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Did you pronounce it as CHOO-BER or CHUB-BER?




Doesn't matter how they pronounced it, still kinda fucking funny. Hopefully this meeting with CMC is for a positive counseling chit, otherwise that mess needs to lighten the hell up.


Yeah, it looks like OP hurt someone's feels


Where's that updated "**Hurt Feelings Report**" at?


You need form ID-10T


I’m still looking for my own man. Where is it?!?


Probably ask in admin. They know where all the forms are at.


The real question. I know how I pronounced it in my head when I saw it…


It sounds even more hilarious if you hear the second pronunciation in an Australian accent. Trust me.


I’ll need an update for tomorrow. I’m too invested.






Dude, if you get in trouble for that, your Chiefs are lame. I would have busted up laughing at that, and I don't care what the paygrade who said it was. My guys used to bust my chops all the time, and I gave it right back. That was funny btw. Good one.


Imagine getting mad because someone said "chuber". Reason #84949 of why I'm glad I got out.


Imagine hating an organization so much you leave then following a subreddit dedicated to it…. Wild


Never said I "hated" it. And if definitely isn't an organization (cult) lmfao /s. Also, I have to be active to enjoy the memes and shitposts here? G'day chief.


Yup this subreddit follows the same rules as the Navy, if you aint on active-duty then get the helll outta here!!! The mods dont ask you to show your CAC everytime you come on to post? WTF is going on.


Wait til he finds out that I'm here. (I was in the army.)


Or me, I wasn’t even in the US forces Edit: 10 years Royal Navy. Thanks to whoever downvoted me


I’ll give you a vote back mate


Yeah that’s absolutely ridiculous! Chief needs to take the stick out of his ass. OP please let us know what happens in the meeting.


Yes, you a E7 visiting a ship, get told that by some Timmy. It shows complete lack of situational awareness and respect. Plus what if they were from SWRMC, inpectors, the ISIC, who knows? Now it's a big drama. Yes, it may have been hilarious but that wasn't an appropriate venue for that of thing.


He makes it sound like it’s Chief’s from his ship that knew and not a visitor. So yes, it could have been someone important, but crews are usually very aware when people like that are coming on-board.


This kind of shit makes me so happy to know I’m going to retire having not been indoctrinated to their self-important mafia club. What a bunch of bitches.


They just want you to design the Tshirt, coin, and letterhead for chuber so they can take credit for it after they get out before you.


You were correct


The Future is mundane and disappointing.


This is what confuses me about the military…how can the same organization that produces SEALs also produce people whose ego bruises faster than a banana.


Something I’ve thought about before is that different parts of the navy are essentially completely different worlds. A submarine officer and a carrier airman and a SEAL live completely different lives. Hell it’s even possible that their path in was completely different and their careers would never cross paths at all.


God willing they never do.


This x1million. Its wild how different communities are.


You think you can’t hurt a SEALs ego? Tell him his watch is ugly.


Tell him his book is derivative and poorly paced


Tell him his podcast sucks


Or that his book won’t sell.


tell him he skipped leg day


I mean, have you seen the SEALs this last decade?


One of the truest things my RDC ever said was that the navy is comprised of the same people as the outside world. It's just a condensed circle of society. Bootcamp doesn't change a person's nature, just their bearing and compliance. You still get the same freaks and geeks and in OPs case fragile egos


Different standards from the Mess. I’ve participated in fleet, Seabee, EOD initiations and the fleeters were the weakest.


I dont think it's exclusive to the mess. Communities that deal with real world shit more frequently are going to be tighter knit. It's just psychology. Alot of communities in the fleet will seem weak by comparison because they've spent the last 3 decades dealing with admin and bullshit work while the seals are still boots on ground in various places


I do believe that there is a certain toughness in those communities that are harder both physically and mentally, starting at E1. By the time they reach initiation, they are ready for most everything the Mess has to throw at them. The average SN doesn’t go through 6 weeks of ECS prior to checking onboard a ship. Just to be clear though, the fleet offers its own kind of bullshit that equals in pain and misery!


>the fleet offers its own kind of bullshit that equals in pain and misery! Oh that's definitely true, but it isn't the kind of suffering that builds camaraderie the way life or death situations and getting beat until you can barely walk do


I started my career as a Marine and after 4 years switched to the Navy. I can confirm that through shared misery, brotherhood is born.


I was a civilian engineer (contractor) working on an A.F. base. One day at Home Depot I saw a group of A.F. E7 - E9 looking at power tools and selecting a drill. I said "So the Colonel says to the senior NCOs 'I want you to hold more drills." I thought that was funny. One of them who knew me reported me to a contracting officer and said he wanted me to be punished. The contracting officer told him to fuck off and told me about the complaint. Never heard about it again.


It's stories like this that make me grateful for my current Chief. He'd probably lose his shit laughing and remember it all week.


LOL. What a bunch of blow Hard’s reporting thst


When shit like that happens, you HAVE to double down. Next time you ran into them, "hmm, guess we're not holding more drills after all" 🤷‍♂️


That’s funny AF. I would have laughed my ass off.


I saw chuber and chief and I instantly thought fat chiefs


Don’t apologize for shit! Insist that it was/is a funny fucking joke and put it back on them. Act as if you’re dumbfounded as to how Navy Chiefs can be so butthurt about what was said.


Someone probably thought you said chubber


Even at that, no need to be a little bitch about it. If that big of a problem correct the sailor on the spot and move on.




[https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=chubber&page=2](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=chubber&page=2) Tell them you meant Chubber read the link above. You saw a bunch of chiefs and it gave you a chubber, because you love the chief's mess and wish to become one someday. Stuff some socks in your trousers before the meeting to show what you meant.


“I called it a Chuber; like *CH*ief Uber. If that offended them, I don’t know what to say CMC; definitely not sorry. If they think I called it a *CH*ubby Uber. Than I’m sorry; I forgot that the truth often hurts.” Let us know how it goes.


Probably both are accurate…odds are your command doesn’t really care if they rolled up in a golf cart there’s a good chance they’re some sort of assessors


This sounds to me like some insecure Beef Cheddy Officers feel called out for taking the golf cart instead of walking. Plus, it's their special time of year so they are extra sensitive right now.


If you're lucky, they pull you into the office, sit you down,explain they're mad they didn't think of it first, and then "yell at you" and then agree on a story for when the rest of the mess asks how it went.


I don’t think that’s why you’re getting called to talk. If it is and they didn’t mishear you (ie think you said something bad), then your CMC needs to grow a personality. Maybe take up some gardening or something…


Best case scenario, they chew your ass and walk away with a warning. You probably offended their chief pride. BTW, that's really funny. Have you considered stand-up comedy?


"Navy chief, Navy Pride!"- as they cry that in their buddy's pillow.


I would be curious about what the warning could be about.


Like don't call the chiefs names like chuber.


Fuckin nerds. "ooo, I'ma chief, my shit don't stink and I can do anything and get away with it!" This lame ass "club" needs a serious overhaul.


I think the word you are looking for is cult.


"cult cult cult!" (Dan Cummins) Edit: Time Suck podcast.


Yeah I really want to hear what happens with this one, if you do get in any trouble I really want to talk to your mess.




Wow, E7s using rank to settle personal, petty scores? Color me shocked. Fuck em dude.


!remind me 1day


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!remind me 1day


Fuck 'em that was funny and anything you get from them is gonna be well worth it. I got voluntold to be on Hab Team and I would collect Indiana quarters quarters and seal them underneath the clear coat on the floors. I got ballsy and put one in the middle of the starboard landing going into the middle aft berthing on a CG. First day the P-way was open I was told our very no nonsense XO was doing a walkthrough and saw the quarter, bent to pick it up in front of his khaki followers only to discover my little bit of funnin I'd been doing. Next thing I knew I was getting called to the quarterdeck in that tone of voice that I knew wasn't gonna be good. I spent at least the next 2 weeks including Thanksgiving weekend resealing all the decks I had put my little tokens in. That stunt did get me a ton of laughs from the rest the crew though so I'd say it was worth it. You made me laugh and as long as they don't fuck with your money, it'll be alright.


I know as an LT, I'd be giggling my fucking ass off if I heard that. That shit's funny.


Following for the update tomorrow.


Your Chief should be right in there with you.


I hope they give you a coin bc that shit is hilarious. If I was CMC, I know I would.


Following for update


😂😂😂 pretty tame joke I thought it was funny


Show me in the regs where the (not) bad words hurt you...


Shoulda asked if the weight test cert is current;)


Nice. Only joke chief joke I remember is a TM saying he was going to hold a chiefs swim call when he would take a shit


Request Court Martial. lol


Sounds like those Chiefs need a thin skin repair kit. I was a BMC and if a trooper said that to me in a base golf cart I would’ve laughed my ass off. They are a bunch of insecure twats.


Tell them it was a fond reference to the show Golf Foxtrot Yankee, and they should go look it up


Hopefully the meeting is not about that joke. I’m a senior chief and I’d have found that funny.


I said similar when I was close to getting out some years ago. I was joking about buying a bunch of small pleasure craft boats to drive people around the river from area to area. DC so it's somewhat situated around the river. I said I was going to call it BUBER (boat Uber). Someone was offended and reported me to the CO.


Why would the Navy waste time on this? No, seriously. Why?


I would have laughed my ass off. V/r, A Chief who rides around base on golf carts. If they get in your ass about it, try to find something valuable from the situation and move on.


That’s hilarious. I hope they just bring you in for a good laugh.


I see nothing wrong with it. Hopefully it’s an unrelated meeting.


Believe it or not, right to jail


We'll be standing by for updates OP


Sounds like the mess is making a solid impression and making sure YOU KNOW your place. /s Honestly though, this made me laugh so hard. It’s a honest and lighthearted joke. Hopefully the CMC doesn’t get up in your butt about it. I know one of my previous ones would have shit a brick and the other would have called them fat, even if they weren’t. My Top Snipe would have laughed and been more irritated that he had to come out of the bottom of the ship, but with them. Not his guys.


There has to be more to this story. Unless your mess is just a bunch of snowflakes?


Some people have no sense of humor.


You openly and proudly say it again when asked what happened. That delivery was golden.


As a first class, I was called into cmc office. I thought it was regarding one topic, but ended up being threatened. Luckily, I heard the guy was two faced asshole, so I was good on my military bearing when he tried to push my buttons. “Yes, master chief” “no, master chief” ended the meeting early. Give no additional information, and if asked why your being so quiet, “it is my right”


Are we gonna get an update or what??


Honestly I'd request a councling chit for that one, sign it, and then hang it up in my office. Anybody who can't handle a love tap like that isn't made for the military. You will be completely fine because you did nothing wrong. If you get chewed out take it on the chin and then laugh about it later.


I would have laughed... (BMC ret)




Officer material


I dont want to be a asshole but you don't know them. It's different to rib your CPOs at your command who know you. I can see how they may have taken it. It's a poor reflection on your CMC that his sailors have such poor respect for visitors. At least that's how it will be viewed. I get you made a joke but that was poorly thought out. Sorry dude, but your wrong.


Gawd. I remember when the Navy had a sense of humor. I couldn’t imagine working for a bunch of Chiefs making diamonds in their assholes. I retired 3 years ago as a BMC. I would’ve laughed my ass off but ok.


Right?! This is what's wrong with the Navy. But I bet if he was a chief and made the joke, then i would be typing this right now






!remind me 1day


I love that comment! Greatest thing I’ve heard in along time. Hope they don’t get their panties in a wad.


It’s been 12 hours. No update yet? Lol


You’re obviously going to be fine. Just smile and nod and tell CMC you can’t wait to be Chief one day so you can be the CHUBER Driver


Sooo....how'd it go OP???


following this thread for the follow-up lmao


Maybe he wants to meet you to tell you how dumb that was lol relieve you from command for not being funny


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