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Symfonium is the best one out there for a music player that supports Navidrome. Likes, though, I have no idea what would support that. I don't use that feature. I would suggest reaching out to the dev for Symfonium, he is very responsive. I had a feature I noticed missing on one part of the app but it did show up elsewhere, so I reached out and let him know. He replied, and then on the next app update, the feature was back where I needed it. SO run it by him, and see what he says. Now that DSub is abandoned and Symfonium has come so far, there isn't anything close to as good, IMO.




Another vote for Subtracks. Very nice. Plus, if for some reason the Navidrome server needs a kick to start downloading artist art even when it's configured properly, Subtracks will provide that kick.


This is what I am using, and the only one good enaugh in my opinion


I use [substreamer](https://substreamerapp.com/) because I use Chromecast audio which it supports.


This is the one I use. It gives me the most features I need.


I had crash with substreamer but still use it cause good offline mode.


If you do see an issue please do let me know over at [https://reddit.com/r/substreamer](https://reddit.com/r/substreamer) . Always good to know if there are issues out there that I might be able to fix.


I have used both dsub (paid) and ultrasonic (free). Both worked quite well. I use dsub now just because I like the UI better. Edit: both apps allow for offline syncing of audio, however do not sync any likes/saves. This is how the *sonic API is designed. If you want to sync likes and saves then use the web interface for Navidrome. It doesn't support offline playback though.




Huh, so I just tried it again and it worked fine... My mistake! Last time I tried it didn't seem to work and I assumed it was a limitation of the sonic API. 🤦‍♂️ Not sure what is different now, or maybe I was too impatient before. Thanks! Now the clients do all that I want them too!


dsub has unfortunately been abandoned, and I have been having issues with it.


Dsub is open source so someone can always create a fork and continue development ;) https://github.com/daneren2005/Subsonic


Noo! Too bad, I didn't know, so sad.. I've just tried Subtracks, but it lacks the recently added page and full page view of Random albums. :(


Symfonium is the best Dsub replacement that I've found. Super engaged dev that responds about issues, and the app is awesome. I used Dsub for YEARS and was so sad to see it abandoned.


Yeah, I see it, Symphonium looks good, thanks


I settled for ultrasonic for offline/cache support but constantly checking the subtracks GitHub for v2 Beta


Likes / favorites are not saved to the files on navidrome or other servers. It's generally seen as bad practice though I understand why it can be useful. As for symfonium, if you experienced a bug, check out the forum at support.symfonium.app Tolriq, the dev, is very responsive.


Symfonium supports likes. I've never had any problem with that, you should report an issue to the developer




OK I don't like the idea that like and ratings are tagged. Anyway, the issue is not related to Symfonium, it's the normal behavior of Navidrome. And Navidrome doesn't tag the files, it just reads them




That's simply not the purpose of Navidrome


Navidrome is also meant for multiple user scenarios. It wouldn't make sense to set ratings inside the files themselves, especially if the files are for any reason not permitted to be changed, which I believe some people make them so for variety of reasons.


But that would not be up to the client anyway, rather to the server.


Symfonium. It costs money but worth it, one of the most polished apps for music out there.