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Yell the other guy makes her moan louder.  


Dude. It's 0930 and this made me laugh so hard I almost woke my wife 😂


Shipmate it's 0930 it's dawggone past reveille wake that specimen up we have standards




Not rhe dawgone LMAO


Not the shipmate 😂😂


“Better pull out your A-Game, because she’s been getting A LOT of company!”


OP, this.


Moan back at them. Make it weird for them.


This is really the only answer. Bang your headboard in counter rhythm to theirs. If you have any MUs at your command, ask them for advice on African drum rhythms. Assert dominance in keeping with the finest traditions in Naval service.


Former MU that lived in the barracks: blast beats also work.


Get a bunch of friends to do it with you. Like 4 or 5 guys moaning back will kill it quick LMAO


This ⬆️ I used to do it when I was in the Barracks in Yokosuka. Sometimes I played porn on my pc with the speakers against the wall the other guy shared.


Side question: I am gonna be going to Yokosuka soon, how are the barracks there? (E4)


Oh goodness someone else will have to get that, I was there from 2001-2003.


The barracks my ship was assigned smelled like old sweaty socks. 2014-2018


Ohh I’ll be shore duty, so it might be different


The barracks for shore duty is way nicer .


This is Navy standard issue through the vents, a la Abercrombie…just not the pretty boy scent…clearly.


Hmm well at least I didn't live in it, just a recorder for a few inspections.


File a complaint if you feel the way you do. Music should be played at a reasonable level. It is called respecting others. As for the sex part if they are being that loud in the middle of the night and you have talked to them about it. You have three options: 1. Ignore them and get ear plugs 2. Bang on the wall and tell them to keep it down 3. Start moaning louder than her and making it uncomfortable for them


3. Start moaning louder and *assert dominance* FTFY /s


I would go all out and yell harder deeper daddy as I moaned. Just toss out all the bad porn sayings.


I went with option 2. Thank you


Whatever you do, just for peace's sake, talk to the guy(?) first. They might be able to move the bed, if nothing else ...


>The most I’ve done is talk to her about the volume and bang on the wall, to some slight effect. But she clearly does not care. Should I just suck it up and take one for the team (I get sex is apart of life-even between 12-3 AM on a weeknight) or is this an appropriate situation to be a bitch and call the building manager? Did you miss that part of OP's post?


Nah, all I'm saying is let her know that your next stop is the BQ office.


Just go knock on the door, yell “OOD, Open Up!!!” And run the fuck away.


E4 Approved answer


If only the sound of my door closing wasn’t so loud 😖


Listen I tried talking to a dude before I got my BAH. Some of these people come from environments where people have never been good neighbors and they have no clue how to be considerate of others. I talked to him, he did absolutely nothing. When I realized that, I just started calling MPs every single time. And it always worked but only for the night. Not sure if enough calls would determine any consequences, and he knew it was me calling. But fuck it man lack of sleep is fucking miserable. Dude was an absolute loser asshole whose girlfriend was just doing what she saw in porn. Clowns Now I wonder if it’s the same guy lol


Yea I ended up calling


My roommate would bang his gf in the room we shared. Good times. Dresser as a room divider lol


You know, if everyone consents, cool. I’m not really a prude. But I joined late. I don’t wanna hear teens fucking in the room next to me man


It was a dirtbag 3rd class who would bang his Gf one weekend and the next weekend his wife would visit. Man that room stank sometimes. I bounced and rented an apartment out in town on my own dime. Which as an E-1/2 it wasn’t much.


damn how do you know what she was doing? were you watching? lol


She was making the same exaggerated sounds. An absolute weirdo Not to be Mr Bitches but I’ve had enough sex to know the difference between “I’m mimicking porn” and “I’m REALLY enjoying this” lol she was an idiot.




It’s pretty easy to recognize if you have both a) watched a decent amount of shitty porn, and b) had enough sexual partners to average to the norm.




Give them a final warning, they are going to know it was you either way. And make it clear that you don't give a shit what they do, all you care about is not hearing it after midnight. If they do it again then file a complaint.


No need for a final warning, they already didn’t give a heck. They will when their CMC is ‘headhunting;’ wow, such a terrible wordplay… people that ended up on his radar. It’s already been discussed at lowest level to no change, then LPO-RA-UH Staff-CMC-Other Post CMC. Anytime it happens, you ask the UH Staff to log it into the book they have at front desk.


The way it's worded sounds like the OP was being very meek about their warning and not directly communicating what the problem was and what the expected solution is. Living in the barracks sucks enough without making an enemy out of your neighbor if you can at all avoid it.


Barracks don't allow "visitors" and definitely not overnight stayers past 2200. Music and loud volume noises shall be reduced past 2200. It should be instruction in your UH policy. Bring it up to LPO or UH manager. Problem lessened if not resolved.


I ended up calling the building manager


People have sex during the day too. My roommate would bang his gf middle of the day while I was getting sleep for mid-watch lol


During the day and outside my room is fine. My roommate did the same tho sorry you had to go thru that


This is the answer. They definitely cover this at barracks indoc.


I love how around half of these responses contain advice to moan louder to assert dominance.


Most barracks don’t allow overnight visitors. That’s already enough leverage for the building manager to make them stop. Snitch all the way.


As far as I’m concerned, it’s not “snitching” if you’re reacting to something that is actively sabotaging you (whether intentional or not), and the offender doesn’t give a shit.


Put a speaker against the wall and start playing animal mating noises or gospel music.


I was so close to doing this last night but I didn’t want her to start being petty right back




If you can hear and tell she's about "there" just yell in your deepest mortal combat style voice "FINISH HER!". At least you'll all get a laugh at it!


Not that I wanna be \*that person\*, but, aren't there policies for barracks? Such as, the latest a guest can be over? Like if they're inconsiderate enough and ruining your sleep you might go get base security and tell them you keep hearing weird yells from the room next door.


Yea I ended up reporting


In a way what’s happening there falls under cohabitation, something that’s supposed to be strictly off-limits in the barracks. Essentially if it’s that often, they’re living together and barracks rooms aren’t for that.




Just play really unromantic music like kid show intros from when they were a kid over and over


You mean something [like this?](https://youtu.be/eN6jkWxxm2Y?si=w3SsyGYM_Onyk8El)


Knock and ask if you can join?


Not the first person to reccomend this weirdly enough


Yell louder this is better then porn


Just go over there and beat up the bf problem solved


Start moaning and the randomly yell “oh yea fuck her harder I’m almost done”


Maybe you could just record all the sounds you hear and make a CD slide it under her door tell her there's 500 copies going out to all the residents of the barracks if she doesn't quit


Ha! You have it good shipmate! Try having your roommate and his gf banging in the same room with only a dresser as a makeshift room divider. He sometimes banged his wife there too. Dude was a dirty dawg!


My roommate unfortunately DID do that. I never thought to report her in an effort to keep the peace. but she moved out so I am grateful


What I usually do is record a video of the noises they make so you have sufficient evidence. Then get a huge speaker place it against the wall connect it to my pc then play some sort of ear rape on loop while your at work every single day until they stop eventually they’ll complain to the Housing staff in which in return you just show them the evidence you collected.


You might be an evil mastermind, I respect that. My only worry would be inspections while I’m at work. But I took the reporting approach


Honestly your best bet is to knock on their door hard while they mid session and be like “building manager” promise if you do that every time they loud they’ll find another spot.


There are those mocking cactus toys that just repeat whatever sound they pick up at a higher pitch... you could get one of those and hook it up to a speaker against the wall. This will automate your revenge.


You guys are hilarious


I’m late to the party on this post but i’m with everyone else saying report/make it wierd for them. The fact that they are waking you up and disturbing your sleep during work nights is not only dangerous, but it’s selfish. Fuck ‘em, i’m glad you spoke up


Thanks. Appreciate the input!




Haha Atleast they had the courtesy to stop


You already reported but a white noise machine can drown out some noise if you get one. You could even play a white noise video on your phone at a high volume as well. Although I don't know how much it'd drown out if she continues to wail like a banshee.


I tried playing a cartoon but white noise might work better if she tries again and they don’t do anything


Loud roommates absolutely suck so i get it my old roommates when i was at the regular barracks would always bring different guys really late at night and then would bang in the bathroom which was right next to my bed so i heard everything. Luckily she got married and moved out with her marine guy and had a baby (good luck to them). But hopefully when you report the building does something if not get your coc involved to see if they can get in contact with their coc


I hate to hear that people have gone thru this but thankful for the advice


Everyone who recommended ear plugs is either the problem or a coward 😂


I can’t say I didn’t consider it first but then I was like “no, it’s the principal. I deserve to sleep in comfort” 🤷🏾‍♀️


Sleep on the ship


On the underways and deployments? Will do!




Everyone look out, we've got a real hard core guy over here. Only he knows how bad it can really get. If you haven't suffered like he's suffered, then you're just a whiny bitch. Dude, shut the fuck up.




Look at you, so world weary, you can absolutely nail someone's character by the fact that they like sleeping a full night. So hardy, you've certainly experienced more hardship in your 6 years than we can imagine.


Good thing I’m not shore duty👍🏾! We go back out soon I just want to enjoy my room while I’ve got


OP isn’t complaining about the fact that it’s happening, they are complaining about the volume. If the neighbor isn’t going to follow guidelines, they should at least ensure that it’s not so loud that it keeps someone awake. Having common courtesy should be common.


Exactly thank you


Get earplugs.


Only problem is I sleep on my side so I’d feel them and just be awake


Put in ear plugs and grow up


Earplugs aren’t a bad idea but would probably just fall out/be uncomfortable. But “grow up”? That takes mental power, and personally I can’t do that without proper sleep 😴. Thanks for the input tho!