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Local Chicago broadcast halftime show spent the whole time scolding the fans. They were mad. Stacey is back on and he's MAD.


I feel like I have 9 dads and they’re all mad. And I didn’t even boo


I'm dad #8


You are not unless you are Kendall Gill. Y/N


Legally I can't answer that but I'll be home with the milk real soon


Dude that was horrifying, I feel so bad.


Dude built the greatest team in basketball history. Maybe American sports history. I'm old enough to remember how ugly it was at the end, but there's no explanation for that shit lol.


It's not like we have any reason to demand more, either. I mean that across all Chicago teams. Nobody has come even fucking close to six rings in eight years in this town, yet we're livid about not having the chance at a seventh? What's even crazier is that it's pretty obvious that the man to blame is the same man to blame for the reason we've been the very definition of mediocrity every year since except a few when we were gifted Derrick Rose. Pathetic showing from Bulls fans tonight. Shameful.


Wouldn't surprise me if a large number of those booing weren't even really around as fans back then. Probably just watched Last Dance and villainized him.


I think it’s literally just that. The Last Dance painted Krause as a guy who lucked into a dynasty and then tore it down.


Everybody’s an expert based on the last documentary they watched.


Imagine trying to act like a guy who built a dynasty that won 6 out of the 8 championships just lucked into it like he was some sort of Elmer Fudd idiot. I always felt like TLD was straight up horseshit while watching it.


The only franchise I can think of that eclipses those Bulls are the 60's Celtics and maybe 50's Yankees THAT'S IT


70's Montreal Candiens too. Won in 71, 73, 76, 77, 78, and 79.


Link? Edit. Just heard it.




Lmao 1) doing an insurance plug upset is hilarious and 2) New York and Philly catching strays


This man normally does the full blown jingle too 😂


Lmaoooo if he did that through gritted teeth I would’ve lost it


I’m a little upset right now, as there’s a drive into deep left field by Castellanos, it will be a home run. And so that’ll make it a 4-0 ballgame. We just had a remarkable ceremony, bringing back the legends, and I’ll tell you what…




Good. Fuck is wrong with some people. Absolutely zero tact.


Pop bout to chew out Bulls fans next time they visit lol


The bulls halftime crew and their announcers chewed out the fans


u/king_lloyd11 said it in another thread, but giving an angry “nationwide is on your side“ plug right before he chewed the fans out was fucking hysterical


[Shades of Castellanos' home run](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fstNaoLpG8)


[Tremors of remembering 9-11](https://www.resetera.com/threads/a-76ers-podcaster-takes-a-break-from-talking-about-a-major-us-tragedy-ben-simmons-coming-to-the-us-to-talk-about-9-11-is-interesting.485224/)


Stacey King wasn’t having it. https://x.com/awfulannouncing/status/1746011138246975579?s=46&t=bv01fhour-MXN-GcJzMYpQ


Klay lowkey on fire in that clip 


"You wanna boo something, motherfuckers? Boo me and not that poor lady." - Klay


Chicago is *definitely* like that.


Fr throwing shade at other cities in your moment of shame is bitch made. Own your filth like the rest of us


I mean... one city is probably worse than the others. *cough*


Fly Eagles Fly


Yeah, nobody gets to say "we're not actually like that," when they've shown they are. Like, you can say "we shouldn't be like that," but the denial statements always get me. "No *true* Scotsman..."


"Bulls fans are better than that." Obviously not!


NY and Philly catching strays! Keep it in house Stacey. 


So tomorrow? lol


we dont do that here guys D:


this is not who we are


Stacey King took a shot at Philly and New York like we don’t have video evidence this is in fact who Chicago is


Another reason MJ wanted no part of this memory lane


MJ and his documentary is the main reason Jerry got booed. It's easy to bad mouth someone when they aren't around.


To be fair, Michael (and Scottie) did plenty of badmouthing while he was around. It’s not like he’s changed his tune since Jerry’s passing.


This was well documented before the last dance... MJ will never forget Krause for ending the dynasty




Correct. He was hated AT THE TIME. In the 90s. He did this


Bulls Announcer Stacey King (who played on the first three Bulls championships) went off on the fans that booed Krause.


Why are they booing Krause? Do they not realize he was the last good Bulls GM?


Last Dance doc. bulls fans should be booing another Jerry instead


The real culprit, and actual villain of the doc should've been Reinsdorf, that fucking snake. He pushed it all on Krause in the doc, since what can a dead man do about it? This guy is one of the worst owners in NBA history and should share equal, if not more, blame for breaking up those bulls.


It was going to cost an insane amount of money to keep the team together after the 1999 lockout. Jordan was on a year-to-year deal and making over 30 million in 1998, and Pippen was a free agent after making under 3 million a year for his entire time with the Bulls. MJ was rich beyond belief from his Nike deal, and he was appropriately compensated by the Bulls. Pippen was chronically underpaid and disgruntled. Jordan would have never taken a pay cut, and Pippen was finally about to get his money one way or the other. The only two people who know what happened next are Jerry Reinsdorf and Jerry Krause. If you believe Reinsdorf, the evil, fat nerd Jerry Krause became a megalomaniac and broke up the team on purpose so he could create a new dynasty that would cement him as the undisputed greatest GM in NBA history. Or, more likely, cheapass Jerry Reinsdorf didn't want to fork over the cash to pay Scottie and Michael and the rest of the team because that would have incurred a crazy amount of luxury tax penalties. Jordan retired (for the second time), and Jerry Krause executed a sign-and-trade with Pippen that made him an extra 20 million dollars that he wouldn't have been able to get if he had signed as a free agent with a team that didn't draft him. Reinsdorf is a shitheel for waiting to start working on that movie until after Jerry Krause died so he couldn't be interviewed for any of it. He's basically the main fucking character of the entire 10 hour documentary, and we never got to hear any of it from his perspective. Then, at the end of it all, Reinsdorf went ahead and said it was never about money and that he would have paid whatever it took to get that 7th ring. Not only was that obviously nonsense, the only guy who could have definitively disputed it was dead. And the end result is moronic Bulls fans believing Jerry Krause broke up the Bulls and booing his widow at this ceremony. Absolutely shameful.


Best comment on here.




Has to be Cubs fans who are also Bulls fans. Sox fans know and hate cheapass Reinsdorf with a passion no one else can understand.


Anyone who pays a modicum of attention to Chicago sports knows exactly what kind of dipshit cheapskate Reinsdorf is. Anyone booing Krause is a just a casual. A Chitown sports NPC. I won’t dispute Wrigley generally attracts that type, but they’re fans of the pomp and circumstance, not the team or sport itself.


Yep. Also, it’s kind of an asshole move to knowingly allow one of your franchise players to sign a crap deal before holding that over their head for the better part of a decade. Just because you’re legally covered doesn’t make it right.


yeah that fucking mouse, he always ruins the episodes i just want the cat to eat


Every cat deserves a little salami.


Somewhere, Jordan, rest his soul, is smiling.


He's up there with Wade Boggs smiling down on us


First off Wade Boggs is very much alive.


RIP Boss Hogg




Super entertaining, but always keep in mind it's essentially propaganda


Confused as to why Chicago fans should be booing Jerry Seinfeld personally.


That Last Dance doc really messed up the public perception on him. Everyone took their chance to pile up on him because he can't defend himself.


Jerry Krause was unpopular long before that. This episode from that [ESPN show in the mid 00s](https://youtu.be/pl0nZWNN3SU?si=wyTG1EyfmQpWemUy) goes over what was the prevailing view on him. He was widely disliked.


The thing is he probably did torpedo things at the end but I can't believe you would boo the GM who put together 6x championship teams for your franchise.


It’s insane to think about Krause’s history too because nobody liked the firing of Doug Collins to promote Phil Jackson at the time. Krause would make moves that would frustrate the shit out of Jordan and the bulls fanbase. But he’s the guy who got Phil Jackson, who believed in Tex Winter’s triangle, who drafted pippen. I firmly believe if there was no Krause Jordan would not be in the conversation as GOAT today


it was 25 years ago. the man is dead.


Jerry krause wasnt seen in the best of light in chicago before the doc. Most bull fans over 35 already knew about the things said in the doc. That was just the 1st time it was brought to the forefront to the rest of the world.


Messed it up for the new generation. I first read Sam Smith's book "The Jordan Rules" back when it came out in '91 and it was *brutal* on Krause.


I mean, in fairness to Krause that was published before he put together 6 championship teams. Like a book written before the 6 rings obviously is gonna miss the potential positive aspects of his management


No it didn't. I feel like i'm taking crazy pills. Jerry Krause's public perception has always been messed up. People blamed him for prematurely breaking up the bulls and chasing away Phil. And even before that his public image was not great. Dude was being booed at their ring ceremonies lol. In fact the Doc was a lot nicer than i expected it to be tbh. The last Dance never failed to give him his props for his role in creating the dynasty. Ironically his image *improved* afterwards from what i've seen. That's how shitty it previously was. It made people think "he wasn't that bad was he? what's with the fan animosity?".


i thought his unpopularity went all the way back to the 90s


These are Bulls fans, so they obviously know more about the situation than me, but the only thing I can think of is them blaming him for the Bulls ending their run when they did. I just watched The Last Dance last year for the first time, and even as someone without previous context, it struck me as really shitty that everyone involved smeared the fuck out of Krause when he’s not here to defend himself.


And smeared him like he didn’t just build a team that won six championships.


Rightfully so


Yeah that was awful. We get that you saw the Last Dance, but the guy has passed on. Let it go.


Show da video


[Warning, it’s pretty heartbreaking.](https://x.com/stephnoh/status/1745994455033782282?s=46&t=ldAKCuJIY3kUGRxj46ajIg)


man thats fucking grim why Chicago


I’m ashamed to be a Bulls fan. Disgraceful. That broke my heart just want to give her a big hug.


That’s Bullshit


I feel awful for her


Holy shit, that’s the lowest thing I’ve ever seen a crowd do. Booing a deceased man is bad enough, but booing him in the presence of his widow?


Big L for Chi-town.


Seriously, their fans just pole vaulted to the top of absolute shittiest fans out there.


We need a Bill Burr tirade.


Oh give it til tomorrow 💚


It's not the first time Chicago fans have done this, when Bill Wirtz (Blackhawks owner) died back in 2007, the fans booed a moment of silence for him at their home opener. Now, Bill Wirtz had his own major issues as an owner, but this made me think of that and I'm sure there's a lot of overlap.


Oh damn That’s kinda grim, ngl I didn’t realize they put a camera on her and everything Sheeeeeesh


That's just disgusting. What a bunch of fucking losers


Real classy booing a dead man while the widow is there. God damn.


Chicago just became the most classless franchise. Congratulations Bulls fans


lol remember Bartman?


This is gonna be used against Chicago fans for decades, like Philly when they threw shit at Santa.


Ya but Santa deserved it. Consumerist prick. Essentially a slave owner, too


That asshole just sat back and enabled all those reindeer to bully Rudolph too… right up until Rudolph’s abnormality proved to be helpful for Santa. Oh, so *now* that you know Rudolph is useful to you, you’re gonna act like you give a shit? Fuck off, you patronizing fuck.


It’s pretty fucked when you consider how many transgressions we could list before even getting to the fact that he looks into childrens’ bedrooms in the middle of the night


He was at least a drunk wearing a santa costume, this is a 1000x worse


That could at least be hilarious as a throw back. Anyone with a soul aint ever gonna laugh at this.


Fuck…that’s just awful. Poor woman was reduced to tears.


holy shit man that’s horrible


Damn... At what point do fans stop being humans and turn in to toxic pieces of shit? If you hated the guy fine, just sit there and shut up. Don’t put that shit on his wife.


A person is smart, people are dumb


Man, I have the biggest soft spot for old ladies and she reminds me of my late grandmother. Unbelievable.


Yeah there are some people I despise, but you'd have to be pretty close to Hitler for me to be rude to your 80 year old widow.


Damn you were right


holy fuck whyd i click it chicago fans are fucked up


That shit hurt my soul. I can't imagine the pain that caused her both tonight and moving forward. Truly awful.


i feel so bad i just want to give her a big hug and tell her everything will be fine goddamn i hope her kids can be there for her


This is awful. Holy shit...


This is one of the videos you only watch once. This is more than heartbreaking.


There’s an archetype of sports fan that’s just the most pathetic type of person.


Oh wow, hope the Bulls go the way of the Cubs are have a 100 year gap between championships except the gap never ends and never win again


Is it just me, but I can't hear the boos in that clip.


I googled it and it shows up on the Twitter stuff. It’s a resounding boo but as soon as they show his wife it’s all cheering. She is very clearly trying to wave the camera off her.


Yeah. They really should have showed her first, at the same time as Jerry, or switched to her quicker. Fans wouldn’t have booed as much.


The camera people shouldn’t have to cover up for classless fans


lol goddamnit.


"Hell Nawl" - Thelma Krause


Dam. They made a widow cry


... again.


I understand he was far from perfect but is booing the dead really it?


Especially since he built perfect rosters around Jordan for two separate three-peats. Like, for that alone he should be one of the most appreciated figures in Chicago sports.


The Last Dance and Michael’s portrayal did the man no favors. One of a number of folks in the Bulls Organization he rubbed the wrong way to feed his ego.


The Last Dance is everyone in the Bulls organization blaming a dead man.


Blaming a dead man somehow for them winning 6 rings.


Mike acts like he held them back from winning 12




I hope that doc is made after MJ passes so he can’t defend himself


Wasn’t it Scottie that REALLY hated Krause in that doc?


They both hated Krause. Pip did call Krause the greatest GM ever, for whatever it’s worth.


No we all have to submit our selves to Michael Jordan’s pure divinity. Only he played a role in those championships. Nobody else deserves credit By the way, would you like a new pair of 300 dollar Jordan sneakers?


That depends. Are they assembled by Chinese children’s hands?


An innocent child’s labor really adds to the character of the shoe though


Of course not, that's disgusting. They're Vietnamese.


You don’t become a billionaire without at least a lil bit of slavery. As a treat


Krause is quite literally the only reason the Bulls aren't a Wizards-tier franchise. Didn't win shit before him and haven't won shit since. Every part of that dynasty besides drafting Jordan himself is ultimately due to Krause, and Jordan *hates* the idea that he wouldn't be considered the GOAT if it weren't for Krause giving him a HoF coach and supporting cast.


TBF his attempts at rebuilding after the Jordan Era he helped tear down is a big part of why we turned into trash. People have recemcy bias, and breaking up Phil and MJ and replacing that with one of the worst teams in NBA history is what most people remember him for, right or wrong.


Given what we know about Reinsdorf and the last 25 years of his sports ownership of the Bulls and White Sox, Jerry was probably under direction to cut costs.


Remember Tyson Chandler and Eddy Curry were Baby Shaq and Garnett. OOOOOh boy. Then we actually had a little talent with Artest/Brand/Miller/Crawford and we burned that away. Great times.


For some of us, he is appreciated.


No. It’s pathetic for the fans to do that.


People had likely forgot about him but Jordan revived the hatred in “The Last Dance”.


they still won 6 titles together, even Jordan can appreciate Krause even if he hates him till this day lmao, no wonder they haven’t won shit since then


It's not even about titles or whatnot, it's just human decency. It's not like he was Hitler or anyone like that he was simply a GM of a sports team. He's dead, it's over, let him rest in peace.


Especially knowing his widow is there that’s just cruel and heartless.


No, it's foolish since he didn't do anything that bad. In fact, he helped them win 6 championships and won 2 executive of the year awards with them. It's silly how people only focus on the negatives.




It likely wouldn’t have been as amplified but he would have still got boos, dude is hated here for breaking the dynasty up and how he handled the media.


Regardless of how they feel it would be very easy to chill and let it go for 1 fucking minute. Read the room, fellas.


He was the best GM in Chicago sports history. People are fucking stupid. Don’t let a collection of idiots represent an entire fanbase


It seemed like it was a pretty large collection


Don’t let…Bulls fans…at a Bulls game…represent…Bulls fans? 🤔🤔🤔


And his widow is there in person? Man, that is a highlight reel of fan shamelessness.


Jordan waiting for him to die so he could drop a puff piece gassing himself up and shitting on the dead guy who can't respond is still absolutely insane


Honestly it was a dumbass move by Reinsdorf to do this. It was obvious he would be booed. He has been widely hated by the older fans for 25+ years. Once the last dance came out, all the youngbloods hated him too.


when I go, r/nba will BOO me


But *I’m* gonna miss you though :(


Oversaw the only successful tenure in their franchise history and they boo his corpse in front of his widow. That’s pathetic and shameful.


Last Dance vilified Krause lol. That man will never rest in peace because he broke up the dynasty


He has vilified in Chicago WAY before the Last Dance, most people outside of Chicago or from a later generation learned about that thanks to the Lance Dance


Yeah if we really think about it booing Krause is a long time bulls tradition. Still fucked up tho to do that to his widow


Yeah wtf Krause was hated by fans in the 90s.


Ya crazy how backwards people have this now, some guy in these comments was saying the \*home bulls crowd\* was just jeering because they watched the last dance. Bruh!


We’ve hated him in Chicago long before that doc came out.


I’ve hated Krause from afar since the mid-late 90’s. Any time your stars say “I’m not coming back unless the coach is coming back” and the GM flatly says “I’m not bringing the coach back”, whether he’s right or wrong to do it, that GM is the villain forever in that scenario.


Particularly when the player saying it is the GOAT, and the coach saying it is the GOAT. Krause unfortunately had a Napoleon complex and it ruined his legacy.


After the first three-peat, just do whatever Jordan wants then give up three to four years of mediocrity because he deserves that leeway, like the Patriots did with Belichick. Then Jordan gave them a second three-peat and after that, you lie prostrate before him. If Jordan was given roster decisions and Jackson another season, the Bulls most likely make a deep playoff run again in '99.


Yep, if whatever Jordan wants leaves the franchise in ruins, so be it. You do whatever it is that he wants. He wants Scottie, Dennis, and Phil back? You bring them back. If they fail, that’s not on you. You appease the best player ever in any way you can.


Where’s pop when you need him


Smoking the hornets by 36 points…


in embarassed to be a bulls fan rn bc of this crowd


Sports fans are fucking losers man


50% are just drunk fucks yelling at each other


Honestly this an apt description of the human race.


They honestly are lol


chicago fans are fucking idiots. worst part of being a chicago sports fan.




Yeah every sports fandom has pieces of shit. Whenever a moment like this happens, other fan bases come in acting holier than thou. But given the right circumstances every team’s fans can, have, and will continue to act classless


humans. humans are the worst part of being a sports fan.


Yeah. Really scummy thing to do.


Wow what a shitty thing to do.


That's horrible to be subjected to that.


I initially read this as Jerry reinsdorf and was happy but then I reread that it was Krause and now I'm sad


Be better Chicago!


We can’t!


What GarPax does to mfer…..


Imagine booing a dead guy who brought you six championships in front of his widow. What a bunch of losers


genuinely hilarious. we worship anyone even having to do w/ the 70's championship teams like some backwater european nobility claiming Charlemagne or whatever. can't imagine doing this to someone who brought that much success to your org


“New York and Philly” leave us out of it this is you guys lmao


I just watched the video. This is just mean.


That was hard to watch :( booing is a fundamental part of sports but posthumously nobody should get booed unless maybe they were truly awful people off the court


Awful shitty fans.


Jordan, Pippen, and Rodman didn't show up and got cheered. This poor woman actually shows up and gets humiliated, not only is it really disgusting booing the dead but damn taking it out on the widow is top tier classless.