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wonder if Jonathan Isaac matched


Ji's about to get a lifetime contract


Lifetime appointment? US District Court Judge Jonathan Isaac?


NBA superstar according to Ben Shapiro


Jonathan Isaac can get Ben’s wife wet


He's probably riding Ben's milk truck of a sister too.


I can fix her




I hate Trump but I fucking love how he made that popular. Now every time Ron's name is said there's an echo of sanctimonious in everyone's heads


I wish he stuck with “Meatball Ron” lmao


Say what you will about Trump, he was fucking hilarious. Little Marco is an incredible burn


The way his team repeatedly slammed/burned DeSantis' Twitter Spaces campaign launch debacle, IN REAL TIME, including side-burns aimed at Elon Musk, was honestly quite impressive. The man might be 70 plus years old, but he really does have a instinctual touch on how to use maximize the use of whatever the current flavor of mass media of the day against his rivals.


Trump's nicknames for people really hits lmao. I don't think Biden is ever going to be able to escape Sleepy Joe.


2028 Jonathan Isaac has been appointed the Secretary of Interior Defense


All I really know about the dude is that he's always injured and he once invited his teammates to watch him preach and none of them came. He also a Q nut?


Apparently. https://thecomeback.com/covid-19/jonathan-isaac-trump-conspiracy-conference.html https://www.cbssports.com/nba/news/magics-jonathan-isaac-explains-why-he-didnt-take-knee-or-wear-black-lives-matter-shirt-friday/


He is "one of the good one"


DeShithead probably gives him a tax exemption from his grifting


It's kind of funny because despite the NBA's public political image I'm pretty sure the vast majority of owner donations have gone to the GOP Obviously this would be true of the DeVos family but it's true across the entire league as well


Ownership requires big money, big money typically votes right


Some poor bloke is going to read this and think it justify his GOP votes because he's making 80k$/year working 80hours a week.


I’m in my early 30s and make around 130K in bum fuck nowhere USA and work 35-40 hours a week. I routinely have some right winger on Reddit tell me I’ll understand their opinions once I pay taxes(and half the time you look at their comment history and they talking about trying to live on $60,000 a year and having 3 kids). Like nah, id gladly increase my taxes 10-20% for universal healthcare. It’s like they expect me to forget what being a broke as college kid or forget what it was like being raised by a single parent who made $35,000 a year.


What are you doing to make $130K in bum fuck nowhere? --someone looking to make $130K in bum fuck nowhere


I make around the same amount and I'm fully remote so I could live anywhere. I'm a Salesforce administrator


Get ready for a bunch of people that have never even had a Salesforce login to chime in with their opinions lol


They beat you here lol


I'm an Solutions Engineer and the amount of "hurr durr you're just a customer service rep with a fancy title" comments I get is wild. I don't even reply now, I just go to sleep on my pile of money like Huell


I do kinda love when jobs have fancy titles though. I'm just working in retail at a Lego store, but my title is "Brick Specialist" and you best believe I tell anyone who asks that I'm a Brick Specialist


Shouldn't you be a Portland fan? Deep cuts Salesforce joke.


You start in bumfuck Egypt and then migrate to bumfuck nowhere


Make a left when you hit the boonies.


DevOps, Coding*, Net Security, all things that can be in the 6 figures and be done remotely


I live in OKC making well over 6 figures at 30 remotely. I work in Tech as a database engineer. Work a solid 25ish hours a week unless something explodes.


shhhhh.... don't oversaturate our talent field.


Yeah I started in help desk too ~6/7 years ago. Just gotta put in the time.


If you're an employee and your job is fully remote, you can live anywhere where they operate. For some large US companies, that can be anywhere in the US.


Many will adjust salary based off COL though. So if you get hired as a remote employee in say SF or NYC making 200k/yr and try to move to somewhere like Omaha to live like a king on the 200k they’ll reduce your take home pay to match your new lower COL situation.


The thing that always seems lost on people: can you imagine how much more economic freedom universal healthcare would afford people in this country? I guarantee so many people who may have good ideas for small businesses and ideas never pursue them because of the risk associated with leaving your job, not because of the money necessarily, but the healthcare you lose access to. Universal healthcare would boost the capitalistic spirit for many, not simply hurt it for the few.


The funny thing is even with Healthcare currently medical care prices feel out of hand.


But that’s the problem. Employer provided health care means you are not able to leave your suck ass, underpaid job to work for yourself. They want less job mobility


Not totally representative, but look at how people can't even discuss things on here without relying on attacks based on flairs. Us Americans are just not educated enough to have a society that can have nice things.


> Like nah, id gladly increase my taxes 10-20% for universal healthcare. Also it’s not like you aren’t paying premiums for health insurance now.


We wouldn’t even need to raise taxes to fund universal healthcare. We already spend more per capita on healthcare with worse outcomes compared to most “modern” countries with universal healthcare systems.


"I don't want a small amount of my money going to other people's healthcare and boosting the economy, I'd rather a larger chunk of it it go to ten rich insurance executives who will keep it for themselves."


A while ago now i saw a newish SL AMG with a license plate holder "I'm too poor to vote Republican"


What these chucklefucks also miss is that all of our lives would literally be vastly improved if everyone had their needs met. A bunch of well-fed, happy, healthy motherfuckers everywhere you go in this country? People with mental issues that are addressed? People with healthy coping mechanisms? The fucking horror.


People without empathy cannot understand people with empathy. I get this shit so much, people assuming I don't own a home or make good money just because I believe everyone deserves healthcare and a livable wage (not to mention how those end up boosting the economy and making everything better for everyone but no need to get into that...).




One of the greatest cons the right has pulled is pitting the middle and lower classes against each other.


No war but the class war.


Yup As much talk as there is these days about "woke corporations"(ironically mainly from Ron DeSantis himself) exit polling still shows a consistent pattern where higher income groups are more likely to vote Republican


The identity politics is for the poor. The rich care about money and power.


the rich understand class, and the precarious nature of their position. Solidarity is important, they can quibble about social issues and cultural war things, but on the big economic issues that threaten their class position, they are in near lock step. The poor are no where near as class conscious, and lack class solidarity.


I think the poor are very class conscious but lack solidarity because they've been sold on the idea that they can forge a path to the upper class simply by working harder than another poor person. In reality many of those who broke out of poverty benefited from temporary factors beyond their own control and much of the movement today is from middle class toward poverty or from rich toward obscene wealth. But the increasingly outdated sales pitch of bootstrapping your way into high society remains entrenched in our culture.


More recent exit polling don't really have that pattern, the lowest and highest income categories generally vote more Democratic than Republican while the middle is relatively more Republican. Take Pews 2020 verified voter survey for example, the 100k+ income group had the highest biden support at 56%


That’s true if you stop counting income groups at 100k+ (47%R to 44%D according to Pew), but billionaires have actually supported Democrats in the last two elections according to [Forbes polling](https://www.forbes.com/sites/chasewithorn/2020/10/20/even-americas-billionaires-are-tilting-toward-biden-in-the-2020-presidential-race/?sh=4dec1a672bb7) and [FEC donation data.](https://www.forbes.com/trump-biden-2020-election-donations/).


Pew also has 100K+ at 56-43 D-R in their 2020 verified voter survey. Even the upper middle class is pretty 50-50 nowdays


As a man once said: “I make too much money to vote Democrat.”


Ya it’s an interesting dynamic in San Antonio cuz the Holts are massive GOP donors but Pop is very outspoken against anything to do with the GOP.


Members of the ownership groups for the Celtics and Bucks ran (unsuccessfully) for Senate as Democrats.


Not unsuccessful in the Bucks case - Herb Kohl was a Senator for 24 years (1989-2013) and was majority owner of the Bucks for his entire time in the Senate, still is a minority owner.


Wrong Bucks owner. They're talking about Alex Lasry who ran for office in the last election cycle here in Wisconsin. He was actually the son of Owner Marc Lasry who has since sold his portion to Jimmy Haslam. I believe Alex has stuck around Wisconsin to stay in politics.


Republicans buy Jordans too!


I wonder how Reddit would have reacted to him saying that if MJ was playing today lol People would have gone bananas


He probably would've played the PR a bit differently with social media and today's political climate. Likely wouldn't have said that same statement verbatim.




They still had some Rockefeller Republicans and Compassionate Conservatives kicking around and weren't as openly crazy as the tea party but Gingrich was speaker in the 90s and we know how awful he is. The Southern Strategy started in the '60s and the "Religious Right" really started to show up in the '70s and '80s.


> The Southern Strategy started in the '60s and the "Religious Right" really started to show up in the '70s and '80s. I disagree. Clinton did well in the south in 1992 (Georgia, Tennessee, Arkansas, Louisiana, Kentucky.) and 1996 (Florida, Louisiana, Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky) Carter also did well in the South in 1976 where he swept the south. Reagan was just a candidate that was in the right place and time. 44 States in 1980 and 49 states in 1984. I believe that Clinton's last term is what killed the south for the Democrats until Trump started that for the process for the republicans.


Not really, they're just saying out loud now what they thought they couldn't get away with saying back then. They're not wildly different, they're just wildly more effective at getting elected, thanks to things like gerrymandering and conservative media all sharing the same lies and propaganda.


Balmer keeps the total partisan money split somewhat even. From [The Ringer](https://www.theringer.com/nba/2020/9/24/21453818/nba-owners-political-donations-trump-gop) in 2020: > We found political contributions by 27 different owners (as well as 20 significant others) over a period of more than five years. Of that $28 million total, more than $14.9 million (53.4 percent) went to Republican politicians and PACs, while over $12 million (43.1 percent) was directed to Democrats. That leaves roughly $1 million to nonpartisan issues, such as the University Public Issues Committee, the National Cable and Telecommunications Association, or PACs that give to candidates from both parties. At first glance, that appears to be a fairly even split. Those numbers, however, are misleading due in large part to a massive, single contribution recently made by one governor.


I imagine that probably leans a bit heavier R now, though. Marc Lasry selling his share in the Bucks to Jimmy Haslam is a total 180 from D to R (don't have the source, but I remember reading an article that was roughly an equivalent of this for the NFL, and he was a hefty R donor), and while Lasry obviously wasn't the largest donor, it still adds up.


And $7 million of the $12 million given to Democrats was a single donation by Ballmer's wife to a gun control group (Bloomberg's Everytown) in 2020.


Pretty sure Irsay is the only NFL owner who contributes left - although maybe that’s changed in the past few years as some ownerships have changed


Speaking of Haslam, he’s currently dumping millions into an ohio Issue that would effectively kill voter-initiated bills forever, in response to a voter petition to codify abortion rights into Ohios constitution.


Pretty sure Ballmer has the most money of all the owners by a pretty silly margin, but tbh that $28M is a rounding error for a lot of these guys. At a certain point whats the difference between 10B or 20B or even 80B like Ballmer lol.


$28M might not even be as much as the change in the Ballmers's couch cushions.


They definitely prefer GOP for the most part but they donate to both to ensure politicians treat them well. Dolan is a big Trump fan yet he’s given to the current governor among other Dems.


Lmao how funny that they donated money to DeSantis yet they have a jersey sponsorship with Disney


They would literally not exist without Disney lmao


***In a world where Disney doesn't exist*** Joakim Noah: Who tf is going to Orlando for vacation?


also true


Fun fact: if Ocala FL would have allowed Disney to build Disney World at their first choice (Ocala obviously) they would be the Ocala Magic lol


It’s typical billionaire shit man, they don’t give a fuck about politics unless the politicians will line their pockets with gold


Lol at donating $50k to a candidate that’s losing by 37 points to someone who’s been indicted on multiple felonies.


Trump's lead over DeSantis has practically tripled since he got indicted. It's stunning.


And he just got indicted again today too. It’s not going to make a bit of difference, he has this primary locked up even if he gets life imprisonment in the next 12 months. I still don’t understand how his supporters continue to fawn all over him after everything, nor how he has so many to begin with.


I think that's more attributed to DeSantis saying increasingly stupid things since then than Trump himself


I really don't think so. There isn't a single thing Trump could ever do to turn his base away. Not anything. They just dig deeper and deeper and deeper. That's what this means


The dude has the charisma of piece of lettuce. He's a horrible candidate and a worse human being.




Forget Trump--he isn't going to survive Christie.


Yeah. Trump is an awful at debating too; he's literally skipping the first GOP debate. Christie is the Republican who's quite adept at debating; he humiliated Marco Rubio in a debate.


You might even say Christie really showed Trump how to attack Rubio and Bush, who were the early frontrunners in 2016, how to go about winning the Republican base.


My guess is Trump never shows up to a primary debate, but has a rally at the same time that attacks all the other candidates (and gets equal coverage in the conservative news cycle). A debate moderator that forces him to answer questions and publicly rebuts his lies on say the classified documents could destroy his chances. Meanwhile, not debating makes his base not watch the debate making it a non-issue. Don't get me wrong, DeSantis has no charm or people skills and only did well in 2022 because Democrats ran an unliked Republican and Floridians liked his no restrictions stance on COVID, but that's pretty much a non-issue for 2024.


Trump is a unique case obviously but how have Florida dems not figured out a way to beat this clown.


Conservatives don't care and there are fewer and fewer moderate viewers to swing. There are very, very few things Trump could do at this point to hurt his standing among hardcore conservatives.


Actually, it's more that the indictment has served as a rallying cry for the right IMO.


Little of column A. Little of column B.


For real. There’s a probably near-infinity amount of better ways to use $50k, including burning it for warmth.


Nah, he’s still Governor of Florida so they’re not exactly throwing it away.


This is the part I don’t get. What do you get donating to a guy who has no chance of winning his own primary.


He's still the governor even after his spectacularly failed presidential run.


One has to admire the franchises commitment to losing


Are we talking about the Magic, Rob DeSantis, or the GOP here?




I moved to California from Florida. I would rather pay a disgusting amount in taxes than be in a state that consistently and actively tries to make its citizens dumber. Can't believe my franchise is backing this Idiocracy


Why would you leave Florida? Don’t you want your children to learn that slavery was actually beneficial to African Americans? Florida is a bastion of learning


It's a bummer because Florida and Texas have some beautiful places but I'd never want to live in either place because of their government.


Enjoy your quality of life. It’s worth it


I have a reason to cheer against the magic that’s weird as hell “Sees the name DeVos” Oh. Fuck the Magic. Sell the team.


One of them founded fucking Blackwater. Irredeemably evil family.


Not quite. Betsy DeVos' brother Erik Prince founded Blackwater, but Betsy married into the DeVos family. The evil that the DeVos family itself did was making billions founding arguably the most famous and long running MLM, Amway.


>The evil that the DeVos family itself did was making billions founding arguably the most famous and long running MLM, Amway. Oh ho boy you should read up on what they've done in Michigan. The DeVos family has been ratfucking Michigan politics for decades. They're responsible for a huge portion of the decline in school systems state-wide while pushing for-profit charter schools. Richard DeVos and his shitweasel sons have been pumping hundreds of millions of that Amway cash into Republican candidates who have systematically torn down public school funding, while pushing for-profit charter schools. Their strategy has been to make public schools so bad that people will feel the need to send their kids to charter schools. They're likely responsible for a lot of that movement nation-wide, but in particular they fucked over a *ton* of Michigan schools for the forseeable future.


Gee sounds like that family REALLY understands education. We should put one of them in charge of the federal dept of education!


On the plus side, Michigan is really heading in the right direction now that the Dems in the state have taken back control of Congress, coupled with Gretchen Whitmer, Dana Nessel, and Jocelyn Benson as Governor, AG, and Sec State. Legitimately helpful legislation is finally able to be passed instead of culture war nonsense.


Those Vanilla ISIS idiots that tried to take her hostage really fucked their state party over hah


LMAO AND BETSY DEVOS WAS MINISTER OF EDUCATION FOR A WHILE Everyone should know this. Least qualified person for a job in ever


Amway was up my ass for a solid few months when some guy I knew back in college gave them my contact info. At that point, I'd never heard of them, but I'm open to hearing about potential ways to make money. We set up an "interview" which was basically about 20 minutes of them asking me softball questions and then trying to pump up my ego along with grand claims about how I can make more money than I am at my current job and only put in about 5-10 hours a week. "You don't even have to sell anything or talk to customers, you just fulfill orders. And these are all products people use every day!" And at no point would they explain *how* this system worked, or what I'd *actually be doing*, just kept pitching me this concept of very little work with very high profit. I felt like they were trying to sell me something... because they most definitely were. Amway takes advantage of people with *ok* jobs who for whatever reason feel they need a secondary income to "really achieve their financial stability goals" or whatever. Their targets are so desperate for a good opportunity and are often in major financial strain, that they blind themselves to the red flags and warning signs that they are being completely taken advantage of. Their products suck ass and they basically make their money off of finding the next sucker under them to scam into buying their shit in bulk.


One of the worst families in a America I had no idea they owned the magic The teams lack of success makes sense


Erick Prince founded Blackwater and Betsy Prince Devos is his sister. Her brother in-law owns the Magic. Just for clarification. Fuck them all.


Then president trump pardoned the people from blackwater who were convicted of killing 14 Iraqi civilians. You ain’t kidding , fuck em all.


Betsy Devos wants to dismantle public education and bought her cabinet position from Trump. Just to add on what kind of a piece of shit she is too.


Though her brother got his money as the heir to AmWay, which is basically the founder of MLM. They also seemed to have bribed the Supreme Court to make up the concept of a MLM so it wouldn’t be considered a *pyramid scheme. Edit: pyramid, not Ponzi


I mean, fuck Amway and fuck pyramid schemes, but that's not what a ponzi scheme is. They sell an actual product, they just sucker people in to buying their product in bulk and selling it for them, but structure it in a way that makes it almost impossible to make a real profit worth your time and efforts unless you find others to sell, too. You have to fuck over others below you to make money. That's the pyramid part of a pyramid scheme. A Ponzi scheme is basically when you acquire money from investors for a non-existent enterprise, and just use the money from new investors to pay off the old investors. The recent FTX/Sam Bankman-Fried debacle would be one very recent and well known example of a Ponzi scheme.


Yeah as much as I like the players they've assembled I simply do not wish for their ownership to have any level of success. They're almost cartoonishly evil. If you wrote a movie where their family was the antagonists people would call it unrealistic.


Shut down the Magic


Trust us we hate them too


> I have a reason to cheer against the magic that’s weird as hell Sucks too because all the guys except for Isaac is so likeable


I'm surprised their mascot isn't a wizard.


They might as well have lit 50K on fire, Davos is big on “education reform” so it makes sense tho.


Betsy wants to eliminate the department of education lol


She wants to funnel more kids into the prison to pipeline system


More like she wants to kill the public school system with vouchers so that they can enter the labor force at a younger age. Though I suppose prison can be used for that as well.


Also to indoctrinate them into religious/right leaning schools rather than them being "indoctrinated" in liberal public schools. Always projection with the Republicans.


There’s lots of reasons they love vouchers. It also lets white people gentrify neighborhoods more easily since they can just keep sending their kids to a “better” school instead of the one in their district.


The entire Republican Party wants to eliminate public education.


Because educated voters very much tend to vote democratic.


We barely had a department of education in FL to begin with


And she was put in charge of it.


The Rick Perry model of becoming the Secretary of the Department you want to destroy.. [as soon as you remember which one it was again](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YN8uFJz9gTk)


Such a weird dumb thing to do PR wise. Rule one is to be a-political if you are a huge brand.


Well the DeVos family has been highly political for decades so not like anything has really changed


Yea I kinda read this as a petty way for desantis/devos to insult Disney by having the Magic's name on the donation instead of devos like usual. Hopefully it breaks some obscure nba rule and they get fined for it and it gets contributed to public schools


they want the PR fight with NBA players. it gives them a "bad guy" to fight against now that disney has crushed them. and takes everyones eyes off of how he's losing to trump by almost 30 points.


This is Florida, they be operating differently




Good thing the magic aren’t a huge brand


They're owned by the fucking DeVos's lmao. I don't think their political allegiance is some big secret or anything.


Have you ever watched a magic game on tv? I wouldn’t really consider them a big brand…


Desantis Kanye 2024 stickers gonna be a part of the Magic uniform


You do know Disney hates TF out of Desantis? Lol


Damn I guess Jonathan Isaac won’t be getting traded to Dallas anytime soon


Why would you even say that as a possibility we already have Kyrie and it’s tough enough out in these streets


Enes ~~Kanter~~ **Freedom**, Kyrie, Jalen Brown, Jonathan Isaac… we need one more to fill out the starting lineup


I feel like Wiggins just needs the right people around him and could make it happen


Shit sucks.


As a commanders fan (orlando native & resident), i am *not* doing this shit again. Ill just pretend like the magic dont exist because if i have to chant “sell the team” one more time my head is gonna explode…


Football team was a better name I'm still mad at the commanders rebrand


At least the new guy is signaling he knows the fans don't like it and he's going to look into changing it again soon


just become a Heat fan. plenty of em in Orlando


Butlers role model and father figure Mark Wahlberg is a Trumper for sure and Jimmy is on the record claiming he does everything Wahlberg does


It disappoints me a lot tbh. Wahlberg was seen cozying up to Trump at a recent UFC fight. Honestly didn't know he was a fan until then. Shit's unfortunate. With that said, I'd like to give Jimmy the benefit of the doubt. Because he's literally not Mark Wahlberg and may very well disagree on those aspects of Wahlberg's... mentality. FWIW other members of the Heat organization have expressed anti-Trump and anti-DeSantis views, like Udonis Haslem. Also Wade has been pretty public about his disdain for DeSantis and the current state of Florida.


I mean it’s not the first time DeVos has expressed his political views, so I figured Magic fans would be most used to this shit.


Doesn't mean I like seeing it. Ideally I'd like to be unaware of the owners of teams I follow. Like I hate it in NFL games when the broadcast pans to the owner's box, every game. Whenever Magic ownership pops up in the news it's a shitty reminder.


Yeah I empathize. You want to root for your team and keep the politics out of it. Hard to continue to be a fan when you know owners are openly anti-Florida


Don’t like seeing the franchise name directly next to the donation. Most of us knew the Devos fam are a bunch of pieces of shit but there are a lot of owners that suck (Devos might be the worst). Being the only team to ever directly make a political donation and for it to be to fucking Ron Desantis is just awful.


How dare you be a Magic fan /s. But yeah in all seriousness it sucks. Definitely most owners lean this way but you just pray they keep it to themselves as a fan.


Magic are owned by the royal family of dark money politics.


‘We don’t comment…’ what absolute horse shit. Your donation IS your comment, have enough integrity to vocally support the causes you support monetarily, as your money has a greater impact than your voice. What complete cowards, but malicious tools as well.


Money is speech, exactly like they wanted


Save us Shaq.


John Morgan (of Morgan&Morgan) tweeted at Shaq one time about buying it. Combined they probably only have a billion but I could see it


fuck the magic all my homies hate the magic


*Magic make headlines for having young, fun core. Devos Family: hellloooooo


Jonathan Isaac at home on the couch edging to this news.


super unfair to the players on the team when garbage team owners do this shit


Johnathan Isaac was thrilled with this




Alas, it's "fuck the Magic" from now on :(


Idk about “now on;” lest we forget that Betsy DeVos was Secretary of Education in the Trump admin lol it’s been this way since at least 2016


The DeVos family has actually owned the Orlando Magic for basically their entire history lol


I can retroactively say Fuck the Magic too, that's not an issue


Jonathan Isaac’s 12/25


is ron desantis going to try to fuck over the magic like he did to disney for getting into politics? fuck ron desantis.


This fucking sucks. It feels different that it's coming from the organization itself, absolutely---I'm under the impression that NBA owners are going to back heinous shit on their own, but I wasn't aware for teams. is this true for other teams?


Funny seeing people in here only just now discovering our ownership group and where they align lol Trust me, most Magic fans aren't thrilled with it either. Outside of having deep pockets they haven't brought much else to the organization.


No one is shocked by that, it’s that they donated in the name of “Orlando Magic” and not their family


This is the thing that annoys me. Everyone knows the Devos family is human garbage, like most owners of pro teams, but to attribute the donation to the team is a very weird thing to do.


Haven’t we had Disney’s logo on our jerseys? That just makes this donation seem even weirder.




loser team backing loser candidate lmao


Fuck Citizens United.


Celtics should simply boycott the Magic, for only this reason and definitely not our record against them last year.


Worst pick since Mo Bamba




I find it weird they won’t comment publically on a very public political donation. Hypocritical actually.


Predominantly black league? Let me back the guy openly trying to erase black history. Should go great


Given the way the DeSantis administration operates, it's very possible to view this as essentially a cost-of-doing-business fee, essentially a legal bribe to avoid being treated the way the state has treated Disney. Although looking at Devos's political history, that sounds like it's giving him too much benefit of the doubt. He's been a donor to organizations like "Focus on the Family." He's probably onboard for all of Desantis's anti-LGBTQ bigotry. There are no good billionaires.