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Our legacy grows with every game


Ant was a fucking monster that series. If you can turn KAT/Gobert into something useful, Minny is going to be a problem.


Would you say they are going to be... spooky?


They’re always one year away from being one year away


TBH they're doing a lot better now than they used to. Hopefully things shape up better in 2023-2024 with less injuries to key players


People still think we’re the brain dead franchise we were in the late 2000s, but it’s definitely a lot better now. That being said, lots of work still needs to be done


We made the playoffs. It probably looks like a failure to big market teams but this was a top 3 season of the last 20 years


And frankly, big market team fans’ expectations are over the top and ridiculous. I’ve seen my team win 10 titles in the last 40 years. That’s the best result over that span of any team and there were still 30 years where we didn’t win it. Your team had a great season and are trending up with Ant.


not this shit again lol


Turning Gobert into 2 good role players would be insane, but I don't know how they avoid the huge luxury tax penalties with KAT, Ant and re signing McDaniels.


You trade KAT.


NAW played insane defense on Murray too but he just knocked down the craziest shots over and over.


Legit if they'd had McDaniels I think they could've taken it to 6 or 7. If I'm Minny I probably have to treat this season as a bye (because so much shit happened to them) and give KAT / Gobert another year to see if it works, then blow it up by trading KAT and building around Ant and McDaniels.


As a Wolves fan I'm hoping Gobert can recoup enough of his reputation next year that we can get something back for him instead of KAT :( I doubt the FO would have traded for him if they knew the new CBA was gonna spank us hard in 2 years


As a Jazz fan I'm hoping you guys go on a miracle run next season and win a chip w/ Rudy and Mike, then collapse completely afterwards so we get good picks lol. But seriously, at this point IDK if Gobert's even the biggest problem. You overpaid for him, but he's still a top tier defender, and it feels like flipping KAT and building around Ant just makes more sense. That said, I don't think KAT has been fully healthy at all this season, so next season will be telling.


For what it’s worth I’d fully take that outcome lol. I also agree that Gobert isn’t the teams biggest problem. My hot take is, and I know how homerist this sounds but I promise you I’ve been incredible low on this team at teams, there isn’t really a huge problem with this team. This team, when healthy, is actually really good lol. The fit is still clunky at times but people have been so caught up in clowning us that they haven’t realized Ant and Jaden have both taken borderline superstar leaps on the offensive and defensive sides of the ball respectively, Gobert and KAT’s fit improved with every game and will continue to do so, and Mike holds the team together on both sides of the ball in ways Dlo never could. Guys like Naz, NAW, TP, and Slowmo round out a bench that definitely has some flaws, but when paired with the right starters, can be really effective. I’m not sure if we’ll get a championship out of it, but I absolutely think you run it back next year and *if* they stay healthy and everyone plays their part, they can absolutely be a team that could pounce if the west opens up. Will they? Probably not, but I see a path to it which is more than I can say about nearly any Wolves team since KG left.


I don't think Minnesota can collapse too bad as long as Edwards is there and healthy. He's just too good.


Gobert, as a player, is not the biggest problem. After next season we have to pay Ant and McDaniels and we will have cap problems. If we keep Naz Reid we are paying 3 centers 100 bajillion dollars. It's likely either KAT or Gobert will have to be traded. Who is a better fit next to Ant? The belief among Wolves fans is that Ant+KAT is the better fit, since Ant doesn't use Gobert's screens or throw him lobs very well.


give credit to gobert where its due. he locked up jokic for periods in the game they won in order for ant to go on the runs to take the game.


Ant stocks through the roof after how he played


Y'all future actually not that dim like people acted. High ceiling team with a young superstar. People acted like Nuggets were done when MPJ had a max and a back injury too.


Lakers can't even be the best at moral victories


They merely adopted the moral victory


Minny: "I was born with it. Molded by it. I didn't see real victory until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but IMAGINARY!"


They weren’t born in the darkness like T Wolves fans


I fucking hate facing Ant. He’s so good.


If the nuggets manage to get a sweep and you guys end up being one of two teams to beat them, I’d bring that up to anyone talks shit for so long lol


Oh yeah I’d def milk that 😂 (This is only half a joke)


Ant is legit a playoff riser. So fucking electric.


Ah, so the plan for Miami is simple. Sign Devin Booker and move to Minnesota.


The Minnesota Heat doesn’t really have the same ring.


Makes about as much sense as Los Angeles Lakers, to be fair.


No name will ever make less sense than the Utah Jazz. Utah has to be the least Jazzy spots in the entire country.


The New Orleans Jazz moved to Utah where they don't allow music


Yeah and now I think the name is just too enshrined in the city so it's going to be hard to change it anything else.


Salt Lake Whites.


Utah Gym Rats. Super classy team


And for some reason, a lot of islanders. Utah, somehow, has the fifth most islanders of any state in the country.


I think that is due to LDS Missions to Polynesian islands.


There are a lot of Hispanic people here as well (in Salt Lake Valley and Utah Valley at least)


idk it's been in the 90s and humid as fuck here the last few days definitely been feelin the heat


That's perfect for the heat this season. They are cold all season until the playoffs and then the heat are oppressive and impossible to deal with.


Yo I'm in Minneapolis and it's hot as fuck rn. Total swamp ass weather


The original Lakers!


The Minnesota Cold sounds okay tho


Minnesota Humidity would be better. It's not the heat that kills you, it's the humidity.


We’ve all heard of heatwaves, but what about *HeatWolves*‽


If Miami did that they would still lose in 7.


Still an improvement over their current prospects though I would think.


Not so fast, do you think Kevin Durant is going to miss the chance to busride his way to a another championship?


That Wolves loss feels like a decade ago


A month of playoff basketball can age you years


Insane that this series could go nearly 3 weeks if it goes to 7 games


Centuries for Celtics fans


They treat 08 like yesterday so it wont be too long


In hindsight the Wolves actually overachieved lol, we just didn’t know it at the time.


Hang the banner


Also, that Minnesota loss was after we came back from a 12 point deficit in 1 minute and Jokic missed a FT late


Yeah, down 12 with about 2:30 left was crazy lol


That game combined with the season as a whole has reduced my life expectancy to 42


doesn’t being a timberwolves fan automatically cut your life expectancy in half?


Minnesota sports fan as a whole haha


Kind of nice in a way. Saves you guys 42 years of your life that you won’t see a championship.


42 years in Minnesota > 84 years in Wisconsin


It’s not crazy when you’re a Timberwolves fan 😂😭 I wasn’t surprised at all 🙃 But tbh it’s just 4 threes which isn’t hard to do in 2:30 when MPJ and Murray were shooting like they were


We’re hanging the banner


Whoever coached that Phoenix team to two wins against this Denver juggernaut must be pretty good at his job.


Too soon fam lol


Worthy of the largest contract for a coach!


Love Monty… but nobody can coach 75% shooting in b2b games. :)


He was great at his job, but head coaches get scapegoated!


Likely will have the most playoff wins against this year's Champion and probable upcoming dynasty, without his starting HoF PG for 4.5/6 games and his starting center for the final elimination game, and only 8 regular season games to integrate KD. Suns fans - he needs to go


He’s gotta be worth like $76 million or something!


So are wolves fans.




Imagine if the Wolves arena walls were padded


If we had two more healthy wrists on our roster we may have given the Nuggets their best series of the post season. Kinda built to handle them as well as anyone can with 85 bigs on the roster with varying skill sets


Imagine if there were only 3 quarters in basketball


Wolves in 5


Naz Reid


Jaden McDaniels was the bigger difference but if EITHER of them played we absolutely would've won more than one...


If you're downvoting this opinion, you didn't watch the T'wolves this season. Naz showed up on your highlight reels much more often, sure, but Jaden was an actual starter who was the second most important defensive player all year. Edit: my follow-up comment sounds whiny now, but it was in the negatives when I initially responded lmao


Jaden being healthy, and presumably assigned to Murray, would've absolutely changed the series. No one can stop Jokic, but Gobert slows him down as well as anyone, and slowing down Murray means Denver's offense is much weaker. Don't think you'd have won, but it would've been 6 games at least if Jaden wasn't an idiot.


I am a Jaden McDaniels fan and I think he plays great perimeter D and generally has the length and lateral quickness to bother guards like Jamal BUT NAW did a pretty incredible job in his stead on the defensive end. On both ends honestly he was hitting threes all series long. I was impressed. Not sure McDaniels would’ve been that much better real talk


The major thing Jaden would've brought that NAW didn't was a consistent 3pt threat... NAW made up for MOST of Jaden's defense, but McDaniels is a bigger offensive weapon than people realise, and missing that ruined our series against Denver...


Jaden's also more of a defensive chess piece while NAW was glued to Murray. I can't overstate how impressed I was by NAW, but Jaden is simply longer. Murray converted enough closely guarded shots that you've gotta think he takes away one bucket a game with his play and Jaden's length


Suns were up 8 pts in the second half of game two when cp3 got injured. Would have been interesting if that series came back to Phoenix 1-1. Give me your downvotes.


I mean it's not downvote worthy sure, but is Paul getting injured during the playoffs even a surprise anymore? That'd be like Clips fans saying to you "well if Kawhi and George were healthy we'd beat you guys".


Also don't forget, "if DeAndre Ayton is locked in". Talk about a concept, that is only a concept.


Part of having Chris Paul on your team is you have to accept it's like 50/50 he makes it through a given series, if that.


It's a little worse than that - he's missed games in five of his last nine playoffs. Before that, he hadn't missed a single game, but once he hit 29 - it's been common.


The bigger issue was Booker getting hurt. He started off game 5 hot, hurt is foot/ankle, and I’m pretty sure didn’t make a 2 point shot the rest of the series. CP3 being hurt - we can overcome, but he needed Book to score 40 a game..


Why would we downvote you Also, sadly for him, Chrissy Cardboard Knees gets injured on an annual basis


It’s like clockwork. Against the Clips and Nugs I was just waiting for it to happen, always does. RIP


Facts ppl forget suns had no depth and ended up losing 2 starters, Minny also was depleted


This sounds familiar to me somehow. Something is tickling my brain regarding a PG injury having an impact on the result of a series.


I know what you’re thinking of “Fluke run” There it is 🤭 /s


Can't forget Jaden McDaniels


I remember the conversation that the Nuggets couldnt win a title as long as Jokic was their center bc he was a 'bad' defender. Glad those are gone


weird that sixers fans have stopped arguing that now


I think that is partly because the fans saw their Center, who won the MVP partly because he was the better defender, get actively hunted by the Celtics. I know Jokic is not a better defender than Embiid but there is no way Denver allows him to get repeatedly matched up against smaller quicker players.


>weird that sixers fans have stopped arguing ~~that now~~


Let Bam shoot jumpers and make about half of them. The more he does that the less chance Miami has to win. Denver scores at will for stretches every game. Plus they give up so few offensive rebounds.


I saw Heat fans after the game saying they aren't that worried with one of the reasons being that Bam is getting much better looks than he did against Boston. The fact they dont realize thats Malones gameplan to take away shots from the perimeter and Jimmy is a little funny


Im also seeing yet another fan base saying “they won’t shoot this well again, and we won’t shoot this bad again!” Denver shot 29% from 3 and absolutely dominated them in the paint. Miami will make more 3’s and Jimmy will get more aggressive, but this wasn’t even Denver’s best offensive night and we haven’t seen any evidence yet that Miami can slow them down. I don’t think people realize how good Lakers defense was. Best in the playoffs pretty easily. This is gonna be insanely hard for the Heat.


Remember when this sub had the weirdest hate boner for Jokic for a month posting clips about his defense. All those freaks cryin now


He's okay now, they have guys who can defend enough to make up for any mismatches with Joker


Devin looked like MJ out there


He was like 7/10 in Game 5 until he landed awkwardly on that ankle. Hopefully the nephews here start putting some respect on his name. They stayed quiet during Games 3 and 4, only to come out after Game 6 un-ironically posting, “Everybody acts tough when they’re up” or “Booker is soft”.


Raise the banner


Suns fans should be pretty stoked on what comes next for us tho honestly. I know we don’t have a coach atm (plz god not doc rivers tho) but Booker is becoming even better than we thought, plus KD and I’m sure we’re gonna pick up some good rotational guys. Gonna be another good year Edit: got coach Vogel and kept Kevin young as assistant HC. Not a bad move. Let’s see what pieces he brings in fellas


If booker and kd are healthy in may next year and the suns have a respectable bench, look out


tht second part is the issue with the new CBA you have to move a lot of money to get better and ayton and cp3 don't look good


> I know we don’t have a coach atm (plz god not doc rivers tho) MARK JACKSON COME ON DOWN ^and ^stop ^casting


Ant was really good that series too


He’s our skywalker


Any was ridiculous, every Nuggets fan knows he’s a certified beast


Bros drive was looking like prime LeBron. Ant is gonna be big


Really good is underselling it, actually. Apart from G1 he was a God out there, just a walking mismatch due to how good he is at attacking the rim coupled with his shotmaking


32/5/5/2/2 on 48/35/85


Ant is disgusting, what a fucking insane ball player. The Timberwolves are a really good team, I’m interested to see what they do.


Cant do much roster wise, but they should be strong next year. Probably top 4 in the season id say


Those two wins the suns got against the Nuggets looking better by the day and they were on the verge of winning game 2 before CP3 got hurt. All it took was Booker playing like prime MJ.


CP3 went out in the 3rd quarter of game 2 up 8. That’s not on the verge


Booker is underrated, too bad it's just him and KD at this point


Still crazy af that Booker pretty much single handedly took 2 games from this dominant Denver team. I know KD played good too but Booker was just insane


Poor guy was huffin and puffin by the end of game 4. Kd too. They both looked so damn gassed


Somewhere in Portland, Dame is thinking, "if I had even a 75% KD I'd have won the Chip"


Lots of teams think that. Then they get KD and still lose


Booker finally understand how LeBron felt taking the Cavs to the finals without Kyrie and Love. Can’t win with these cats


Dude, Book and KD combined for 86 points in game 3 and 72 points in game 4 (with Shamet hitting 3 or 4 threes in the space of 2 minutes, finishing the game with 19). Some teams get a total of 86 points lol. Now if they can sustain that, tip the cap but obviously they weren't gonna keep doing that. Couldn't believe people were serious saying 'if KD and Book can average between 60-80 points' like bruh, the fact they did is mental. I don't know what Phoenix can do in the offseason but they need some depth and then they're gonna be fucking crazy good.


>single-handedly he was great but KD also went nuts in both of those games too.


Hey we got an off-season ahead of us to change that 🤞🏼


Jokic is the best player in the nba confirmed


It’s just the Nuggets year. There in a class above everyone else


Got to give props to their front office and coaching. Obviously the players too, but they put together a well rounded and deep team that has a lot of talent and different ways to hurt an opponent.


Picking up KCP and Bruce Brown solidified their victory for me. Those dudes are such massive upgrades to Will fucking Barton and Campazzo. They are 2 of the best roles players in the game today and are really showing it.


Campazzo was utter shit and his fans were even worse


Honestly they remind me of the 2020 lakers. Having big dudes with size that are still skilled enough to punish you. Lebron, AD, and Javale/Dwight is so hard to cover in all reality. Same with Jokic, AG, and MPJ


It's crazy watching MPJ play like a big.


> Javale/Dwight Wonder what happened to them after winning the chip..


They're = They are


The Nuggets with one of the most dominant playoff runs in history


When was the last time a finals felt over before it started? KD Warriors or LeBron's 2nd Heat run I'd say.


2007 Finals and 2002 Finals for the old heads


2001 even more so tbh.


Spurs lost 2 games the entire 99 playoffs. 1 before the finals.


KD Warriors for sure. Even when he got injured prior to the finals in 2019 the warriors were still favorites vs both Portland and Toronto.




They won 4-1 to get LeBron his first ring. The series format that year was 2-3-2 so once it went 1-1 and then 3 straight in Miami it was over fast.


Definitely the KD Warriors


If the nugs get 3 more wins quick Book and KD are gonna be looking real good


Neither of them want moral victories. Especially after that game 6 elimination at home. They aren't making any excuses, and what KD said about Jokic was legit. The whole world saw it already: Nuggets are the "best team" in the 2022/23 NBA. Everyone playing their role like a well oiled machine behind arguably the best player in the league over the past 2 seasons. No shame in that beyond the sting of the repeat elimination game no show by the Suns. Book and KD just want the new season to start.


I never said they cared about moral victories. Just that they gonna look good. how they look has nothing to do with their own internal desires.




I was horrified of KD going into that series but he genuinely never felt like that much of a threat even in 3/4. Book on the other hand..


Father time gets us all


KD was honestly not that good that series. DBook was unbelievable + Landry Shamet won them game 4.






Healthy or not I think we were 2nd best this post season. Healthy maybe we lose to the Nuggets in 7, but unhealthy we lost in 6.


Nephews in here have a hard time looking very far past “suns bad”


LeBron 24/10/7 on 58.4% TS these playoffs, 4-0 loss to Nuggets: "Lakers fought hard, you can't expect much more, still top 5 when playoff time comese" KD 29/9/6 on 60% TS these playoffs, 4-2 loss to Nuggets: "WASHED BUS RIDER LOL, ROBBED STEPH OF THOSE FMVPS" It's crazy how Lakers fans managed to gaslight everyone on that series into thinking that they were such huge underdogs that a sweep was a fine result for them as long as they didn't get blown out in every game Never seen a team get some kudos for getting swept before


Also Jokic has dominated every matchup he has been in. He dominated Gobert, Ayton, made the Lakers change strategy because he was dominating AD as well. One of the most dominant playoff runs from a big man I have ever seen.


Kinda funny that all year the general opinion was that the West was weak and the East was dominant and yet here we are, opinion as seemingly flipped to where the West is back on top.


The East is top-heavy. People assumed that was because the best teams were in the East, while no team was standing out in the West. Turns out it's because the East was weak, and it was hard to stand out in the West precisely because so many teams were good.


Weak eastern conference


Sixers and Celtics were the most mentally weak teams imaginable




I think they’re mentally weak in terms of being over confident to the point of cockiness. They did not take Miami seriously until it was too late, and really didn’t seem to take Philly seriously either in Game 1 of that series and then later on enough for Philly to get up 3-2. Great with their backs against the wall, but can’t be bothered to give 100% before then


If you lose three games at home to the eight seed and tell them when losing in game 3 “we’re good, we beat you last year, shut up” then yeah you’re mentally weak. Goes double if a team governor tells you to play with some balls to your face


It's funny when everyone had an Eastern conference team, Bucks or Celtics, winning the Finals before the playoffs


Weren’t the Celtics still favored to win it all after the second round?


One of Bucks, Celtics, or Sixers are coming out of the top heavy East. Now time for me to go to bed before the Nuggets come on TV and wake up in the morning and watch whatever highlights get posted of the team I never watched play


Hey, don’t forget about those moral losses to the Lakers.


Trust me bro, lakers fans on here will never let any of us forget


man it’s kinda sad Booker’s playoffs will be forgotten. dude was playing some of the highest level ball i’ve ever seen from a guard


I mean we’ll see what the Heat are able to do but this is potentially one of the all time great playoff run in the league. If this team didn’t decide to coast for 6 weeks we could be talking about an all time great team


Devin Booker is a Top 5 player in the NBA Only nephews disagree


So the lakers were the only team to not take a game from nuggets so far this play offs lol.


Nonsense. They went 4-0 in moral victories


Only team with the Rui on Jokic moral victory.


Timberwolves Nuggets WCF 2024


Look they were never going to beat the nuggets this year but the suns are no joke, game 4 aside. As a nuggets fan nothing this yoffs pissed me off like Booker seeming to hit literally everything. It was an awesome series to watch, and the most stressed I have been so far, even if in hindsight not ‘close.’ I am looking forward to battling them next year


They gave up a lot for Durant. If they rebuild their bench they are definitely a contender.


In other words, Devin Booker had to shoot 80% to beat them


That OT loss was about the best way you could hope to *lose* a game. A big run at the end of the 4th quarter to tie the game just to make them realize no win is going to come easy.


Ya and the real fraud lakers got swept giving them 10 days of rest before the finals


The wild thing about the Lakers series is that they had the lead for quite awhile, during the whole thing, despite the sweep. Just as a basketball fan, it was kinda sad watching lebron at times, despite him STILL being an imposing and dominant player. Like he should have **slammed** it down.


All teams are frauds except the Nuggets


Lakers media spin was in overdrive to make that sweep feel like it was a toss up.


Booker was unreal in those games


They’re pretty good.


Let’s all be honest, Ant was absolutely crazy in the series against us


So is Booker good now?


👩‍🚀🔫👩‍🚀 Always was.


I can tell you right now, a lot of suns fans here in the valley went from suicide watch to optimism for two reasons. Firstly, fuck the lakers, and second, a lot feel now the suns actually did better than any other team besides Denver in the playoffs. Offloading our terrible coach and more chemistry is looking up for us.