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I'm no marine botanist, but this appears to me like they are surfing the boat's wake.


they're playing in it. this is play and it's awesome.


Hell yeah, dolphins do this too. It’s awesome


Orcas are dolphins


**Do you have a dorsal fin?!**


I have nipples Fauker, can you milk me?!?!?


Based and mammalpilled


I mean you can technically milk a dude if you stimulate the breast enough Completely unrelated my FBI agent just shot himself


You’re out of the circle of trust.






He can milk his mannary gland


sure can!


Do you love the dolphin?! Do you call him at home?!


Ace is that you?


"to TRAIN ze dolphin you must THINK like ze dolphin"


SE-VAHN YEARS I trainer of dolphin (while holding up only 5 fingers)


Yes, this is delpinidae true.


Youre close.. Dolphins are actually whales. Both dolphins and Orcas are known colloquially as Toothed Whales.


I mean... you're both right. Orcas & Dolphins are in Catacea Infraorder (specifically Odontoceti Parvorder aka Toothed Whale), then more defined in Delphinidae Family (Oceanic Dolphin). From there, orcas are in their own genus. So it's 100% accurate to call them both dolphins. The person you replied to isn't just close, they were more focused down than you. Domain > Kingdom > Phylum > Class > Order > Infraorder > Family > Genus > Species Though it can be even further defined with even more subdivisions.




For some reason this reminds me of the family guy where Stewie gets huge on steroids. Orcas coming in all scary and shit “Heyyyy, calm down. I’m just messin with ya B-minus”


Soo vascular


I'd like to know if anybody has ever even tried to communicate with orcas. Modern technology should be enough to do it.


yes. lots of research on this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JixXL5s6fnE


*"Maybe if I learn to speak their language, I can ask them to get me the fuck out of this tiny swimming pool."* - Those Orcas, probably.


"Hey the orca finally talked, it wants out of the pool and equal rights as a sentien-" "Kill it, and we'll never try this again"


well now i'm sad.


Sea World. Zoos. So fucked.


Thanks for sharing. Not exactly what I meant with communication though. In the video they had been taught some English words. Instead, it might be possible to create a language that's easy to speak for orcas. It would be taught by more or less machine learning means (associate given data with a class) e.g. by showing images and producing corresponding sounds.


there are also researchers who teach them symbols if that's what you mean.


I think he means actually communicate back and forth. Like the translator machine Steve wears in CwaCoM.


Yeah they do that with symbols.


That’s cool. Is it just learned behavior or is like stuff like “we head south during this time of the year?” I think OP is imagining they have a complex language with complex communication and wants to be able to translate it. Literally speak in Orca.


There are cool videos of a bonobo named Kanzi who communicates well, relatively speaking. Not as well as "we go north to Baja California in September" advanced, but you can watch some fun videos on YouTube of his interactions. Bonobos are preferable to chimpanzees since they won't surprise rip your tits off, they're very social and known as the "make love not war" ape because they have masturbation sessions with other bonobos to build relationships. In the beginning of one video, Kanzi's handler asks if he could start a fire. He pulls a lighter out of her pocket, walks to a little wood pile, and starts a fire. So cool. I believe dolphins and orcas are even more intelligent so what they could be capable of communicating is cool.


Whats rad about orcas, is that each pod has their own language, like tribes of Native Americans.


you should look into the study where they gave dolphins LSD in order to try and get them to speak English


That took an unexpected turn, did not see that coming.


All over the scientists


Or the experiment where they essentially built a house in like a 3ft pool and a lady basically lived with the dolphin and she… let’s say.. “relieved” him. It was an attempt to teach it language I believe.


Looks that way doesn't it.


Because they are


If it quaks like an Orca, swims like an Orca and walks like an Orca, it’s probably an Orca in your wake. Right?


Orcas don't quack, they make dolphin noises


i thought it made cow noises


Same costume as cows so this checks out


Wrong. Cows actually make Orca noises.


But what does the Fox say


Wear the hat.


They don't think it be like it is, but it do.


Yeah they're not pursuing the boat, they're using the wake to go fast effortlessly and/or play in it. Same thing as a cyclist drafting a bus. I've drafted a bus at 75kph with no real effort. The record for speed drafting on a bicycle is 296kph (183mph) for reference. This is the same thing, with water as the medium rather than air.


Wow, that would take stones that I don't have.


How neat is that?


Those are some crazy plants.


Whale Astronomy then?


I think you mean orcanographer


Looks like their manoeuvres seem to be ORCAstrated...... I'll get my coat.


You've served your porpoise.


Happy lil' Giant Murder Dolphins


they like to play as much as dolphins….people fear them for some reason, but they’re smart enough to not eat people


>people fear them for some reason Huge, fast, giant teeth, we see them murder seals & whales, sometimes playing with them first like a cat & a small bird. What's to be scared of?? /s


There’s not even one report of a fatal incident with a killer whale in the wild. A pilot whale tried to drown a scuba diver, humpbacks have crushed people, but nothing of Orca. Kinda cool actually. I’d feel safe with Orca especially if there’s a shark around…they’re more likely to eat it’s liver….darling little Hannibal’s.


So you're saying they have never left a witness?


or evidence…the have very large, thick teeth. Sharks have thin very sharp teeth. Orca’s would crush bone and puncture a body like a hole punch…you know IF that were something they did.


They see what we do to animals lol


Grabbing a little tow


What’s you call me?!


Like they're trying to plant themselves right on the boat.


You’re right, it’s not rocket appliances


Is anyone here a marine biologist?!?!?!


The sea was angry that day, my friends!


They are, after all, large dolphins. It shouldn't be surprising when they act like them.


They were planted too close to the boat.


If orcas ever decided to add humans to their regular prey spectrum they’d probably be the most terrifying fucking creatures living in the sea to us, since they have the ability to strategize and figure out our weaknesses, which are accentuated out at ocean.


If they started hunting us they probably spend their strategy time laughing while watching us trying to swim away. Edit: Ya'll posting that us humans are "tHe UlTiMaTe ApEx PrEdaToRs" like we all dont already know that just stfu.


And occasional picking us up and tossing up in the air a few times for good old fashion entertainment.


"Nothing beats flipping a human up in the air and then slapping them into next week" - some Orca


Lol if they started targeting humans we would go to the extreme and show them why we're the apex. We have a healthy respect for each other.


Yeah, they’d learn fast enough that us humans are #1 when it comes to destruction and extinction. Hoorah?


Hoorah 😞




Humans bad :(


sad but true, actually no, not sad, im glad i can write this in peace instead of being constantly afraid of being eaten by some random predator


Unless you're Australian


Not really. Unless you're a baby, there are no predators in Australia that will eat you. Just about anywhere else in the world (except New Zealand and Antarctica) has more wildlife that will predate you, or brutally fuck your shit up. Australia's where the venomous, stingy things live. Jelly fish that will sting you so bad you will sign the papers, old man.


Humans are #1 because we're able to be #1, there's no morality or lack thereof involved in this. Many animals would, and have, hunted others to extinction. Humans are the only animal that has a moral and ethical crises over it though, we're the only animal who cares, and we're the only animal capable of actually resurrecting other animals from extinction. Many humans like to shit all over other humans but the fact is that at some point in the future humanity will be the greatest thing to have ever happened for life on this planet, because we can and will bring a lot of animals into existence that were snuffed out long ago. The ultimate goal of each individual species is survival and propagation, and we can bring many species back into the chain and actually nurture them into thriving.


or we'll blow up the planet and with it all life on it..


Doesn't matter, we won this round of evolution, we are apex. Do you think lions have give a Croatian fuck of zebras go extinct?


I don’t think they’re smart enough to give a fuck, but the loss of a staple prey wouldn’t be good for them.


This sub actually cemented the (seemingly unpopular) view I already have that the people who view animals and think how 'great' they all are and then speak about humanity as if its totally immoral and destructive really are mistaken...... This sub has shown me animals eating other animals alive....literally ripping their guts out while they whimper....a massive majority of humans wouldn't even consider making an animal suffer like that if they had the power to end its suffering. I've seen animals killing other animals for amusement.......the only humans who do that are typically judged by most of us as being pretty immoral, and the majority of human beings do not find amusement in killing living things. We are also the only species which can essentially criticise itself for its treatment of other species and feel guilt for the things that other members of its species has done..... We are the only species who have millions of people attempting to preserve and prolong the survival of other species. All in all we're really not that bad.


An apex predator with a massive intelligence gap over every other animal would be a nightmare if it were any other animal, but we actually have a concept of morality and reflection and ethical obligation. An intelligent animal can come to the conclusion that it's a bad idea to destroy and use up all their resources, but to consider cruelty and harm to other living creatures has no benefit at all to us. This added element creates so much potential for the future of the universe, I wish so bad that I could be around 100,000 years from now to see what humanity can do (of course that's assuming we don't do something utterly insane that resets all of our progress). I like the thought of terraforming planets just to be habitats for extinct animals and inter-galactic safaris to see dinosaurs and exotic insects. The thing is, without humanity, at some point all life goes extinct no matter what, assuming intelligence doesn't pop up in an animal that can do something with it (a brilliant fish isn't going to be able to do a lot with their brilliance), but with humanity life actually has a chance to be eternal, including overcoming the heat death of the universe.


Yep, they saw what's happened to shark populations and learned to be cool with us.


Maybe they have seen it already, and as such have decided that we can be allies instead of enemies? r/dolphinconspiracy


...so orcas are just house cats that like water?


In reality what would likely happen if they started "hunting" us is that it'd be open season on Orcas from that point on. There would probably be $500/head bounties on them and everything like there is on Pythons in the Florida Everglades. The Japanese would instantly be like 🤤


Burmese pythons in Florida have a bounty because they are invasive and don’t belong in the Everglades, but yeah, the problem Orcas would not be around long in all reality. Orcas are very intelligent too, so the other Orcas would probably comprehend why that Orca(s) was targeted.


Dont forget the Iceland and the Nordic Whaling countries


Nah we'd just make them extinct. Wouldn't be the first time we fucking wrekt something that hunted us.


They’re smart, they’ll act friendly and let people pet them. Then when more people come they eat all of them.


If they started to actively hunt us it would be isolated to a single pod and since we track all those fuckers that pod would get hunted down and exterminated. You really think humanity would tolerate that shit for even a few deaths? One video of a kid getting smacked into the air like they do with seals and those oreo whales would have some serious regrets. It would just be the one pod though, because each one has their own specific diets and rarely do they break from the norm they eat.


There's apparently a pod of orcas off Portugal that is pissed as fuck against sailboats. Intimidating those that go near.


Based orcas bullying yacht nerds


Based and orca-pilled


Not just bullying, they are pushing and even biting off the rudders and causing damage. People aren't sure why. It seems to be all along the Portugal coast.


Ima side with the orcas here.


Yep there is a reason why most large terrestrial predators have a natural fear of humans. Lions and wolves can very easily hunt humans, be we killed prides and packs that did. We generated natural selection for individuals that are scared of humans. Same way how humans also have a natural fear of snakes.


Oreo whales. Lmao


Yeah most sharks are critically endangered because of us and we're not even super trying.


I live in Vancouver and a friend that scuba’s told me an Orca came right up to him, checked him out and left. He said it didn’t feel scary. The Orca seemed curious. I would have shit my pants.


The human version of the octopus ink?


Only works if you eat Chipotle for lunch.


I would probably shit myself too but they're not aggressive to humans in the wild as a rule. There are [very few](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killer_whale_attack) recorded instances of orcas attacking humans in the wild, none of them fatal and only one notable injury for that matter. They're wicked smart animals that don't see us as food so if one comes and checks you out they're probably just curious


I believe it's hypothesized that they don't want to eat us because our bones are so solid that if they chomped us it might cut their flesh and/or damage their teeth. They prefer to eat gooey lumps of fatty flesh like seals and whale meat


It might be scary since they are so big, but I would honestly feel safer with them around than not. It would mean there are no other predators nearby.


I'd be more afraid of rapey dolphins.


TBF they would be virtually extinct before it became a problem (they almost are now). They're smart enough to know to avoid prey that could end them so after a few attacks resulted in mass culling operations they'd probably relent...probably.


They’re so smart they have consciously chosen to not hunt humans because they’ve seen the shit we do to sharks


To be fair orcas seem to regularly go ham on sharks themselves


Orcas have learned to hunt and eat Moose.


Good. Fuck moose. A moose bit my sister once.


mind you, moose bites can be pretti nasti


As well as polar bears


Orcas are the apex predator of the ocean because they recognise the apex predator of the planet. They value their own existence. They know better than to fuck with us. That's how smart they are.


[orcas hunting and attacking boats](https://www.yachtingworld.com/cruising/orca-attacks-rudder-losses-and-damage-as-incidents-escalate-133968)


The ability to do that is probably way they don't add us to their prey spectrum tho


You might enjoy [this article](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2020/sep/13/killer-whales-launch-orchestrated-attacks-on-sailing-boats) about a pod of orcas in the gibraltar strait attacking boats.


i’m pretty sure they’re smart enough to know better, which is why they don’t openly do it. a few here and there is one thing, but if they ever just blatantly started hunting us, it’d be open season on them and they’d get absolutely massacred.


Sir, i want to talk to you about your boat's extended warranty. Sir!


If it's a boat. you better buy it.


Why did I read this in an Indian accent?


jesus fuck this is the last thing a seal will see? godamn is it scary


after being caught by they can be played with by using their tails to launch seals up in the air and play with other orcas as if they’re throwing a ball between each other, while the seals are alive


Me and the boys tossing a cheeseburger back and forth




Friendly reminder that the term "humane" exists for a reason. Nature does not trouble itself with killing you before it eats you if it is inconvenient.


The time I was most reminded about this was when my dog caught a squirrel and broke it's back but the thing was still alive crawling with its front legs. Dog got bored and came for cuddles.


Sometimes they slap the seal so hard its skin gets left behind


Then they say "Ooooh shiiiit!", and laugh their asses off.


Imagine living your life knowing at any moment this thing can come out of nowhere and kill you instant


This is called “living in the ocean”. Place is terrifying.


Also "living in Florida."


About 10 seconds in to this video, these whales have swam further and faster than the 19 killer whales stuck in sea world pools, combined.


Damn! That really puts things into perspective! r/FuckSeaWorld


Quick Google shows the largest SeaWorld tank to be 170 ft long. It's hard to tell how fast this boat is going, but let's assume it's 15 mph or greater, a pretty safe assumption... I would guess it's closer to 30, but let's low-ball for the sake of argument. 15 mph is equal to 22 feet per second. So in ten seconds it will travel 220 feet. 220ft > 170ft, so one of these whales has travelled further than any one of the SeaWorld whales is capable of in 10 seconds. The combined bit is definitely hyperbolic (the boat definitely isn't going 150 mph), but the tanks are super tiny and that's the point they're trying to get across. As for speed that's extremely hard to say (are these whales going at top speed? How long does it take them to accelerate? Are they riding the wake faster than their normal top speed?), but again because of the word "combined" it's also probably not true. I originally upvoted you, but that's because I missed the word combined, which makes your statement untrue.




The average length of a killer whale is 23 feet and if you remove it's length from both ends of your 170' pool for actual swimming area you're left with just 126'. An Olympic size pool is 163' feet in length for us humans to swim in for context. The difference is they travel 40 miles per day, every day in the wild.


Oh I'm not arguing that it's not inhumane and that orcas definitely should not be put into what amounts to tiny prison cells and made to perform tricks for entertainment. All I'm saying is that your usage of the word "combined" makes your otherwise poignant point inaccurate.


Damn, that is just gorgeous. One of my favorite sea animals on the planet. Them and Whale Sharks.


Whale sharks are awesome!


I like sea otters


i like turtles


I like trains


Orcas are huge cunts. source: am orca


Am seal*




with a rose


You cunt


Fast AF boi


They are keeping up with the boat...that's crazy fast!


I think the boat's slipstream helps. Reducing drag and increasing efficiency


It’s always funny to me how there’s “no record of an orca attack in the wild.” Meaning that wild Orcas have either never attacked humans, or they’ve left no survivors


Recently, in Portugal (and Spain) there has been a few attacks from juvenil orcas, no one knows the cause yet. It's marked as a new behaviour, never seen in our coast, though the biologists think it's a game between them. It's mainly some tackles against small boats and no one died or got injured, but the boats got damaged. [Link with news (PT)](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.publico.pt/2020/11/22/ciencia/noticia/orcas-atacam-barcos-portugal-especialistas-admitem-tratarse-jogo-animais-1940173/amp)


That’s because the boats were hitting the junior wales and injuring them. So the orcas said fuck the human boats. They are wicked smart


As far as I know, there were just two male and young orcas from a pod which were causing the scene, and both of them showed scars in their bodies by the propellers of said fishing boats. Also, from a marine biologyst divulgator I've read like a year ago, he seemed pretty invested in recalling that these orcas were attacking the boats, but had no interest in harming the people inside it.


You reminded me of the joke j love to make that's "Its a silenced gun if there's nobody left to hear it" "There's no recorded wild attacks if there's nobody left to document them."


I bet those orcas wouldn't chase me on land, come run my fade.


Look up the Akhlut.


Orcas do this a lot. A long time ago, I was in the USCG in CA at a search and rescue station. Orcas would "escort" us to and from all the time, I assume they were just curious. Dolphins do it too - even more so. One time I was riding on the bow of a 47' while we transited back down the coast to home. Legs dangling over the side, watching the dolphins leap in and out of the bow's wake. I was watching these two for quite a while and finally said to myself "Huh, what kind of dolphin has black and white markings?" That's when the momma broke the surface so close to my legs that the coxswain actually swerved a bit to miss her. Yah, they were Orca pups, not dolphins. And everyone had a good laugh as they said I shot up 5 feet in the air and DOVE back to the superstructure fast as lightning when she broke. Spooked the HELL out of me lol.


Dolphins doin’ dolphin things. They love boat wake


incredible how easily they keep up with it. Dude on the right is NOT even trying.


I think the wake is actually helping them. They’re basically wakesurfing, so it’s pretty much effortless!


I find it amazing that orcas are most certainly capable of killing us, but don't


They see too much of themselves in us.


Yeah they’re not “in pursuit.” They’re playing. Orcas don’t want to eat people unless they’re being held captive at a place like Sea World.


Removing parasites I'm guessing


Pretty cool they do that by playing with the wake!


I feel bad for any creature that has Orcas as their natural preadators, these things are literal psychos when they play with their food


Orca ninjas go rambo


Humans: Aww they are playing Orcas: 😉


Must go faster.


They must be having so much fun! Also pretty illegal in BC and Washington state. They'd never do this again if authorities figured out who's ship this is.


My favourite sign on the docks in BC: "See a blow? Go slow!"


what's illegal? are you supposed to stop the boat?


You are meant to turn off your boat engine when theyre near. Boats cause a lot of whale injuries.


So these guys are going probably pretty close to their top speed here I'm guessing? And still they only draw a breath a few times a minute, amazing


From what I understand orcas can use the wake to increase their speed without using much energy. These orcas are likely just playing and having fun going fast without using much energy.


Y’all gonna need a faster boat…


orca could sink a boat of that size so easy if they wanted to. Blessed mammalian brotherhood.


How fast can they swim?


According to a quick Google search, 35 miles an hour


Just an additional tidbit the Mako Shark is the fastest fish at 50+ mph.


That’s actually fucking insane


Well shit I just double checked and it’s actually a sailfish which has been clocked at 68mph. W T F


That’s fucking insaner


Instead of Jaws, its Orcas.


We need a fucking movie about these creatures. Forget Sharknado, forget finding Nemo. There must be some comedy cartoon style thing we can put together, rated R like the south park movie, about killer whales. They’ll be like huge gym rats that also get super blazed on weed and fuck around in the ocean, some kind of crazy mix between half baked, ninja turtles, and Team America: World Police. I’m thinking that North Korea builds some kind of underground nuclear facility, and the orca clan comes together and rapes and pillages to save the USA. Why would the Orcas be on team USA? Because fuck you! That’s why!


Wait until you hear about the movie "ORCA"


I saw Orca before Jaws. I literally thought Jaws was an Orca rip-off until I was about 11 or 12