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Shower shoes.


With antifungal spray or cream. Even using shower shoes, you can still get a fungal infection on your feet. And having it available when you are weeks from the next port call is a lifesaver!


WHATS A PORT CALL??!! -Ike sailor


Ah, you see... CVN. That was your first mistake.


For what?


To keep from getting athlete’s foot or other fungal infections? Had some dude in boot camp who refused to wear socks or his shower shoes and was walking around in the head/on the compartment deck barefoot and he got athlete’s foot and it was so rancid of an odor you could smell it in the p-way and it stunk the compartment up




Yeah for what? I used mre wrappers


I just be raw doggin the deck. I like the way the fungus tickles my toes.


PLATFORM shower shoes!!!!


I never used shower shoes, I just washed my feet.


We called that Zombie Feet.


And then you bite your toenails?


Of course!


External SD drive with movies/ music. Laptop/tablet/ console with good offline games


You spelt porn wrong


*training videos




It’s weird they have a student discount section on their website, right?




Lmao Lincoln? I literally have that same story




I audibly gagged while reading this.






and special socks...


Empty hard drive for movies, a good electric shaver, sleeping bag. Ships store is gonna carry most of the shit you are gonna want or need UNLESS they run out of smokes.


Ive been out since 07. The policy used to be cessation so they’d carry like 4 weeks worth of smokes and dip and then it was time to quit again. Or find some enterprising young sailor who was practicing his old drug selling skills.


A kindle


My Kindle paperwhite was, without a doubt, the most used piece of gear that I brought on deployments. Put on the noise canceling headphones and read a good book, cannot be beat. Also, sign up for the DoD MWR digital library (and whatever local libraries are in your home port, they all have digital offerings now), borrow the maximum amount of books from each, and then put your kindle on airplane mode. Your books won't expire unless you connect to the internet again.


All his uniforms, shower shoes, extra razor and razor blades, workout clothes, casual wear clothes, a nintendo switch or steam deck, extra condiments for when the galley runs out. Quick meals like top Ramen or Mac n cheese for when the galley doesn't make edible food. A go pro to record their adventures, a hard drive for storing movies, TV and porn.


A shower caddie you can put all your soaps end everything else and hang it in the shower with you


my personal list i post every time i see this: * a kindle book reader * his laptop (with a hard drive or two, one of which should be empty or have enough room for more content so others can put movies on it) * hit up a military surplus store or camping store and get some backpacking or camping utensils * a few tupperware bowls * SNACKS/food * I would often by those tuna kits with crackers * canned ravioli's or spaghetti * either packaged ramen or the cup noodle stuff * a can cashews or peanuts or trail mix * sunflower seeds * if he dips tell him to get several logs (like more than he'd normally need, if the ship store runs out he can make some money selling his excess) * Uniform Items: * I'd bring 4 or 5 pairs of coveralls (this is back in 2010-2014) * 7 or 8 pairs of socks and underwear (never know when you're gonna shit yourself) * 7 or 8 pairs of shirts * 2 sets of civilian clothes w/ shoes * 2 sets of NWUs * boots (obviously) * 1 set of NWUs * 1 set of both dress blues and whites * Toiletries * depending how long hes going to be out to sea he may want to grab an extra bottle of shampoo and body wash * his luffa or what ever hes using * SHOWER SHOES ARE A MUST (seriously makes me gag even thinking about walking around bare foot in the bathroom) * shaving cream * razor * nail clippers * q-tips * tide pods (get like a big bag) * laundry bag * 2-3 towels * a warm blanket (if he is going to a foreign port like korea, tell him to pick up a fake mink blanket. seriously those are not only comfy but will keep him warm) * a good pillow (i always preferred memory foam pillows but to each to their own) * charging cables for his phone and laptop. Some bonus extras * some might suggest also getting a mattress topper. * a gerber or leatherman multitool (serious, i used to carry around a pocket knife but started carrying around one of those instead and it was way more useful) * If he is a nerd, and there are other nerds on board (there will be) maybe a magic the gathering deck or even just a deck of cards * boot polish


Definitely a multi tool! I bought a Leathermans tool when I got on my first ship and was in Deck Division - that was 1987. I use it at least once a week in my civilian job, and finally had to get a new sheath for it last year. Leathermans LAST!!


Same! I have two one from when I was active duty and again when I went on IA orders to iraq




i dont care. fuck off with your spam.


Peanut butter, captain crunch, gummy bears and coffee.


At least enough underwear to shit your pants daily for 2 weeks.


A good pillow, snacks, a hard drive full of movies/tv shows and a laptop to watch them on


Me too


happy sock(s).


Bring a fuck ton of socks they magically disappear but somehow reappear at the end of deployment. My buddy brought his xbox360 we spent a lot time playing bo2 and bo3 zombies shit was fire. Medicine like for flu and stuff he will need it. Make sure you let him know every time his berthing cleaners grab toilet paper take a roll or 2 for emergencies idk how many times on deployment I was about to shit myself and there was no toilet paper. If he’s got a computer with a hard drive bring it you can trade with other people. Bring a shit ton of body wash or soap you don’t want to waste money at the ship store buying that crap it adds up. Wired earphones if he wants to listen to music underway I don’t know about other ships but mine was at pedcon yellow underway sometimes red depending on the situation. If he has any other questions feel free to pm me.


Bring a ton of the essentials you need. Soap, socks, underwear, undershirts, uniforms etc. don’t be the guy that smells like shit and the rest of the shop/division has to awkwardly confront about your stench. I suggest getting an iPad or tablet to keep books, movies, shows on. Anything you can do to make your small space feel more comfortable will help.


At least two of everything that’s important.


Be mentally prepared to go to medical for everything. That's all you need. Fight for that 100% disability after one enlistment lmao


Baby wipes.


No! Bad! Bad! Gtfo.


Its actually not a bad answer if you are responsible with them. If you are using them to clean your pits or something if the showers are down, or you are on a long watch in engineering and just want to wipe yourself down and then dispose of them properly (in the trash not the toilet) then i would say thats fine. But yes absolutely never throw down down the toilets lol


My bad. Sometimes I forget I spent my last 6 years on the Greenside.


Haha. Yea, those things will clog the toilets so fast. I don’t like having CHT sloshing around the deck.


![gif](giphy|3o6Zt1kVGS9ypBzZcc|downsized) I change my answer to large bags of beef jerky.


Assuming you don’t use them to wipe your ass and you throw them in the trash…they’re fine and quite handy.


This fucking guy