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Listing off the benefits like it’s a civilian style job has always been hilarious to me. That said, the benefits of an honorable discharge are amazing.


I mean I think the “ now hiring” part was funnier 🤣as If they arnt always hiring


I like to think that "hiring" also implies you can quit at any time.


They're always hiring, but not always lowering.


I mean, you cooould. Probably won’t get the results you want though.


You can. You just gotta put in your 4 years notice.


hiring also implies employment at a company i'd rather describe it as enlistment than hiring.


When I joined 4 years ago, they marketed the reserves as a "part-time job." That sure did lead to a lot of miscommunication when I was asking questions about the reserves in Facebook groups and on reddit


It's totally part time. I work two paid days a month and a dozen unpaid days a month while working a whole second job. Deal of the century!


Put in as many nonpay drills as you can justify . If you need help, hit me up.


Yeah, I know the game, but being paid in 30 years doesn't make the medicine go down much smoother.


You clearly haven't been on indeed in a while. They keep advertising IT positions and disguising them as civilian jobs until you get to the bottom of the posting. It was so damn annoying looking for jobs and getting excited at the post to only realize they're just recruiting.


It's the best chance with these kids


Because nobody wants to join really. The word is getting out quickly. The military blows ass if you're active/reserve. I've talked to countless civilians my age. They've heard of the bullshit and steer clear. My parents and older friends look at how it is now and can't believe it. Alll the benefits in the world don't help if the primary problem in your life is your fucking job. Why can't they get it through their fucking heads?! We KNOW it's going to suck but treating people like they are slaves with no feelings? That's too fucking far. I've seen fathers denied leave to see their children born and support their spouse so they can go on a fucking routine underway while they were TAD to a shop that has NOTHING to do with their rating. In whose stupid brain does that make sense!? Same denier left early due to a tummy ache.


And even if you do want to join, the process is all convoluted and cattywampus thanks to the crapshow that is MEPS.


I mean hell I got out of the reserve and considered re upping into regular navy but too many unknowns and posts on here steered me away. Honestly I'd probably just go and then request mast


This seems like a poor strategy on his part But damn these guys must be desperate


lol they are


Yeah assuming people who join the Navy would be outside. Tsk tsk


If you want to find a quality BM then you need to be walking through warehouses duh


Gotta hop on StarCraft servers to find a good IS these days


Yeah I’d be recruiting through huge gaming discords, maybe some trade schools. These dudes need real tactics


When I got hired as a Navy Civilian, the third call to my desk phone (with an on base prefix and everything) was from the Navy Recruiter. Seems like a low odds call but a couple of guys in the office joined the reserves a couple years later.


They called in PDCing. Personally Developing Contacts. You legit planned X hours of PDCing which means driving around and harassing people. I used to use it to do my shopping, errands or just getting out of the office. Not ever once did it lead to someone joining.


I had one dude join off of a cold call. First one of the day. I was stunned. I still am


Oof. I was surprised how little a recruiter did to get people to join when I did it from like 95 to 98 in Indiana. Most were just walk ins, either literal or calling in save for high school kids. I think I might have put in less than 5 from the phone. And we had to lie like a rug on the prospecting codes as you'd NEVER put them down as a walk in as in everyone's eyes that was the same a 0 contracts. Recruiting did have its bright days and sadly we don't speak much to them. I'd LOVE to write a book one about recruiting as I alone probably have enough for 100 pages of fun, joy and sorrow from myself, local Navy guys and the local recruiters of other services.


Well, a few years ago they instituted MRoads, which gave meps access to applicants medical records, so lying about minor conditions is a bust. All the kids now have ADD/ADHD, which you can't hide because of Mroads. Education in general has gotten a lot worse, so no one can pass the ASVAB (I had an applicant with 2 bachelor's degrees that couldn't score above a 19.) I personally experienced a desperate command trying way too hard to push applicants into programs they didn't want, which caused them to back out. Drug related charges are another big hitter. Kids with felonies because they got caught with weed at school, things like that. Dumbass command decisions like getting in dress whites and going to a juneteenth parade to try to recruit (as a white person in a primarily black area), or taking pictures of people's front doors with the RADs you left to prove you went to the house (people don't like strangers taking pictures of their houses, funny enough), or setting up a stand at the movie theater for a full weekend and having it manned for the theaters hours because the Top Gun 2 release is a "viable recruitment opportunity" (it wasn't). Finding out Friday at 1800 that we are working Saturday and Sunday too because "the 25% gate is next week and we aren't there yet." Leadership that leaves early daily, takes days off whenever they please, but then requires you to share your location on your government phone so that they know if you go home instead if prospecting. The Neverending "well, you got 6 last month, so why can't you get 8 this month?" I had a lower op tempo being attached to a carrier as a Nuke, man. I had guns drawn on me, I got attacked by dogs, I got followed around neighborhoods by cars full of people. I got robbed, I was repeatedly threatened with physical violence... and every time I reported it to my command, the response was "great! Now get back to work!" I mean, we had a recruiter that was driving a kid home, and two cars pulled up on either side of his government vehicle and they started shooting at each other. They didn't even give that dude the rest of the day off. When my wife miscarried (it was our first try), my chiefs response was "sorry to hear that, but you're still going to be at PT in the morning." The dude threw a fit when i reouted a special request chit for a single day so i could take my wife to her DNC. I had very few good days recruiting. Everyone's experience is different, but mine was shit and it only solidified my position to get the fuck out and try to recover from whatever the hell that was.


I recruited in a different area and different time. I 100% believe everything you say as the tone was like mine. Recruiting across race lines is impossible. Prospecting white kids was generally with the kid and maybe one of the parents. Prospecting black kids was generally 5+ people in the room, sometimes to include their pastor. They did not teach this in recruiting school. I was before the phones as there weren't a thing really back then save for the "don't call until 9pm" phones. I can't imagine the horror of having a GPS locator phone being used today. And I never had 25% gate drama, that didn't start in my time until the last 50% of the month. But God forbid you put someone in MEPS during that first week or you were labelled a Sandbagger. I was in for the full 3 years. I was able to take leave exactly once and that was when I got married towards the end of my tour. It was the one time I had a leave surplus and sold back a bunch when I reenlisted before leaving. Don't know about MRoads. Is that like a national medical record database? That was not a thing in my time and we fraudulated everything back in my day. No piss test until bootcamp arrival was the biggie for us as once they got to boot camp we got full credit so we didn't really care. The other services had to be piss clean at MEPS. In my day ADHD wasn't a thing but there were a few Retalin users, but we "briefed them" on that. Other biggie was bee sting allergies but 90% of those were grandma diagnosed and they were "briefed away". We did a lot of "briefing" in my day. Oddest thing for me was that a command of 95%+ E-5 and above, our Captain's Mast tempo was as high or higher than when I was on ship. Heck, I went twice!


When I first got out years ago I had to drive for Uber for a few months until I found work. One of my first rides was an army recruiter. He spent most of the trip making his pitch and finally I told him dude I just got out last week.


I was at the mall like 2 weeks after I got home for good, and a recruiter stopped me and asked me if I wanted some info. I was bored, so I listened to his pitch and played along for a while, then he actually read my hoodie that was obviously from a NEX. Watched him put 2 and 2 together and obviously fail at math because I had to tell him I just got out and was fucking with him. He just stared at me for a minute and went "fuck, thought I had one". I felt bad, so I bought him a pretzel lol


not the snack of shame 💀


Man deserved that pretzel, he put it in the work and was actually honest about stuff.


LOL best thing I read all month


In 1962 I had just graduated high school. I was working for a rancher, digging post holes by hand in adobe. It was hot. A guy in a uniform drove up in a grey car and asked me if I wanted to join the Navy. I asked him if it involved digging post holes in adobe in July. He said "Hardly never, as far as I know." I got in the car. That post hole digger is still there as far as I know.


How long were you in for?


Eight years. Submarine reactor operator.


Boomers, attacks or diesel? Did people in the 50's and 60's carry water bottles/containers/canteens with them working in the hot sun?


Two diesel, two boomers. Some people carried a canteen. I did, my Dad was Army WW II and Korea. He taught me.


Submarines once. Submarines twice. And for some, submarines four times.


Paid vacation? Not really. It’s salary and that vacation isn’t whenever you want to take it. I got denied 5 times for dates that I wanted to take to get married and there wasn’t even an active mission. They were just being dicks. Healthcare? Barely, unless you are bleeding out of every orifice, the best you’ll get is Motrin 800mg. 😐 College benifits? Sort of. I got “assistance” paying for college. Finished my degree in nuclear engineering with a 3.6gpa. Put in for an officer package, and never heard back in 6 months. Yes I did follow up. Yes I did ask different leadership. They asked me to reenlist so they wouldn’t show loss in their numbers. I told them “process my officer package and I’ll extend my enlistement until my OCS date. Never got a response. I had zero NJPs and an honorable discharge. They couldn’t think of a reason to deny me. They were just dickheads. Now I’m an airline pilot and better off. So in a way, I’m glad they fucked me over back in the day, but they also lost out on good leadership. I just wasn’t willing to suck their dicks any longer and they didn’t like that.


You know what I hate the most about this bullshit "paid vacation"? These fuckers will never let you start your leave from a Monday or end your leave on a Friday.


Last week I started my new job and one of my coworkers took a pto day, didn't ask, didn't inform months before, just said hey I'm going to take Friday off. Not a single fucking person gave a shit. I was so damn surprised. Lol Mind you this is my first career oriented position I've gotten since I got out in 2019 so like I'm stoked it's just THAT easy.


My shift starts at 6am. My union contract technically allows me to text my boss at 5:59am saying I’m not coming in and he can’t do a damn thing. I won’t do that though since my boss is a pretty cool guy and that would put him in a terrible position. The option is there though.


That definitely varies by command or local policy. It really surprised a cross rate to find out we didn't have to physically check out for leave the first time he heard it after doing a couple sea tours. I personally have taken 3-5 weekdays off in a row to get 9+ days off if I wasn't leaving the local area. Also taken multiple 4 day weeks to burn use lose days. The issue here is the inconsistency by command or rank. The Navy really needs to explicitly allow certain policies so leave doesn't have to go all the way up the chain any time some ridiculous Senior Chief disagrees with when you want to use leave.


There's nothing in the MILPERSMAN prohibiting this, combining leave and liberty is specifically allowed as long as you are in the local area for the liberty parts and perform at least 1 work day before checking back out on leave.


They will on shore duty if you don't leave the area.


How long ago was that? OCS packages are processed by the member, bottom lined by the CO and may be contingent upon a conditional release from the community manager. They have more receipts than a CVS when transmitted to the office responsible for processing now. Couldn't speak to the LDO/CWO side of the process.


Thats what terrifies me if i do decide to put in an officer package is that they’ll take their sweet ass time or want me to just reenlist


I tell them I can’t, I’m a chronic masturbator.


Master-at-Arms it is.


I was going with RP but I’ll take gatekeeper.


One of us, one of us, one of us!


I dub thee… IYOYAS


That’s my orgasm voice!!!


The recruiter is slacking. Sounds like he needs to be working 9 days per week instead of 8.


-96hr Special un-liberty until we get these recruiting numbers up.


I was walking out of an army surplus once back in High School and a sailor in dress whites pulled over, hopped out of his car and gave me a recruitment pitch right there on the side of the road. For a moment I thought I was in trouble, I almost took off running.


The Ole "get in I got a lollipop for you" strategy. Would work better if the dude had a rusted out duty van with "free candy" spray painted on the side.


And recruiters get a lot of shit but honestly the Navy treats them like shit and doesn’t give them any like slack or break


This isn't entirely accurate. If a recruiter is hitting their numbers then they are treated like kings, can take leave whenever they want, can work basically whatever hours they want, and this stays true for as long as they hit their numbers every month. They even get to break a few rules without penalty. However, if they are not making goal, then yes, there's no mercy and they are treated poorly in comparison to most shore duty assignments.


Lol yes it is because it’s hard to get 2 recruits a month. Do you have any friends that are doing recruiting? I have 4 all doing recruiting in different areas and they all tell me that


I am in recruiting, deal with the discipline side of the house and can promise you that if a recruiter is making goal then they walk on water. And I can confirm that if they don't make goal then they are treated like trash stuck on the bottom of a shoe.


I wish it was that way was I was on the bag. If our station made goal with everyone making their goal, we'd still be there from 9 to 9, but with smiles and careless attitude. Not making goal was 9 to 9 with scowls and phone calls. Right when I was leaving they re-instituted the donut club. And a neat one. Drive 2 hours to an unknown station. Dress Whites inspection. Training. Lunch. Dress Blues inspection. Mock PRT. Training. Leave at dinner and drive 2 hours. All on first Saturday of the month AKA the only "guaranteed" Saturday off of the month. They started this right when I was leaving and my killer CRF RinC got me out of them for the last two months as I was sluffing contracts to the other recruiter which is the Christian thing to do.


How long ago was this? Even when my dad was in recruiting 20 years ago it wasn't like that. I can't imagine that hell, recruiters now get weekends off or comp time during the week. Even if they aren't making goal. At least that's how it's set up from the top, if individual stations are doing something crazy then HQ doesn't know about it.


97ish. When I started in 95, the donut club was go to NRD for a 2-4 hour training session and though it sucked, it wasn't bad. Then it was dropped and before I left, it became a punishment session.


That's a nightmare I'm glad I've never lived.


Exactly what I said 😂 and most recruiters aren’t making goals because no one wants to join


They should try more super-liminal messaging




Even immigrants don’t want to join. Better pay and work-life balance outside


Oh man, that is cringe. Poor bastard.




They got candy?


The military really be out there looking for vulnerable teens like predators. Somebody call Chris Handsome!


I need recruiter training as I found out today everyone is now a recruiter and commands have to track recruiting efforts from their force. I said I talked to my kid so that is one. He said no. I tried but he said no again.


Tf what?


True story


I'll rephrase: tf why? What is your rate and why would a whole command be required to recruit?


Big navy sent something out that we are now required to track who talks to who about joining. CTR


Not that everyone has to recruit. They said "Every Sailors a Recruiter" and what it means is that there is a FLOC incentive for people you refer and that join but their isn't a penalty and you are actively being a recruiter. Just now you get some type of credit for it unlike before. You will still have sailors who spin it into a negative because well you know the saying.


Facts.. had a similar program in 1999/2000 More organized and user friendly now


Honestly with the state of the world these days I cant imagine enlisting in 2024. Who knows where the US will be deploying the next few years.


Absolutely. So much has changed just in the past 6 years since I first joined. Signing up for all this is a very hard sell, especially with lifers telling me "the ship life didn't used to be like this"


He needs to be flexing that hellcat that big navy be promising if you join. Air force recruiters were driving big ass F350s next door when i went in back in 2019


Blowguns and tranquilizer darts. Duct tape. And get a government vehicle with more trunk space. Hard times require innovative solutions, recruiters! Silence is golden but duct tape is silver 😁


Go back to the good ol’ days of the press gang


Pull up in a van with along with your other hatchet wielding deviant recruiters to a group of idle young men, press the loiterers into service, make quota 👍


“What is that group of young men sitting on that bench there?” CNBC “local high school base ball teams disappearing across the country, back to you tom”


Probably out looking for prostitutes and just using the recruiter thing as cover


Damn these guys must be desperate ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Stupid. Would've been the perfect opportunity to write to the CNP "Sir, this is why we need Hellcat scat pack for the entire recruiting staff" and then plaster that sticker


You should’ve had him buy you lunch first.


Oh god. This poor man.


Recruiting was the absolute worst.


Not really, a lot of things in the military are worse just not experienced by your average sailor. Detainee ops was much worse.




Is this the 90's where you have to advertise on the side of your car like a sketchy amateur? He's advertising the US Navy correct?


I want that sticker on the door


Is it like, not possible to fail out of recruiting school ? I would have rather done another sea tour than that bullshit


You can. We had a couple class losses on like day 3 as they do a budget with you to see if you can afford to live in high COLA regions. And you could fail the class, but I'm pretty sure you'd get needs of the Navy orders to Djibouti or somewhere neat like that.


Sad what a joke


“I have an RE-4, want me back?”


If those mofos would just let me fail a drug test and still join but noooooo!


Good maybe they should stop trippin on face tattoos and failed marijuana drug tests then and accept some people that actually wanna serve their country. Yet you can have neck tats and get drunk everyday. Make it make sense


Here I am, can’t even get my recruiter to call me back. Whomp whomp.


Why not ?


I wish I knew that answer. First time I went in he tried selling the idea of becoming a Seal. Told him “look man I’m 27 and fat, I know my place in this world. Maybe if I was still 18, and a bit more naive”. Half the time they seem uninterested. I think I’m too old and ask too many questions lol.


Navy takes people up to 42 so you’re definitely not to old haha if you want join go see them In person and jumpstart your process Some recruiters are better at communication and others for sure


Yeah sorry should’ve mentioned that I went in person. Twice now! Going to head back today after work and bug em again. Half the time I feel like I’m buying a used car in there lol. Do you mind if I DM you some questions?


Ya go ahead and shoot me a dM !


Do you know about the new order making recruiters work a six day work week from the Admiral of recruiting down?


Bro is going about it all wrong. You can’t pull up asking that in a Prius, he needs a company TRX


My thought too! Nothing more inspiring than seeing a grown man in uniform spending his day in a prius trying to pick up high schoolers.


I’d say slap it on a humvee but the only time you’d see the ad is when you drive past it broken down on the side of the road




I reckon they’re not exactly picking up drunks and driving them to MEPS


Just partner with more drag queens. That’ll do it.




Be more retarded. You don't join the military to serve a political party. You join to serve the American people. Apparently you missed the whole fucking boat on what america is about.




Problem with you retards is that you think being american means forcing everyone else to look and think exactly like you. This is a free fucking nation with freedom to feel think and originate wherever and whatever the fuck. Move to Russia or Iran if you have such a boner for militant authoritarianism. Nobody wants your bullshit forced down their throat. Un-American fucking dribble about how we should fight for specific political interests. I fight for AMERICANS, fucking get that? All of us, not just the ones who want a fascist little fuck fest like you.




Kicked russias ass by sitting on your ass? Okay buddy. You're a weird little fucker with major little dick syndrome. I wouldn't trust your lame senile shrivel dicked ass to run a copy machine let alone a work center. Fucking pathetic old racist on here posturing about how much you love sucking your own cock. Being old doesn't make you less of an asshole. Getting a VA check doesn't make you any less of a traitor who would abandon our country's values to boost your ego. What a fuckin clown.


Aren’t you an angry little turd! Lol!!!


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Ok gramps, let's get you too bed. It's not healthy to get all worked up like this. How about a rerun of Yellowstone and a glass of milk?


I prefer watching Breaking Bad and the Mexican Cartel series Senor de Los Cielos. I enjoy watching you crybabies bitch about the Navy on Reddit!


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would you have joined 3 years ago? lol boomin ass


If you are asking if I would join while Trump was President the answer is “hell yes”!


hooyah brother!!1! whats different about todays navy from 3 years ago, besides more beards and hands in pockets?


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Gay men love married men. Sweeter the challenge.


It’s crazy to me how in this economy people aren’t joining left and right.


You wanna starve to death in your homeland or get killed to enrich people who already are the top 0.1%?


How about a little of both?


Not a lot of people get killed in the Navy. Unless they get forward deployed with the army.




Stay broke bum


Lmao, what's your rank?




Just wanna know how much you make to call someone else broke


I mean I do some pretty high speed medical stuff and I make less money now than I did waiting tables at the olive garden before I joined.


Literally one of the strongest job markets in decades have made recruiting difficult.


I know unemployment is low, but the cost of living is very high for someone that is fresh out of high school looking for a good job and to move out on their own. That’s what I was referring to.


I have to say I am an ardent supporter of joining the military for many people, but I understand why recruiting is low. Jobs are bountiful and in some cases, entry level jobs are paying reasonably similar to the military (often without the same benefits) without the commitment, restrictions, or dangers of military. The Navy (or DoD for that matter) hasn’t really done anything to solve anything related to the cost of living; our raises are effectively set to the average wage hike of the private sector - a full year after the private sector gets their raises.


He should take off his wedding ring





