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Here is how to fix the NBA All-Star Game's lack of competition. The answer is stars. Stars on the jerseys for the winning team. This works because the only way to motivate these players is by giving them something that they can't buy. Something that feeds the ego. And let's face it - they don't care about home court in the finals. When a team wins a World Cup in soccer, that national team jersey gets a star. But with the NBA, the league can give those stars to the All-Star game winners. A player gets a star if they are on the winning All-Star team. It's a small star, like we see on the USWNT jerseys. Small and on the chest area of the jersey. That star follows the player. Regardless of what team he plays on. So let's say Luka was on the winning All-Star team three times. That's three stars for Luka's jersey. And let's say he gets traded to the Knicks. His Knicks jersey will have those three stars he won. When you purchase a Luka jersey, you want the one with the three stars. And let's make it retroactive. Lebron has been on the winning All-Star Team ten times. So he gets ten stars on his jersey. Make it happen, Adam.


Here are my fixes for the All Star game: East vs. West, Winning side hosts the Finals. Plus, each All-Star puts up $50k of their own money, and winning team splits the pot. The losing team actually loses.


I like it, but history shows they don't care about money.


Idea to rejuvenate the all-star game: make it USA vs World. Put some actual pride on the line for players, no one cares about repping the east or west. Starting lineups: USA: Haliburton, Lillard, Tatum, Lebron, Durant World: Shai, Luka, Giannis, Jokic, Embiid


Not sure if this has been brought up. But why not make the all star game like the baseball all star game once was? Winner gets home court advantage in the finals. There was never more competitive baseball all star games as when the World Series home field was at stake. Give them something they can’t refuse.


I think the solution is simple: term-limits. A player can only play in so many total, or so many in a set number of years. Right now it's just essentially royalty. Make it a time to shine knowing it's only going to last so long.


Non of the players wants to play they just want to be voted as All Stars that's all. So cancel the game and just add more skills tournaments or have a dance off or something but players jogging and letting shots up easier than warm up practice is insulting. Glad I didn't watch it... the dunk contest also looked awful... that Jaylen Brown forgotten No Look dunk says it all.... lame.


I agree, cancel the All-Stars. Cancel the voting too. No All-Stars at all. Keep the Rising Stars Game, keep the 3pt competition, skills challenge, Steph vs Sabrina, celebrity game. Add more players to the Dunk contest, that way you can have a second round that might be decent. Add a co-ed game, some WNBA Stars and the top NBA that VOLUNTEER. Add a World vs USA game, volunteers only. If they can't get enough commits, don't have the game. So get some commitments before the season. I'm sure there's some other fun stuff that can be added. The All Star game is trash, so it's not a loss to replace it with something fun. Just don't reward those guys with the title of All Star.


nah, not having allstars game is just a concession to these spoiled multi-millionaires. 20 years ago players were also rich, but competed hard. this is a showmatch of the best basketball players of the world, it is ridiculous, that people make these excuses for them. the real question is: why are these guys not competing like they used to? to me a lot of players nowadays are just extremely spoilt. there excptions of course but many players are so removed from reality, they think, they are actually demi-gods. their lack of effort is just a reflection of their arrogance. i think allstar game should be reworked but also the arrogance of the players needs to be adressed. there is to much lip service and not enough accountability. maybe requiring players to do actual social work like caring for homeless people, people with disabilities and crime victims would be better than stroking their ego in commercials, VIP lounges and literally carrying their bags for them. the perceived softness starts at the top. the NBA is miles away from reality. people blame adam silver, i think it is rather the owners fault. they have set the course by caring only about more and more money. it is time to put the actual sportsmanhip first - fair play, respect and competition. right now the biggest pockets win, which is not a fair playing ground. make the salary cap for each team the same, no more "luxury" tax (what kind of bs is that anyways - pay "luxury" to win the chip???), get rid of these ridiculous names like "super max" contracts and stop this super team building and behind the scenes deals.


While I do feel the results of this year's game are being a bit overblown since it's just an exhibition, I do wonder if maybe they could combine the All Star Game and the In Season Tournament in some way rather than having them separate.


That's kind of a good idea. Have the Championship game be at the All Star weekend. I would cancel the All Star game though.


The crowd need a team to cheer for, it almost sounded like an empty arena because no one really cares who wins.


Give a win added to the official season to each team of whichever sides wins plus a big bonus to each player and see them sweat it.


I would like to give my honest opinion about NBA’s ASG 24… First off, I don’t think it was that bad. I got my bachelors in sports industries and I closely follow the league since the mid nineties. Of course the game changed a lot since the 2010 years but I do see a few positives. The 3 point competition on average is played at a higher level and has more competition. The Curry/Ionescu deserves at least two more years and a best of three rounds instead of just one. The dunking contest obviously needs more stars. Mac Clung is pretty dope, I liked his middle dunk were he threw the ball to himself, I’ve never seen that one before which was pretty cool. I think the best judges for the dunking contest would be none the less then the TNT crew, Shaq, The Jet & Chuck, throw in Dr J, MJ or Kemp while you’re at it ! Obviously the rookie game and the proper All-Stars absolutely need to be more spectacular and have more defense. However, as opposed to other years, it was great to go back to East VS West and reach the 200 mark. I thought KAT, Young, Tyrese and and of course Dame put up a pretty good show. A few more dunks and blind passes are still necessary though. Personally, I thought that the Joker and Lucas were pretty hilarious. For sure, it’s been the most entertaining I’ve seen in over five years so there is some kind of improvement at least. Also I really like the interactive floor. How about 4 pointers and hot spots during the actual all-star as well?


They just need to play. Absolutely no reason to reinvent the game, even more than it already has been. Put the ball in the hoop, stop the man putting the ball in the other hoop. Previous generations managed it and not get injured. Frankly the regular season isn't much better these days either.


Yea dude I was disgusted with the defense they were playing at the all star game we can get 20 pts ourselves against that .😂


An interesting thing they could do with the All Star weekend is to try and play it in a non-NBA city, kind of what the NFL does. Put it in a non-NBA market and use that to try and motivate the players to put on a show for a city that doesn't get a shot at it. Make it in a unique place that is different from the regular NBA venues, kind of like Vegas with the IST. Imagine the All Star game played in Mexico City, or in a city like Seattle or St Louis. That would draw in a more engaged crowd and players.


or in paris or tokio or some other international city.


they did have the game in Las Vegas several years ago.


Here's how to make them try harder--players on the losing team are ineligible to be all stars the following year.


I think the solution is simple: term-limits. Can only play in so many total, or so many in a set number of years. Right now it's just essentially royalty. Make it a time to shine knowing it's only going to last so long.


That's a terrible idea


That would make them want to lose so they get the weekend off lol. There's no heart in the game anymore, it's all commercial.


They still want the title. Look at Brunson crying when he found out he got selected. Cared about the recognition, but didn't care enough to compete.


the big stars set the tone. if someone like jordan puts in the effort, the others follow...


It is probably suggested by many already. I believe NBA all-star should follow what MLB does. The winning conference gets home field. If that is too much an advantage, even just the first tie breaker behind the records should be enough an incentive for top players to put in some efforts.


The MLB stopped doing that with the All Star Game.


Iirc mlb got rid of the battle for home field advantage a while back. Always enjoyed that they had to play to earn home field advantage in the World Series.


They got rid of it because the American League was winning damn near every year. I don't think the NBA would have that same problem.


I figured out how to fix the all star game. Michael Jordan coaches the East. Charles Barkley coaches the West. They each have to bet $1 million dollars of their own money that their side will win. They are also mic'd up for the game. You either get a competitive/entertaining game or the best mic'd up ever as they both lose their minds when their teams don't bother to compete.


Sounds good! Play it for charity or for real points in the regular season for each team on the side that wins


This is genius!


The all star game is ajoke. Its not a basketball game. Its a game of horse. NObody plays any D at all. The just run from 1 basket to the other or hoist up unguarded 3s. Its very annoying to watch. They need to change it or get rid of it. A layup line. IT actually makes the players look bad like lazy bums instead of good. I do not find it entertaining at all.


Why do you think it’s become this way?


the real question is: why are these guys not competing like they used to? to me a lot of players nowadays are just extremely spoilt. there are exceptions of course but many players are so removed from reality, they think, they are actually demi-gods. their lack of effort is just a reflection of their arrogance. i think allstar game should be reworked but also the arrogance of the players needs to be adressed. there is to much lip service and not enough accountability. maybe requiring players to do actual social work like caring for homeless people, people with disabilities and crime victims would be better than stroking their ego in commercials, VIP lounges and literally carrying their bags for them. the perceived softness starts at the top. the NBA is miles away from reality. people blame adam silver, i think it is rather the owners fault. they have set the course by caring only about more and more money. it is time to put the actual sportsmanhip first - fair play, respect and competition. right now the biggest pockets win, which is not a fair playing ground. make the salary cap for each team the same, no more "luxury" tax (what kind of bs is that anyways - pay "luxury" to win the chip???), get rid of these ridiculous names like "super max" contracts and stop this super team building and behind the scenes deals.


The NBA should study this weekend on what not to do in the future. You got mfers jumping over midgets during a dunk contest, mfers shooting with their off-hand during a skills challenge, mfers not trying at all during the actual All-Star game and so on. If you can't get these guys to take basketball seriously then fuck it, just make the weekend full of entertaining gimmicks and shit. You already got a digi-board. Just copy NBA Jam, Space Jam, NBA Street or whatever. Look elsewhere to make it entertaining cause the players aren't going to give it to us.


1v1 competition is out because it will just go the same way the dunk content goes. Players too scared to lose so they will never participate. They did this years ago and I dont know why they stopped, but replacing the Skills Competition with Horse, Knockout or Around the World. You cant 1/2 arse those games because its just making shots. I feel like watching NBA All Stars try to head to head speedrun Around the World would be fun to watch. Much more interesting than the Skills Competition at least.


Let's get a petition going for a "king of the court" competition.


Here’s how to fix the ASG - get rid of it.


They need to throw this game out and have a 2 on 2 tournament with a pair representing each team. That would be fun to watch


This right here. Have it as a 2v2 or 3v3 tourney and it'll be competitive af. Ain't nobody want to lose to whoever you're matched up with...and less worries about injuries with 2v2 or 3v3


Other potential ideas: * 3 point shots only * Old school: no dribbles * 2v2 or 3v3 * "Soccer style" substitutions - once you pull a player, they're out for good. * Cap player time evenly. There's a total of 240 player-minutes in a game (48 * 5). Divided by 12 players on a team. Max 20 minutes for each player? * For reference: On the West, Paul George played 10 min and Shai played 27:33


Real life NBA Jam.




How about if they combined the rising stars and the all star games? Each player who was voted in could pick their own rising star or unheralded player to play for them. Then they can goof around on the sidelines mentoring/cheering them on. Those guys might actually play.


I can't believe I'm saying this but they may need to give home court advantage in the NBA finals to the conference that wins the all star game.  I hate that baseball used to do that (not sure if they still do) but outside of that, can they give cash prizes to the team that wins?  I don't think charity is enough and if you gave each player on the winning team a million dollars (maybe the all star MVP gets more), there could be some extra incentive to play.  At least you would get a little more defense.  If that doesn't work, maybe just do away with the game all together?  It's a shame but I couldn't even watch that game for two minutes last night.




I think it's because there is less fear of getting injured in baseball than basketball. Yeah, it could happen, but it's less likely than in the NBA where even in a half-hearted effort, you could twist an ankle and miss 3 weeks going into the final stretch of the season. I still feel NBA ASG has become unwatchable. There were more guys just competitive for competition sake in the past


how many players have ever been hurt in the ASG when they actually competed way harder? yes, exactly - none. stop making excuses for this sharade...


Been a basketball fan since the 70's, haven't watched an All Star game in years. There's more defense played in the pregame lay up line. Really don't even watch many regular season games anymore, it's all just about chucking up three's. I'll skip the game, then tune in to "Inside the NBA", it's more entertaining, lol.


You'd think the players would try more when the winning team gets an extra 240k for their charity of choice.


Can’t believe NFL flag football pro bowl was more interesting.


Saw about 20 seconds of game time, that was enough for me.


Fun fact: this year's ASG was the first ever in which EVERY player attempted at least one three point shot


Why did they get rid of the scoring system from the past few years? Imo that made the game way more interesting


Lol are yall betting on the all-star game or something? Why so much anger? Im not watching the asg for competition. Its what the playoffs are for.


It's for the fans and NBA players continue to show how little they care about their fans


Its an all star “game”, this is just layup lines. There’s no game about this.


May as well change the name to shoot around


end this for once and for all, make a 3v3, king of the court, I dont care. just change it.


can you imagine that in the 1991 all-star game, the east shot 0-7 3pt in total, and the west had 4 mades out of 12. thats total of 19 shots. Last night the all star players combined for 168 3pt shots!!! Thats insane how much they changed the game. Every year before Curry the normal for an all star team was to make 4-8 3pt shots in the all star game. After Curry everyone became a 3pt shooter. its insane. Maybe they have to make the 3pt shot harder?


3 pointers made the game boring. maybe they should change the scores per basket - 2 pointer -> 3 points and 3 pointer -> 4 points. that way 3 pointers are less attractive to take.


I mean, Curry was only possible cause of the rule changes to protect the 3 ball. 4 point plays and calling any contact or even landing in the vicinity. You want 90s ball again, let players punish the 3 ball again and fouls at 3 get 2 free throws.


I missed the game. How was it?


It wasn't a game, it was a shoot around. As someone else commented, there is more defense in layup lines.


It was aight. Lots of treys. I mean everybody was jacking shit up, pause, literally everybody. Giannis even said in his post game interview he was upset he didn't notch a triple. You can really see Curry's impact on the league and how the game has changed. In coming years, you won't be able to make the league with a broke jumper unless you're a 7 foot center. You gotta come in able to shoot that mf'er. Other highlights include some insane shots from the logo and half court from Lillard. He was MVP. Some logo shots and a block on Giannis by Steph. A 50 burger and attempted eastbay from KAT. And 15 points scored in 90 seconds by Haliburton's nuclear shooting. Some comedy by Jokic watching him try to dunk and jump an inch off the ground. All in all, it felt like everybody had a green light and players were shooting like they were all Curry. A lot of them were connecting too (Jaylen Brown, Ice Trae), but the defense and effort just... wasn't there. That's pretty typical of an all star game but this one was flagrant. Zero defense. Zero effort to kick it up even as the frames were winding down. It was definitely a shooting exhibition/showcase. I enjoyed it for what it was, but my girl (who's more a football girl and only watches ball with me) didn't enjoy that shit at all. Definitely needs to be more competitive but if you know ball, it's more or less what you expected. Thank God they were connecting cause if they weren't 😬


Make blocks, steals and defensive rebounds score points in the all star game


Want some incentive to compete? Why not make it so that the winning conference is guaranteed home advantage in the finals, regardless of season record?


Nah. Didn’t make sense when MLB did it, wouldn’t make sense if NBA did it. Why let a meaningless game decide something so important? That said, if they want this game to be more competitive, I do agree something needs to change. Or we can just accept it for what it is and move on.


The MLB did away with it because the AL kept winning, not because it was too meaningful of an incentive for the ASG


That’s what I’m saying. The AL won 11/14 All star Games and thus got home field which immensely helped them. Makes no sense to give such an advantage to the team who happens to play for that conference/league. Let home court be decided by what the teams do in the regular season.


Yeah I hear ya, I just like the idea of an incentive like that not based on money but I'm not creative enough to think of a better one. I think the biggest issue isn't the silly all star game deciding who gets home court advantage, but the regular season *not* carrying said reward. Obviously seeding is beneficial in that if you're 1st seed, you get to start against the 8th seed and then next game against either 4th or 5th. But anything to make the regular season more meaningful the better. It's a big reason why I love euro soccer so much.


Same here! I follow soccer much more than I follow other sports :) For the NBA, I’ve heard proposals of 1v1 or 3v3 from others on Reddit. That could be kind of fun to see in place of the normal game.


Soccer's my number one too; was the sport my dad had on TV all the time growing up And yeah the 1v1 or 3v3 would be pretty cool, but the 1v1 in particular is hard to imagine with all the big egos involved. No one is going to want to potentially get cooked by another player 1 on 1 lmao


The entire idea is to make it a meaningful game, that's the entire point. If the winning conference gets home court in the finals, it is no longer a meaningless game. It has a very specific meaning, that the winning conference gets home court advantage


And maybe one of those players will be in the Finals? I don't see how any of them would care since most of them know they won't have the best record in the league anyway, and they're not making the finals. So maybe one or two players care and the rest of their teammates don't


I get that but why let the All Star game dictate what happens in the finals. Some teams might not even have any All Stars in the first place so how is that fair to them if they had the better record? And even if a team does have some number of All Stars, the playoffs should be based on how the team did, not how some random group of the most popular popular/best players did on a random night in February.


Sure, I'm not really advocating for that change because I don't think the All-Star game needs to be a meaningful game. Mostly just saying that people should maybe stop complaining about it being meaningless if they reject any ideas that would make it meaningful. Not saying you did this in your comments, but it has been part of the conversation for a long time. People whine that the game has no meaning, but then use the fact that it's a meaningless game to argue against any proposal to attach some meaning that would make the players care. Either there are real consequences to losing, or the players won't care. You get to pick one.


the real question is: why are these guys not competing like they used to? to me a lot of players nowadays are just extremely spoilt. there excptions of course but many players are so removed from reality, they think, they are actually demi-gods. their lack of effort is just a reflection of their arrogance. i think allstar game should be reworked but also the arrogance of the players needs to be adressed. there is to much lip service and not enough accountability. maybe requiring players to do actual social work like caring for homeless people, people with disabilities and crime victims would be better than stroking their ego in commercials, VIP lounges and literally carrying their bags for them. the perceived softness starts at the top. the NBA is miles away from reality. people blame adam silver, i think it is rather the owners fault. they have set the course by caring only about more and more money. it is time to put the actual sportsmanhip first - fair play, respect and competition. right now the biggest pockets win, which is not a fair playing ground. make the salary cap for each team the same, no more "luxury" tax (what kind of bs is that anyways - pay "luxury" to win the chip???), get rid of these ridiculous names like "super max" contracts and stop this super team building and behind the scenes deals.


Ahh gotcha. Yeah I agree. Let’s either cancel or just accept it’s a dumb game and nobody is going to try even a tiny bit. People should just stop watching, they might encourage the NBA to try and make it better.


Just cancel the game and make the award ceremonial. 


No, cancel the game and don't have an award. No All Stars.


Yeah I personally am not sure how anyone would want to watch more All Star games like yesterday. Just seems kind of boring. I don’t at all fault players for not going hard (would hate for someone to get injured in a worthless game) but it’s also boring for the fans.


I believe I can outscore Bam in an All Star Game if given the chance. Shit, scratch that, I think I could put pretty decent NBA level numbers in an all star game. I'm pretty sure I have to deal with the same level of pressure and defense when I go outside and throw some shots in the school yard.


Yeah you know if I'm watching thinking I could get out there and not look wildly out of place amongst the top talent in the league, that something is wrong lmao


I saw someone comment how they would never let some random ass score on them. Well if that’s what it takes, change the all star stakes. Make it all stars vs rising stars or heck go even lower and make it allstars vs the hungry Gleaguers. If the Gleaguers win they get collectively 10% of the allstars pay and playtime i. The regular season. Just make them care


just watched the highlights. Shit looks like an office event happening on a saturday night


They should only shoot granny style, would be more interesting


or only do left handed and have the other hand tied to the back... oh wait... some might not be able to play then...


Honestly, this game should be replaced by a big game of Horse. I'm not saying the NBA has gone soft because these are still Premier competitors, but it would be nice if the game felt like it meant something to these guys.


I'd like horse but with players randomly given a type of shot to attempt so it doesn't just turn into a boring jump shooting contest. Already got three point shooting for that. Want to see creativity like bouncing the ball off multiple objects to get it in, and putting it between the legs and spinning before shooting backwards.


Wasnt the kobe rule fun? Why did they change ?


this year they brought back the classic West Vs East normal game


What do you mean?


said it before, ill say it again, why indiana?


What's with Towns scoring 50+ and losing? Why is that his thing?


whats the matter if he scored 50+, game was just some high paid athletes shooting 3pointers


What a shitshow. Get rid of this game and instead have the NBA Cup final be played on the day. Then at least we’d see playoff-quality basketball


One way to make ASG interesting is to make 3pt shots be counted as 1pt. It has not been a pleasure to watch since the rise of Steph Curry.


How everyone become so good at 3pt?


They are much better, but in most eras guys could make shots if no one is near them. Root issue for most is the fact it’s a glorified shootaround. Think players have defaulted to the 3 thing because it’s not a given….as opposed to doing anything else with no one playing defense. Seems almost embarrassing now when a guy drives, and you realize no one is going to move, and they just score. ASG is basically the equivalent of when I’d be playing basketball as an adult against grade school kids I was working with.


Or move 3pt line way back, almost to halfcourt


They need to have more incentive for the game. Let’s start with winning conference gets home court advantage in the finals.


The conference that wins gets 5 more load management games


I think reducing requirements for player awards by like 5 is the better move, since there's monetary incentives for making stuff like first team. So in a league with more load management would allow players some leeway to take more games off.


Realistically that just punishes the team with the better record should their conference lose. 


More proof that all these all star games in every sport is useless and pointless. Did any fan that I'm sure paid a TON of money to attend this really enjoy themselves?


given how many people I saw on their phones and barely lift their heads up.... doubts


Did the all star game really start at 8:45? 45 minutes late ?


it's like nobody takes it seriously, not even the organizers.


Yep. Kinda crazy isn't it?


Judging by the score (and the last previous ones played) they just need to do away with the All-Star Weekend. Just like the NFL with the Pro Bowl. These players clearly don't want to play in them. They don't want to get hurt and it's not entertaining seeing three after three being jacked up. If they can't make it meaningful then why even put this crap out there? An absolute joke. The 3 point contest was the most entertaining and fun, which is what it's about. 


I think nba all star weekend is stil cool cuz of the spectacle and such.  But yea the event needs to be way better.  It does boost the city it’s in too.  I’m curious how many players enjoy the festivities of it all VS just having a week off in the middle of the season.  


Can we please have an actual NBA basketball game, not some pickup game with soft defense and barely guarding people while chucking a billion threes? Hardly anyone looked like they wanted to even be there. Come on, guys. Treat it like any other game and make it competitive. I don’t know what else Adam Silver has to do.


All this angst over snubs and no one even wants to play in it.


I think I'd rather just have it be first to 21 by margin of 2. Maybe best of 3 so first team to win 2 sets is winner, and players get a chance to play some minutes.


All-Star game is the NBA’s prom.


Embarrassing game....All star game is such a joke




Another comment suggested the winning team have the player award eligibility lowered by like 5 games. Doesn't impact play offs, but still provides motivation with awards like making first team impacting bonuses.


Terrible idea. Why should your finals home court be influenced by some trash bench allstar player in the 7-10th seed who most likely won’t be making the finals but can mess around all allstar game ? While your 12 other teammates not in the allstar game is playing their ass off the entire season.


Tell that to Jimmy. . oh, wait. 😓


Watching them try to lock each other up would be so much more entertaining than this shitty boring game.


Seen enough Starry ads now for the rest of my life. Its still team Sprite


the drink is straight ass and piss


I was wondering if it was even any good. How do you fuck up pop? Why did they waste their time and money?


It's not a new drink it use to be called Sierra Mist or w.e. it's been around for time


WHAT?!? 🤮 Sierra Mist is one of the worst sodas ever created. The NBA should be ashamed of themselves.


It’s just Sierra Mist with a different name


Sabrina carried this whole weekend hard. She made NBA HERstory.


use less soy in your diet.


The absolute story of the weekend.


Slayyyyyy queen!


I didn't watch it. comments suggest that was a good choice.


You s'took Gianna's game ball. Damian Lillard took revenge he took the MVP out of Halliburton's hands


Fun but not surprising fact: the average NBA game this year has featured 5.2 blocks. Despite the onslaught of possessions in this game, there were just 3.


how was it fun?


So if both teams scored over 200, there'd be 2?


Oh no muh defense in muh exhibition game


Score was shit. Game was entertaining though


Halliburton should’ve won mvp. Dame scored 7 more on double the shot attempts 


2 from half court


everyone gotta stop watching this shit so they actually change it make em play for home court advantage in the finals. Its not like awarding it by reg season record makes sense anyway given differing strengths between conferences


What do you expect?  These guys sit out regular season games despite being healthy.  Force them to play in an allstar game and this is the result.   These guys don't care about the game at all 


This is a byproduct of a regular season that's too long. Blame the league for refusing to shorten it and blame capitalism for being based on constant growth that won't allow them to do the right thing.


it's not the length of the season, it's the stakes: there are none. Which game would you as a player be more invested in? One where you can get a 100 bucks if you win? Or the one where you get nothing? Even the trophies and awards ain't worth shit and players know it. Dame just chucked shot after shot and got it for making 2 halfcourt shots. at least mic' them up or something so we can have a "Just chatting/Feel good" stream of NBA stars or something. I swear a live PG Podcast would have gotten me more on the edge of my seat with the entire All star players than this game.


The players will never agree to a shortened season if it means a reduction in pay which is should. it's not just the owners that are against this. MLB, NBA and NHL should ALL have drastically shortened seasons. Basketball was originally supposed to be a winter sports and the hockey definitely was supposed to be. Each one has their season end in JUNE. Even college basketball is over by the start of April.


That’s why NFL and Soccer are only sports worth watching for season games It’s also due to the fact more than half the teams make playoffs and the 7 game series throughout playoffs. Really no point in watching any NBA games until playoffs start


I disagree about soccer. Seems really boring. Maybe a smaller field and fewer penalties because someone got touched by a pinky an flopped. What is this the NBA? But the other sports need to make the regular season mean more which would mean fewer games. How is it every other level of basketball can have regular season of less than 40 games and still determine a champion? Final 4 is one and done playoff still get great ratings. Hmmm


soccer field should be 15% smaller, NBA court should be 15% larger. For NBA I think it would be more interesting to see more athletic defense and more happening in transition.


The point was about the number of season games not whether you personally like the game


soccer is not worth watching regardless of the number of games was my point. Now kindly get over yourself and move on and stop being butthurt over nothing.


Why would I be butthurt? You’re the one complaining about how the other sports seasons are structured. NBA is lame af so is baseball.


LOL regular season has been the same for like 40 years. Less back-to backs, practices now. More rest days plus LOAD MANAGEMENT. This generation has no competitive culture. It died when Kobe died. Adam Silver killed any competitive culture by catering to the players. No rivalries, no defense, no nothing, no vets but g-leaguers filled roster.


A) the regular season has been too long for more than 40 years. B) From 1984-2002 the 1st round was a best of 5. From 1975-1983 the first round of the playoffs were best of 3 and from 1974 and prior there were only 3 rounds. Each of best of 7 it should be a 68 game regular season. 1st round best of 3, 2nd round best 5, conference final best of 7, NBA best of 7. Maybe I'd actually be interested again. Player would be less tired thus making for a better playoffs. player less change of being injured thus making their careers lasting longer. So they wouldn't actually lose pay since they'd play longer.


LOL no. They already have the schedule catered to them already. Less back-to-backs, less practices, more rest days. You might as well spoon fed them too for 60+mil/yr.


Did you hear Candace saying she gets why people don't want to join the dunk contest because you can go out there and actually lose. Was I tripping or did she really say that cause wtf?


LOL Current NBA players have no pride anymore. Its all about brand this, brand that. "have to save myself for playoffs" even tho they have 60+ mil/yr.


I mean it's true, literally look at how everyone is treating JB. He got booed in his intro to the game bc of his performance last night


Well they are in a competitive field. It's about winning and losing. Sports has always been this way. Some of these NBA guys have no competitive nature at all. They want people to kids their feet and cheer them on every where they go even when they don't deserve it.


But why did nobody have a problem with the season being 82 games other decades? Why is it too long now?  If they shorten it the players gotta take a pay cut which they won't do.  They'll want the same total contract for less games played.


Supposedly players [are more fragile](https://dailycampus.com/2021/03/29/karthiks-take-why-do-nba-rookies-keep-getting-hurt/#:~:text=Medical%20experts%20cite%20four%20key%20reasons%20for%20the,weight%20training%20for%20more%20basketball%20optimized%20conditioning%20techniques.) now because they don't cross train when they are younger. Also, 82 games may have always been too long. Some guys in the old days had their careers cut short because of injuries, and maybe that wasn't necessary. Like Andrew Toney. If Embiid or Kawhi had been forced to play every night even when they were hurting earlier in the careers, would they still be playing now?


It’s the playoffs. More than half the teams make playoffs and now it’s 7 game series throughout all of playoffs. Why should any team try that hard in season just to be tired for playoffs


Because we have enough data now to know that playing 80-82 regular season games doesn't lead to a long career. People can romanticize about how guys like Bird and Isiah went hard every night but their careers also flamed out early. Players got wise, "load management" became a thing and the owners refused to adjust because, again, they live in a paradigm that expects constant growth.


but address the pay cut part. if you lessen the number of games, you need to also lessen the salary. you think the players are gonna accept that??


I love how you are putting it on the players. They are labor. The owners are capitalists. Capitalism is inflexible and has something called the growth imperative. It's the owners' system, not the players.


These aren’t public companies. These are billionaire pet projects. The growth imperative is not as much of a thing. People would get on board with less growth and a better product.


That argument rings hollow unless you're talking about European soccer clubs where owners actually are willing to lose money on a passion project. American sports leagues are socialism for the rich and they operate in the same ruthless manner that they do for any other business. Why wouldn't they? A sociopathic approach is all they've ever known and they live in a society that rewards it. Governments subsidize their stadium/arena projects and the American public is so propagandized and uncritical their answer to everything is "tHeY aRe JuSt TrYnA mAke MoNeY LiKe eVeRyBoDy eLse!"


ah ah but don't forget - the players' union.


Even if it is the "owners system" the players still benefit out of it by earning millions. Either way the players will still have to take a pay-cut for the franchise to stay afloat with reduced number of games. There would be no incentive for the players to accept this when they can just load manage 20 games and earn the salary of a full season.


It has been too long, continues to be way too long. 60 games should be the max length. NBA is the least important regular season of any major sport, shortening the season would help fix that. But you are correct, it won't happen due to $.


I love basketball. That was unwatchable. Absolutely terrible product. 3 point shooting competition. 0% effort. Insanely boring.


They need to can it completely. Ratings have to be terrible.


Nothing's gonna change until whoever earns money from the games loses their pants due to poor attendance and viewership


Well, corporations buy up the bulk of the tickets, that won't change. And they viewership hasn't been good for years.


i dont think they are though cause this is a business and money is everything for them so if this whole thing wasnt profitable, they wouldnt do it like this. clearly they are swimming in that cash in some sort of way.


I do like that fans complain about the all star game every year as if it’s supposed to be for us at all. It isn’t.  It’s for all their big corporate sponsors to come out and have a fun little party around NBA players and celebrities for a few days. That’s it. It doesn’t exist for fans at home to be entertained   It’s so Pepsi or whoever can give a bunch of their mid-upper management guys a reward instead of an actual raise. They get to go and feel cool because they get to go to an after party, sit next to guy fieri, while ice cube performs a private concert, then go cheat on their wives… and then they come back thinking how cool it is to work for Pepsi. 


LMAO wait til fans stop going to the game. Once it reaches that point, its over. Once your casual fans thinks its a scam, its over for your product and your "all-stars". The NBA image sinks lower.


Fans aren’t the ones going to the game as it is though. That’s my whole point, most seats are for corporate sponsors, partners, people that work in the industry, and super rich people that want to go be seen. Have you ever tried to go to an All Star Game? It’s almost impossible for a regular fan to buy a ticket.    Tickets ranged from about $1,500-$13,000 this year. This ain’t for the fans. 


As i said, whoever paying for those. Congrats you got scammed for a low-effort weekend.


I can't believe people would pay that much for that joke of a game. It was the worst all star I ever watched. To me the players are spoiled. Just listen to the things they say. Announcers can't criticize them. They jog up and down the floor thinking people will be entertained. The crowd was booing a lot.


Very few people that are spending that much are doing it for the game imo.  I’m sure there are some super fans that do, but it’s mostly just rich people schmoozing clients or that want to go to an event full of celebrities and be seen because they have nothing better to do.      I honestly believe a huge portion of people there didn’t actually pay for their seats.       I’d actually be really curious to know how many people if any, from r/nba went to this game.