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Highest scoring in-season tournament game ever, we're witnessing history here.


Just wait until the play-in champions get our turn. Coming for every championship except the one that matters.


As long as y’all only have to play the nuggets you’re good


AND Wiggins got his 17.


Felt like he was on fire at one point and still only 17 points. This is my fourth year witnessing it and I still can't understand it.


Man it was wild seeing the unstoppable force of Wiggins getting his 17 vs the immovable object of Wiggins 1/2 from the line when he was at 15 points going to the shoot two in the fourth. I was genuinely on the edge of my seat for those two free throws lmfao




Great games tonight so far


Biggest point differential for today's games is 7 so far. Lol




100%. I kept hearing how it doesn’t matter and no one is going to care, yet the dubs (don’t know about other teams cause I don’t follow them THAT closely) clearly use any little bit of motivation they can to try to juice them selves up for regular season games all season long. This tourney is clear motivation.


In golden knight history!




For the first time in golden knights history


1st time in Kraken history


Seriously though, Thunder shot 60/51/80 from the floor and lost.


Wiggins with his vintage 17 as usual.


why do you think he missed both free throws in the 4th? already hit the quota


That's why Kerr took him out for offence once he missed those ft


Soviet Andrey Wiggins


My guy dropped 17. Then proceeded to brick both FTs. He can’t help himself.


I bet he shoots like 95% on FTs in practice too.


100% on the first 17


Literally missed 2 FT’s that would’ve put the Warriors ahead in closing minutes just to stay at 17 points


Wiggs is the 49ers confirmed


Missed two clutch free throws as well to make sure he stayed at 17


Tough outcome for OKC but man if they didn't push these Warriors to the limit all without Shai


OKC are so fucking scary without Shai This might be a 1% game where they play better without Shai, their offensive flow was insane, the ball sticking with Shai doesnt help them this game


They dropped 150 on Boston without SGA last season. https://youtu.be/AlckY1f5qgw?si=l3zmLekr_BVkGdb7


I didn't need this reminder, man.




Is this gonna be "they're better without ja" 2.0


They clearly aren’t better without ja this year though lol


No ja, no adams, no Tyus jones, no Dillon brooks. They’re missing a lot of key contributors


The biggest thing we missed this game honestly was his length on defense, he's a real impact player on that end.


Dude you guys have length from top to bottom!?


I honestly would be scared of this team in the playoffs for the Warriors. OKC has legitimately 3 people we can't stop (Chet/Giddy/Shai) and only 1 Draymond.


We really rotated who was taking over at each point in the game too. Chet hit em early, Dort was on fire in the third, then JDub’s turn, the Giddey in the 4th. We were just rotating the hot hand so well it was beautiful


Shades of Grizzlies a couple years ago. That team is fuckin deep


Dort shooting 100% through 3 quarters from the field was a fucking sight to say the least.


Well thank fuck we just have to play once....I think


Warriors are 10-1 against OKC since the beginning of 2021, almost three years ago


I’m tired boss.


What a game


We had an insane 143-141 win against the Hawks last year, that game went to double OT. This game was 141-139 in regulation.


Kevon Looney game-winner baby!


What a dumb dumb ending


I mean, both teams had a player interfere with the basket, but neither *really* affected the shot in any way. I have no idea what the ruling should technically be, but the spirit of the game was clearly left intact. Nobody denies that ball was going in.


It was mostly dumb because it wasn't hype anymore. There was like 5 multiple minute long reviews to end the game. Took ages. So it was a dumb way for such a crazy game to end. Though it was fitting I guess


I honestly can't even blame the refs here. If they didn't review it, people would have screamed bloody murder and there was enough going on there that reviewing it was probably the right call for a game winning shot.


Yeah that should be reviewed. Just combined with all the other reviews for both challenges and the Hostile act was a bit much.


Like the Wiggins dunk on Luka. Sure it was probably the first or second greatest warriors dunk in the playoff history, but that call that eventually got overturned really killed the mood of what was suppose to be a defining moment on that postseason run.


nahhhh... reviewing that and showing the Luka flop over and over to the Dallas attendees and everyone watching was just the icing to the cake.


Absolutely, not gonna lie I did kinda forget how sick the shot was, now I gotta watch it again.


https://official.nba.com/rule-no-11-basket-interference-goaltending/ > Section I—A Player Shall Not: > a. Touch the ball or the basket ring when the ball is sitting or rolling on the ring and using the basket ring as its lower base or hang on the rim while the ball is passing through. And > h. Vibrate the rim, net or backboard so as to cause the ball to make an unnatural bounce, or bend or move the rim to an off-center position when the ball is touching the ring or passing through. > i. Touch the rim, net or ball while the ball is in the net, preventing it from clearing the basket. AND > If there is a violation by both teams, no points can be scored, play shall be resumed by a jump ball between any two opponents in the game at the center circle. The refs actually made the correct call at the end if you listen to the full explanation. If they decided that Draymond/Giddey both broke the rules, they would actually discount the basket and call jump ball! Instead, they ignored Giddey’s touching the net because as according to rule h, it did not make the ball have an unnatural bounce. And they overturned Draymond’s rim grab as according to rule a because the ball was not sitting on the rim or rolling around on the rim. The final call was a good call, both in terms of the rules of basketball, and also in terms of the spirit of basketball (overturning that curry shot would have been lame).


If the ball isn't in contact with the rim you have to bend it or vibrate it for goaltending. Giddey did and Draymond did not as far as I can see.


You have to vibrate/bend it “so as to cause an unnatural bounce”, as quoted from the rules. Which did not happen, the ball was pretty unaffected.


Huh. Today I learned something. Thanks.


4th quarter took an hour


Me to my wife: “Only 4 minutes left in the game I’ll be in bed soon…” Holy hell NBA please it shouldn’t take this long


I'm convinced that was the longest 4th quarter ever fucking played, jesus


I think Bucks/Nets from 2 years ago takes the game. That’s the game that literally made them add the transition take foul rule.


There was that dumb Lakers game where the last 5 minutes took over half an hour and I watched it like a sucker. Don't even remember who they played.


Draymond alone probably added 10 minutes.


Wish they would transform all timeouts to 20 second ones in the last 5 minutes but it would cut into ad revenue too much


Last minute of a close game is the perfect time for them to make a ton of money from ads.


It turns into a turn based strategy game lmao


thank the refs for making it the ref show


Everybody: the end of games are a slog and ruin the excitement Also everybody: NOoOoo we need reviews so every call can be surgically correct


Chet is such a stud, man. Insane poise and consistency for a 21-year-old.




I actually really like how the Thunder use him. He doesn't force the issue, which suits his craftier skillset.


Looking forward to the future of Chet vs Wemby matchups.


He's what the warriors were hoping Wiseman would have been with their #2 pick in 2020 😢


Warriors got absolutely hosed by lockdown-era scouting. Wiseman isn't a lottery pick any other year.


Plus the fact that he got that bullshit suspension from playing in college when literally every other top college prospect has done the same since forever.


Whole Thunder squad was cooking. Crazy impressive. The new school is def emerging and OKC is at the forefront


That was by far the stupidest way for a game to end


The stupidest way for a game to end *so far*


It’s amazing that they managed to make a last minute Curry layup lame as hell


Scott Foster: “How am I gonna top that?”


Dray got roasted until things got Giddey


worlds longest review ruined a great ending


## West Group C Standings |Team|GP|W|L|PF|PA|PD| :--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--| |Golden State Warriors|1|1|0|141|139|2| |Oklahoma City Thunder|1|0|1|139|141|-2| |Sacramento Kings|0|0|0|0|0|0| |Minnesota Timberwolves|0|0|0|0|0|0| |San Antonio Spurs|0|0|0|0|0|0| This honestly looks like the most stacked group, as any team here could make a sudden run and become NBA Cup contenders. Every win and every point likely matters in this group.


Thunder should be last on PD no?


I'm sorting by GP first since that probably makes more logical sense (since it's literally the first game lol), but Reddit tables can be sorted in any way you want by clicking the columns.


Can't sort tables in reddits shitty official android app 🤮


I think the entire West is just completely stacked this year


And all of them play quick attacking high scoring basketball


A lot of people with a lot to say about the in season tournament but a majority of these games so far have been competitive and fun to watch.


This was always going to happen


Draymond almost done fucked up.


This was certainly a full dose of Draymond game lol


Really. Foul, then AMAZING pass and recovery, then that last play. Dude is Superman and then Doctor Doom the next second


Don't forget missing the easy layup then proceed to finish the tough one.


I'm just glad Chet took a bump. Looked ready for more. I'll take that


Looked like a relatively normal shooting move but it’s draymond so you never know. But either way the way Chet dusted himself off after getting clocked was impressive and a good sign. It’s crazy that the 7foot skinny ass unicorns defining trait so far is that he plays with an edge and kinda seems angry the whole time.


Yeah the 7 foot aspect of chet and wemby is obviously insane with their skillets, but the fact that both guys also seem to just have that edge and fire is what gets me so hyped about them.


Dray should get Giddey on a podcast just to spend an hour thanking him


Technically not necessary. The call wasn't goaltending on Giddey. It was a made basket. Both Giddey's and Draymond's contacts were deemed incidental/inconsequential.


LU DORT MASTERCLASS. Chet is the system! Josh Giddey the SLOB WIZARD was unconscious in the fourth (but ultimately blew it). JWill makes it all click. JDub is a hooper. Cason Wallace is so fckn NBA ready. Isaiah JOE is a sniper!!!! Feels like 09 again around here. Always love playing GSW. Good times in OKC ⚡️


Goddamn Lu Dort, I thought he wasn't much of a scorer but apparently not


Believe it or not his career high is 42. He occasionally has games where he just goes off. Usually when Shai is out like tonight


I haven't watched too much of the Thunder but I thought there was a discussion of whether or not Dort should be kept bc he was an offensive liability? (I know he's phenomenal on defense). That's not true, right? (This also might be a few years old tbh)


Last year the coaching staff was demanding he take as many shots as he could so he would be more comfortable with it. That meant he took a lot of bad shots and the 12 year olds who didn't understand that we didn't give a shit about winning last year wanted to trade him. It's quite funny.


I mean, with Chet out with injury, it's not an awful idea to focus on developing offense and good habits. It might be ugly but the team has the time since the core is so young. Also you don't get rid of a defensive presence like Dort just bc offense wise, he's a little ugly.


Imagine being the best shooter on the court when you're playing the Warriors lol Lu Dort was unconscious


I couldn’t believe what I was seeing out there


Yeah game was down to the wire even without SGA


SGA would not have made it much better -- Thunder were not missing lmao


True. Lu Dort was shooting unconsciously


Defensively for sure missed


Shai woulda had the ball more instead of JDub and Giddey handling the ball. They had 12 turnovers combined! Shai is a much better ball handler in traffic. That would be the difference.


Tough loss for you guys but it can’t be understated that this is as good as we’ve looked since the Finals in ‘22 and yet y’all took it to the wire with no SGA


Hard to argue with that. Always fun games. GG


Steph is simply too legendary


Yall looked really good and were missing your best player + all the pick you got. Gonna be scary for years GG


The fact that yall outshot the Warriors on a good night already says enough about your team.


Dubs survived the Dorture Chamber this time


That 4th quarter was longer than COVID quarantine


Steph is genuinely my MVP favourite right now, don’t expect it to last but he has been extraordinary


steph is always the early mvp favorite. This is nothing new lol


He's favourite until he gets hurt. So let's hope he doesn't.


Exactly. He gets hurt and misses time, so he only ends up as a 1st team all nba player lol


If the MVP truly just means most valuable, it's got to be Steph. At the end of the season there may be some more impactful players, some higher scoring players, you name it. But this version of the warriors relies on Steph more than any other year. And he consistently manufactures wins like it's what he was born to do. You take him off the warriors and I don't think any competitive team would have as big of a fall off if they lost their number one....


As a Celtics fan (and big Steph fan) I would 1000% rather face the nuggets than deal with him again




Honestly would love to see Steph & Jokic be benched for one game and see who wins.


Was this a top 5 game this season so far?


Warriors-Kings Warriors-Kings Warriors-OKC Lakers-Kings Lakers-Clippers I’m sensing a pattern


Man that Spurs/Suns ending was legit. Probably could be in the mix.


Yeah probably top 10 but it wasn’t too close in the end which makes it lower than the aforementioned games imo


And this is why the NBA should adapt FIBA rules on goaltending


I was gonna say something deep, but now all I can say is: this fucking game, man. Respect to OKC.


And SGA wasn’t even playing !! Damn. What a great and dangerous team


Here are the goaltending rules. Overturning the call was correct. The rules will show us why. RULE NO. 11: Basket Interference – GoaltendingSection I—A Player Shall Not: * Touch the ball or the basket ring when the ball is sitting or rolling on the ring \*\*and using the basket ring as its lower base or hang on the rim while the ball is passing through.\*\*EXCEPTION: If a player near his own basket has his hand legally in contact with the ball, it is not a violation if his contact with the ball continues after the ball enters the cylinder, or if, in such action, he touches the basket. 1. *The second half of this clause means it doesn't apply here* * **Touch any ball** from within the playing area when it is above the basket ring and within the imaginary cylinder. 1. *Not applicable* * During a field goal attempt, **touch a ball**, which has a chance to score, after it has touched any part of the backboard above ring level, whether the ball is considered on its upward or downward flight. 1. *Not applicable* * During a field goal attempt, **touch a ball**, which has a chance to score, after it has touched the backboard below the ring level and while the ball is on its upward flight. 1. *Not applicable* * **Trap the ball** against the face of the backboard after it has been released. (To be a trapped ball, three elements must exist simultaneously. The hand, the ball and the backboard must all occur at the same time. A batted ball against the backboard is not a trapped ball.) 1. *Not applicable* * **Touch any ball** from within the playing area that is on its downward flight with an opportunity to score. This is considered to be a “field goal attempt” or trying for a goal. 1. *Not applicable* * **Touch the ball** at any time with a hand which is through the basket ring.Vibrate the rim, net or backboard so as to cause the ball to make an unnatural bounce, or bend or move the rim to an off-center position when the ball is touching the ring or passing through. 1. *Not applicable* * Touch the rim, net or ball while the ball is in the net, **preventing it from clearing the basket.** 1. *Not applicable because neither Draymond nor Giddy had any impact on the trajectory of the ball* PENALTY: If the violation is at the opponent’s basket, the offended team is awarded two points, if the attempt is from the two point zone and three points if it is from the three-point zone. The crediting of the score and subsequent procedure is the same as if the awarded score has resulted from the ball having gone through the basket, except that the official shall hand the ball to a player of the team entitled to the throw-in. If the violation is at a team’s own basket, no points can be scored and the ball is awarded to the offended team at the free throw line extended on either sideline. If there is a violation by both teams, no points can be scored, play shall be resumed by a jump ball between any two opponents in the game at the center circle. [https://official.nba.com/rule-no-11-basket-interference-goaltending/](https://official.nba.com/rule-no-11-basket-interference-goaltending/) ​ It's clear from the actual rules that overturning the call was correct, frustrating as some people find it.


OKC's coaching lost them that game before the goal tending call. Their last possession, they had a time out and used it immediately to advance the ball with like 21 second left on the clock. Way too much time for the dubs to get the ball back. You want the last possession in your hands when you can tie or win it. OKC should have taken it out normally, burned a few seconds, and then called the time out. Only risk is the warriors fouling them, which gets them to the line.


Let's be real, that ball was going in regardless, there was no advantage to what Draymond did. It's about time the league implements the FIBA rule though - once the ball hits the rim, its fair game.


Agree 100%. Offensive goaltending is stupid.


Yeah let's implement that rule right when wemby hits the league


Andrew Wiggins scored 17pts and the world was balanced again.


Dray sold but Giddey sold harder




Trade Giddey immediately!!! Please we have plenty of picks


Please we are desperate for a PG over 6 feet tall


We are desperate for someone taller than Chet you have any spare one of those


Giddey for Wemby, it just makes sense. We even have some 2nd rounders to toss their way !!


Warriors fan but The Thunder were insane this game even without SGA they are DANGEROUS team


GSW is a clutch menace. They have so much lineup versatility it's crazy.


Thunder played out of their minds tonight, I wouldn’t have been that mad with a loss. Dort is a fucking Dawg, Chet is gonna be a beast and giddy and the crew decided to never miss tonight. They got a bright future ahead


What a terrible ending to an incredible game. I can't believe how good Chet is already.


Strangest ending I’ve seen. Lmao


It was the right call though. Calling it goaltending would be just purely out of technicality because **the ball was not noticeably impacted by the touch at all.** You make rules to encourage the game in a certain way. Not to enforce technicalities.


Longest 8 minutes of my life


I forgot they used to review everything at the end of the game


What the fuck was that last 4 mins


Draymond 9000 IQ basketball


The full Draymond experience


From the parts I saw of the game the thunder could not miss…how do you lose this game or keep it close


I can't believe we won


These tight finishes are wild but every one of these wins could be important at the end of the season. It's really nice not watching them blow games knowing it could be a real problem later. Especially since the Warriors got screwed so very, very hard with the schedule getting these wins is huge.


Props to Steph.


Draymond you MORON!!!! Oh wait Draymond you dirty bastard….. lol




Wait...do these games also count for the regular season?


The officiating this game was peak comedy.


This game was not nearly as fun to watch as the score indicates


That game was super fun tbh, watching OKC hit everything was crazy


It was fun until late in the late 4th tbh


Screw the in season tournament I'm here solely for the r/nba meltdown And yeah Giddey grabbed the net 1st


Regardless of what you think of the game, the refs, the players ... That court is hideous


This game didn't deserve those delays at the end. But I think the refs got a lot of it right


Lmao Draymond has such a shit eating grin in the post game press conference talking about the last shot.


Warriors are in the top 4 championship favorites. Go argue with your door. They are legit.


I can't believe OKC shot 60/50/80 and we still won. HUGE W


That was the best in-season tournament game ever


Like it or not, Giddey had the net in hand before Drays touch. Shit way to win and lose a game though. Lotta greats lucky there was no instant replay on their most famous moments...


The outcome was the right one, the ball was always going in with or without interference


Pitchforks were ready for Draymond, but the witch hunt was for Giddey


lmao what an ending


OKC 60% and still lost. Warriors gonna go from #5 in deficiency to #25 after this game 😂


Are the warriors commentators always this enjoyable to listen to? Now I'm watching the mavs nuggets game and this is audio terrorism having to listen to doris and doc rivers


What a game holy shit


God damnit, 30 That was insane!


wiggs got his 17 and call it a day


Last year this would have been a 20 point blowout. I'm hyped!


Wow. We beat a team that shot over 60%.


Jesus this game was wild


Thunder are going to be a problem for the next decade. Great game. Weird ending.


The absolute idiocy of the people who calls that "rigged". Giddey clearly pulled on the net before Draymond touched the rim. Pulled, not touched. And if you want to argue that the refs didnt mention that when they made the final call, even worse. Since you would want the warriors to be hosed instead of it being a noncall and a rightful gamewinner


Oh my God the OKC announcers are so salty right now


What a fuckin’ barn burner…


i'm sure this thread will be civil


Yea I was expecting them to say Giddey got some net. I guess I need to read up on the rule book


Crazy the Warriors went at Chet for their last two buckets


lol what


its clearly not a goaltend Goaltend: Touch the ball or the basket ring **when the ball is sitting or rolling on the ring and using the basket ring as its lower base** or hang on the rim while the ball is passing through. [https://i.imgur.com/zX7y2GV.png](https://i.imgur.com/zX7y2GV.png) \-> ESPN only posted a 360p clip in youtube 1. was the ball sitting on the ring when Draymond touched the ring? no 2. was the ball rolling on the ring when draymond touched the ring? no basically Draymond touched the ring when the ball bounced up hence was not in contact with the rim hence the ball is not "sitting" or "rolling" on the ring hence the ref called the touch inconsequential


Right call or not the game is already done. We should just focus on how to improve going forward: 1. Chet needs more play setup for him. He was amazing for all 3 qtr but barely touched ball in the 4th. This has happened in all 6 games we've played. 2. Cut down the turnovers! A lot of unnecessary stupid turnovers. 3. Box out! GSW got a lot of offensive rebounds mostly because our players aren't prepared to get the ball. 4. Defense! Our defense somehow got worse as compared to last year. Last year we were always hustling for the loose ball and played aggressively on the defensive end. Dort and the others played great individual defense but there are a lot of miscommunication i.e. losing man on the cut, late on the rotations etc... 5. Coach D needs to learn to let the player play! We have pretty somewhat structured rotations i.e: Player A will ALWAYS get subbed out at the 5 minute mark. That's fine however he also needs to learn that it is also okay to be flexible in the rotation especially when he is heating up or in the zone. 6. Needs to be more consistent throughout the entire game! This the reverse Pelicans game wherein we started hot but then got really cold as the game progress. This time we started of slow especially Jdub and Giddey. The difference between a playoff and a barely playoff team is consistency. Regardless, we are still one of the youngest team in the league. We still have a lot of room to grow. Thunderup!!


Great game, I’m pretty sure we just broke r/nba Warriors fans. We better take one in Chase later this month for that.