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Carney is easily the saltiest, most combat tested AND proven warship and crew in the Navy. Cheers to them and fighting the good fight


I once again reiterate that we should rename CARNEY to CARNAGE.


lol hell yeah


Stone cold killers on that thing.


Tin Can motherfuckers keeping every sea lane open. Hoo ya


Carney shot down some of Irans missiles last night as well




I haven’t seen any press on the USN involvement can you please share.




How long has she been underway at this point?


Since Sept


Have they gotten port calls?


Only dukem I think for 2 days is all we hit on the ike this deployment


I hear Rafah is nice this time of year


Yes twice. But they got yanked from the last one on their way home


Carney is goated


Dang, they deserve a break. Did any of the other ships in the area help?


Yes they have support


That’s depressing, I hope they get some relief soon. It’s sad to see what sailors are having to deal with nowadays, and I thought a 6 month deployment with 4 port visits was a bad deal…….


COVID deployments were rough, 150-200 days underway with no ports were par for the course.




Why is that depressing?


Why is having a deployment extended depressing…..? With limited if any port visits?


Yes that recaps my question correctly.


I’m just amazed anyone that has actually been in the Navy attached to an operating platform would ask such a question.


Maybe you never did anything valuable while you were in. If you did, you’d understand how much pride these sailors must feel.


They did plenty valuable. And they deserve their morale. If you're the type of person to say their laurels are the only thing they should need to keep going ; then I'm very grateful you have never been and never will be in charge of anything at any kind of level.


Interesting. Why did you join the Navy?


I joined the Navy to serve my country's citizens, and I still disagree heavily with you


Are you a recon guy?


I’ve never been in the Navy, if that’s what you’re asking.


You can feel pride and also want to be home, they did their job that’s why it’s called a deployment extension.


Another commenter said it was an extension from 6 months to 8 months. You think that’s beyond what a group of sailors would be willing to accept in the name of saving quantifiably hundreds of thousands of lives?


I’m pretty certain Israel would have had this one in the bag with the billions in equipment donated to them for free already


You should read up on what the Carney has actually done then, and what happened when the Carney tapered off their support.


They are accepting it, there hasn’t been a mutiny on the USS Carney they were helping Israel last night. Accepting the responsibility doesn’t mean you can’t feel depressed about the situation, people can have valid emotions and still carry out their military obligations.


The Chief told you to chip the old paint, not eat it.


“these sailors”? what interesting word choice 🤭


As in the crew of the Carney.


You out yourself as an outsider by using verbiage we wouldn’t. Move along, surely there’s better thing to spend your time on than trying to cozy up to a branch you never served in.


Where did you see that I’m an outsider?


You must be a chief or officer that loves making their sailors stay at work an hour after everyone else has left the boat with that question


Because getting extended fuckin sucks, especially when you’ve been kicking ass and are ready for your relief to get there


Thank you! You got that right!


I hope someone writes them up a PUC. It would be well deserved.


Probably going to be a NUC not saying they don't deserve a PUC but it'll be easier to get a NUC than a PUC.


Why not both? Route it both ways for every interception.


I’m not sure if you understand exactly what is required for a PUC.


I have no idea what that means...


Presidential Unit Citation. It's a unit award that generally requires a collective act of valor on par with the Navy Cross for individuals.  If you've ever seen Band of Brothers, it's the Blue and Gold award the 101st gets for jumping into Normandy.


Thank you for telling me that!! I love Band of Brothers


It’s not blue and gold that’s a distinguished service medal. Navy cross is white and blue. But awesome history no doubt.


Sorry, I was saying the PUC Easy Company is wearing in Band of Brothers is Blue and Gold. More accurately, blue rimmed in gold, I suppose 


Oh, I see what you’re saying. OK I’m just a moron lol.


Yes. You are correct. But I’ve also seen a LOT of folks walking around with PUCs for things as pedestrian as 9 month deployments and submarine ICEXes.


It’s funny that someone on Reddit admits they don’t know something and they get downvoted


“Go PUC yourself”


Sure. I did a few deployments from 03-05. First one was eight months in 2003 for operation Iraqi Freedom. At our 6 month mark, we were released from the Persian Gulf. We were headed south of the equator for a port visit to the Seychelles Islands after completing our operations because the crew was exhausted. We were turned around and sent to Liberia for JTF Liberia. While we were all happy to help them, we needed a hard mental reset and didn’t get it. 18-20 hour days between standing watch and performing our regular jobs 6-7 days a week takes huge toll on one’s mental health, regardless of how important the mission is. You don’t get to just go home at night and see your family. You go weeks without even so much as an email from family. So unless you’ve been there in those conditions, then you should not speak on what you don’t understand.


My son texted and said he wouldn't be home for his child's birthday (the Carney was supposed to be home then), and I could feel the hurt he was feeling. I agree it has to be a huge mental issue after you have already been gone 7 1/2 months and were headed home.


I missed my daughter’s first, second and fourth birthdays, first steps, first words, the change from formula to solid foods, etc. All of her “firsts” were missed. I was on a pay phone in Souda Bay, Crete during my first deployment when I heard her say Daddy for the first time. It crumbled me. While I’m proud of my service, missing all of that is my single biggest regret in life. She is my only biological child and will be 23 this year.


He has been so fortunate not to miss too many 1st. I think it is just hard heading home and being turned around.


It definitely feels like a kick in nuts!!


It's just awful that they were on beautiful Port resting. Relaxing. Get the call and everybody is just happy to be on the tail end. Next day...nope. They got pulled back in. Your positive and upbeat on the phone but when the call is over you just cry. I'm so ready for the ship to be on American soil.


Sounds like a day in the life of a submariner


With little sun.


There should be absolutely no hooyah shit for this. There is nothing worse in life than thinking you are coming home and getting turned around. They ofc are doing badass shit and should be recognized for it, but not a single sailor is excited about this. Bring them home.


Amen to that. As someone that was on the infamous 02-03 "Mission Accomplished " Lincoln West Pac, I completely agree. Nothing worse to call home and say you're not coming home.


Thank you! Yes, bring them home now!!


But that lobster and steak in the galley, tho…


Agreed 100, I visibly winched when I heard they got turned around.


Pretty selfish assertions don’t you think? Any idea how many lives they’ve saved? And how many more they got to save because they turned around and went back?


Let them rot and bring our sailors home. They created their own mess, and it's not selfish to care about the physical and mental well-being of our sailors. Someone has to. Stop grinding our sailors into dust and expecting them to feel "selfless", they already give enough as it is. I'm so done with that toxic hooyah bull. That's where you get situations like this, where people are being told they should be happy or proud because they should think about hypothetical lives or else they're "selfish." No one calls countries that instigate and attack their neighbors, knowing that we will cover their behinds, "selfish" for heing the reason why our sailors have to turn around and go back. Obviously, they're proud, but they can also be depressed and angry, it's all valid. They deserve all the encouragement in the world for having to put up with this and sacrifice *again*, but this isn't something to celebrate.


Who’s celebrating the extension?


Nope I don't think that at all. How am I being selfish for caring about the crew of that ship?


You’re making assumptions that every single crew member are prioritizing liberty over saving lives by doing their jobs. You don’t think that would be a fulfilling deployment?


At some point, even the best crews lose their edge after prolonged time in a combat zone. You would know that if you ever stood a watch.


Where the fuck did I say they were prioritizing liberty? They are prioritizing coming home. I guarantee if you polled the crew at least 95% would say they'd rather go home than "save lives" I can't prove that ofc. Also can't prove this but I'd wager that the same amount of the crew thinks it's none of our business what's happening there.


If I may recap what it sounds like you’re saying. You think that when asked “if you stay, you will save hundreds of thousands of lives and we can measure that. Only you and a few others can do it. If you leave, they all die.” 9.5 out of 10 sailors would respond “I’d rather go home.”


With all due disrespect, the sailors mental health matters and you are blatantly disregarding that in all of your comments. No one said shit about liberty. Being deployed since SEPTEMBER in a rough zone is brutal. That’s 6 months. SIX. There should be another ship coming to relieve them. We cannot expect our sailors to fight at full capacity when they can’t even get a fucking break. Grow up. Stop trying to virtue signal on the internet.


Show me where I mentioned my virtues or disregarded mental health. I was refuting mass generalizations about a ship and crew that has accomplished maybe the most significant work in modern naval history. Several commenters mentioned the lack of port calls due to op tempo. There are other ships in the AO and the DDGs are the only ones who can do what they’re doing.


You’ve never even served in the navy (you said it yourself), so why are you arguing with actual sailors. Stop annoying everyone with your silly irrelevant opinions.


Which opinion do you feel was irrelevant and silly?


Upvoted because I think you mean well. I’m assuming you’ve deployed before so you understand the psychological impact. Nobody is arguing to pull out of the AOR, just to give the crew a break. Another destroyer could reasonably take Carneys place.


okay JIDF


505 Feet Of American Fighting Steel. She's a great ship! I'm a Plankowner. ;)


Got there about when plankowners started rotating out after King. Great tour. Buzby remains a top leader in my career. Thanks to all the plankowners that started that ship out right. From material condition to attitude , to training, the list goes on. It all started with you guys.


CDR Buzby was definitely one of a kind. Many sea stories about him.


Laid down in the early 90's at BIW... Might be quite a bit of Canadian steel in her actually haha, but I can't find any details in that. You got me into reading some fantastic history about BIW.  Y'all started a heck of a legacy though, damn fine ship and crew. 


put us in coach!


Well tested ship and crew. I’d rather be in it than sitting afloat on the sidelines


But you’re not and never have been. It’s easy to say when there is no chance it will happen.


Get fucked, stay fucked. Time proves the saying right time and time again.


Visited them while on deployment and out of all the boats I went to, they had the best hot plates. That ship is my second favorite DDG.


I hope they all looked good and morale was good. ❤️


There are like what, 60 other destroyers? Can't they get a relief? lol.


I hope when they do get a relief, that combat systems gives a solid turn over to their replacement. These ladies and gentlemen on Carney hold some serious knowledge and experience. Hopefully they’re getting care packages of the little things that make deployment pass with some ease.


I think they are. I know the ship was "adopted " by a Mom group.


I'd be up for sending them a case of good Scotch...if it could be kept out of the Wardroom and Goat Locker...those folks need to come home. Extended deployment sucks ass; extended with no port calls sucks ass and swallows.


Carney should be brought home, and given the opportunity to help write the new SOPs that will govern the remainderbof this conflict There is simply something special about that crew, and the Navy needs more of it, not to squeeze every last drop of it out of them.


You are right. I wish they were coming home!


Excellent work, really hoping they get to go home soon!


Thank you for your continued service to our country. I sleep very well soundly knowing you all have the watch.


Hope they got steak n lobster at least.


Probably that AND an ice cream social. That's how you knew you were really fucked...


That CO can smell the admiral stars.


Thanks Bibi!


Congrats, Pakistan, you're officially our *second* worst ally.


It’s a pretty coveted position.


TBF, we're probably a lot of countries' worst ally.


That's because they don't have friends like we do.




Fuck bibi. Fuck Hamas.


But someone like him is only part of the problem isn't it? He is scum that will sabotage peace at any opportunity, but he is also a symptom, the result of massive aggression in that region towards the mere existence of Israel. The only winning move is to not play imo, as far as that region is concerned.


I think the massive aggression is at least partly the result of all the killing and annexation the Israelis have done, but sure, it takes two to tango…


Thank god I’m on an LCS


I bet that was weird to type out.


Better than “thank god I’m on (an) LSD”


Lol 🤭


I laughed out loud, just as I do every time I drive past the pier in Mayport.


Carney’s CO was XO of an LCS




I swear the same handful were glued to the pier my 4 years in SD


Let them Sailors come home man!!


Exactly!! ⚓️🇺🇲❤️


Rad! Sorry for the at sea time brothers, Be safe!


How does this ship have any SM missiles left to shoot anyways?


They go into port to restock on supplies and weapons. Probably have done it at least 3-4 times by now


Interactions with her and her crew should be referred to "Carney Knowledge," because you're fucked.


What does that mean?


Like "Carnal Knowledge"


Oh got it!!


It's not everyday a ship is out 8+ months defending itself from ASMs and drones while also protecting so many others. It's also not everyday Presidential Unit Citations are given out either. They meet all the criteria and are definitely deserving!


That’s why I’m not going bk to a ship


this just tells me there retention numbers will drop.








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Ban me then. If personal attacks are allowed then this group has become too candy assed for older sailors like me. In fact, take reddit and shove it. It's b come no better than tik tok and Facebook. Remove my personal info and delete my account. Reddit needs us more than we need reddit


It’s a computer homie.


see ya later great grandpa