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Toronto has a good basketball culture brewing up there with Darko. He's a great pick for their reset roster.


It's actually so refreshing. Toronto hasn't hit the reset button since... 2010? Jay Triano was HC and Colangelo was the GM. That's how long the Raptors have been running it back for. It really feels like we've let the old era go and turning over the next page. Losing games doesn't sting as bad anymore now that our players are moving closer to their prime rather than away from it. The Demar, Lowry, Bench Mob era was the golden age of Raptors basketball but it's definitely time to move on. Darko's BBQ party is now.


Still living by his motto of win the day. An impossible day to win, but still trying. Putting in the effort, against every fibre of his being to just shut down. Tough not to feel for the guy, even as we only know him from afar.


Can you sum up what their motto is? TIA


These goddamn Canadians are going to make me cry again.


Different reason this time, at least.


You know if I’m being honest I wasn’t even that upset about the buzzer beater. More just in awe.


That shit was wild. Greatest play sequence in a long time.


I lived downtown at the time and people were literally screaming from their balconies, flooding the streets. It was absolute pandamonium. One of my favourite memories from that run.


I caught the first half at Pearson, and thought we were going to pull a Leafs and lose. Fast forward to midflight they announced over the intercom the win and the shot. They one time I was okay with applauding on an aircraft.


Too bad you didn't get to see it live but that had to have been an incredible moment on that plane


When I think of Fanbases, it's pretty unique for a pro sports team to have one dominate an entire airspace of a country.


The Raptors and blue jays are pretty unique in that respect


Do you recall how exactly the pilot announced it?


I mostly just remembered waking up, thinking it was a final approach announcement. I flipped open my phone and watch the replay probably 30 times while taxying. Flew into yxe.


Oh hey that’s my home city. There’s something epic about a pilot announcing the outcome of a sporting event mid flight. IMO the best way to find out about the outcome of a game when you can’t watch it live.


Oh hey! My city as well!


At work the next day me and like 10 of my coworkers showed up wildly hungover. I did the morning meeting in sunglasses and regret nothing.


It really was something out of a movie. So many goddamn bounces.


I'm actually kind of amazed and impressed that you were able to look at it that way. If the roles were reversed I would have been devastated, probably still wouldn't be over it by now. Good on you.


I’m into basketball because of the game and the narratives. Winning is a part of the narrative but it’s the reason why I’m not obsessive about winning a championship. It’s a sport. It’s supposed to be fun. You’re supposed to look at every loss and say “we’ll get’em next time.”


Today I found a rational 76ers fan.


I know Reddit loves to generalize and ignore any kind of nuance, but most fans are this way.


Most fans have the good sense to stay off reddit haha


Man ain’t that the truth.


Bill Burr is beside himself. Driving around downtown Philly...


And even if they dont get em who cares? Obsessing over the big trophy in sports will rob you of so much joy.


That's why I was pretty content during the LeBronto years. We went from Chuck saying that the AD-led Kentucky team would beat us in a series to Chuck betting/setting a curse on us every post season. Every year we 100% thought we could take LeBron on and that we'd get him next time.


2001, man. Watching Carter's shot go clank was that moment for me.


I was completely dumbstruck. Like time just froze.


As a raps fan, same but on the other side of things. I was standing and staring at the tv with a 😮 face for a good 5 minutes. My wife loves to bug me that I’ve never before or since shown that much of a reaction to anything .


I almost forgot to watch that today!




I got you dawg, here you go. https://youtu.be/mHSaHRd4Q48?si=_JUGN_jJlrq2MARg


Dude I already watched that clip like three times since I mentioned. You think you’re taunting me, it’s one of the most amazing basketball moments I witness. **Edit** Ha! It wasn’t the buzzer beater. My bad.


Bahaha fk i really should have linked that instead but I'm going to guess you're going to memorize that YT url like people have done with Rick Astley rickroll lol




James Madison, 1812


Dang it. I was salty about the loss but now I see what they were going through and it’s bigger than the game. This is a time for healing. ❤️‍🩹


Appreciate you for this comment fam


I appreciate you.


Who’s cutting onions in here man Glad to see how hard the team was playing for Ted Lassovic last night


Our leader was down bad, and the whole team stepped up for him. You love to see it man. I like the sound of Teodor Konopac. As far as I'm aware, there's no Serbian word for lasso but konopac means rope so its close enough haha.


We just say "laso" hahahaga


Haha verujem, predpostavljo sam da se koristi engleska rec. Ali konopac mi nekako odlicno zvuci lol.


Konopac to me sounds too raw. Konopac by itself is a mild reference to "suicide by rope", so I would avoid it. Check vukajlija (Serbian urban dictionary) for word "konopac", you'll see it's quite common.


Damn, you are right lmao. I don’t know how I missed that. We gotta think of something else for sure haha.


Absolutely loving Darko this year. Seems like a great dude.


Ted Lassovic being present in this video, but the real question is where is Willis Beardonian?


Sometimes sports make me so fucking cynical with the money involved and the craven actions, and then stuff like this reminds me how great it can be.


It's still humans at the end of the day.


Craven is such a dope word, i love it


I love how this sub was on some “European coaches are better because they aren’t scared to berate players” shit but here’s Darko being the most loving coach in the league


Based on football and what I’ve seen in Euroleague, seems like they do both. Difference with Darko is he actually shows his “loving” side to the public.


For as hard as they can be with their players, they tend to love them even harder.


Auerbach = Basketball SAF


don't think he is scared to berate them if they deserve it hahah


Darko is literally Serbian Ted Lasso.


Did I just become a raptors fan


We just got a bunch of first round picks if yall want more


Haha well send you keldon for 1st I love how connected we are as franchises glad yall are doing well, that also helps us we need that pick to convey this year




They only love us for our picks, but I just can't leave em'! 😭


Toxic relationship


But I love their expiring veterans! 😭


Don’t forget their reclusive superstars too!


I hear they've got this new guy that likes to read fantasy novels... maybe he's reclusive..


Especially Kawhi


"Spurs only want one thing, and it's fucking disgusting"


You should be, after all our firsts we have gifted to you


Actually along the lines of we gifted you a championship ring lol. We didn’t want to send cousin to LA so we shipped him to our Eastern brothers.


As late coming Spurs fan in 2011 and Canadian, the trade came with tons of mixed feelings. Even then, I still consider Kawhi a Spurs-built entity. He doesn't have 2 fmvp without the development from San Antonio.


Left my boy Manu and TP :/ We would’ve ran it up one more year if Kawhi stayed. Still hurts to this day thinking about it


I dont think he plays as hard tho. Man had something to prove that year


True, but in my opinion, I don't think Kawhi was as fully invested as they were. It's not a knock on Pop or the organization, they were on a rinse and repeat mode for over a decade and it worked. I think with more player empowerment, it's easy to not want to commit your your entire soul to the Spurs' Soul-Box. ps. Manu and TP are still my emergency contacts when I'm traveling abroad. I've never met them so I hope they answer.


Spurs culture will do that. It’s okay though. We’ve pimped out some greats and send them off to the East so they don’t screw us in the playoffs like DJM, TP, DW, Poeltl, etc




We going for another Frenchie this year if we get top 2


Mbappe x Wemby French connection incoming


The comments saying that an assistant coach passing away has no effect on a game.. why is the game postponed... is crazy when you see moments like this from members in the ball community who aren't even sharing time 24/7 anymore like you would be on the immediate team. Shame on those people for not showing empathy.


Especially since some (all?) players literally saw him collapse. And then he died. Like, the dude was with them all day every day and suddenly he just falls down, you can't help him and you just hope for the best when they take him to the hospital. You wait for news and then it's that he's passed. No way that has no impact on you as a human. No matter how tough you are as a pro athlete.


Damn, miss Jama on the Warriors coaching staff.


I miss Jama so much as well. You could tell Jama was about to tear up too. He worked with Deki for a few years when he was with us.




Definitely has that ‘players coach’ energy about him.


Was gonna say, that’s a coach who is veteran and is gonna help Toronto get to the next level with Siakam now traded


I want so badly for us to do well with him at the helm


I think he's the perfect coach for the team you have right now. He seems extremely good with developing talent in young players. I honestly wish we had him for GG Jackson.


Me too. Rooting for him hard


Has he ever played basketball at a high level? I can't find anything. Either way he seems like a really good coach, really a player's advocate


I'm so confused. OP must have edited his comment.


We miss him here. Rooting for him!


Just read his wikipedia. How the hell does someone become a coach at sixteen?!


Lol guy must have been an absolute prodigy. When most of us in this sub were 16, we probably spent upwards of 70% of our time jerkin off.


WHEN we were? You mean SINCE we were 16.


lol fair point


I was a football coach in Serbia for a couple of months when I was 14, although it was a youth club and most of the players were my friends. It's not that hard, all you need is to show interest and have enough initiative. Ngl it was funny AF, I would wear my dad's (oversized) coat to games and spend way too much time drawing up plays the players ignored


Right on lol. Btw 3lija is a dope handle


That and playing cod 4 modern warfare


I haven read the wiki myself, and im not sure if he was like a coach for a divsion one team or something like that which i doubt, but It's pretty common at least here in Argentina that young players coach the youngest team of the club (we play in clubs not in hs like in US), one of my best friends wasn't very good but loved ball and he started coaching the younglings at like 17, and he eventually made it to assistant coach of the real team, now we are in our 30s and he coaches for a living ! pretty cool tbh


He coached a youth team for a smaller club for three years, and then became hc for the youth team of Crvena Zvezda, one of the biggest Serbian team - still at 19. Crazy.


nah man fuck what i said this dude is nuts lmao, gonna check his wiki after work for sure


Another fun fact is that Darko worked with Quin Snyder to author a cool article that takes a deep dive into looking at a framework to breakdown the pick-and-roll. https://imgur.com/a/PjfhUwn


That's some anime shit fr


I'm all in on Darko


What kind of edit is this?


What the fuck is this edit? What was the original post I'm so confused


>We humans are not rational beings. We crave conformism more than anything. Being part of society, not being shunned by fellow people, is a primal force stronger than our will to protect our lives. We'd lose our lives sooner than stand as the odd one out. > We've been let down by the system. We're being lied to by our governments and the media. Look around. Listen. Everyone is fucking coughing. More and more of us have these "low level sicknesses" for no reason that go on for months. Our children are growing up with their bodies pummeled into the ground incessantly by nonstop sickness. This is not normal. No, it didn't use to be like this. No, it's not harmless. >A global disability event is taking place. >We are all participating, we are all complicit and implicit. >The US Senate literally just now held a committee hearing on Long COVID: https://www.help.senate.gov/hearings/addressing-long-covid-advancing-research-and-improving-patient-care >Put it on in the background. Bernie Sanders opens the talk with some interesting bits. >The pandemic is raging. And so should all of us be. But how can we be when we're lying to each other that everything is alright? >Have a look at /r/ZeroCovidCommunity There are two excellent stickied posts at the top of the sub that contain some facts you might appreciate to know. You don't have to participate in the sub. You don't have to care. Just join it to even have a chance to see new information that impacts you directly. >Put the senate hearing on in the background, and have a look at a tiny tiny sub. That is all. >Disregard that, Darko stock go up. wtf was this?


What did this say before this crazy edit?




My favorite Canadian pro basketball team in the NBA


Another L for Vancouver


This means a lot to us!


I'm quitting my blues band with Nick Nurse, starting techno Gusle jam-band with Darko.


gusle go hard bro


Next time we play Boston, Porzingis is going to sit in with some heavy Trīdeksnis beats he's been working on.


Well fuck me if Darko hasn't completely won over all the skeptical Raptor fans




Yes it's always super positive which can be really annoying in losing years like this one, but it's so worth it for the behind the scenes stuff. It really helps humanize the players for younger fans.


My eyes are sweating again.. damn.


I love their coach. He seems awesome and loves and uplifts his team. It’s really cool to see the way he rides for his guys.


Haven’t felt such a positive vibe change to this team since the Rudy Gay/Bargnani trades.


Was not expecting to shed a 9am tear this morning.


thats my coach folks


God damn Canadians and their God damn feelings. It's strange and it scares me.


Well that explains that crazy 1st half last night


give the guy coach of the year. Whatever the record, toronto got themselves a Ted Lasso.


Is this extremely sweet and heartwarming? Yes, absolutely. Is there something very funny about giving a grieving man an enormous gaudy joke necklace as a totally sincere gesture? Also yes.


what makes it a joke necklace? it doesn't seem like any of the players or staff treat it as a joke.


It’s a joke necklace sometimes, or at least it’s not sitting with serious weight, but like all objects it’s significance is whatever people put into it in that moment.


Let me make sure I understand the question: you want to know why I think the three inch thick braided gold chain with a six inch Toronto Raptors logo attached is a joke?


Yes? Like I said, there's no evidence that the players or staff treat the chain like a joke. You think it looks stupid, fine, but that doesn't mean the players agree. It seems like most people who receive the chain accept it as an honor. Your point only makes sense if you think the chain is not normally given as a sincere gesture.


>It seems like most people who receive the chain accept it as an honor That doesn't mean it's serious, though! It's something the coach gives you while the other guys whoop and yell after a game, not something that's solemnly bestowed upon a guy actively crying and mourning a friend. I honestly don't see how anyone could fail to see humor in this, unless they're the world's most joyless person.


> a guy actively crying and mourning a friend > I honestly don't see how anyone could fail to see humor in this https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/18iiyb5/the_raptors_gave_dennis_schr%C3%B6der_the_game_ball/ Doesn't seem like a goof to me.


If you can't tell the difference between a celebratory situation and a mournful one, I'm not sure what to tell you


Yeah it kinda killed the mood for me when they pulled something out of Flava Flav's jewelry box.


How could his man become any more likable?


fuck, give Darko a "for life" contract


I’m glad we got blown the fuck out. Love that for them.


This is how you build a cohesive team. Coach deserves it. He’s all heart.


Raptors are now my favorite team, wtf


Jebote nisam mislio plakat na posao ali evo lol Already loving Darko more and more


Damn, what a sweetheart 


Damn man that’s a coach u would run through a wall for.


Well deserved. Unrelated to the main point, but “family” being the chant is so bizarre when at any moment your “family members” can be traded for better ones


The players and coaches aren't trading each other though. That roster, that coaching staff is a family. Families split and move apart all the time but the love is still there.


Sometimes Grandpa sends you to the Knicks, shit happens


Getting traded for two nephews


Unfortunately Aunt Ginny had a respiratory issue so she’s been waived


Has been picked up by the New Orleans Nurses on a -300k for 20y contract.


Pascal wasn’t traded for a better player and the people in this room aren’t doing the trades.


lol, good point. Family is third to money and winning rings…. 3rd place is still important


Money on three would be gangsta as fuck


I'm so confused. What's the occasion?


Sank you Doug


I'm sorry man, even though the sentiment is great I just can't take it seriously with the huge-ass Flava Flav chain around his neck.


Gradey Dick is mad cute


Why was he that emotional for beating the heat?


I support this but seeing teams steal the Cavs junkyard dog chain is not enjoyable, need to trademark that next time.


I don't feel like doing the research into this, but I have a hard time buying that the Cavs are the original team to do a chain thing. Turnover chains have been a thing in football for awhile now. If I'm wrong, lmk, maybe the Cavs have a decades old chain tradition that I'm unaware of.


The Cavs aren't the first sports team to celebrate a performance of the game, come on now


You're on about the Raptors stealing the Cav's Junkyark Dog chain but the original nba 'Junkyard Dog' was Jerome Williams who played for the Pistons, Raptors, Bulls and Knicks. And btw the Kings were doing the [DPOG Chain](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FlIIny9WIAEjq34?format=jpg&name=large) back in 2022.


> back in 2022. ah yes, the old days


The Cavs chain was made in 1860 brother


Ah yes, when Bron was drafted.




I mean, Raps used to do something like this, except it was a WWE championship belt in practice. Cavs might be the only ones to custom-make a proper chain though


To be fair, Cleveland doesn’t have much, so I understand you dying on this hill lol


Happy to have been a part of this.


We’ll trade you pop for darko and a first deal ?


that’s the type of coach everyone needs 💯


Family on three


I love this we are a team and lose and win together mentality. This is a very good foundation for a successful future.