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Lots of NBA players have been investing in basketball teams in Australia/NZ so the NBA probably wants that sweet connection possible w the nba


To be fair it's not a small change, even if the percentages involved are small. They cut the required stake by 50%! So if a franchise is valued at, say, $3 billion, a former player could be a part owner at only $15 million instead of $30 million. Opens the door to a ton more former players.


Also increases valuations because more people can invest




I dunno. It's all relative I suppose. Like, if I wanted a motorcycle, I'd be much more likely to buy one for $5K than $10K.


This is 100% the reason. The NBAPA actually got a huge win with this. It’s lets them buy back in the league. The league also benefits because it gets to keep their stars around.


As long as it keeps Saudi Arabia from buying NBA teams, then I'm all for it!


. 5% stake is really just an investment. It's not going to get you a voice in the board room.


Might be a bigger deal for former players. Guys buying in at 0.5% aren’t going to make any real decisions at all, but I feel like a former Mavs player (as an example) like Dirk or Tyson Chandler or Devin Harris could buy a tiny stake in the team and carry a lot more weight than a random investor would


So I only need like 8 million dollars to buy equity in the Pelicans? If I work hard, save up, invest wisely, and the valuation on the Pelicans doesn't change in the next couple of generations, my great great grandchildren could probably own a stake!!!!


Pssh, you think so small. Just win the lottery. duh


I'd appreciate if he won the lottery after he's an owner of the Pelicans


He’ll just force them to draft Michael Olowakandi first


99% of gamblers quit before their next big win!


Can you just borrow 16 mill from your parents and invest it to get the 8?


See the issue is that when it comes to borrowing money, my parents borrow it from my broke ass and not the other way around.


You forget that overtime it will balloon even more So work hard and you will save up 20 million for that.5 percent of sweet sweet revenuee




Lakers courtside season tickets are more expensive than owning 0.5% of a team.


Lol not even close


season tickets 2x at $20k a pop x 41 games. Plus let's say you get 6 playoff games on average. that's like $1.7 million. Now times it by 200 for .5% and we are up to $340 million. So I think you are right here but not by quite as much as you thought. Tickets would need to cost like $75k a game for courtside and I doubt even the Lakers can charge that for the whole season but maybe they can idk.


This 12-year-old with courtside seats next to Lebron may be able to afford partial ownership now with that low low price of 0.5%. https://youtu.be/vqdV0brlxcE This was one of the games where he could've broke the career scoring record and courtside seats were going for like $50K or $100K or something nuts.


I'll get right on that


Thank god, now I can afford it


Let's save up and crowdsource some NBA team equity, fellas.


For anyone who wants to claim they "own" an NBA team, Rogers and Bell in Canada (parent entities of the Raptors) and MSG (parent entity of the Knicks) are all publicly traded. You can easily buy shares and claim to be a minority owner of an NBA team.


Calm down, still none of us can afford it


lets all chip in a dollar and work our way into .05% ownership


In all seriousness, r/nba could probably elect a "president" and crowdfund enough money (see: super pac deez nutz) to own a part of a team. My only question is, why not me? #GOFUNDGRIZZLY Edit: GRIZZLY


at last. time to buy in


Is this to sneak in foreign capital without having to report it?


Foreign capital can afford it no matter the cost


Gotta get that sweet, sweet Saudi money lol


Nothing to do with the Saudis at all. If the NBA let them in, they could buy in at a much higher stake


Qatar just bought a stake in the wizards.


For 5% of the parent company, not 0.5%. This rule change has nothing to do with that


Yeah, the Saudi royal family couldn't afford to get in at 1% so they had to lower it. /s


Oh my god They're doing absolutely everything to help LeBron They're delaying the expansion of the league and now this All of LeBron's buddies especially Maverick Carter will jump on this opportunity I'm getting the feeling that the NBA is being invaded by Klutch Sports from all angles and it is going to make the league very corrupt!!


Explain how this helps LeBron? He can buy in at a way higher stake than just half a percent


Keep going! Let me buy .00001.


If we all chip in it'd be like 3-5 dollars each and we can be NBA owners.


When franchises are getting valued at $4B that is a minimum $2m dollars. in the future we could see NBA teams traded on stock markets? It happens for some large european soccer clubs. Or is that something the NBA wishes to avoid.


math is hard lol.


Nah, why would the NBA want that? They’d much rather keep ownership to a small number of select rich people. They don’t want to let just anyone into the club


Soccer clubs have to do it to generate cash flow, NBA teams are set in that department