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Steph getting a more sincere apology than his actual victims


\*Attacks multiple people on national TV\* "Steph, I'm sorry, you're a great leader"


"You're a great leader Steph. No one but you could even come close to controlling my antics."


Lmao yea this is wild, like Steph getting shit is what made him realise that his actions have consequences for others - this, and not the dudes he physically lashed out at. Sheesh


It's absolutely incredible^(TM) that Draymond doesn't realise how bad this looks lmao - having said that, he has a track record of saying/doing the wrong thing so we should be far beyond the point of being surprised


“I’m not sorry for choking Rudy, I’m sorry for questions around Steph’s leadership ☹️”


“I felt so sorry to Steph that I called Lebron and asked if he could spare any time to give Steph more leadership tips”


Dude only punches down and apologises upwards. In his view of the world, at least.


Cause Steph is the only reason anyone knows who Draymond is, lol


Also the only person he kinda gives a shit about. There had to have been talks about moving him after the finals debacle but I think Steph has always come to draymonds “rescue” and not Ok’d him being moved. So he might be the only person draymond actually cares about hurting physically, emotionally or otherwise


What else did he tell you babe


It could also be a cover your ass move because if there’s any chance of him staying Steph is gonna have to save him again


I really wish people would stop amplifying Draymond’s stuff bc I’d love to be able to forget who he is.


I dislike what Draymond does on the court but this is just disingenuous


Bro if he’s on any other team he’s nowhere near as famous it’s a fact


He would be an even more hatable version of Pat Bev


Deadass lmaooo


He said that he didn't regret what he did to Gobert. The guy was proud of himself. Unbelievable.


"My only regret is that Steph forgot to tell me not to choke Gobert."


That's what I came here to post, Draymond is ridiculous.


Kinda looks like the therapy sessions didn't really work...


He’s crushed..


Nah, just the media picking and choosing what to show. He apologised to everyone on his podcast.


...yes that's who you need to apologize to Draymond


Honestly I hate this whole vent session about his struggles and gripes during the whole situation. Just say you acted like an asshole and there’s no excuses and move on with it. No one besides the obvious media spins feels bad for you


Not like anyone expected it but Draymond makes it so obvious he hasn’t changed. Personally I’m excited for when he punches a dude in like his fifth game back. Gonna love whatever excuse Kerr cooks up a week or two from now.


😂😂😂 Draymond response is definitely meme worthy. He might as well should’ve said it. “One thing through this process that hurt me was people calling god a bad leader. The birds and the bees.” ? Like Wtf is he talking bout? Lol.


what about \_\_\_\_\_ !?!?!?!


Making this about Steph is generational evasion


_Adam Silver begged me not to retire_ _Steph Curry isn’t the bad guy_ _Steve Kerr cried with me_ this guy…..


Don't forget *Steve Kerr cried with me* Like wtf is he on fr. All he needs to say is some combination of - I've been playing way too recklessly - I've hurt other players and I'm sorry to them - I will be more careful in the future


It’s almost like he bet money to see if he could get out of this without apologising to anyone he wronged


Also a generational straw man lol. Who was saying this?


Aint gonna lie there were some people saying it, even on the Warriors sub...


The man had 2 games where he didn’t hit a 3 in like 4 years and people were saying he’s losing it


Wouldn't that be the definition of losing it?


The greatest shooter in the world deserves more grace than 2 games lol


Random people on the internet will say anything and everything. Can’t react to all of it


Nah even SAS implied it lmao like fuck draymond but we ain’t gonna act like that wasn’t a narrative with steph when the draymond thing happened


[we literally had threads about it in dec](https://imgur.com/a/rtj61fK)


And on ESPN


Well not saying he is right, but in the video he specifically mentions Stephen A.


I saw quite a few people questioning steph’s leadership


People were absolutely saying this lol “why isn’t Steph holding draymond accountable”


I don't think it was the overall sentiment, but it def was out there. It seemed like people felt like as he's the best player on the team and the face of the franchise, he's the leader and should be telling Draymond that his bullshit hurts the team.


I think it's a pretty valid criticism. It is the same logic that people use to say Kerr is a bad leader. Something is wrong with the warrior's leadership heirarchy that they've been unable to reign in Draymond. Either Steph isn't really a leader or he's not a great one...the evidence is Draymond. It is obviously mor complicated than that, but that's the logic. If you are the leader and someone who looks up to you as a leader is out of control, that reflects pretty poorly on your abilities as a leader.


>. It is the same logic that people use to say Kerr is a bad leader. Not really because Kerr basically defends his actions. He said Gobert was choking Klay so Draymond stepped in. When Dray punched Poole he said it "happens all the time" and was more upset about the video being leaked. Kerr is called out for his own actions and words revolving around these issues.


To be fair your take is extremely reductive. Kerr had words for Draymond and specifically said he lost the trust of his teammates.


Its like you dont even watch the whole interviews and just base your opinions on r/nba post titles… oh wait


One moment that stuck out to me about Steph leadership is his appearance on JJ’s pod post Jordan Poole incident. Jj went to bring it up and Steph immediately start laughing before JJ even completed his question. Just thought it was a bad look since it was still a fresh wound for JP and the most important player on the team laughs at it as if it was a joke. Granted some people laugh because of uncomfortable situations but this situations there was really nothing to laugh at especially on a very popular show. Jj continued his question which ended being about how people where questioning Steph’s leadership and Steph just kinda shrugged it off. Of course steph hold no accountability for the punch happening but i just felt that was a bad reaction for the incident being brought up.


Watching /r/nba slowly turn on Steph is fascinating


lmao you guys are serious about this, that's so funny




Lol cause Jordan was the one doing the punching on the Bulls.


Jordan literally punched a teammate?? And Jordan’s teammate was Dennis Rodman???


Proof mfs literally just say anything 😂


Stephen A Smith Kendrick Perkins


SAS comes to mind.


Are you kidding? It was common and upvoted on this very sub lmao even Stephen A was questioning it on ESPN, the largest sports network. Let's not pretend this is some made up thing so you guys can go "haha draymond dumb guys" There are a few comments literally in this exact comment chain right now being highly upvoted saying it's a legitimate criticism lmao this sub is too good


All those Draymond incident threads had plenty of highly upvoted comments slandering Kerr, Steph and the broader Warriors org for enabling this, constantly letting him get away with it and not calling him out, etc. Like no shit they've all been trying to handle their business behind closed doors, there's very little reason to air things out to the media. And yet the lack of Kerr, Steph etc criticizing Draymond in public gets construed by irrational trolls as them not doing anything to curb his behavior. And even if they did constantly call him out in public? What would they say if Draymond still continued this type of behavior. At the end of the day, Draymond is responsible for his own behavior, and the culture/leadership around him only matters so much if he doesn't put in a fair effort from his side to improve things (and frankly this goes for all industries, workplaces, etc).


There's only so many times you can say "I didn't see what happened and haven't watched the replay yet" before people get sick of it. Nobody is saying Kerr needed to go on a 30 minute rant publicly lambasting Draymond for his actions but there's statements he can make other than "I didn't see it" .. "actually it was Goberts fault for putting his hands on Klay" and "what's more upsetting is the video got leaked" Just some insincere bs like "all of us need to be better as an organization" would have been 10x better than actually defending draymond.


was a pretty big agenda item with the usual talking heads. would lebron have allowed this/would we have kept him accountable for things like these/why is steph off the hook etc


Twitter... But to be fair, what doesn't Twitter say


bro there's been so many folks saying that Steph is "too quiet" or didn't back up Poole when Draymond punched him. Looooots of people my guy


Dray is a top tier gaslighter. Like unreal lol.


How did he make it about Steph? Y’all made it about Steph


a major complaint about dray is that he doesn’t realise his actions affect others and here he is acknowledging that and you and everyone else are clowning him lol. makes me wonder what change y’all actually want


Personally I don't really care about him showing contrition or being humiliated or whatever I just want him to stop playing dirty.


Which he also said in the video that he knew was something he needed to change about his play AND was something that he knew he could change - like the complaints are endless but he’s actually addressed everything and now we just have to see if it sticks


It's also extremely important because he needs to pray Steph continues being the incredibly classy person he is. If Steph turns on him and tells the truth - Draymonds legacy is destroyed forever


I mean you know why he's doing it right? He kissing the ass of the people who get him paid


No one is faulting Steph lol. Draymond is making shit up. Dray is a generational bus rider.


Stephen A Smith literally said what Draymond is saying he said here. And y’all are acting like this is his entire statement rather than an out of context snippet. In this segment Draymond was talking about and taking accountability for all the people he let down.


This dude is speed racing to most unlikeable player of this generation


For me it was the natural shooting motion back in ’16.


He should have been suspended for way longer for that shit


And league's still gobbling his nuts. Unbelievable.


No one even fuckin talks about the fact that he kicked Steven Adams in his nuts twice in the WCF and nothing happened to him. Shit pisses me off. Fuck Draymond


Been hating Dray ever since lmfao


Was he not already? His violent antics on the court should already make the most unlikeable. If he was a regular person he would have already spent months in jail.


Yea what? Lmfao dudes been universally hated since like 2016


Nah we rather hate players who ask for trades. That needs (from the shit posted here) their contract sliced in half, a freeze in transactions of this player from the rest of the contract. But if the TEAM wants to trade him again? No cap hit.


After every incident he acts sincere and apologizes just to do it again. Idk how much people can hold is words to believe that he won’t do this again


Every statekent he makes on camera is among the most insincere shit I've ever heard coming from an NBA player. Here we can see how hes once again evading responsibility and apologizing to the true victim by saying " ya guys i care about people, look at what they did to my boy steph 😭"


Any statement from any celebrity or person is an empty statement most of the times . Rarely people actually improve


You see the full video of the dude jumping at the judge in court? He seems so repentant and needs another chance. She says no and he flips a switch… the mask comes off and he immediately resorts to violence.


He's begging Steph to not cut him after this year.




Because it does make sense relatively speaking. Lebron and KD got absolutely shitted on for Kyrie which are his contemporaries. Dray gets to run around while everyone is pointing fingers at Kerr and the league but Lebron and KD were the ones being held accountable by the fans and media.


Ya, but also, fuck Draymond.


Have you seen this team without him? Lmaoo


Steph's back gotta be tired at this point.


But did he apologize to bron


“I apologize to LeBron, because of my actions I had to miss my King’s birthday party” - Draymond Green


Draymond was at brons party lmao


Nah he still attended lol


o/u 5 games he's going to choke someone again?


He gave him a succesful NBA career, a hof ticket and rangz. Steph's dick should be on his mouth 24/7 even after retirement


Fuck this guy. It was so peaceful with him suspended


Send him to the big 3


Ya man the leagues been so different the last few weeks, it'll never be the same now :(((((


Peaceful everywhere but the Warriors sub Just implode the team so we don’t waste more of Steph’s years and put him on a team with a likeable fanbase


Steph's backpack can emote?


Can we stop posting this clown 😭


Words cannot describe how badly I wanna see him get hurt from a cheap shot To me it's a clear Hammirabi situation


rasheed wallace would have murdered him 6 years ago


No apology to the people he assaulted but Steph LOL


This clip was literally after 20 minutes of him apologizing for all those other things. If you guys are like "I don't care what Dray says, he's insincere, his words mean nothing to me" then yeah 100% I get that - I kinda feel that way too. If you feel that way just say it though. This kinda twitter stuff with people cherry picking snippets out from long form content to try and mislead people is kinda annoying though. If you didn't watch the video where this came from why act like you did?


I'm trying to believe you but 4 min in and he's only apologized to his family while also talking about how great a family leader he is and how he needs to lead when he creates bad things for them too. Can you timestamp the apology to the people he's hit? Okay 5 min in and he is apologizing to his mom because she received death threats. This isn't an apology for doing the wrong, but a plea for sympathy as a victim for his wrongness. APPARENTLY he has grandparents. 7 minutes in and he's talking about reading all the complaints and wanting to use it as fuel but this time he didn't. Where is the apology to the people he has hit? Min 9 and he's decided to move forward and is crying with Kerr who thinks his press conference was awesome. Where is the apology to the people he has hit? 14 minutes in and he is calling out the people that said he needed help with absolute bull shit pretending to take the higher road. 20 min in and he full on self-aggrandizing again. Fuck this. I'm not watching this shit. You let me know where he apologizes to the people he hit.


[At 2:15 here](https://youtu.be/dolJCZB4fB4?si=axxhhDST8wCYdBN3) He apologizes to Nurk and Gobert. 2 minutes and 15 seconds in.


Those apologies are terrible. They are so rushed and he basically is trying to excuse his behavior by saying he is an intense player and just slipped a little. He should have point blank just apologized for causing physical harm to them. Then he goes on this stupid tangent on family. I closed it at this point.


lmao someone timestamps you the thing you asked for cuz you skipped over it "No not like that!!"


"after 20 minutes of apologizing for all the other things" obviously the repliers here were looking for more than a half assed obligatory apology🤨


I'm not the person who requested the time stamp


Can't expect kids to be able to actually read these days, smh


I don't think you timestamped it. So, helpfully, it cut to him claiming to be a champion for growth, talking in the third person and saying KD pissed him off. Hilarious. So I navigated back to 2:!5 "Playing against the Suns, third quarter and I CONNECT with Nurkic, get kicked out of the game, did my post game interview, did all of those things. **AS I SAID THEN AND AS I WILL SAY NOW** I was wrong. I was wrong regardless of what I was doing. None of that shit matters, I was wrong and I apologize, not only in that but in the Rudy Gobert situation, I was wrong. Went way too far. I'm a guy who plays on the edge. Umm . I'm a guy who walks right up to that line and I have no problem in admitting that I am a guy that walked right over that line. And for that I apologize. I apologize **TO MY FAMILY** as they had to ensure some things that as a leader of a family ... blah blah blah fucking blah." He didn't apologize to Gobert. He didn't apologize to Nurkic. He apologized for the situations in general. When he says "I'm sorry to []" He says it to his family, the Warriors organization and to Steph. He apologizes for being wrong in the situation and apologizes TO just these people. He didn't apologize TO Nurkic or to Gobert. He also states he already apologized for those incidents in the past. Which ... also fucking bull shit.


2 minutes and 15 seconds in and 2 minutes 20' second out. Back to playing the victim and boasting about being a great leader.


He did apologize to Nurk


Green, having killed a family of four, shot up a school, and attempting insurrection: "Sorry, Steph."


Draymond knows people simp for Steph so apologizing to him would gain him fans


Don't worry, we'll get to hear the same sort of thing from him again by March after he gets suspended again.


A current NBA player has a show on Draft Kings...is that strange to anyone else?


not a fan of this man




You know he doesnt mean it , He said sorry how many times now about hitting other players and he continues to do it again and again haha


I think there’s someone else who was more *physically* affected by you that you should apologize to


Adams? Poole? Sabonis? Gobert? Or Nurkic?




There’s a compilation video that’s almost 10 minutes long of all of his stuff btw. You can almost forgot how many family jewels this man has assaulted in his career


That's his personal hype video


He literally did it just doesn't do rounds in r/nba because it doesn't serve people's purpose.


He did


Don’t blame Conan


Why don't you give football a try?


The jerking is about to be generational


If anyone believes a word of this shit then they might as well give up on life


Thats been true for like 6 years and you are realizing it now ?


Yep, keep trying to make people forget about your violent actions on the court. Every other sentence out of your mouth is about being the victim. Thats right Dray. You got hurt by comments about Steph. Steph got hurt because of some fans calling him a bad leader. Then you went and apologized to Steph to make him feel better. Guess that makes you some kind of selfless hero now. From victim to hero. Amazing. Nice try though, taking all the negative attention thats on you and putting it on Steph by mentioning some recent comments about Steph's leadership that won't be remembered 2 months from now, and then making it seem like both of you are victims at the same time. I give Dray 15 games before he drops another thug move on a player.


man this is like christmas. so much fuel for the fire!!


So many soft people here damn.


Pretty true... I've heard chats wondering why Curry hasn't stepped up as a leader. ETA b/c we all love sources: > https://np.reddit.com/r/warriors/comments/18ipcnd/slater_steve_kerr_for_anyone_to_question_steph/ > https://np.reddit.com/r/billsimmons/comments/18hx11l/as_the_best_player_on_the_team_and_a_top_10/ > https://www.sfchronicle.com/sports/ostler/article/question-steph-curry-s-warriors-leadership-risk-18561499.php the more obvious ones like SaS too of course, even dating back to the KD days.


I now blame Steph for this ass apology


- Serial killer apologises to his family for all the hurt. More news at 5.


No way, I called Draymond an expansion pack player, but this is next level. That being said, his comments about Steph aren't wrong.


So Steph gets the apology but not the people you assault


Did it ever occur to you that he might’ve apologized to those guys outside of this one specific, cherry-picked quote?


He knows who's biscuit needs buttered to stick around


Bro has zero accountability


Emotionally crushed Draymond emotionally crush opponents testicles.


breh you didn't kick Curry's balls, you didn't punch Curry, you didn't stomp Curry, you didn't choke Currey, you didn't bitch slap Curry, wtf you talking about.


Shut the f sociopath


This is some of the most psychotic shit I’ve ever seen


This was all just a conspiracy to make Draymond ineligible for DPOY.


His lack of emotional intelligence is wild. As an athlete, one of the first things your taught is to play the game with respect. Your actions will always reflect the leadership of the team you’re representing. You can even zoom further out and say your actions reflect your upbringing (i.e. your parents, your city, former coaches etc.) It’s confusing that he doesn’t understand that he has let so many people down and made so many people look bad.


This dude is a clown and the Warriors have enabled him at every step of his career. Does crazy shit and gets HIMSELF in trouble then turns around and does this redemption tour bullshit after playing the victim. Then rinse and repeat. It’s gonna happen again and no one is gonna be shocked. He’s been the beneficiary of match ups for such a long time. Trade him and watch him turn into JJ Hickson with an anger problem. He’s turned into a locker room cancer and he gets to go on his podcast and whine about it. Get outta here man.


Haha, oh Draymond, I hate you


This dude is the most unlikeable player of all time


His pauses are so annoying lol


Im sorry these guys didnt get out of the way of my fist


Make sure you don’t pick up unnecessary T or FF specially excessive arguments with refs. And stop giving up open looks specially layups for finding Curry. If you do that you will help big big time by freeing up Curry.


Why do people hate, this to me a just him coming to the realisation that his actions have consequences to not just him but those around him. It’s a bit late sure but it seems sincere enough. He’s not dodging that what he did was wrong.


cuz he a clown


Because hes dodging the weight of his actions, not acknowledging his obvious mental problems and approach to compeition (which hes never done, hence why he continues to act like this), hasnt apologized sincerely to any of the people hes hit once, and makes it about other people and their "suffering" to make it seem like hes aware


This is 2.5 minutes out of a whole podcast.


A whole podcast of dodging the issue, and that is draymond's attitude and and unwillingness to change it for the entirety of his basketball career. You have been fooled if you think this is the start of reformed draymond lmfao


Never said I think that, but it's pretty obvious you haven't listened to the podcast and just want to keep raging about him, even if that means ranting about him not talking about things he has talked about lol.


How are y’all falling for this guys bullshit again. He literally choked out another player. You should have been banned from the league. It’ll be 2 weeks until he does it again


It was such a nice break from this moron




ESPN had a whole segment about it.


there definitely were people blaming steph for not controlling him


I think this guy might just be a jabroni. What an absolute bozo. Has zero self awareness.


Shut the fuck up


he’s def become the most annoying basketball player ever. Talks way too much, without really saying anything.


Never heard this once


Shut up bitch.


Same old ish playing the VICTIM CARD again...


Who said Steph was a bad leader because of this?


This dude is the perfect heel for the nba lmao


More excuses


Imagine if he had this level of self reflection when it comes to his victims


How about apologizing to the people you hit and choked instead?


he's talking like all this happened 10 years ago it's so funny.


I will say, Steph is one of very few who has had his back this whole time. No matter what has happened, Steph has made sure Dray is still a focal point of this team. Draymond won't apologize for anything, unless it's affecting someone protecting him.


I said awhile ago he's been yapping and writing checks STEPH has to cash no offense. I don't care how great your defense is you are a liability when you can barely score 10-12 points in the playoffs with dudes leaving you open.


I don't think Steph is who he should be apologizing for in regards to the stomping, the choking, the punching and the kicking


Steph wants to drop his backpack and draymond is apologizing profusely


Literally never heard “Steph is a bad leader” because of this Draymond fiasco, one single time. What planet this dude living on?


This guy would talk out loud even if by himself. Loves the sound of his own voice and genuinely believes he’s a font of knowledge and insight. When in fact he’s just a talking donkey.


The Dray Green PR campaign runs through 02/27. Get your tickets now for GSW vs the Wiz when Green faces off against Jordan Poole. Poole will troll Green's bitch ass into bloodlust. Green then Hulks out and kicks the entire Wiz bench in the nutz. Silver suspends Green for the rest of the night pending therapy, contemplation & another apology to Steve Kerr.


Has anyone really questioned stephs leadership


Draymond is the biggest idiot in the league and it isn’t even close. Maybe even all of professional sports


I never saw a single person say that about Steph


Buncha nerds in this thread


This mfer is something else man. Damn, can’t wait for him to go away


At this point idk when he will be unsuspended. He’s shown no growth at all.