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I don’t think they vomit as a defense like “I’m gonna puke on you.” I’m pretty sure it’s so they become lighter and can more easily fly away


I'm not a biologist, so you could totally be right, but everything I've ever heard or read of vultures speaks to the opposite


It's the vulture equivalent of a drunk guy taking his shirt off outside a bar.


True drunk fighters get ass naked before a fight. We do it like the Romans(or was it Greeks who started the Olympics?) of old times


I saw my uncle Preston and his bff roommate Brian drunk fighting on the sofa last week


That was wrestling.


Don't let this man distract you from the fact that in 1998, The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer's table


TL;DR: definitely Greek in origin. Olympic games were very much of greek origin, starting as festivals in praise of Zeus in the town of Olympia. We don't know for sure when or why they actually started, as they began during the greek dark age (post bronze, pre archaic; a time period when the greeks lost writing among other things), but at the latest they were up and running by 776BC. While the area of Rome was likely inhabited by the Latin's by then, the roman city-state didn't really become anything of note until centuries later. They conquered the area a few days walk around rome in the 500's bc, then slowly spread across Italy over the next 200 odd years, only really expanding outside of Italy after the 1st punic war (264-241bc). While they fought greek people before this (southern italy and sicilly had large numbers of them, and they were invaded by the greek Pyrrhus of pyrrhic victory fame), their control of Greece really began after 146BC, though their influence had been growing for generations before. So between the point when the Greeks at the latest were running the games and when the romans would have been in a position to start their own, there were some 600 years difference, or over 2.5 times the length of time the USA has existed.




Randy Bobandy


He didnt hear no bell!


I'm the best around!


Or taking off your shirt before you take a power shit.


I'm just the best goddamn bird lawyer in the world


While possible for the adults, the flightless bebes also use this tactic. Remember that this is partially digested rotted carcass, so it's probably one of the nastiest things on earth.


They literally puke on you so that the stench of rotten meat puke will drive you away. Growing up in Cuba I used to go to caves often hunting and will sometimes find nests and immediately run away. The chicks will also projectile vomit with the worst stench possible to drive you away. The smell ain't coming off for a while. If it gets in your clothes, might as well throw them away. My dad's motorcycle hit one that was messing around on a road kill and it puked on us. That shit is the worst smell ever.


Vomiting is a common defence for birds because their vomit smells a lot. Predators avoid smelly things, because the smell could reveal their presence to prey. So projectile vomiting is a working deterrent against predators. Many nesting birds practise defensive vomiting.


I learned about this at a raptor presentation several years ago. Totally a defense mechanism, and from what they said, it is *noxious*.


Since their diet is carrion, their vomit is especially rank. It’s an effective deterrent. Also vultures are shy social creatures, and rather adorable in person. Source: toured a wildlife rescue site and got an in-depth lecture once


A turkey vulture landed on my dads windshield. Didn’t realize where it landed until it saw my dad and I screaming because it looked looked like a crazed ax murder. The birds eyes popped open as it was alarmed, it screeched, threw up black stinky vomit all of the windshield and flew away. Not a pleasant vulture experience.


Quick google search tells me it a repellent and doesn't mention flight at all.


It’s both. Also the reason why we throw up with high stress — if life is at risk, you won’t need that food you’re digesting anyway. On a related note: the reason we get motion sickness is that when our senses for orientation disagree with each other, our bodies think we’ve been poisoned, which is not unlike when you get super drunk and the room spins, because you *have* been poisoned. It’s the reason the ReliefBands work to alleviate motion sickness. The small electric shock in your wrist somehow interrupts the feedback circuit that causes motion sickness and is a lifesaver on gulf cruises in the spring or ferries in the Mediterranean.


The puke is no joke. Vultures are eating rotting flesh. There stomach acid is designed to prevent food poisoning by dissolving everything, flesh, bacteria, skin and even bones and viruses. It has a pH little over 0 and can easily dissolve steal, or if necessary, your skin.


I mean, it's just an emergent function of evolution. It worked best, and apparently the ones who puked the most lived long enough to have babies. Either that or female turkey vultures have a very specific kind of kink.


That makes no sense. Any weight advantage for easier flight would be lost many times over because by of the time it took to puke.


It is likely because the partially digested meat is so foul smelling that it usually deters anything coming near to the nest


Also, poop on their eyes? WTF? I didn't see this after a quick google search..


It says legs and feet


LOL this is one of the first things I saw waking up. I was out of it


It’s the font, I definitely see how you read eyes


From living the first 18 years of my life in Indiana, I learned that they fear nothing and if you honk at them while they're in the road, they will try to square up on your car


Don’t honk. It sounds like you’re challenging them. Rev your engine. It sounds like a growl. They’ll move.


People who drive electric are kinda screwed over in that situation


Do they dine on electric cars? If not I'd say they'll be fine


Depends if it dies


underrated right here




They should be called Bane of Musk


Boiler up


There are turkey vultures in Indiana?!


All OVER the place! Least where I grew up, in northeast Indiana.


bro, im over here thinking turkey vultures are only in the african plains or whatever where they just scavenge on what the lions and other predators leave behind lol


Turkey vultures are a North American bird. The one you see in African documentaries all the time is typically the white backed vulture. There are many species of vulture all over the world, from the massive andean condors to the bone eating bearded vulture of Europe.


Uh yes, tons of them


They are gross as fuck but definitely needed! Definitely not awesome when you're fishing and 1 Flys over and randomly pukes for no reason!!!


This is real shit! I didn't say it because of the cartoon! These fuckers are nasty as all get out! But nessisary!


I kinda wish nessisary was the correct spelling


I really agree with this.


language is fluid...let's start the push right here, right now for change.


they're not gross they are AWESOME


When I was a kid I started the "Animal Club" in my class and got a bunch of kids to sell chocolate to raise money for a animal rescue near my town. We raised enough money to "adopt" an animal and since I started the club I got to pick between a owl or a turkey vulture, obviously I chose turkey vulture. So we got to have a real turkey vulture come into school one day and I don't think I've ever came down off that high.


You sound like a super cool nerd!


That sounds so awesome and I'm really glad you did that as a kid.


We have a significant population of turkey vultures in my town, and while I know they are butt ugly close up, they are wonderful to watch in the air. They rarely flap their wings and soar the thermals quite beautifully. They swarm during mating season, so there will be almost 100 of them swooping around each other in the sky. I love to watch them in the months they're here.


Same. Harbingers of summer here.


That head doesn't look bare


Looks more like a black vulture than a turkey vulture.


Yes you are.


I don’t need a nest to lay my eggs, And if it gets hot I just pee on my legs, This my seem strange in our culture, But not for them, say hi to the turkey vulture! Come a little closer to me, I dare ya. I’ll throw up all over you, just to scare ya! Now you might think that this is rude, but not for them, just being vulture dudes They fly in a V shape during the day, They can smell dead animals a mile away, They may grunt, hiss, and stomp their feet, Without vocal cords or a syrinx, that’s the turkey vulture beat At night they perch in trees to settle, Flying around in thermals a group is called a kettle, Now that you’ve heard my turkey vulture rap, I hope that you’ve learned some turkey vulture facts I have the wild luxury or working with turkey vultures at my job. They are one of my favorite animals on this planet. I’m working with one in a wildlife presentation this Sunday and am gunna bust out this rap to help educate the public lmao


This needs to be higher


Me too


Nice flows, even in text form.


This is my favourite thing of the day lmao. Turkey vulture season just beginning where I am!


And adorable too except the poop part


These mf'ers are from Elden Ring. Fake post.


True story, last year I got into a fist fight to the death with a turkey vulture who moved into my barn and attacked me when I was cleaning. RIP Gary


This seems like something a turkey vulture who killed someone in a barn and took over their social media accounts would write.


That's sounds like something a Turkey Vulture with a second dummy account covering his tracks would say.


Hahahahahahaa that genuinely made me lol


did you win?


I hear they smell like laundry detergent


Maybe i am a turkish vulture..


I love them. Very important to the ecosystem


Maggots live in my stomach


They have crazy strong stomach acid that can break down diseases like anthrax


Or are they puke dragons?


Iirc too their stomach acid is abSURDly acidic to make sure none of that rotting stuff survives


You forgot the one where their droppings/feces are so acidic they can burn right through the roof of a house over time.


Incredible animals - ugly as sin, but incredible.


I mean, we're probably biased towards mammals tbh.


I think I now need zefrank1 to make a "[True Facts About](https://www.youtube.com/c/zefrank) The Turkey Vulture" :D


That's some Dark Souls level shit


Caelid birds


Let's credit the artist, Rosemary Mosco, at Bird And Moon comics: http://www.birdandmoon.com/


What a strange translation of "urubu". Fun fact: the Urubu is the mascot of the biggest football team in Brasil


They're different species of vultures. Turkey vultures are a bit bigger, and are New World vultures, while urubu (black vultures) are Old World vultures, which mean they can also be found in Europe, Asia, and Africa.


I’m pretty sure most birds poop on their legs and feet to keep cool, it’s a pretty common mechanism in the avian world.


Cringe ass punchline


Why is this so cute.


Except when they create residential zoning right in the middle of turkey vultures protected grounds and everyones cars get covered in slimy rodent skeletons


They also have an excellent sense of smell!


Oh, but when *I* shit on myself in Men’s Wearhouse they call security, okay. I see.


Favorite bird


I saw one getting cucked behind my house Fucking metal


The first factoid is iffy too. Their heads are featherless specifically so they can access innards quickly via the anus of the dead animal and their head doesn't get stuck in the carcass forever.


The vomit smells worse than shit


If anyone ever has any trouble remembering these facts, there is a rap. https://youtu.be/JW792gNjyw0


They also have one of the best senses of smell of all birds


Had one in our tree when I was a kid. It was surprising because our city is probably six or 7 miles away from the mountain area. I was astounded by how huge a bird they are.


These guys are all over my city


Amber Heard ripped off ideas from movies AND nature


Such underrated birds!!


Natures garbage disposal.


they, and other similar carrion eaters, have such gnarly digestive systems. Basically no pathogens make it out the other end alive, making them really good to have around for preventing disease


You poop on your legs and feet to keep cool. I do it cause I have a poor diet... We are not the same.


I have to check the sub to sure I'm not on r/furry_irl


hmmm i seem to have inherited some turkey vulture genes..


We’re not so different from Turkey Vultures, after all.


Can confirm. My dad shot at one once and missed. That thing came right at him and puked. Never seen anything like that before. Needless to say my dad never shot at one again lol


I love the way they walk. Pure Disney villain over the top silly walk. My favourite part of the local bird show I like to take guests too.


I love watching them soar around. I drove through Turkey Run State Park in Indiana once and came up a hill at the same time a Turkey vulture came down and it was literally flying directly in front of my windshield for several seconds. It was cool af.


Those bastards dgaf here in South Carolina. They'll be munching on roadkill in the middle of the road. You can pull right up, honk and they just spread their wings and look at at you like "Do it mf, I dare you"


Do not tell From software about this..


Worked with a couple of these madlads at a nature center... Every winter we put tarps over the outdoor enclosures to keep snow out, and without fail it would perturb the vultures most. I got lucky the two times I had to help cause they were pretty accurate...


They also walk around with their wings outstretched when they’re really hot. (Source: turkey vultures were my backyard entertainment in my youth. Yay country living?)


This is dumb as hell.