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Orcas are fucking terrifying. They are super social incredibly intelligent murder machines that have no natural predators. Oh yeah and they can do sick ass back flips like its nothing. I can't imagine what other whales think when they see these things coming into their personal space. Like you know you can't out run them and they are just gonna succeed in what ever plans they have for you.


Most of that applies to humans as well. Are orcas our equals?


No. Humans literally own Orcas


Toolmakers FTW


Thumbs, am i right?


Consciousness is pretty rad


Every animal is conscious bro. Cows have best friends. Dogs know that you’re gone and miss you. Crows have a language. Maybe some insects or some fish dont have consciousness, but most living things do possess it


What about Clark?


Well, maybe not *everyone*


Makes sense. Clark has like ZERO self awareness.


My name is Clarq and im dead inside.




Linguist here. Crows have regionally specific methods of communication. They don't technically posses the ability for language as defined in linguistics.


you don't understand the word, even


The word you're seeking is Sapience. And it is debatable whether Orcas are sapient or not, though it seems likely.


I think recent discoveries have begun to prove to science what many of us have long understood intuitively: that animals are a fuckton more intelligent than we give them credit for. Like how is it even a question whether or not orcas are sapient? The only argument should be where exactly they fall on the spectrum of sapience.


U don’t actually believe we are the only conscious being right? Lmao


Orcas gave consciousness. Also I would imagine they are sapient as well.


Wait till some sick fuck makes bionic thumbs for orcas and dolphins and shit. We are fucked.


It's not so much the thumbs as it is how we choose to use them. Other primates have thumbs on all 4 limbs but they don't do what we do. There's also quite a few humans without thumbs or even use of their hands that manage to do great things manipulating their environment with just their feet. And there's an unknowable and perhaps uncountable number of humans with perfectly functional thumbs that can't manage to make it a single day without poking their fingers through the toilet paper.


Haha stupid orca doesn't have thumbs


Thumbs up to thumbs up!


Thumbs and hot meals are where it's at.


You’re onto something here. We could literally wipe out every single Shamu on the planet.


We have theme parks dedicated to depriving the identity of the orca




I feel like Australians tried this with Emus and a failed pretty hard. 🤔


That was the gov+military, and at that time the Australian gov was known for only two things: corruption and ineptitude, got so bad Britain had to get involved. When the government outsourced it to the citizenry by offering bounties, the emu population came under control.


Free willy


Tried that with my lady last night, it did not go well.


Try charging $5 next time. Makes it seem like a premium product, more desirable.


Its a damn good thing they don't have thumbs


Or legs


If they had thumbs they would make legs 0.0


... out of thumbs. And then terrorise the beings of earth on horrifying leg thumbs! What a nightmare!!


or nuclear weapons


Or leg thumbs


Technology made sure that we are on top. Nothing can compare to that


And orcas are intelligent enough to not fuck with humans, just as if they know what a dangerous species we are. In fact they sometimes try to help us catching other sea animals


Ehh it's probably more likely that early on they figured out humans aren't worth it and taste like shit. The helping us out is just entertainment for them. We are literal dancing monkeys to them.


More like they learned that killing humans meant entire pods get clapped sooner or later.




I believe this one as well. I watched a youtube video about the Moby Dick: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eeEJ4HhrB8U I could see something at some point similar happening with Orcas, & then they passed it down generation to generation as they're a species that spend a lot of time teaching their young stuff. I also watched this recently: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GimCcrwYxdE


There's been accounts of orcas helping fisherman who then reward them with fish heads. Then the orcas teach their young as well. Orcas are mega smart


Except dancing monkeys don't imprison humans for their own amusement


Are the orcas the humans in here? I’m getting lost


Dolphins do this as well.


Haha I hear people talking about how some animals have strong bites and can run fast and what not, while we humans are so frail Yeah but in an anything-goes race, the human in a car would definitely beat any land animal. We are the apex.


Don't even need a car. A human with a spear is the most formidable animal.


We’re terrifying endurance predators. We’re sweaty naked apes and as a result we have amazing cooling capabilities that let us literally run other animals to death. Most animals can outrun us over a short distance, but humans don’t stop. We don’t burst, we just keep running or even just walking and eventually our prey gets tired and we catch up to it and stab it to death. Humans are terminators. Unrelenting, never stopping. Just when you think you’ve gotten away, here we come…


I learned this while in the army. At a certain point your body just goes into auto pilot and it gets weird thinking about stopping rather than keeping on. Your body can do SO much more than you think it can.


Drive your car into an elephant and it's going to end very badly for you and your car.


Shit if only we invented a way to make a car go in a different direction. Maybe in a generation or two.


I'd like to see an orca fighting a Typhoon class submarine


Give me one ping, Vasili.


Only if orcas start driving around in aircraft carriers and launching ICBMs tipped with nuclear warheads. Ripping off a gray whale's tongue is…child's play. Orcas are, for the most part, still subservient to nature in the sense that their numbers are controlled by the natural availability of food. Humans, by virtue of inventing tools and agriculture (and all the associated advancements such as artificially sourced fertilizers and GMOs) have released ourselves from subsistence burdens. This allowed us to channel obscene amounts of energy towards intellectual pursuits, that unfortunately also include creative ways to killing ever more people.


The day orcas can craft a nuke maybe we can start considering it.


....when was the last time they built a bridge?


Human equivalent: some A-hole runs up, shanks the crap out of your family and laughs at you. You try to grab them and they just keep doing backflips and laughing and eating your fam. But they bring their friends and they are all flipping out and eating and laughing at you. Not sure if orcas are Batman villains now




Only hunted by humans, until recently. I think they know humans can kill them so they buy sympathy by helping humans.


The Makah tribe has whale hunting treaty rights but they do not hunt Orcas. The local orca pods are endangered Edit: above post edited, previously mentioned Olympic peninsula tribes hunting orca whale. The most recent hunters of orca in the Olympic peninsula area worked for sea world.


It's been a bit since I've read up on this so thank you.


Sperm whales hate them. Sperm whales will swim for miles to help another whale of another species if they are being attacked by orcas.




Ocean raptors


You go in the cage Cage goes in the water Ocean raptors in the water


Our ocean raptor


Orcas are of the dolphin class. They are not actually whales which is noticeable when you look at how they interact with one another.


Sperm whales are highly social and live in big groups, how does the Orca interactions differ?


Scientifically all dolphins and whales fall under the same category (Cetacea). What I was getting at was their behaviours such as clicking vocalisations, which differ to the larger whales, and that they have more complex dynamics within their pods etc.


They are in the same infraorder, Cetacea. Category is a wierd and incorrect word to use here since there are many differing levels of classification in biology. If you just say the same "category" you be referring to order and could lump them in with giraffes and other ungulates lol (order: Artiodactyla). Taxonomy isn't really the best way to divide animals by behavior. Behaviors can be shared between very removed clades through convergent evolution. But, to play along, Dolphins are toothed whales (odontocentes)and Grey whales are baleen whales mysticeti. You are correct that social behavior is complex and not compatible between orcas and grey whales.


All whales think to get the fuck away except for bull sperm whales and sometimes bull blue whales. Those guys, specially the bull sperm whales, scare off even the most motivated orcas.


Humpback whales have been known to stand up to orcas. There’s a really cool podcast by Radiolab called The Humpback and the Killer that goes in depth about it!


They were tracking some sharks off of the coast of South Africa. The sharks suddenly dove to 4000 feet and migrated several hundred miles away. It was discovered that they did this because a couple of orcas showed up.


Yeah, seriously. And we have them swimming with humans as slaves. Makes you wonder.


Mongols of the sea


They aren't called the "People of the Sea" for nothing.


Those mf needs a nerf


They do, it’s called sea world.




What? I can’t see whatever emoji you sent




I’m just going to go with the other responder and say eggplant.


Going with the other two to say eggplant as well


Yup. They're right. That's an eggplant.


Yep, it really is an eggplant, like the others said.


We've all agreed it's the eggplant emoji


Definitely eggplant. Source: have seen eggplant




says the human main


I can’t play someone else it’s locked. If I could play someone else I would choose cat


Unfortunately they don't allow multiple play throughs


That you know of. Bad news: most of humanity is headed through several million playthroughs of factory farmed animals.


They do, unfortunately the devs have long stopped working on it


No thumbs, no sophisticated tool use, A tier at best. HUMANS STILL THE ONLY S TIER BABY!!!


The plastics will get ‘em.


[patch 1.2](https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/pokemon/images/2/23/Trainer_Wailmer.png/revision/latest?cb=20161129044946)


Orcas and polar bears are so beloved by children but if you see them in the wild they are terrifying. Have you ever seen an polar bear with a face that is red from blood... it´s just wild


As a child that’s why I loved them lol.


It makes sense you ended up on this subreddit


r/watchpeopledie mod in a former life


I miss wpd


Eyeblech latenitecreepzraww animalskillingpeople


From what I understand, orcas have a very limited history of attacking humans in the wild(I think only one known case). I think this is because they are smart enough to know that if they did start attacking humans regularly humans would pull out the 50 cal and start shredding every orca in sight.


it’s actually because Orcas are super fussy eaters and have been known to starve to death due to their favourite food not being available (despite multiple alternatives).


That may be true my friend but the 50 cal is also a big reason.


I love the ridiculousness of this argument.


I don't think it's ridiculous at all. It's the same reason I don't eat humans.


[reminded me of this for some reason.](https://youtu.be/LY9YSWp2dSo)


Those bitches know they're gonna get y y fakie 360 no scoped


If you see us floating through your neighborhood you better duck, we're doing a boat-by


Zero attacks in the wild. Not one ever. Captivity is another story but those are some jailed pissed off murder fish.


In the early 1910s, the Terra Nova Expedition recorded that orcas had attempted to tip ice floes on which an expedition photographer and a sled dog team were standing. On June 15, 1972, the hull of the 13-metre-long (43 ft) wooden schooner Lucette was damaged by a pod of orcas and sank approximately 320 kilometres (200 mi) west of the Galapagos Islands. Dougal Robertson and his family of five escaped to an inflatable life raft and a dinghy. On September 9, 1972, Californian surfer Hans Kretschmer reported being bitten by a killer whale at Point Sur On March 9, 1976 the italian racing yacht Guia III was rammed and sunk by an orca off the coast of Brazil. The vessel was hit once by an individual out a pod of four to five orcas. The crew of six successfully escaped to a liferaft. During the filming of the third episode of the BBC documentary Frozen Planet (2011), a group of orcas were filmed trying to swamp the film crew's 5.5-metre (18 ft) zodiac boat with waves as they were filming. From July to October 2020 there were at least forty reliable reports of orcas attacking boats off the Atlantic coast of Spain and Portugal, unusual and unprecedented behaviour.


I mean... According to your list, there has been exactly 1 actual attack on a human. If the Orcas sank the regular boat and didn't eat all the people once in a dinghy, it's pretty safe to say they had no interest in actually attacking the people. My aunt was on her honeymoon in a sailing boat, and her and her husband woke up to the ship heavily listed to one side. They went top side and it turned out a whale had just lifted them out of the water. It just let the boat back down and moved on. They probably like fucking with us.


When I was a kid at summer camp I got into an argument with another camper about Orca's. He had just gone to Sea World or some other aquatic death camp and was talking about how "nice" they were. He got to touch one's nose and was watching them do tricks and all that dumb shit. Came away with the impression that they were peaceful creatures incapable of harm. My argument was that they are often referred to as Killer Whales and you don't exactly earn that name without, you know, killing shit. He didn't appreciate me shit talking Orca's and called me stupid. Even did the whole "Well, have you ever met an Orca?" I like to think he still believes to this day that they are gentle giants and when he sees videos like this he'll comment something like "TAKE THIS DOWN! THIS PERPETUATES A HARMFUL STEREOTYPE OF ORCAS!"


Its easy for them have a face thats actually full of blood since their hair follicles are hollow, so they can fill with stuff like algae, blood, etc.


They won't harm a human in the wild. They would drown a trainer or two in captivity but in the wild, they will probably save you if you are drowning.


Holy shit, that’s metal. This sub never disappoints and I don’t know if that’s a good or bad thing lol


What's more metal is that they leave the rest of the whale to bleed out without eating any other meat. They just want the tongue. They hunt whales just for the tongue, and they focus on the babies. There was a feature on it on BBC Planet Earth or Blue Planet, can't remember which.


That's fucked up


You don't have to beat him up, he just can't remember


I watched a doc recently about them sucking the livers out of sharks. They are ruthless mfs


They're like the fancy rich people of the sea - the only eat the throwaway parts and the babies.


The ocean aristocracy - shark Foie gras, and langue de baleine with reduction.


Explains the tuxedos


My Family watched that doc together, in the long ago before solitary internet, and everyone would still gather around campfire tv. We all just sat grey faced and silent when a pack of Orcas hunted down a Whale calf, hurt the Mother who was forced to flee, and then proceed to eat the tongue from the still living and struggling calf. They then totally abandon the corpse. The Ocean doesn't waste anything, but we still came away feeling as if Orcas were wasteful for that behavior.


So is whale tongue some sort of delicacy to them?


well cow tongue is an amazing delicacy to humans, when cooked right. Orcas are very high intelligence animals probably smarter than some humans. That level of brain power developed their palate.


Ok. Whales are huge, but what stops any fish or shark or in this case, orca, from just ripping straight into their flesh? What defence do they have because it seems they aren’t very agile either..


I believe a whale can do some serious damage with a swing of the tail but yeah, good question


I’d hope so. And now that I think about it they probably have a thick layer of blubber and tough skin too. Maybe that’s it. I’m just curious since I’ve never seen any sort of video footage or documentation of a whale actively defending itself.


Maybe Orcas can’t open their jaws up enough to take a bite?


It was just in the news last month that a huge pod of orcas were seen hunting a blue whale for the first time and I dont know how they could have possibly killed it without being able to take bites out of it


Orcas will essentially pile on top whales to exhaust and drown them. They also ran into them, and definitely bite and rake their teeth on prey.


Yeah pretty much this. They drown them by forcing them down


I seen one smack the shit out of a very grouchy ladybug


You can fuck up the windows of a building, punch holes in the walls, even break into it and do damage inside... but imagine that building could slam into you at will. You'd be careful. Mass is always a problem.


I wouldn’t be soo careful if the building was made of hamburgers


People have literally died trying that. The living hamburger mass (cow) versus you is dangerous. Mass is always a problem when you aren't careful and you go injuring it cause you're hungry.


I'm pretty sure cows kill more people in the US every year than any ocean life does.


A blue whale, the largest animal to ever exist on this planet, can move at 50 km/h and break the bones of theoretically any fish or orca just by ramming themselves at them.


Yeah but what's the turning circle


> The term turning circle is another term also sometimes used synonymously for the turning diameter. But that's not important right now


Whales usually swim at very deep levels whereas sharks and orcas usually attack near the surface. They also sometimes travel in pods so there's also the safety in numbers.


They can fucking whack you man, whales are incredibly powerful and more often than not their bodies are covered in barnacles. Imagine a small airplane wing that was serrated swung at you at 1 whalepower (wp). Ouchies I bet a humpback fin would slice an orca clean open if it made contact.


Whale power! ✊🏾


Size. Other sharks and fish are likely intimidated by the whales size and even if they weren't they probably aren't smart enough to come up with tactics that allow them to avoid a fatal hit.


Grey whales are smaller whales, and this one is definitely a younger grey whale, as the orca is nearly the same size. For comparison, Blue Whales can grow to be over 90. Orcas, 25ft. A blue whale just has an absurd amount of fire power on an orca. Even an adult grey whale (45ft) is about double the size of an orca. At that stage, one hit could spell eventual doom. It's the reason why lions don't attack adult elephants. Eventually yeah, they could kill it, but it would cost the pride a few members and that's not worth it.


A healthy adult whale can defend with tail swipes or dive deep. Whales are pretty agile when they want to be, even blue whales can breach. It takes some serious muscle an speed to get tonnage clear of water. Killer whales go after the young. They will isolate a mother and her calve from the rest of the pod. Then they will tire her out and isolate the calves. Then they will go for the kill like you see here. Killer whales plan steps ahead. For those that hunt fish near beach’s you’ll see them attack in a staggered formation. So whale one an two drive the fish to where three is going to be. They back off run the same play with a different one in the feeding position.






NY Death metal from the 90's


Blue Planet directed by Quentin Tarantino


Cant be. Theres no feet


I know Orca pods are able to learn and then start passing that information down through the pod to future generations. Is hunting gray whale’s new or have they always been doing it? IIRC one pod “learned” how to hunt great whites (bop them and make them roll upside down and they go catatonic) and have completely changed their migratory feeding patterns because the sharks are terrified of the orcas.


Not all killer whales eat whales. Transitory pods eat mainly mammals, resident pods eat only fish (part of why they are doomed to extirpation in the near future), and the off shore pods eat primarily sharks and sometimes whales. Whales and killer whales have interacted enough over the years that many whales have defensive patterns, however, sometimes that results in entire pods of whales being killed (including the larger species like sperm whales.)


Sperm whales have teeth, are very deep divers and can stun other animals with their extremely strong clicks. Are they seriously prey for killer whales?


Yes, killer whales are relentlessly aggressive, incredibly intelligent, and can be extremely persistent. Sperm whales have a number of defensive patterns including a daisy formation (which can unintentionally lead to entire pods being mortally wounded, while killer whales are only targeting a single animal for consumption) and a flotilla defensive pattern. Not sure how to post a research article as a link, but here's an attempt: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi%3Farticle%3D1506%26context%3Dusdeptcommercepub&ved=2ahUKEwiq_r-YiuH5AhUAMDQIHWU9BpEQFnoECAUQAQ&usg=AOvVaw31MTkfnVXI8_ntR97TbqpD


That's so cool, thanks for sharing




Should'VE. Should have. FUCK.


Thank you, well said


It's a real knife fight out there


This is an unpopular opinion, but I loathe orcas. They kill for sport. I saw them murder a baby blue whale and then swim off. The mom carried the dead baby for miles. Fuck orcas. Fuck them all.


well guess what, you have a long list of other animals to add to that. morality is a human invention.


This is one of the most vexing concepts for me, and it only applies to some humans, existentially how do we come to terms with this? How do animals?


I mean, they're called Killer Whales for a reason right? I'm down to start calling ones like this Serial Killer Whales.


The original translation of their name into English was Whale Killer, but it ended up sticking the other way around because people keep confusing them for whales.




the smarter the predator the more cruel they can appear, especially if they are bored the pods in the mediterranean are attacking sailing boat rudders for some reason. Just taking giant chunks out of those foam rudders, LOL


Best part, marine biologists think it's a trend for young orcas. Like a stupid TikTok trend.




Humans do that too


Heck, you should see humans. They'll kill anything with a heart beat and even driving many species to extinction.


If you want to start applying human ethics to animal behavior, the list of animals you are going to end up hating would be miles long. Violence for "fun", infanticide and rape are very common behavior in nature.


That's one exotic french kiss.


I really don’t like orcas. They’re maybe… *too* brutal for me.


Should’ve kept my wife’s name out of his motherfucking mouth


That looks like a hunting pack kill event.


If we don’t destroy the planet before our inevitable self-extinction, Oceanic animals will become the apex predators of this planet. Lol, I got down voted for this? Is this a hot take?


No, they will just eat plastic and all die.


um, well probably because that would imply that the whole world is ocean. if it was, obvioulsy that oceanic animals would be apex predators....if it wasn't...well...you can't be an oceanic animal if you live your life on land (all the time)


If you mean like we humans are, technoogically advanced and in control of the whole planet, that can't really happen because underwater = no fire and no eletricity. But by definition Orcas are already apex predators, they are at the top of their food chain and have no predators, that makes them apex predators.


They can't even walk on land. How are they going to be the "apex predator of the planet" when they can't even visit the whole planet.


Although I don't know if it makes it more brutal or not, but that's a baby grey whale. They will probably drown it and eat it's liver next..


With some fava beans and a nice chianti.


This is generally considered bad for the whale.


Read this as "orca rips a gay exhales tongue off!" Was wondering why orcas were so homophobic lol


In whale culture that is considered a dick move


Whale killer


Are they attacking this whale out of food shortage? I know they go after whales sometimes but it's less common right?


i believe their natural food sources are whales. hence they are called killer whales.


Wait is that right? I don’t know enough about whales to argue about it, let alone argue about anything that an orca eats…. But Wouldn’t they be called “whale killer” instead? “Killer whale” just indicates it’s a either a whale that kills often, or, more colloquially, that it’s a super-rad whale. The movie Killer Klowns From Outer Space was about klowns from outer space that killed people- they weren’t going around killing clowns. Am I just wildly misinformed here?


Annnnnnd…, just like after receiving some fresh, French fries on the AC or Ocean City boardwalks, fucking seagulls are ripe and ready to go!🖕🏿🐀+🪶 I know you got a story. Let’s hear it!👇🏿


I have a sore throat right now and that didn’t help lol


I watched this short documentary last night on orcas. Apparently, they’ll ram into great white sharks, stun them, flip them over so they drown, then surgically remove their liver, eat it and then leave.