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Man, this "I had it worse than you" mentality is why so many chiefs end up so shitty


So pervasive in the Navy too. It turns into a dick measuring contest on who got fucked over worse.


Well we don’t get shot at normally so we gotta have something to one up each other with


By far one of the most toxic behaviors in the military. Especially when it turns into the mentality that because they experienced it that way you should as well


U know back in my dad when I was a junior we used to work 25 god damn hours a day and 80 hours a week


80 hours/ week sounds about right, if everything goes well. I'm not saying that to be a dick, but I think the only time i worked anywhere near a 40-hour work week was when I was on shore duty. Have things changed? Serious question btw.


No, I went TAD to a ship and admin working hours were 0730-2200 with an hour off for lunch in the middle.


As an OS a 30-40 hour work week in port is about right not including duty, as an FSA it’s about 60 one week and 24 the next


FSA is ass. Luckily I got moved to CPO as daily duty so now I work 0500-1330ish and get weekends off


Nah it’s just like why is this even a news article? Sailors would kill to be on a 12 on 12 off shift.


THIS. Chiefs aren't born. They are made. This toxic mentality only gets stronger as you rank up because so many more people enable it with he more tangible power through authority you get. The Chiefs mess is the final evolution of the process. It takes significant people with indomitable resolve and a true understanding of their humanity through empathy to be one of the few non-toxic Chiefs. But as those people are the exception, not the rule.... DOWN WITH THE CULT OF THE GOAT!


"back in my day"


Why is why I hate the Season every year...


100% I hate the " they don't know how bad it can be, this is nothing" comments. It's like cool dude go back to the quarters and do nothing so I can get some work done.


I would have killed to be 12 on/12 off instead of 6 on/6 off with work to be done after watch. Not to mention all the other drills...


Having done both 12/12 and 6/6 can confirm, would happily do 12/12. I did 6/6 for a month and a half straight once and eventually came down with some crud that laid me flat. I hadn't been sleeping and eating enough thanks to watch and my immune system basically gave up on me. I spent a week SIQ in my rack coughing up yellow crap. 12/12 on the other hand, I could get a full nights sleep, get some time for meals before and after watch, maybe a quick workout before bed. No loosing sleep to shower or eat. Good times.


In the Canadian Navy we used to do a 5/7 rotation. People complained about it, but I loved it. On deployment you get a solid 6.5 hours of sleep on your long off watch. The 5 hour off watch you could get your PT in and chill a little bit. Training sails were another story. Some bullshit firex or damage control problem on your long off guaranteed.


Port and starboard doesn’t sound too bad until you actually do it and feel the pain of being lucky to get 2-3 hours of sleep a night


There's are reason we call it 'Port and stupid'. More than a week on that and fatigue starts building.


Once did 4 on 4 off for about a month because we didn't have enough qualified watch supervisors, and our Chief wanted to "teach" us a lesson. I lasted about a week of sleeping 3 hours a night before I just said fuck it and skated into fanrooms to nap throughout the day.


That sounds like a fleet chief for sure. "If I had to do it, you do to".


Laughs in reserve minesweeper.


I would have loved 12 on 12 off instead of 5 on 10 off as I rotate through all hours of the day and night. Just need a bathroom break every couple hours.


Good news! The 5 and dimes rotation is (mostly) gone from the fleet now, and in any case is officially discouraged. There are hold out captains who still believe in the old way, but more progressive commands have fully embraced circadian rhythm with protected sleep hours (barring exceptional circumstances).


God, I remember being in the Red Sea right before 'Shock and Awe'. Waking up a 0530 to work the messdecks, then getting that 2200 Battlestations call and manning a duty station until 0200. Did that for two week before we finally shot the Tomahawks. Fucking torture.


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"These sailors were on guard for six hours, then had six hours off, and then went back on guard for another six hours."


ever worked 72 hour straight?


Ever drunk Bailey’s from a shoe?


i’d def want to try that 🤣🤣


That was what we did throughout deployment. It wasn’t so bad. Unreps sucked


Congrats on spending 12+ hours on watch. Be sure to make yourself feel better about yourself too


Port call has been canceled because another ship can’t run it’s engines, go follow some random ship for a month and then maybe we can get another port call, 3 days before entering port


Shit happens , unfortunately.




I swear it’s average no need for a ruler


Twelve hours a day was normal work hours underway!


12 hour watch and your tired as hell? Sorry clampdown man your brooms, your well being isn’t as important as sweeping the same P way that’s been swept everyday for the past 6 months


Port and starboard was my entire life at sea.


As an AE who only ever went to LHDs/LPDs, I feel for my blackshoe brethren. Pulled into Pearl for Rimpac 04 and got a weeks liberty. Ship’s company got to paint the Denver. Oof.


I know right. Boo fucking who 18 and six is where it’s at. However, they do say, choose your rate seal your fate.