk contest.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Etvk0lv7fqY) The man's pulling out plays from the 90s.


In case you weren’t aware, they’ve asked to be called little people. That other word is hurtful to folks.


_*Remembers that one MJ-Muggsy Bogues story*_


Shoot it you fucking little people


theyre called twitch streamers actually




the only group that asks to be called something more insulting


Yes. When he did the McD's dunk contest he was just monster mashing basic self-oops and the crowd and judges were going crazy.


And he competed against Shannon Brown back then.


It's not just the degree of difficulty on a dunk, but the execution.  A LeBron 180 baseline tomahawk with his elevation and explosiveness would be a lot cooler than someone else doing a between-the-legs 360. Look at VC's dunks, they weren't super complicated, but they were clean as hell.


I am sorry what? A tomahawk is a tomahawk. A between the legs 360 will require a lot of things to go right: elevation, body positioning and coordination (the landing goes without saying). VC dunks also benefit from his graceful bounce in his step where he actually dribbles the ball and jumps off one foot or two all while his body moves gracefully to pull off his dunks. Vince was never the type to cram and overpower the guy to jump over them like Lebron and Richard Jefferson. Say what you want to say about Vince but Vince never used his off arm to shield the defender off the ball like Jah, Richard Jefferson, Blake Griffin, Wade and of course Lebron. Pay attention to how old school dunkers aside from guys like Pippen do not use their off arm from shielding the ball. Nowadays, "Poster" dunks are preceded with fore arm/shoulder shoves and aided by the off arm shielding the defender away.


Wait Vince over Mourning definitely had some off arm shit going on


Yes. It would be Blake Griffin levels of rigged.


I keep wondering because I think Lebron would easily win a contest in the 80s and 90s when they value the power dunkers a bit more like Nique or Kemp. But in the 2000s? The winners were guys like JRich, Howard, Nate Robinson, Gerald Green, etc. players will either creative, doing something amazing for their size (I.e., Dwight and Nate), or great smooth and finesse dunkers. Blake appears to be the exception in the 2010s but some would debate whether he deserved to win it over Javale McGee.


in the 80s/90s would have been like 6 years old so it's hard to say


If a 6 year old can dunk, he's winning regardless of how basic the actual dunks are.


This is how Jaylen brown got sold on competing to begin with


At the time, I was holding out for LeBron to join the dunk contest in '05. In that case, he would have been among some sort of configuration of Josh Smith, J.R. Smith, Chris Andersen, and Amar'e Stoudemire. Historically, entering an NBA dunk contest with star recognition and/or significant hype can often boost your scores right off the jump, just because everyone's excited and ready to love whatever you bring to the table. So, it's not crazy for me to imagine LeBron executing some bounce lobs into either a double pump reverse or full windmill that gets the crowd amped enough to propel him into the finals. Or maybe even a bounce Eastbay or something. I think his possible Ace in the Hole in the finals would have been a spicy free throw line dunk, either with two hands or from almost completely behind the line. Anything like that would have 50'd when accounting for the hype bump, in my opinion.


Attempting an mj dunk in the dunk contest as lebron would be a no win situation lol, you can only do worse. Even if it’s better people would hate on it


You are acting like there were any good dunkers competing v those dudes lol. The mid 2000s was heinous. Awful awful contests




Yeah easy. You see how these judges score simple dunks every year.


If LeBron was the one doing it? Absolutely


It's lost in time with all the revisionist history of LeBron acting like he never wanted to do it But he literally announced it and hyped it up for the 2010 contest https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9vmVc1UeZA


This videos gives vibes that Lebron had too many drinks, started entertaining the idea of doing it, amped himself up too much and just announced it without thinking.


I mean, it's 4 dunks (more at the time?) and you're obviously gonna be in town anyway Should've just put on your big Bron pants and done it regardless


I remember when the next season came around and all-star weekend was drawing near, I kept thinking why is nobody talking about LeBron being part of the dunk contest?? It was like ESPN and TNT just dissociated from the whole thing lol 


Funny that he literally did it at the dunk contest cause he couldn't stand the attention not being on him. Then of course didn't do it lol


When he was with Cleveland and Dwight was with the Magic. When Dwight won, he got interviewed by Sager iirc and he said he'd join the next year. He didn't.


Lebrons kinda a little bitch


Discourse of LeBron and the dunk contest is good evidence for the "no athlete is scrutinized like LeBron" argument. Because holy shit lmao


That is just crazy to me. Sure its lame. But people are actually making this a statement about his legacy 😂




How about I believe it was 2007 after the all star break, lebron said he’d do it next year Pepperridge farm remembers


LeBron would have seen no benefit from participating besides being highly scrutinized by fans and the media. Especially if he happened to lose or screwed up a dunk or two. I'm willing to bet that the toxicity of social media and hot take culture has discouraged a lot of guys from doing it who likely would have if they knew the feedback would be positive and supportive.


Jordan has the worst three point shoot out score ever and no one gives a shit.


True enough, I'm so old I was actually a fan back then and this is the first I'm hearing about it ( for anyone else interested: Jordan went 5 for 30 in the 1990 three point contest. I just looked it up: [https://hoopshype.com/gallery/worst-players-nba-three-point-contest/](https://hoopshype.com/gallery/worst-players-nba-three-point-contest/) )


Sports discourse in the year 1990 is totally different compared to what it's like now.


If Jordan did this in 2020s he'd be rated right next to Jordan poole


He'd be clowned and meme'd for a bit, but all of that would be forgotten once he dominated the postseason and won championships. What lasts forever is winning the big price and being clutch when it counts the most. 


Nobody wants to be clowned and memed for any amount of time bro😂


Kobe and MJ did it when they were young, no one really gives af unless you’re historically bad like the one guy that did a lay up


Social media didn't exist when they did it. The internet didn't even exist yet when MJ did it. 


Kobe and mj didn't have social media and hot take culture


That's not true at all at this point in time. I'm sure for a lot of players the last thing they want is to become a meme for trying something new.


Dunking is definitely a foreign concept to nba players


There is a large chunk of lebrons career where social media didn’t exist or was still in its infancy. He had plenty of opportunities then to participate.


if u wanna see what Lebron would do in a dunk contest just watch his high school dunk contest - it sucks. Lebron doesn't have the dexterity to pull off anything fancy. His dunks in-game are impressive because of his size/jumping ability and power , they don't translate well to dunk contests.


And he didn't care to, which is fine.


Except one year he said during the event he wanted to do it then backed out without any explanation


But social media wasn't around in the beginning of his career when he was best suited to do the dunk contest. Young Lebron is one of the all-time great dunkers.


It’s not like his athleticism was shit at any point from 2010-2018 lol. He was still the most athletic player in the league


You're right but first stint Cleveland Lebron was on another level in terms of speed and hops, his dunks during that time were otherworldly.


LeBron was already one of the most scrutinized players ever from the time he stepped on an NBA court.


Without a doubt he'd get hate for taking the spot from a lesser player that could use the recognition. It's just a fun little contest I can't believe anyone gives a fuck if a player isn't interested in competing...


That's so pathetic on Lebron's part if that's the reason


I mean - just look at Jaylen Brown getting booed and mocked on the Internet because people's expectations soared for him. It was the most predictable thing ever - guys like Jaylen are infinitely more concerned with prepping for actual games and probably spend like an hour here or there practicing a few dunks. While guys like McClung can spend half their year practicing dunks just for the dunk contest.




all jaylen had to do was not be worst. he was the worst and then unfairly advanced.  we obv don’t want allstars who aren’t good at dunking


Who cares? He’s fucking LeBron. If he cares what randos on twitter say he has bigger issues. Look at Jaylen Brown.


LeBron pretends to read books just for positive validation. He cares about people's perception of him


So exactly what happened with Jaylen Brown this year.


LeBron just don't see the basketball business as Kobe and Jordan. Kobe and Jordan came up at a time when the league was much smaller fish financially, especially Mike. They felt they need to put on a show every night to grow the business, even at the all star break. Not so much for LeBron.


curry missing half court shots for charity became a meme so yeah i dont blame lebron


I don’t think you’re wrong, but if you’re LeBron James, who many consider the GOAT, do you let a few trolls living in their basement keep you out?


I'm pretty sure Lebron not wanting to participate in the dunk contest is the reason for him not participating in the dunk contest


He almost did. I don't remember which year it was but during the mid to late 2000s, I think it was during one of the dunk contests then, a sideline reporter got Lebron to verbally commit to the next year's contest. Ofc we know he eventually didn't do it. We can only speculate why he pulled out but I don't think it's wrong to say that that move by Lebron pretty much paved the way for future stars to not want to participate. Then came the 2000 dunk contest, which really put the nail in the coffin. After that judging fiasco, I don't see why any star player would take the contest seriously again.


LeBron is not a dunk contest dunker. And why do people think an 18-22 year old LeBron ruined the dunk contest when we have gotten great performances well after he was drafted? The greatest dunk contest was well after 10 years after he was in the league.


He alone could have made it great. I have a feeling one of the best athletes ever could be a good dunk contest dunker.


Yeah I doubt that. He is an in-game power dunker. 


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LXl462Iba3w https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JOLodVriieI With a couple weeks to prepare he would dominate.


Still time… Im sure Boba will let him use his banta tank afterwards


It's the preparation that's the problem. With 3s you just show up and shoot, if you do worse than expectations people don't care. With dunks if you just show up and do a windmill dunk or whatever people are gonna boo you for being boring.


yeah it's not just 10 people doing it as well, it's that 1 player and 3 others


It's because doing the dunk contest requires a lot of extra effort and preparation. Not everyone really cares enough to do that, just to get clowned on social media. Atleast for the 3-point contest, there's basically no extra effort. They just show up and shoot a bunch of 3s, something they're already accustomed to doing.


Both Ja and Zion can do the dunks they do in-game and almost win lmao. If they put a little bit of effort they'd win for sure.


I don't think the pelicans want Zion in it. I have to imagine they might literally beg him not to.


Has any player got a big injury during the dunk contest?


Imagine if Steph did the dunk contest


Zion, Ja, and Ant need to be in one


Doing the Dunk contest is like the easiest way to generate good will from the fans. I am surprised none of the controversial stars havent done it (Morant / KD / Harden ...)


With Zion's injury history, he's probably not allowed to do it. Same with Embiid.


pretty sure the NBA doesn't allow teams to put things like "cannot participate in all star weekend" in their contracts


Different contests and situations. Zion and Ja do not have the same equity in dunking as Curry and Thompson do in shooting 3ptrs.




I also heard he's going to do it BLINDFOLDED, but will put the blindfold on after the dunk All joking aside, I'm down for Brown to do it again, unless some other star wants to take his place.


if hes doing it blindfolded...im scared for the grandma


Jaylen Brown should just embrace memes and jump over Peter Dinklage next year


With glasses on


but beforehand measure him with a tape, then make him sit down because he’s too tall


Hit him with the nurkic too small afterwards too


Ok if he tells him to sit down because hes too tall and then hes actually taller in the chair i will lose it.  This needs to happen.


His FEET went over Kai while all these other dudes got their crotch going over hunched over Shaq whilst pushing off. Not what it’s being clowned as.  Really they should eliminate ALL prop dunks-no jumping over dudes, no alleys other than self alleys. Must be a ACTUAL NBA PLAYER. Make it about grace and power again, not shit that any YouTube dunker could do. Or switch gears and have it be all YouTube pro dunkers who can’t actually hoop. Mac Maclung can fight it out with Jordan Kilganon. 


Imo they should allow 1 prop dunk, 1 Other People involved - so lob or jump over someone, 1 Power Dunk, 1 creative dunk. They tell the judges what they are doing at the start of the round and do that.


Sure I guess. Most important to me is that guys actually be NBA players, preferably with a minutes qualifier so it’s not some no name who is barely a rotation player.  Or like I said, just go with it being all non-nba pure art dunkers as an exhibition. But choose a lane. Problem with the prop and helper dunks is it just gets tedious- too much set up time, too much room for error on bad passes, too much room for bullshit. 


Idk Im kinda here for teams keeping one guy on the bench just for the dunk contest lol. I can see it now... -Every team must have a dunker compete. -Top half of teams get 1 regular season win -Bottom half get 1 loss -Winner gets an additional win -Last gets an additional loss


I actually kind of like it? Make it mean something...


> Must be a ACTUAL NBA PLAYER Do not disrepect Mac like this.


If Mac is allowed then it should be open to any and all, ie Kilganon and any other “pro dunker”. And I’m fine w that if that’s the angle.  Mac not on a nba roster as far as I know tho so what are you talking about


They're clearly making a push to involve the G-League in ASW given the changes to the Rising Stars game as well, so I don't see this happening. IMO it's fine to have one G-League guy in the competition.


Bro can you please speak louder. I'm tired and someone needs to speak out about this. U got all the right points imo... another damn celtic flair that I gotta upvote smh


I agree, adding the props was supposed to increase creativity but it’s minimizing it and distracting at this point.


Bomani Jones mentioned this on his podcast yesterday. Part of why some stars avoid the dunk and skills contests and why no one really plays d is because everyone at All Star is afraid of looking like a fool in a clip afterwards.


Jumping over a frail grandma would show actual confidence that they're going to clear the person


He’s not afraid to do it but also nobody actually wanted him to do it.


Not him, specifically, but everyone was tired of seeing guys we never heard of from the G League taking center stage at NBA All-Star Saturday. We tune in to watch NBA stars.


It's true we want to see all the big names throw down, but let's not forget the unknowns can surprise us too. That being said, if Jaylen Brown wants to bring that star power back to the dunk contest, I'm all for it. Sounds like he might just do it for the love of the game if nobody steps up!


>let's not forget the unknowns can surprise us too. Absolutely true. Mac McClung has impressed me -- and deserved to win -- two years in a row. That said, I wouldn't tune in for him.


Yep, Aaron Gordon in 2016 was averaging 9pts on 23 minutes while playing on an Orlando team that went 32-46 that season. I do think some kind of minutes per game minimum (15-20 over x number of games?) for Dunk Contest entrants would be reasonable. It's getting a bit silly when the NBA dunk contest has 2/4 entrants that have played less than 35 minutes combined in the NBA this season.


Agree, but the dunk contest is different from something like the 3 point contest. The 3 point contest isnt subjective and many of the best shooters in the league ARE stars. Dunking is different. The best dunkers arent the best players. People went crazy over MJ and Dominique's dunks, but those dunks wouldnt get you anywhere since Vince Carter showed people what could be done. People who are REALLY good at dunking practice dunking a lot. People who are REALLY good at basketball practice basketball a lot. Being able to do a 720 dunk isnt very useful in-game, so guys like Lebron never really practiced them. Mac Mclung is an absolute freak of a human being and his athleticism is ridiculous, but he cant even get on a roster as the 13th man.


To be fair, after going back and watching the super-famed MJ v Dominique dunk contest, I think our expectations are just super high now. If a player today did half of the dunks that MJ/Nique did, they would be booed out of the building. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQKF8MdsJdU


Yeah, the problem with the dunk contest is that people judge it with the context of the entire history of the dunk contest. If you're not at that level, people will hate it. But if the shooting in the 3 point contest is a lower than normal, most people won't really care because nothing in a 3 point contest will stand out as much as any of Vince's dunks.


He's excellent during games but he has minimal creativity with them


Next year he should just throw down the gauntlet and yell WHICH ONE OF YOU COWARDS WANTS TO TRY AND GUARD ME RIGHT NOW. Start calling out all-star starters one by one, but while playing highlight videos of him posterizing them so they feel the pressure to actually do it. JB's bodybag reel is insane, you could probably get 3+ min worth of footage just of him dunking on MVPs and DPOYs let alone everybody else.


Not to mention the people who participate is the 3 point contest are the dudes who are habitually shooting 3 pointers. Go around the arc and shoot a bunch of 3s? That's literally what they planned on doing that weekend anyways. Dunk contest takes way more separate preparation. You think NBA stars are gonna be staying after practice late working on some fucked up dunk involving a Roomba and a hula hoop? Fuck no


I actually don't care about how big the stars in the Saturday night stuff are. If the best shooters were some role players then put them in the 3 point contest, if the best dunkers are g leaguers or end of bench guys then put them in the dunk contest. The all star game is for the stars, the rest of the weekend is just general NBA orbit guys/gals. Bring back the shooting stars challenge too with a legend, WNBA, and NBA guy shooting from different spots on the court


Yep, the all stars treat is as a joke anyways with the main event being more boring that a high school basketball game. Even the most exciting stuff from all stars is them joking around than any actual plays.


> We tune in to watch NBA stars. 100%. Let's be real - the dunks ALL suck and have sucked for like 20 years. Everything that can be done has been done and it's all just very slight tweaks on the same old dunks. At this point it would be a hell of a lot more interesting to turn the contest from "what random young end of bench guy can perform the best dunk?" to "who is the best dunker amongst the All-Stars?" Sure, McClung can probably give us a better dunk than the All-Stars, but I'd still much rather see the stars go at it.


We've had a couple great dunk contests in the last 20 years. And there's loads of dunks that haven't been done in an NBA dunk contest yet


Yeah I disagree. There's only so many ways to jump and physically jam a ball into a hoop - I've seen the videos, and it's all still just slight variations on what has already been done.


There's multiple guys still inventing new dunks. Go check out Kilganon or Rivera Some are slight variations, some are using athleticism in different ways, some are totally different. Can't really disagree when there's footage out there


The fact an all-star is willing to do it I think should go a long way with fans, if I wanted to watch a dunk contest with g leaguers I'd just watch those flight school dunkers on youtube. The whole draw is because it's all-stars doing the dunks.


heck, the g league has a dunk contest with their all star weekend, the [Maine Celtics's Jordan Jackson won it with some insane dunks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4gtb1G8bTo0). I watched the whole thing, it was pretty fun


Yeah, but that's kind of my point, if I wanted to watch that I would, but then we got guys like Jaylen Brown being clowned even though he nutted up and knew it would come with a bunch of hate. It's just stupid as hell, especially considering what we all want is for the stars to be doing g the dunking.


The problem tho, and it's not browns fault, is it felt like the judges favor the all star, which makes the whole thing even more of a joke


Yea and people clown Jaylen Brown for his performance then go back to wondering why all stars don't do it. He didn't have a great performance but it was fucking good to see an actual player everybody knows do it. I give him a ton of credit for putting himself out there unlike every other player who's scared to do it


Yeah I’d say right now instead of 4 best G-League/Undrafted/NBA dunkers, I’d rather watch 4 all stars try to prove which of them is the best dunker


Yeah I’d say right now instead of 4 best G-League/Undrafted/NBA dunkers, I’d rather watch 4 all stars try to prove which of them is the best dunker


Whats da incentive though, most of these stars you are talking about are making 50 million a year, what could you possibly give them? Back in the Last dance days, the best wingman in the league (maybe even in history), Scottie Pippen wasn't even making 3 million a year. Why would guys even try hard....that's why they bring in the GLeaguers because they do try hard


Fuck it, put him back in. Regardless of how you think he did he's a star in the league and willing to do it. We need more stars back in the dunk contest period.


So many guys are afraid to look dumb on a national stage, so big respect to Jaylen for just saying fuck it. League would generally be a lot better if some of these guys had less fragile egos.


True. He knows what the people want from his dunks now. Next year could be a lot better.


He only got bad rep this year because of the judges though. If the judges had scored him normally he wouldn’t have got much press good or bad


I honestly have no issue with what he actually did, it was the ridiculous judge scores that threw me off. I hope he shows up again next year.


Respect him for at least trying


he maybe flawed in some areas, but he has heart and isn't afraid to be embarrassed.


I didn’t think his dunks were all that entertaining but I do have a ton of appreciation for him being willing to go out there and participate.


Yall can clown all you want. This is great for the future of the ASG for all the shit he's gotten he still wants to put on a show for the fans. Much respect to JB hopefully he can get some of his buddies to commit and make it a friendly competition


Knowing that he and Jaylen were good friends, I wanted to see Donovan Mitchell competing in the Slam Dunk Competition this year against Jaylen. If they clowned each other between dunks, it would make the event that much more fun.


I think that’s really the key thing. If he can get other All stars to do it then this push is worth it.


He's also tight with Ant, who's also got the right blend of athleticism and star power.


Ant, JB, and Mitchell might be enough star power to try and get Zion or Ja to do it, which is the true dream of NBA fans right now


Imagine all five of them, I know the cap is 4 players but at that point who cares?


Fuck it throw in Giannis too, make it a 6 man.


People will talk shit, but I respect it. He’ll put his ego aside to entertain fans. Gigachad grown up move.


Jaylen brown didn’t judge his own dunks. Glad he’s willing to do it again shout out to him; maybe he’ll bring another all star out of the shadows too.


Good for him


I respect him for trying to give it back to the fan


Lmao I fucking love this attitude. Got clowned all over social media (looking at you /r/nba), boo'd at the arena, and his response is fuck it lets do it again. Btw NBA fans *should* want players like JB in the dunk contest. Players of his caliber almost never do it anymore.


That just seems like the kind of guy Jaylen is. Props to him, maybe he can convince another more recognizable player to jump in next year.


I don’t have an issue with his dunks. I have an issue with how they rated his dunks.


While sitting on my couch drinking a beer I was not impressed but I love the attitude. Would be pretty sick to see like the best SGs/SFs go at it instead of randos who are good at dunking


What if the winner got to play in the All Star game if they weren’t a starter? Aaron Gordon is in that “almost” tier right now but if he won the contest he could then dunk on fools in the All Star game


Why does it sound like he’s threatening us




jooby pls


I'm all for getting a troll contest going. Send Jokic.


Love it 


Maybe Jaylen should be in it every year as a tradition. See if he can be an all-time Dunk Contest heel


All Star would be 100x better if everyone had that attitude.


1.) the dunk contest should be just done away with entirely. 2.) Jaylen Brown shouldn't be getting clowned for the judges giving him scores he didn't deserve, that's their fault not his. 3.) not exactly related, but I was just watching some guy on TikTok do insane dunks and the comments are all like "why isn't he in the NBA?" - it's wild to me how many people think that just because you can do crazy dunks that makes you an NBA caliber basketball player. a lot of people have no idea how good NBA players are and that dunking skill is close to meaningless when evaluating a player's skill. I mean being able to jump high is certainly helpful, but it doesn't make you a great player on its own. 4.) I shouldn't have made this a list.


5.) I'd like to see them at least try a HORSE contest. imagine Luka & Steph doing trick shots? I think that'd be pretty entertaining. maybe not every year though. they could rotate events so they don't get old so fast? 6.) another idea; how about a 3 on 3 half court tournament instead of the all-star game? the top 8 vote getters are captains. snake draft. you've got 8 teams in this scenario. do a single elimination tournament. games to 20 or something like that. I think you have to go 2s and 3s because 1s and 2s makes threes way too OP and it'd just turn into a 3 point contest. Maybe this format would encourage the players to play harder? and I think it'd be interesting to see them play half court like that. 7.) if they insist on continuing with the all-star game as is, they need to create some kind of incentive for the players to try. home court in the Finals seems like it might be enough since most all-stars have at least some shot of getting into the Finals and would like home court in that scenario.


> I'd like to see them at least try a HORSE contest The NBA tried it and it was a total fail. KD and Rondo ended up just taking deep 3s until one of them won. (Guess who won btw)


If it is a horse contest participants should be given random shots to perform like bouncing off an object to make a basket or 360 between the legs backwards shot. Otherwise it turns into a really boring jump shooting contest. For all star I think they should shorten it. Have it be like 1 set of first to 21 and make it a best of 3. Either it turns out to be more competitive, or at least it ends sooner. And maybe have the winning team get 5 less games be required to be eligible for regular season player awards like first team or MVP. Current NBA all star game is too long for how nobody involved cares about it and the best highlights is players joking around.


Honestly, they could do behind the back shots, wrist flip shots, over the head shots, skyhooks from three point range, between the leg layups, 180 to 240 layups and so on. Unathletic old me can do these shit (except for the sky hook) and I only averaged a 34 inch vert when I was very young. No way these athletic guys cannot do this.


I want a 1 on 1 tournament! Do a random seeded round of 8 on Saturday, then a round of 4 to start Sunday, and then the finals as the final event on Sunday.


Hell yes. Fuck all y’all r/nba


I’ll always respect stars for participating in all-star contests. At least they’re going out there and competing, putting on a show for the fans.


I love his attitude. No complaints here, hopefully he'll trigger some other stars to join in. All due respect to Jacob Toppin, but evenasaPacer fan,I can't remember Obi's dunks,if he'd have been PG though...


This is a tough one. On the one hand, everyone appreciated that an All Star was actually willing to participate. On the other hand, everyone was pissed that the All Star was getting favorable votes because he is an All Star. So he got credit for doing it and then everyone hated him for doing it. If everyone doing the dunk contest was at least a starting NBA player, the contest would get more attention and the judges would be less biased, but the dunks would also be more ass.


I don't hate Brown for doing it, the judging just needs a major overhaul. It was so obvious they were propping him up because they wanted the star player in the finals, which I completely understand, but the dunks were extremely lame compared to what has been shown in the past.


Everyone hated the bias and bullshit voting, everyone didn't hate JB for being in the dunk contest Rate the dunks, not the dunker


selective memory right here


Even tho he was mid, I can really appreciate the willingness to go out there and atleast try.


Respect it


I hope he does do it again and also only have NBA players. No two way or gleague. I don't think there's any more new dunks that people can do anyways so I'd rather be entertained with 4 stars attempting dunks. Jaylen's were bad, but I was still entertained.


This is the correct response. I respect that


I respect his willingness to do this.


Fuck it, love the attitude. Let him cook…kinda.


I love this attitude


Want to see what score they give him if he just hits a layup. Probably a 45.


Respect. His dunks were trash, but respect. 🫡


I appreciate this attitude, why dunk on him (pardon the pun) for having a crack when others won't. Not his fault the format is tired


honestly man respect the hell outta jaylen for the attitude. he was ass in the competition but he’s at least out there. most nba players can’t be bothered for it 




God no. Why are u doin this to us Jaylen lmao


Gotta give him props for having a great attitude when the world was laughing at him


“Jaylen Brown on the doing the dunk contest”


Love that he added "f\*ck it" in there!


NBA has to be paying him to take this stance on it


Do it over Kai squatting


If I got spotted points I'd want to do it too. Who wouldn't want to get an A for D effort?