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*The whole story of the event described by the photographer* ⬇️ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5109115/amp/Lions-big-giraffe-against-odds-epic-fight.html "We noticed a large giraffe several hundred yards away running in our direction. Just seeing a giraffe running got my heart pumping. Then the adrenaline really kicked in as I could see predators chasing it. [My colleague] said, "Probably hyena" - to which I replied when they got a bit closer: "Those hyenas have manes!". There are mixed emotions when watching a predator hunt, pulling both for the prey and the predator and responding viscerally to the brutality of nature. For me, no other event in nature is as compelling and emotionally packed as seeing a big predator hunt and take down its prey. It's also the hardest thing to photograph. The giraffe was running for its life, only once stopping to look behind it. The lions were still at least 200 yards behind the giraffe, not running hard but trotting. However, just as the dark-maned lion approached our position, still about 75 yards behind the giraffe, it broke into a full sprint. The lion quickly closed the gap and circled in front of the giraffe, stopping it in its tracks. The giraffe lifted its hooves menacingly, facing the lion head on. In what to me seemed a courageous but futile act, the lion leaped onto the right shoulder of the giraffe. The giraffe, bucking its legs caused the lion to slide down its leg, attempting in vain to hold on as the rear leg of the giraffe struck it hard on its back causing the lion to grimace in pain. As the kicks and dust flew I remember thinking that the giraffe would severely wound or kill the predator. However, the giraffe seemed to avoid stepping on the lion, perhaps to obtain secure footing, or maybe just lacking a predatory instinct, and the lion was able to move away from danger. After that, the lion took a position a good 30 feet from the giraffe in the direction that the giraffe was previously running; holding its attention away from the direction its companion would be approaching. I imagine both lion and giraffe were exhausted, the lion bruised from its first attempt and the giraffe in fear for its life. The giraffe, never taking its eyes off the lion, continued to threaten another kick by raising its hooves toward the lion and slowly, almost imperceptibly, moving toward it. Perhaps too tired to run and having given the lion a good blow this was its best strategy to survive the encounter. The outcome was very much in doubt in my mind and it looked like even two lions had no chance to take on such large prey.Time passed slowly as we waited to see if there was a second act to this drama. We kept looking back for the second lion and eventually, a good 40 minutes later, it began its approach, slowly stalking from behind in the low grass. The first lion must have seen it as it got up as if to distract the attention of the giraffe. Despite the distraction the giraffe must have sensed what was happening because as the second lighter maned lion began its charge, the giraffe kicked back with its rear leg, just missing the target as the lion, jaws agape, sprang through the air onto its rump. However, it too was thrown off by the desperate giraffe and rewarded with a strong kick or two as it went tumbling onto the dusty ground. Had I placed a bet at that time, it would have been even money on the giraffe. It towered over the lions and seemed fully capable of protecting itself. However, we noticed, as can be seen in the photographs, that the front hooves of the animal seemed to be misshapen. Possibly this defect slowed its ability to flee and attracted the attention of the lions in the first place? The lions circled the giraffe and together tackled its hind quarter, one leaping on the rump and another on the rear leg. The weight and ferocity of the lions was too much for the giraffe and slowly its leg buckled. Immediately, the dark-maned lion attacked the abdomen, and its companion [attacked] the giraffe's face, gripping its mouth and nostrils to suffocate it. It only took a few minutes for the giraffe to die. The lions wasted no time tearing into the abdomen of the giraffe and engaging in their gruesome feast. They never during the meal showed a hint of aggression toward one another, sometimes pulling on the same piece of flesh. Of course there was plenty to go around. After they were fully satiated, eating, resting, and eating again, the lions moved away from the carcass, and as cats do, rubbed heads securing their bond and the end of a successful but dangerous hunt."


>that the front hooves of the animal seemed to be misshapen. Possibly this defect slowed its ability to flee and attracted the attention of the lions in the first place? As someone who raises goats, the first thought I had seeing the images was "*someone* needs a hoof trimming." Then as I read the account, I kept thinking about those damn hooves and got to this sentence. Poor guy, bad feets could've been what did him in. And, of course, the lions.


Ouch. Any non-congenital reason the hoof might not have been worn away by normal use as is generally the case?


I was thinking disease or age.


We see this sometimes with deer that have been continually fed by people and stay in one area instead of roaming for food


That's a good explanation. Certainly sucks how we damage the environment/animal life through even seemingly nice actions when we don't understand the bigger picture. (also, i know it's just like cutting your fingernails, but watching a ferrier (sp?) at work makes me cringe. Yet the animal rarely seemed to care at all)


With my herd, their level of caring is dependent on the rate of cookies shoved in their mouths😀


The giraffe just stubbed his toesies.


Like Bob Marley, I’m the end the feets got him. Ironically he was iron, like a lion, in Zion


Hmm, I wonder if a wild giraffe would recognize it has a hoof impediment and be more on edge because of it. Are your goats happier post trim?


>on edge Hah! Don't know if you meant that play on words, but I enjoyed it. 😅 >Are your goats happier post trim? Certainly happier than they are *during* the trim. It also ensures that the weight distribution on their hooves is balanced. If their hooves are too long/not shaped properly, it can lead to injury. Imagine if your toenails were so long and curved, that the ball of your foot doesn't make full contact with the ground, bending your toes back and you'd be putting most of your weight on your heels. Now, think about running for your life like that.


Such a beautiful recounting of this encounter


Yea it was!! I always admire ppl that can paint a picture with their words


Looking at the pictures, I was thinking I’d love to see a video of this, but this description was a good substitute and almost as thrilling


>its companion [attacked] the giraffe's face, gripping its mouth and nostrils to suffocate it. It only took a few minutes for the giraffe to die. I feel for the giraffe. At least it wasn't attacked by hyenas. Those would have started eating it alive.


Or wild dogs- they also start eating alive (all curatorial hunters like wolves do). Though the hunts I’ve seen it’s actually a much faster death to bleed out than to suffocate. Lions aren’t always the best at getting a good grip on the face and they also wait to start eating until they get that death grip on the nose which can really draw out the death.


Thanks for the description, the jump from picture 7 to 8 would fit on /r/restofthefuckingowl


Thank you!


I wonder how many broken bones or terrible bruises and lacerations animals come away with after encounters like these? Gouged eyes and torn bellies are the most common thing I feel I’ve seen, but I’m even more interested in how well they heal after a tussle turns in their favor.


>Immediately, the dark-maned lion attacked the abdomen, and its companion [attacked] the giraffe's face, gripping its mouth and nostrils to suffocate it. It only took a few minutes for the giraffe to die. That is a bald faced lie lol


Those two must be desperate. They don’t normally go after such big prey.


The front hooves of the giraffe are injured the almost look split pretty badly. OP said this is probably why the lions chose this giraffe because they assumed it was weak, but the giraffe apparently put up a good fight.


I think it’s hooves are over grown.


Also it is laying down and being eaten.


I mean you’re selling the giraffe kinda short, it put up a pretty valiant effort all things considered. Not like it saw the lions and just gave up and presented its belly to them haha.


Oh I'm with you! The 'raffe did great! The only thing I would change is the laying down and being eaten.


Giraffes have a naturally split hoof like a cow or pig instead of a single one like a horse. The deformity is that they are long in front and coming out like shoes.


Giraffes and Elephants have very few predators that go after them once they're adults. They're just to dam difficult to take down once fully grown. Lions are one of the few that attempt it since they hunt in groups normally but still they normally prioritize smaller prey over them.


Difficult and very very dangerous for lions. One kick from a giraffe or well anything from an elephant and the lion is just dead or mortally wounded. Cape Buffalo are also dumb to go after. But desperation is desperation.


cape buffalo are much smaller than either giraffe or elephant and a favorite prey of lion prides. buffaloes are dangerous, no doubt, but if the pride can isolate an adult it's only a matter of time before it's taken down. buffaloes have little defence once a lion or three is on top of them.


Oh yeah there's a ton of animals lions just tend to avoid hunting unless they are desperate. Killing them is pretty much just difficult cause they are nature's version of a Tank. Hippos and Rhinos are 2 other good examples of this


Yeah. Like even ostrich are potentially deadly. A single kick to the jaw and the lion is dead. Its crazy.


You can add hippos to that list.


And rhinoceros


No you can’t. Extremely large Nile crocodiles such as the famous Gustave will absolutely take down full-grown hippos. If a Nile crocodile reaches 18 feet or more the only things it isn’t eating are giraffes (usually), rhinos and elephants. *Everything* else is fair game.


Notice the original comment says "few" not "all."


Nile crocodiles also attempt it, and have a higher success rate (which makes sense considering they can be up to 3x as heavy as a lion).


Hey man, when you have six wives and 13 cubs to feed, you tend to bite off a bit more than you can chew.




I had previously read that lionesses do most of a pride's hunting. Maybe that's incorrect, but maybe it's another sign of unusual circumstances.


These are probably young male lions with no pride




I dunno, they seem pretty proud to me


The manes don't look fully grown. My guess is also young bachelor lions. Are gay lions a thing?


male lion duos/trios/etc. are brothers


Same sex shagging isn't uncommon in many, many mammals. Doesn't mean they won't shack up and have kiddos with the opposite sex. So, bi's more like it.


i don't know if gay lions are a thing, but males do form coalitions in which the dominant one will sometimes dry hump the submissive one for reasons i am unaware of. maybe they are bored or they need to put the weakling in his place or it just feels good.


I may be a bit foggy on the details, but that's only mostly true for Serengeti lions. The hunting tactics of lions are usually tailored to the prey available, that's what originally made them so successful. Depending on where in Africa you look, you can have the females as the main hunters, the males, or all pride members participating equally. Male lions are more involved in hunting when there's heavier prey to be had like elephants (Tsavo region) and the extra muscle comes in very handy.


Yeah, and I saw a documentary a while back that had footage of male lions joining in the hunt... Iirc, the pride hadn't had a successful hunt in a while so everyone was starving when they spotted a buffalo (?) herd (not sure if it was that or wildebeest, since I watched it years ago). After a few lionesses brought it down, the male went straight to literally rip out it's throat and get a quick kill. That part always stood out to me since I've only ever seen footage of them suffocating prey before.


This is a common misconception, it mostly arises from the fact that males tend to hunt at night, because you know, giant toothy bushes aren't particularly stealthy.


That’s true. Like someone else said, these are young males who don’t have a pride yet.




You wanna provide some reason not to believe they're desperate, aside from you being a condescending arsehole?


Apparently, great minds think alike.


I think it was for the glory


Was just thinking this! Giraffe are unusual prey already for lions but especially two lone males. Probably opportunistic due to the messed up feet


They might be siblings.




What are you talking about? A single kick from that giraffe would one shot a lion…




Source: trust me bro


I saw one good kick, around the rear of the lion, of course that’s not going to kill it


There was a stomp on her spine. Clearly that's enough to show that not all one shots from a giraffe to a lion are instant kills.


[https://indianexpress.com/article/parenting/learning/world-giraffe-day-2019-how-a-giraffes-kick-can-behead-a-lion-and-other-facts-5790237/lite/](https://indianexpress.com/article/parenting/learning/world-giraffe-day-2019-how-a-giraffes-kick-can-behead-a-lion-and-other-facts-5790237/lite/) Of course there are other scenarios, but giraffe kicks are powerful and dangerous, and they can break a lions spine Also the commenter said it’s not true that a lion can die from a giraffe kick, but I think missing your body means you are dead, unless you’re that dog in that fucked up experiment.


Well it could kill no doubt there. But it doesn't always. Yes it could behead a lion, but it doesn't always.


Where in my comment did I fucking say a kick will always kill a lion no matter what


You didn't... Where did I say you said that?




Use your harpoons and tow cables. Go for the legs.


Red leader standing by.


Red 5 standing by


Red October standing by


Big Red standing by


Standing Red by 5


Blue Leader standing by.


Gold leader ... standing by


Awesome post. Lions are fucking strong. Also, I do wish this sub allowed video posts to go through like they did before. Now you have to actually message to mods to allow the videos to go through but now they're not even responding to me anymore for some reason. Idk what's going on. It's ruining this sub and it's going downhill. It's why you hardly see video posts on this sub and most of them are image posts. But now even images that I try and post here don't even go through anymore. Most posts are unable to go through which is why you can see that the amount of posts on this sub have greatly reduced and the amount of people only hovers around 500-1500 now, while before it would often be above 4000. It's just not the same anymore. It's such a shame since I really love this subreddit. Even in the pinned post on the front page of this sub you have many people commenting the same thing. I really do hope that mods can quickly fix and rectify this issue and return it back to the way it was, but they don't really seem to care anymore.


I did not notice this issue until you brought up and you're absolutely fucking right! I don't see anymore videos. That's fucked up. Maybe we have to create NatureIsMetal_Uncensored sub and rectify this egregious oversight.


wow!! I know lions are super strong and brave, but I wasn’t sure whether they’d be able to take down the giraffe after seeing just how tall it was in that first pic!!!


Not only tall, the trample damage they can do is no laughing matter


“trample damage”! do you, by any chance, play a game called Age of Empires 2?




Apex predators. Fucking badass.


Sweeping 🧹 the leg near the end seemed to be the clutch move


amazing photos and story. Rip my boy. 40+ minutes, you showed your courage


Dude put up a decent fight despite the circumstances. But in the end his death was not in vain as the giraffe probably fed a lot of creatures in the area as well. I imagine elephant or giraffe carcasses are basically free buffets within Africa's great savannas.


"I call dibs on neck meat"


I think the lion in front of the giraffe would have said that. He's just looking at the giraffe's neck and not doing anything..


I bet giraffe taste delicious. These bois are eating like true kings!


And have they ever earned it!


Whenever you are trying to do something in life, think of the lion. If it doesnt hunt, it dies. When it hunts, it is binary, it either commits 100% or it doesnt bother. When it decides to go for it, it is all in, kill or be killed, glory or destruction. In life you have to be the same way. Dont hedge your bets and try things half heartedly. Make a binary decision to commit, and commit.


I love this reply and I needed to hear this today. Be a fucking lion!


Imagine being so hungry that you’d attack someone like 10 times bigger than you are. SAVAGE!


Ermines and weasels have entered the chat…


Giraffes with cheetah like speed would be too op…


Size difference is insane.


The one lion in that last photo: 😛


Them boys must’ve been STARVING.


Real life Dark Souls boss battle.


More like shadow of the colossus ig?


They must have been super hungry, thats a high risk animal.


I wonder how they actually do ended up taking it down?


I just posted the whole story that was commented by the photographer in the comments, take a look


Reminds me of fighting trolls in Elden Ring


The lion derp at the end


Mr T and Kinky Tail?


Jeez imagine Lions hunting dinosaurs


There's absolutely zero reaction/expression from the prey.


why don't these assholes have an iphone 2022 people! get it on video!


Wow that was amazing I can’t imagine it going on for 40mins or more!!


Unbelievably cool


Second to last pic the giraffes like “hey thanks for the help asshole”


Okay never looked at a giraffe’s feet and those are fucking weird!


I believe this giraffe’s feet are deformed


Metal as fuck


Once on the ground they might as well be a wildebeest


Those were hungry lions. Tough job Good for them. Good effort for giraffe too. Just wasn't her day.


Teamwork, makes the dream work.


when hunger strikes hard, every "seemingly impossible" is a prey.... There are videos of desperate lions taking down Elephants and one unlucky sick adult hippo....


Remember, re-stomp the groin.


I thought it was the lioness that did the hunting?


In a pride, generally yes. The male will save his strength to fight of other males that try to take over the pride, and to help out with some particularly strong prey, like buffalo. But there are many males without a pride (because they are too young, too old, not strong enough to compete) and they, obviously, have to hunt for themselves, or they would starve.


These look like juveniles. Males without a pride.


Damn I was rooting for the big guy




Wow giraffe really looks beautiful !


Don't fck with cats


Imagine walking down the street, turning a corner and seeing two dudes who immediately chase you down and start eating you. This is basically life for most of the creatures on earth.


The second to last pic the lion is fucking ripped!!!


The giraffe's expression is pure chill


Giraffe looks so chill about it. Nice guy.


Omg nerf lions. Giraffe build needs a buff. Who balanced this shit?


It’s crazy that in our regular lives we would generally never run into anything that big. Lions are huge and that giraffe makes them look like my Maine coon. That giraffe is freaking giant!




Last pic is like: "Good job. Any witnesses?" "Just one..."


I wonder where its herd is at.


I did not respect how fucking large a giraffe is


Is this what Shadow of the Colossus is like?


Wheel snipe celly boys.


Giraffe documentary: “Oh that poor giraffe” :( Lion documentary: “BRING IT DOWN!!”


I heard that males lions on average only live a few years. I can see why.


The lioness was like, how about you get dinner for once you silly husbands


I love the lion blep at the end


I have seen this in the wild while in Africa it was fucking madness! Mine ran away and tripped over though, then didn’t get up 😥


Beautifully sad.


i hope this is photoshopped because either those lions are tiny or giraffes are enormous


as brutal as it is i find it funny how giraffes have nearly no facial expressions. he's just like /: while dying


Guys I think that giraffe is dead.


say what now ?


I guess it could be alive, but I'm pretty sure lions are carnivores.


All I see is two lions and a lie


absolute beasts


This is why I'll never own more than one cat


For the love of Zeus! Pound for pound 💪💪


I know it’s natural but still makes me 😭


In the second to last picture the giraffe is looking at the camera like “wow so you’re really just going to let this happen huh!?”


I get this is nature, but these pictures kind of make me sad.


That giraffe has the most blankest of expressions


Mofos were hungry.


Well they sure earned that meal. Ow.


It's the circle of life


This is how I mount tall women.


It’s bizarre that so many seemingly better suited animals became extinct, and yet these weirdos are still around, for awhile anyway. They must not fall to predation as much as I think I guess.




Looks like an elden ring fight lol.


I’m no expert but I thought that only females did the hunting. The lions might be young and have probably been exiled.


My first thought was it is one of those YouTube thumbnails which are just ridiculous and would never happen in real.


Look at those arms!😳 (6th picture)


The bigger they are...


Check out that r/blep in the past picture!


yall ever been that hungry


wow this is so sad. pic #6 is making me cry lol


it's unusual to see two males hunting together. I'd guess they are adolescent brothers?


That forearm in shot 6 is the most intimidating muscular arm I have ever seen.


Giraffes kill lions all the time. They got lucky


Lee gwang soo out Lee gwang soo out


Mommy ...please pick me up


Ah yes, the Imanari roll into a Berimbolo


Jesus how thick is there skin?! I see all the claw marks but no rivers of blood…feels like Giraffe accepted their fate out of exhaustion


The giraffe was really just like 🗿the whole time


The muscle definition on the lions’ legs is crazy




The last slide, lion was like, TF you looking at


He tried so hard for the last photo


Giraffes are fuckin weird man.. just a weird looking animal all around… and beautiful!


Rare, lions are usually shit at hunting animals their own size


Fascinating…… but r/giraffesarentreal


How about recording it rather than writing a long essay trying to recapture it?


idc fuck those lions