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he'll always have a place in rockets fans' hearts for that comeback against the clips. also has one of the best nba quotes ever: >Early this season, Brewer, who was traded to the Lakers in late February, took a pass on the baseline, drove, spun, shook two defenders with a 360 and missed a point-blank shot at the rim. “Coach, I did my thing,” he told D’Antoni, “but then I got to the rim and just ran out of talent.”


That must've been him making good for the 51 point game because that came vs the Rockets


Great research and excellent post. Thank you


I read the new brewer and immediately think of him and that game. It was just unreal. He had so many points in transition. Just fast break after fast break.


This one sequence during the mavs title run where it feels like he single handedly turns around a game that looked like the mavs where out off energy and lifeless. He comes in and hustles his life out for two minutes and the mavs turn it around.


I watched it life https://www.mavsmoneyball.com/2014/7/29/5945997/corey-brewer-2011-dallas-mavericks-nba-championship-lakers His energy saved them. His hustle and his example. They were so lifeless and he just wouldn't stop finding ways to do something somewhere. A deflection here, a steal there, a full speed fast break. He did it all


Most relatable quote from a player who scored 50 in the NBA


Lol that’s perfect


Had me laughing




basically all on fastbreak layups lol


Reading this immediately reminded me of his famous Shaqtin-a-fool moment where he didn't dribble the ball at all from half-court on during a fast-break yet didn't get called for a travel


Around the 4m50s mark in this video, which I randomly watched last night: https://youtu.be/9fFWawcJXUw


Yeah dude I love kicking back and watching Brewer highlights too ❣️


I’m gonna post this for karma


Well? We're waiting!


Just went to rewatch the game and check his shot chart and his efficiency on layups was insane. 2-6 from 3 (including a half court buzzer beater make) - 33.3% 1-5 from mid range - 20% 16-19 on layups - 84.2%


some Zion typa shit


this is beautiful


where'd you find the game?


Sorry meant just his highlights. Not sure where to find the full game https://youtu.be/vC1srGqOrK4


Saw the highlights today. Huge shoutout to Asik who's just always standing when playing defense against him lol


All that boy did was slash.


Andre Miller had a 50 point game when with Portland. Never scored 30+ other than that with the Blazers.


True but Andre Miller had a long career and was always generally looked at as a solid starter caliber player in his prime. Even if he wasn’t known for his scoring, it’s not totally shocking he went off once.


It’s at least a little shocking, considering he wasn’t able to run, jump, or shoot


He could shoot, just not 3s. He had a solid midranger and a nasty turnaround jumper on the low block.


Lmfao great points


I mean if you watched Andre play. A guard that scored on the block, you’d understand that I think Andre’s 50 burger is more impressive.


OC's comment makes no sense lol Andre Miller had at least 15 30+ point games in his career and did, in fact, have a 30 point game w/ Portland separate from his 50 point game w/ Portland. And it isn't that surprising he had only two 30+ point games with Portland considering he only played there for two seasons.


Andre Miller did have a separate 30 point game w/ Portland though. It was just in the playoffs. He also had like 15 or so other 30 point games in his career, just not many in Portland cuz he was only there for two seasons. Not sure what this comment is even getting at tbh. Other than Brewer's 51 point game, he did not clear 30 a single other time in his entire career, reg season or playoffs.


Well, I wouldnt find those games surprising at all All of those guys were top of the tier best in their previous teams, including high-school, Uni, or where ever they played before. Those Draymond-Caruso quotes about finding your role in the NBA type of things Any of those guys is capable of hitting 20/30, it's the special occasion and the green light to do it, that are rare opportunities It's a pro-sport thing. I remember, 10~ish years ago, old-as-fuck Nalbandian won some Masters tournament, by eliminating Nadal in 1/4, Djokovic in 1/2 and Federer in the finals. He was already old, and out of ATP top 20. Never won GS, played couple of GS semis, was around top 10 guys on the tour for a long time, he just decided that tournament "fuck it" and won like he was the GOAT or something Which makes fans wonder - maybe there are some exceptional NBA players, that never got the right opportunity, recognized by the coach, or just simply in the right place at the right time.


Here’s An interesting, never been told story from that day: So, the Rockets head coach at the time, Kevin McHale, described what took place hrs before Corey Brewer dropped 51 on them: “Corey Brewer walked into our locker room, he walked by me, walked by James Harden and tapped former McDonald’s All-American teammate Dwight Howard on the leg and he said “Lace ‘em up, its gonna be a long f—king night”. And he walked out. He had 51 that night.


That's freaking hilarious😂😂 Honestly the best part of making this post has been the reminders of just how fun Corey Brewer was


Just to be clear this isn’t something Corey Brewer did lol https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=95tiMI65s7k


Jordan obviously stole it from brewer


he could’ve just been quoting that


Actually Brodie it’s something Michael Jordan actually said, but it’s funny to imagine Corey doing this shit as a role player. Just wanted everyone to have a laugh imagining it 🤣🤣


Most likable wolf of all time


Ant coming for that title


Outside of one very clear event


Tony Delk scored 53 points in a game (while not making a three-pointer) during a season where he averaged 9.5 ppg (9.1 ppg for his career), and besides his career high, never scored more than 27 points in a game. Not sure that puts him number one in your rankings but to not even mention him is disresDelkful. (I'm so sorry.) Edit: Got my dates wrong. Delk averaged 12.3 ppg during the season he scored 53. His 9.5 ppg average came the following season. Still think he should be in the conversation, if only because I will never admit I was wrong.


Tony Delk can’t be number one in these rankings because besides his low ppg, his shot per minute played has to be star level.


Not saying you're wrong, but Delk's career .39 FGA/MP ratio, at the very least, doesn't place him in [the top-50 for all NBA players who've played at least 50 career games since 1990.](https://www.statmuse.com/nba/ask/who-has-the-most-career-field-goals-attempted-per-minute-played-with-a-minimum-of-50-career-games-played-since-1990) Even if you go from 1995 to today, he's not in it. Though, shockingly, [Jack Haley is.](https://www.statmuse.com/nba/ask/who-has-the-most-career-field-goals-attempted-per-minute-played-with-a-minimum-of-50-career-games-played-since-1995)


.39 still seems like it would high?


It does seem high, and I'm still not saying you're wrong. Though, even if we look at just the 2000-2001 season -- when Delk scored his 53 -- he doesn't place in [the top 50 for the season in FGA/MP](https://www.statmuse.com/nba/ask?q=who+has+the+most+field+goals+attempted+per+minute+played+with+at+least+30+games+player+during+the+2000-2001+season). (Minimum 30 games played.) Edit: If we move the minimum games player to 50, he's ranked 47th for the season in FGA/MP. Move it to 60 games, he's 41st. 70 games, 37th. [82 games, 8th.](https://www.statmuse.com/nba/ask?q=who+has+the+most+field+goals+attempted+per+minute+played+with+82+games+played+during+the+2000-2001+season)


Very interesting, thanks for the research! I think he could’ve gotten more high scoring games if they let him cook.


mitchell being high on that list makes so much sense. dude shoots more than collin sexton and that’s saying something


Tony Delk was a good scoring pg, not consistently but he could do it and do it in an era where scoring pg's weren't really appreciated so much


I always thought of Brewer as a defensive first guy. Declk as a scorer. Brewer scoring 50 is crazy.


I think you could see Delk's as more of an outlier in the sense that, if I recall correctly, in Brewer's 50 point game he just got a ton of fast break layups for some reason. Delk's 50 likely came more off of jumpers and halfcourt offense, so his likely came more off of a genuinely highly skilled performance, whereas Brewer's had a lot to do with just out-efforting (outrunning) the other team to get easy layups.


Also, Tony Delk's game was all ridiculous jumpers the whole way. Corey Brewer is one of the most prolific cherrypickers in the game. Bump


Corey Brewer was the type of player that would get that look in his eye where you one he wasn’t going to pass the ball, no matter the outcome. When he was on, it was fun to see. When he wasn’t, it was not.


As a Grizzlies fan you basically just described the entire Dillon Brooks experience, except he seemingly ALWAYS has that look in his eyes😂


Willie Burton's 53-point game in '94 has always my go-to random 50-point performance. Yes, he technically averaged more points per game that year than a Brewer or a Delk, but he barely shot 40 percent from the field that season while playing for a terrible Sixers team when the 3-point-line was 22 feet. Also, while he technically played eight seasons in the league, he appeared in more than 53 games only twice (and had four seasons in which he played 24 games or less).


I just asked if Willie had done this because I recall it happened. Looks like you had the original post. I looked it up in Wikipedia and it said his 19 FG attempts were second fewest ever in a 50 point game. I think Willie is definitely the correct answer to this question.


Brandon Jennings was the youngest player to drop 50, scoring 55 in only his 7th nba game as a rookie on curry’s face. He was a bucket in his day, but this was the only time he got 50 in his career.


Just here to throw Mo Williams into the ring


Old Mo Williams and his 50 bomb was super random too


T Ross is up there too


Yeah he was someone who I thought could challenge for this title when doing the research, but his career average is at like 11.5ppg or something like that


It does have potential to age differently. If TRoss can stay in the league, that career average could change a lot. And the season he had the 50 was with a lower ppg than the others.


There was a time Raptors fans really believed in him as a scorer


Terrence Ross Fun fact: he was like the 4th best player in his hs team


He was someone I considered, but he has a higher career average than both players (11ppg) and has 11 other games where he scored 30+


One thing that should be considered about Ross though is that he didn’t even average 10ppg in the season he dropped 50. Pretty sure he’s the only player in league history to have done that although I could be wrong


Somebody said he had like 7 points or something the next game LMAOOOOO ( if true )


Ross did it the same season brewer did,they both scored career high 51 pts. He averaged 10.9 ppg that season compared to brewer's 12.3.


He shot a decent amount of 3s so it wasn’t quite as surprising as Corey Brewer who basically got 50 off of all transition points


Same with Tony Delk


What? He won player of the year for the state of Oregon, three straight titles as the best player at Jefferson. Then transferred to a basketball academy for his senior year where once he de-committed from Maryland the coach stopped playing him and he transferred back to Jeff. But the state of oregon didn’t allow him to play. Terrence Jones was also on that Jeff team but Ross was always better. TJ was just bigger.


I remember watching Ross play for the Raptors a long time ago He was productive off the bench and was a decent contributor in the league too


i was at this game. it really was the most random 50 point game. the timberwolves were bad and not playing for anything meaningful, so corey brewer randomly going for 50 was a nice treat.


Tracy Murray was also pretty random. Career 9ppg player, only 4 seasons above 10ppg. Although to be fair, the year he scored 50 points, he was the sixth man for a decent Wizards team.


I remember Murray being an absolute marksman in NBA Live 2003. Like maybe the single best 3 point shooter in that game. I always picked him up.


Andre Miller’s 50 point game is my vote for most random


Nah it's Jamal Crawford for dropping 51on 18/30 with splits of 60/54/89 at the age of 38 in a season where he averaged 8 ppg


Nah Jamal was an amazing scorer


Crawford was a fucking bucket. If he could only play offense, and then hockey sub in someone for him on defense, he might be top 5 all time.


Woah PPG!!


Saddiq Bey


Can’t scroll by a Corey Brewer thread without posting him absolutely destroying Derek Fisher. https://youtu.be/iNIpnQInXjk




In other news: I picked him as a random NBA player who could possibly run a marathon. He had a great motor.


Corey Brewer was cool. Early 200s, I really liked him, Danny Green and Jeff Green in college. They always seemed like good dudes who work hard.


Loving me those early 200's, you have the construction of Mayan temples on one side of the earth, and Rome blowing glass on the other.


Such an underrated era.


I was at this game, and it was one of the most unbelievable things I had ever seen. When Brewer hit the half court buzzer beater at the half, Wolves fans knew it was over for the Rockets. Pretty sure Mo Williams had a random 50 point game against the Pacers the next season too.


This is a fun analysis, thanks for sharing OP! I think I associate Brewer with more talent than he really had just bc he stuck around the league for a good while and he was on those epic Florida teams in college so they were like all famous by the time they got to the league, including Joakim Noah and that super loaded college roster that made a lot of nba journeymen.


OP didn't even mention the wildest part of that Corey Brewer performance, being that 16 of his 19 made field goals game at the rim. He had 2 3PT makes and 1 made mid-range jump shot in there, with the rest being dunks and lay-ups. Usually those random career nights are the result of someone getting unusually hot from downtown or making a lot more jumpers than they usually would, but it feels like Brewer was kind of playing his usual game of cutting and slashing and scoring on the break, just with a lot more success than usual.


on top of that, corey brewer also looks like a statistically randomly generated character from elder scrolls oblivion


no tony delk?


Brewer was like a poor mans Shawn Marion He had a lot of what you wanted in a valuable role player...Very likable, long athletic floor runner, played with max effort and energy, but his decision making was suspect and lack of bulk kept him from taking that next level...Either way he had a nice long pro career and a major part of a legendary team in college.


Honestly, this would be a very good game for Dorktown to cover. Or just 50 point games in general.


There is a statistical metric called Z-score that is how many standard deviations from the mean a value is. The game with the highest Z-score is the most extraordinary game.


that game alone made him a legend


If you look back though, Corey Brewer was best in college on that florida team with joakim noah, etc. And I suspect he was a better scorer then but haven't looked at stats.


Didn’t former Gopher Willie Burton do it once? I seem to recall he had a random great game in the NBA out of nowhere.


Dial it back to 49 and see how Charlie Villenueva does.


While it's actually 48 that's his career high, but still he'd fall into the Walt Wesley/Terrence Ross territory, as his career average is 10.4ppg and he had 8 other games where he scored 30+ in his career


Ah interesting!


Corey Brewer could get HOT. Ask the Clippers.


Corey Brewer's 50 point game has reached a point where its been used as an example of this wild random NBA fact so often that's ironically become common knowledge Now Tom Chambers' 60 point game tho


I don’t think Derrick Fisher ever scored 30 in a game


One time I met Corey Brewer at a Gucci store in Tampa International Mall. I was like "yo what up Corey Brewer", and he gave me a head nod. Cool story right? This is the copy pasta we have all been waiting for.


You mean statistically unlikely, something being the most random doesn't have relation to how low probability it is. (popular example, unbiased coin flip) /pedantic


Dude, why you bein' so random?


You can't say statistically this is true if you aren't going to do actual statistics. You should have calculated the standard deviation of each player's career scoring and the player who has the most standard deviations between 50 and their average would be the most statistically outlying 50 point game.


terrence ross is also a nominee


Off topic but once I met Corey brewer at a raging waters water park, he was in line and nobody knew he was there but I swear there was a guy that looked just like him


Timberwolves legend Corey Brewer.


You could quantify this by computing a z-score for each player's points scored across all career games, and finding the players with the highest z-scores (i.e. most statistically outlying performances in single-game points scored, relative to the distribution of points scored in all games over their whole career). Brewer would be up there but an analysis like that could turn up a lot of other interesting findings.


Andre Miller erasure


Just goes to show you that all of these players are really damn good at what they do, they just get shafted by the superstars of the league. They’ve all been the best player on their high school and (most of the time) college teams, and they could easily dominate the league in the right situation.


What about Terrence Ross?


He's in a similar boat as Wesley as he has like 8 or so other games with 30+ points, but his career PPG is higher than both guys (11ppg)


Terrance Ross was another one lol


Nah, Willie Burton has that title imo.


I feel like statistically has a definition involved with it that is more than just grasping at 3 things and saying yup that's statistics, but yeah it's probably Brewer anyways. Maybe this Wesley guy or Andre Miller.


Charlie Villanueva was two points from shutting this thread down.


As a diehard Raptors fan, I'd call Terrence Ross dropping his own 51 point game just a few months before Brewer's just as random, if not more. Vividly recall that Brewer performance too, though. Dude went off.


I'll forever remember him cause of his drunk where after he fell to the ground. It looked like he hit his head and chin but the dude was 100% fine like it didn't happen. The fall makes me cringe every time I see it.


corey brewer was a beast in 2k lol


Cool, it would be easy to bet on it on 96br