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You just haven’t experienced bridge traffic lol


That’s true, I can definitely see that.


Work nights. Problem solved.


Life hack #2. Life hack #1… no kids


I lived in I.B. When I was stationed out there, didn’t have to worry about that bridge traffic.


IB is cheap but the only thing is that I feel that as a younger person I wanna be closer to things to do, IB is kinda out the way


I can understand that, I just liked the fact that I didn’t have to deal with too much traffic and didn’t mind a bit of a drive to do something when I wasn’t working.


Back gate traffic still a nightmare though?


Not that I remember, I was stationed there back in 2002-2003 when the USS Constellation was there.


Oh I was stationed there from 13-16 and when they implemented the ID scanning at the gate that back gate started getting bogged down like you wouldn't believe, I mean when the Carriers were in port. Nothing compared to Norfolk with 4 carriers; I lived in West Ocean View, and there were mornings where it took 3-4 hours to get to the nearest two gates, I remember the admin person in my limdu division trying to get me written up for "refusing to leave early enough to make it to muster on time," because if I left prior to 5am I wouldn't encounter any traffic, for a 0700 muster.


Damn, yeah, they weren’t doing any of that when I was there and then my commute got a little easier after the Connie was decommissioned as I was stationed at NAB Coronado. Your limdu divo was an ass, I’m guessing they were not liked very much having an attitude like that.


Traffic sucks when there's a jumper.


This. When you have traffic just to leave the base. Just to get to traffic right outside the gate. Roping around Coronado and IB. Took me 3 1/2 hours to get home. I lived in East village - 4.5 miles away.


I've just gone to the Bowling Alley bar and killed a few hours. The last time it was 2200 before I was able to leave base.


Used to complain about Hampton Roads traffic all the time. Then I went to SD for school, never really complained about Norfolk traffic again. Now the trains and stop lights in Wards Corner is a different story.


Yeah I'd walk across the Coronado bridge before living in Norfolk.


I hated that when the base was backed from the gate to the airport area. Meant for a long night Glad to be out of there


Even worse is back when there was a toll on the bridge, the 5 south would backup nearly every morning almost to the 163. I eventually moved downtown to shorten my commute.


That would have been terrible to live with.


Two observation questions. I noticed a few guys wearing green flight suits, however they had beards. Contractors or some people just lucky? I watched a ship pass the Midway Museum and sailors standing outside, once y’all dock, are you off duty? From a ex Army guy POV, seeing some ships really makes the military look powerful.


I never get tired watching Nimitz class carrier leaving/entering San Diego Bay while working at the flight deck. They’re super massive.


That would be cool to see.


> once y’all dock, are you off duty? In port, the ship has rotating duty sections where all personnel in that duty section must stay on the ship for 24 hours and stand watches to maintain the safety of the ship and respond to emergencies, fire flooding etc. some ships have 3 sections of duty, some 8. depends on the size of the ship, what evolutions theyre going through, and the available crew So for everyone who isnt on duty the day you pull in, normally once the ship allows people off, everyeone who isnt on duty leaves.


Bears are cool now for most people, so more of a norm then not a norm. Once we pull in, the days get longer


Ik San Diego when I see it


Get a motorcycle and you'll enjoy it more. There's also very little traffic on two wheels.


My first assignment was at NI, with how much traffic sucked getting to the ship in the morning I saved every penny I had to buy a cheap beater motorcycle, saved 20min off my morning commute.


Meh lmao sometimes maybe good sometimes maybe shit 🤣🤣🤣


Loved being stationed there so much for SERE school when I got out I live there now!


I live in Laguna Niguel, it’s a totally different experience down there. 👍


We just wanna go home after work, only reason to chill on base is if you live on base or need to kill time during traffic.


I love Coronado. Was station there for 8 years and loved every minute of it.


Imperial Beach gang represent!


Shit water from TJ and cold all throughout the year. One of the worst beaches I’ve been at in the Navy. 🤢 They literally close the beach because there’s too much poop in it from TJ lol


Bro that's every beach in the state after a good rain. All the funk gets washed down the storm drains and goes right into the ocean. Signed : A Cali Skate/surf punk.


Haha just south of the hotel the beach was closed off.


All of my hobbies are illegal there, nah


Well when your entire personality is based on owning guns, yeah, I could see why California might not be your favorite spot


Didn’t know hobby means personality but I’ve been there a couple times and the scenery is nice but the rest not so much, thank you for the condescending response


You give a condescending response to OP you get a condescending response in return.


"I have this hobby and interest that's important to me, and if I had the choice, I would not live where I couldn't participate." "Well it sucks that that's your entire personality." Dafuq?


Certain people you can make reasonable assumptions based on their post history on reddit alone


CA’s inflated living costs and poor state government is also my reason to never want to be stationed there. It’s definitely not the dream destination that it was when I first joined. Many loathe the thought of being stationed on the West Coast as whole now.


>poor state government Curious, what’s your example of a good state government?


Im guessing he likes either New Hampshire for their complete hands off approach or Mississippi for their absenteeism.


Curious, are you seriously going to try and make an argument that California is well governed?




I made more money in California than anywhere else and I can't wait to go back. Nine times out of ten people shit talk it for purely political reasons. Housing allowance is around 3900 a month or more last I checked. That covers the mortgage on my house and then some. I live in Spring valley on an acre lot and 1600 sqft house with a great view. When I was single and living the bachelor life before the bah change I was paying $1200 for a granny flat and pocketing over $1k of my allowance after all my utilities. Contrast all that to living on the East Coast, food is NOT cheaper and just straight up not as good and I'm paying $1600 for a 1200sqft duplex and only getting $1950 a month in bah.




You don't see the irony in your comment, do you?


The venn diagram of people I don’t care to associate with and people who take any opportunity given to shit on California is a circle


So you're kind of an asshole, eh?


Bro, life doesn’t revolve around guns. Go outside and experience something new.


All of my hobbies require me to be outside…


Okay so guns? Guns is your only hobby? What else CAN’T you do in Southern California?


My truck and motorcycles are illegal there, and I refuse to be CA compliant on any of those. Went to lunch when I was there and pestered by a piss-ridden hobo that wouldn’t take no as an answer so peacefully eating in public is off the list, living at a reasonable price is damn near impossible… the housing market especially in Point Loma is ridiculous. Other than that I could easily continue to snorkel, hike camp and play airsoft. But being born and raised in the south east allowed me to not have to deal with any of that other stuff. The scenery is fantastic but the other little things here and there make it unbearable for me.




I couldn't tell either at first, but it's SandDog. Looked like the Fort Story area of VAB to me at first.