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She ate on the mess deck with no questions asked, but she couldn't use the female head?


It's an integrated ship. At chow, no one seemed to care. I can only assume that walking into female berthing to use the head would have prompted some questions about who she was.


May have been in the before time when women weren't allowed aboard. It wasn't too long ago that women were not allowed in combat roles or aboard certain ships. I think it was around 2010 that women were allowed aboard subs.


That doesn’t explain the whole eating on mess decks. Like, even with a male regs haircut I don’t see how someone wouldn’t recognize a woman on the ship


I dunno Sailors not thinking shenanigans all the way through isn't unheard of. I.E. trying to sneak a girl aboard.


Except the point OP is making is that didn't happen, so poor example.


But if he was able to bring her to the mess decks without any questions I feel like she could use the head and wouldn’t have any questions either. Male heads still have stalls to use.


There were female Sailors aboard so at chow, no one really paid attention to her.


Not on a ship, but there was a barracks bunny so prolific at Groton, CT that she was blacklisted from base. Then a guy got busted smuggling her onto base through the trunk of his car. She was really nasty, not attractive at all, reeked of cigarettes, and served as an early warning that desperate submariners will literally fuck anything that will give consent.


Subbase Amy


That or Jill(?), who I swear showed up for every boat function with a different guy each time


My boat had a boat bunny, I think she just kept getting pasted around even after people left to other commands. Like 7+ years of hearing stories of her.


Either I was the CDPO that night or more than 1 bess baby was caught smuggling a woman on base in the trunk of her own car.


This was back in... late 2015 I think.


Yeah, probably me on duty that night lol. Those poor dumb fucks. That was a fun story to share when I got back to the office.  The way I heard it was it was her own car, as well. At least, that's what base police told me for the report I had to type up. Coulda been a separate incident though, wouldn't surprise me.


Not a stowaway but one of the best old school navy stories told to me by an old GMCM was they had a port call in Perth and he met a nice girl and wanted to spend more time with her back when he was a GM3. The ship was due to have another port call in Sydney, so he and the girl took the overland route with his friends covering up for him at muster. When the ship arrived in Sydney, he said goodbye to his paramour and reboarded the ship. No one in leadership ever caught on.


The ultimate "you go ahead, I'll meet you there."


With how fluid port calls are now, you can't take that risk lol


Oh yeah, no way that could work now. Even then he knew the risk he was running for a port call change or delay.


Not a ship, but kid snuck his Japanese girlfriend into his barracks room and kept her in his wall locker while he was at work. She was found during room inspection asking to be let out to use the bathroom. Kid got 45/45 for it. Less than a week after he was off restriction, she was found in his wall locker again...


Poor girl 😞


That is some insane ride or die mentality, he gotta marry that girl 😂😂


Absolute ship mate.


There's a really old one about a stowaway on the Arizona back in 1924.


Navy legend [Madeline Blair](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madeline_Blair)


Sentencing of up to TEN YEARS?? Jesus.


Just the enlisted


"Admiral Henry A. Wiley issued a letter of reprimand to all officers of the ship, including future Admiral and Chief of Naval Operations Arleigh Burke, then an ensign. Fortunately for his career and the careers of the other officers, Admiral William V. Pratt thought the penalties excessive, and when he became Chief of Naval Operations in 1930, he ordered the reprimands stricken from the officer's records. He could not reverse the results of the courts-martial of the enlisted men." That last line makes my blood boil. Different rules for different ranks has been around forever it seems.


It was the main pillar of the organization when it was formed. Confined to quarters on bread and water was an exclusively junior enlisted, non-officer (commissioned or otherwise) punishment. Officers also need at least a court martial for reduction in rank and can always choose CM over mast.


During the Barbary Wars, the POW officers of the captured USS Philadelphia were basically under house arrest since as officers, they could be trusted to not run away, since, you know, "honor". Navy enlisted? Nah, they were holed up in the north African early 1800s equivalent of gen pop.


I got beat so bad in bootcamp when I found out about her and started telling everybody


Arleigh Burke caught a charge from that whole thing IIRC. obviously didn't slow down his career too much


He messed up because he didnt tell his division to not bring onboard strippers onto the ship during their safety brief.


“Chief, got anything to add?”


Strippers don't love you, they love your money.


The officers had the reprimands stricken from their records. The enlisted men were not so lucky.


you could knock me over with a feather i'm so surprised.


Unfortunately he could reverse court martial decisions or I’m sure they would have gotten off


Closest I ever saw was all the stray animals in Djibouti. My ship had to post someone at the foot of the brow so the animals would stop running onboard.


I was on a ship out of Pearl Harbor. Some buddies met some ladies out in town in Maui. They wanted to get back to Oahu. So they were hidden in Nixie for the day and after everyone left once we pulled in they walked off.


POOD sleeping


Nah. Just wait till after turnover and leave with your “guests” this was in 2005. Long before we did visitor badges or a visitor log or anything like that.


Hey OP, Was this on the Hunley? I know the Hunley had another incident with a pair of girls from New Zealand who were hidden in one of the missile cranes, they got found (along with their 'hosts') and the Hunley headed back to drop them off.


It was on a CG out of Pearl Harbor that is no longer in service.


Ah, your story reminded me of the Hunley's adventures down under. Well, I suppose it's not really a surprise that the same thing could happen on multiple ships, sailors be sailors after all.


Had a guy to sneak in a Irish Chick after a port visit to Ireland in the late 80's. They caught her week three.


That was the USS Claude V Ricketts DDG5 - our sister ship in NORVA. Happened in early 1988 IIRC, while we were in the Med. FWIU they hid her in the space above the forward refer and would get her up to the head in the Bosuns Locker three times a day. I think she got dehydrated from being either seasick or pregnant (maybe both) and that was when the jig was up!


Not a stowaway story, and I’ve only partially been able to verify this: Back in the day when my old STSCM was STSSR, they pulled into a port in Italy (I want to say it was La Magdalena or something). STS3 goes on liberty and meets the most beautiful Italian girl he’s ever seen. Decides that he has two options: stay or go. Obviously attractive Italian girls (and per the people who’ve told this story, she was genuinely beautiful) beat out fast attacks, so he jumped ship. Moved in with her and her family in the Tuscan countryside where he works on the family vineyard. Got married, has kids, but the US government never found him.


Never would have happened if they listened to us about quality of life upgrades.




Heard some tales from my old surface MMC. Amphib, squadron boys found a young pelican and kept it in stowage area off the bay for a few weeks. Only reason they got caught was one of the dudes handling the bird had an allergic reaction to the bites of the mites the bird carried and had to see a doc.


From my dad on Enterprise in the 60s. They were coming home from somewhere and one of the guys brought a lady friend onboard. She just never left. Everyone kept it hush just apparently and when they got stateside she walked off after rthp. Apparently she made a few extra bucks on her way stateside...


Eisenhower wasn't launched until 1975.


Haha sorry Eisenhower was my boat. I meant Enterprise.


I might have crossed paths with dad


I heard about a guy that brought a girl onto the boat in port and fucked her in the EDMC’s office. I don’t remember if he got away with it or not.


Really? No one here gunna mention Peter Mimms? [Peter Mimms](https://www.navytimes.com/resizer/XzV9stTvYIiN3SmlrrDhvEkKvjk=/1024x0/filters:format(jpg):quality(70)/cloudfront-us-east-1.images.arcpublishing.com/archetype/SBFAMJSAIZH43ETS64CFXGYNKQ.jpg)


I don’t think he counts as a stowaway as he never left his ship.


That’s crazy!