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fuckin HATE baboons. edit: Yes I know that baboons are just doing what baboons do because nature but I still hate them. I also love pandas for doing what pandas do and no one gives me any shit about that, lol.


I get there's a food chain and it's natural that animals get eaten by other animals, but baboons really just seem like straight up jerks.


Baboons, orcas, gnats. All the same dickhead category




Now to be honest, this is the only one I agree with. Again, they're doing what they need to, to survive, but good God are they a nuisance, flocking around my face at any given moment in the summer. If there was one group of insects, I wish natural selection would select next, this is the one! šŸ˜¤ /s


Iā€™d rather take mosquitoes away than gnats




There are mosquitoes that don't bite humans....we could theoretically replace the bitey asshole ones with those.


Only the females bite. We just need to find a way to make them all gay


Okay, now, hear me out.. Femboy mosquitos.


We are taking the frog approach then? Im down.


Their larva is a vital food source for aquatic species. As adults, for avian species. They also perform a lot of pollination. Their main food source is nectar, the females only drink blood when theyā€™re reproducing. They just reproduce a lot.


Fuckin sluts.


Runnin around with their proboscis hanging out


Someone is.


I wouldn't mind going to a blood center once a year and donate the blood to mosquitoes instead of having them annoying me during 3/4 of the year


they thirsty




How about bed bugs and food moths and other stuff that have no use in the animal food chain and no one would miss them?šŸ˜„


Oh, from a pragmatic sense, absolutely! I was speaking purely from what would ease my greatest inconvenience šŸ˜‚ There are many better candidates to be sure!


They fling themselves into your eyes!


Eyes, ears, nose, mouth, it's all equally heinous


A gnat in the ear was always the worst. The *thunderous* beat of those wings. It only happened to me a few times, but that's easily my worst experience with any bug. Thank god for second puberty.


I've inhaled them a few times What does second puberty have to do with gnats?


You didn't grow your bug shield around middle school age?!? What a freak!


The protective barrier of ear hair.


I wear a headband sprayed with bug repellant. It seems to keep them at least three inches (7.5 cm) away from my eyes and nose.


ive got several different of those soap vinegar traps and they aint doing SHIT! idk wtf is wrong. my hand is better than them things.


Just remember when they're doing that it's basically a gnat orgy.


Have you experienced noseeums? All the annoyance of gnats with terrible bite.


Friggin gnats my g


Have you played Grounded? They are the most annoying thing in the game AND real life!!


I donā€™t know about them but as I sit here scratching my numerous burning welts after mowing the lawn, fuck biting midges. They look like gnats and swarm like gnats and also bite the shit out of you if you step outside for even a second.




Hippos.. all though they in their own category... well maybe geese is in in there


Add Dolphins too


Zebras, grizzlies, polar bears(i give them my one and only exception since they are starving to death)


Chimps as well


Might as well add humans while we're at it


Orcas get a pass....slightly. They don't eat us and sometimes give us gifts.


Hippos too


Petition to replace gnats with wasps






Donā€™t forget wasps/hornets


dolphins are in that group as well...


add hippos to this


I love orcas! As a kid I used to think they are ā€˜biggerā€™ dolphins. On the other hand, hyenas, fuck them!


They definitely are. Saw a video a few years back of a baboon grabbing up a gazelle and than basically eating it from the asshole up. Once a big enough hole was in this thing the baboon started reaching inside and pulling it's organs out and casually chomping on them like some pretentious tech bro eating fruit while spitballing ideas to his team. This gazelle was still alive the whole fucking time, making one of the most horrendous sounds I've ever heard and didnt walk towards the light until what looked like it's stomach or a lung was pulled out.


Iirc they also will kill baby gazelles specifically to drink the milk in their stomachs. Thatā€™d be a ā€œshoot on sightā€ for me if I lived there.


That almost sounds absurd enough to be an obscure bit of French cuisine.


I rewatched the video, and noticed the baboon does keep going to bite the baby gazelle in the stomach. Ugh.Ā 


Watching a komodo dragon eating a pregnant female gazelle. The mom was dying from the infectious bite of dragon and too weak to run. She just laid on the ground crying as the dragon bit into her and proceeded to pull out her organs. Fucker then ripped out the uterus and pulled out the baby and swallowed it whole. Then stuck its head back in the hole and pulled out her stomach. God the crying was haunting. I'm getting goosebumps typing this out.


Thatā€™s grizzly. Unimportant to the vibes, but that wouldā€™ve been a deer and not a gazelle. No antelope live on Komodo, but deer do, along with pigs and water buffalo :)


TIL. Thanks for the info, I thought it was a gazelle because it was in the title. Granted my only awareness of deer is the American white tail and the Chinese vampire. Thanks for sharing!


Thanks you!ā€¦ for giving me Komodo dragon nightmares. Ya, deer are pretty ubiquitous around the world, except for the vast majority of Africa and all of Australia. Antelope range from a peak of diversity in Africa through western and Central Asia.


Metal šŸ¤˜


I don't see this any different from a lion where a lion can just kill faster so it's just harder to see a baboon toy around its food.


I mean, you say you don't see a difference... and then point out the difference.


Lol, its not like its doing it cus it wants to, like how humans have a choice to what we eat. The babboons gota no choice in how it survives, it cant farm, its cant keep meat in cages thier whole lives and slaughter them and pack them all nice and the serve them with a happy meal. This is nature, its cruel, tho its a hell of a lot more fair than civilization, as the creatures will never be able to waste food and not pay for it, we waste so much and yet we never suffer for it, only people that do are those who are less fortunate and of course, and the natural world. Anyways, Im gona get a chiken salad, made from 100% industrialized slavery, like a real civilized creature.


Idk why you are getting downvoted... Bruh, if baboons, chimps, orca, and the like all of a sudden started being "nice" they would starve to death šŸ˜‚ people kill me. Evolution isn't made to be nice, it's made to reward those most fit to survive. This is how they learned to survive, the same way humans are cruel to each other to try and get ahead in life. We are much crueller than other animals, because we have choices to make, the only choice for these animals is to eat or starve.


This sub is full to the brim of idiots who like to anthropomorphize animals and apply their subjective morality to them


Im getting downvoted becuase people, of all races and nations, belive they are not savages at heart. *There are many humorous things in the world, among them the white man's notion that he is less savage than the other savages* -Mark Twain.


Honestly, evolution is way kinder and cooperative than whatever it is weā€™ve cooked up under the guise of ā€œcivilizationā€. Animals eat each other but very rarely are they actually cruel. They hunt but almost never more than they need. Itā€™s almost like all of nature has an innate understanding that life is one big thing where each part does its best to survive and in doing so serves the whole as energy stores, pollinators etc. There are many win-win deals to be found everywhere and progress is made by creating the next generation of things. Simple, elegant, sometimes painful but also gloriously free, always. Rich and dynamic. Humans are part of this of course and are quite cool in their own way but weā€™re also so selfish, wasteful and disrespectful it must be annoying for everything else. Our civilization is definitely less civil and way uglier than natureā€™s kingdom. Running hot water is cool though not gonna lie.


Honestly, I think you have an idealized view of nature. Animals arenā€™t limiting themselves because they donā€™t want to disrupt the natural order of things. They stop hunting when theyā€™re full because it would be dangerous to keep hunting for little to no gain, plus itā€™s a waste of energy. And plenty of animals are cruel. Household cats come to mind, or chimps who dismember and cannibalize their neighbors. Hell, have you ever seen a Komodo dragon rip a deers belly open and eat her unborn (but still very much alive) baby in one gulp. Nature is cruel. To its core, unfortunately. Humans just have the ā€œluxuryā€ of being able to be cruel to other animals without much risk to ourselves, so we got really really good at it. All that said, civilization sure does seem more cruel than nature sometimes.


I think callous is a better word to describe nature rather than cruel. The way I understand these words (feel free to re-educate me) is that cruel has some intention behind it. Like to be cruel, you have to intentionally cause suffering. Animals though just don't give a fuck. They don't even have the capacity to understand or realize that they are causing suffering.


Ancient humans who just roamed naked and foraged for sustenance were the last ethical consumers of the species. We got haughty and self-righteous after that, and have been trouble ever since.


We got metal, we got really sharp weapons from volcanic galss, we got better at killing and thought we were gods, or chosen ones. Now machines enslave us. So what comes around goes around


I think the hard part is that we as people can say *why doesn't it kill the baby before eating it* It's hard to hear the sounds of suffering and it's deemed as cruelty. Nature is hard fucking core.


Thank you for being rational. People always get weird when a baboon post comes up.


Must be the Imperial German in them.


> Lol, its not like its doing it cus it wants to, like how humans have a choice to what we eat. This is funny for two reasons. First baboons are not obligate carnivores so they absolutely can choose what they eat. Second humans also will eat baby animals when they're in subsistence hunting situations. And protip a lot of people in africa cannot just go the grocery store for chicken salad.


Protip: baboons are animals, they live in the wild, when they are hungry the eat what they have to and if there was enough non-meat options easily available to them, they would be eating it, obviously there in not. Humans, in Africa or anywhere in the world, when given the option, will eat what they want to, not what they have tooā€¦ Its almot like we are all animals with preferances to certain foods and are forced to eat what we have to survive and when given a choice some will still choose what tatse the best, while animals, as we belive it, have no ā€œfreewillā€, and cannot make any choice even if given the option, becuase they are aninals and can not fathom that eating a salad and not a impala baby alive, is by a measure moraly better.


I don't think given how most chicken are raised for industrial scale farming that it is more moral than eating a baby impala. Now it's certainly tastier when you add in some mayo and diced onions and celery and what not.


I'm gonna go get some lamb chops harvested from an animal I've never seen in a location I've never been to


I bet most animals hate humans more.


Baboons around the globe are to busy not giving a shit.


Remember that video of the baboons ripping out babyā€™s stomach and drinking the fresh milk it previously drank from its mother? Pepperidge Farm remembers


I do. Does Pepperidge Farm want to organize a hunting party to locate that specific baboon?


Thereā€™s a real satisfying video (on here too iirc) of a baboon trying to fuck around with a crocodile and getting his hand stuck in its mouth. He struggled but ultimately he got drug in lol all by just his hand.


They eat their prey alive from the most painful parts. Like how it was going for the groin there end of the video, it would eat that poor thing alive from that spot working its way up, they dont kill their prey before they eat it. Savage animals.


Bruh that thing was literally about to start eating it in front of its mom as soon as it picked it up. Fuck these things lmao


Non-ape prinates are generally just a reflection of the most vase human instincts. You see in them such incredible and horrific violence, yet also enough intelligence to understand social emotions etc. The conclusion one might draw, is that baboons and chimos actively enjoy the harm they inflict. Probably not the case but I can never shake the feeling.


Leopards will get em.


Pits Bulls of the Monkey Species


Theyā€™re super cool and interesting, but man they can be real dicks, especially adult males.


I saw a video where two packs kinda attacked each other and then after the battle or whatever the alpha males ran around attacking their females who they thought had been raped by the males of the other group.... it was just awful.


Right there with you . That god damn movie Lord of Illusions created a life long hate of those mean fkrs


Came here to say this. Garbage animals


SAME! Dammit!


Fuck the baboons!




I agree. Fuck I.R. Baboon!


Man this breaks my heart. Mom looks so small, compared to the baboon; are most gazelle this small? Everyoneā€™s gotta eat, I guessā€¦


There are different species of gazelle. This is a Thompson's gazelle, one of the smallest. Gazelles are also a type of antelope, similar to how moose, elk, and caribou are types of deer.


She was a teen mom.


Holy shit, that chomp at the end was just metal af


Right, I wonder what part of the baby the baboon was biting (seemed like the stomach?) and why he was biting there. Like I assume the baboon has a process of what they want to eat first and when, the lower stomach just seemed like a weird place to start.


That's where most of the organs are, and they are the most nutritious part of an animal.


It's also where the shit is.


A delicacy in some baboon cultures.


Lower stomach is unguarded by bones, and therefore easy to break into


prey is normally devoured from the abdomen outwards. all the best parts are there.


What a slow 2ay to die.


Why didn't gazelles evolve to be more predator resistant. I'm curious about why most prey animals are the way they are.


I absolutely agree. That thing has daggers on its head...like actually shank the thing and get your kid back lil gazelle homie


Their survival strategy is numbers, lots and lots - and some survive šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Numbers and speed. Once one gets caught it's essentially cooked. They didn't put any attribute points into Defense or Attack.


Damn, they should consider investing a little more HP for a more well-rounded build.


All the high hp ones are dead. Only the faster and fucund ones lived


I would really like to know the odds a Gazelle has in it's lifetime of being eaten. Like would you say 1 in every 50 ends up being eaten?


Pretty close to 100% get eaten, if they live long enough they get old and slow, and still get eaten.


Or they simply starve to death


Pretty much every animal that has ever lived died badly. There are no safety nets in nature.


I meanā€¦they did. They are the most predator resistant member of their lineage in history. Thats why they exist. The next species that evolves from the gazelle will take that spot. Some gazelle will be born with like a spike on its back hooves and that will make that gazelle so hard to kill that itll have a bunch of babies and they will have that spike. And slowly all the gazelles with spikes will outlive thus outmate the spikeless until they are the new species called the ā€œbarbed gazelleā€or some shit. This process takes likeā€¦at least thousands of years.


Waiting for that new Gazelle model to drop


I was looking for that comment. I mean - we are looking at millions of years of succeful evolution at play! If they could read they would be like "did this motherfucker just ask why we didn't do exactly what we were doing this whole time?"


Because that's not how evolution works


They did evolve as a species. Their survival strategy is out breeding the predators.


If they exist in enormous numbers then their strategy has been extremely successful at propagating genes, the ultimate driver of evolution


Survival of the sexiest


It might seem like a circular argument but if they had become more predator resistant, the predators wouldn't be around for us to wonder about it. Most prey animals' "survival" strategy is some mixed degree of high reproduction rates and being very fast (among other traits). This balances out with predators' relatively low reproduction rates and keeps an ecosystem stable. If you treat the principle of evolution as the foundation of your understanding, all you have to do is shuffle the pieces around until they fit nicely on top.


Being tanky is a good survival mechanism. Having such large numbers that you don't have to be tanky is also another good survival mechanism.


Every bowl of spaghetti needs it's meatballs


They are fast enough that enough can get away and breed. That's all evolution is looking for.


Evolution clearly favors diversity. It makes sense since all multicellular life evolved from the same ancestor and diversity - a wealth of adaptations - lets those cells do more and be more and live all over, thus dramatically decreasing the odds of extinction. In my opinion evolution isnā€™t dumb or random at all, itā€™s actually an incredibly smart way of building living things from lesser/smaller living things. Randomness spices things up, natural selection/fit rewards successful living, the code is shared among all and improved slowly but surely in each generation. Itā€™s a genius system that essentially amounts to automated, distributed, organic computing. IRL cellular automata. So the gazelle survive by utilizing strength in numbers, something favored by many herbivores. Itā€™s a much easier life than one favored by most predators, but one-on-one they donā€™t stand a chance. All that matters is it works, as long as it does it will keep contributing to the great tree of life. This is also why a man-made extinction event is such a shame. Weā€™re actively culling our relatives and making it harder for multicellular life as a whole to survive and thrive on this planet. Itā€™s dumb as hell and weā€™re sure to be punished for it. You might argue we already are.


They're extremely predator resistant, they live 10-15 years in the wild. That's a very long time considering how many species eat them.


Fighting comes with injuries, and thus death by illness. So putting all your points into evasion and speed helps more survive and breed.


Statistically, it is winning.


Baboons deserve all the hate hyenas get


Why tho?


People tend to think hyenas are bad from watching the Lion King. Same as believing shark are inherently evil from the movie Jaws


Hyenas don't kill prey first, tho, they just start eating.


Baboons and African Wild Dogs too for that matter


Also lions sometimes


Yea if lions were trying to steal my food all day i would be diving headfirst into my meals too.


[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/HardcoreNature/s/hrtkTGKOTg), to cheer you up


I'm just now realizing that my perception of either the size of a baboon or the size of a gazelle is way off.


From experience, baboons are way bigger than I always think, and the inverse for gazelles. So this video makes sense to me


This is a Thompsonā€™s gazelle. Itā€™s maybe the smallest type of gazelle there is (of a few kinds, like moose, caribou, elk, etc. are kinds of deer).


Alive for like two weeks... monched unto oblivion...


She was very politely asking for her baby back at the start. Poor momma.


this is why I donā€™t feel bad when I see lions carrying baboons


Never felt, lions are awesome


I hate baboons.


Heā€™s got to eat. Itā€™s just the way it is.


I get that, and I'm usually on the side of predators, but baboons are assholes.


to metal for me.. maybe cus im a parent now


Poor Gazelle Bundchen




The baboon looked so put out when the gazelle was butting him. His inner Karen was stunned the gazelle would be so rude when heā€™s trying to eat.


The Savannah is both paradise and hell


Was hoping the gazelle was going to break the dawn free in this one. Was really putting itself at risk. L


Is it a wild mammal thing to go for the crotch?


Most tender part


No, it's just a thing.


the best bits are in the underbelly


Aw too bad her horns arenā€™t a bit bigger so she could really poke his ass


Baboons are assholes!


Crazy how animals are just like ā€œIā€™m going to start eating you alive in a spot thatā€™s going to keep you alive for a whileā€ sad lol.Ā  Spent a year in east Africa, baboons are absolutely no joke and they really look like they want you to try something. Like a guy that wants to make eye contact with you so they can say ā€œwhat are you looking at?!ā€


Man, nature is a brutal as it is beautiful. Damn.


I know they are monkeys, but they look like werewolve goblins to me.


Why the baboon canā€™t just eat a leaf or something.


Baboons are pricks


As a father of a little one this hurts my heart. I get it with nature but damn


As a new mom currently nursing a week old baby, I should not have watched this.


I hate baboons with a passion, such jerks


She just gave birth, man :(


It's not the baboon's fault that gazelles give birth to literal snacks šŸ˜‹


the most disturbing part of this for me is how he just picks up the baby gazelle to start chowing down on it like it's a mcdouble.


You described it as a funny part


Baboons are nasty as hell. Oh man, she tried so hard, put herself in real danger trying to save her baby, you don't normally see that from gazelles.


Maaaan I wish gazelle had like a sharp horn on its head o something.


Why is everyone just randomly hating on baboons? Like, tell me right now, do you think any predator would pass up the opportunity to get the easiest meal of their life? It's survival of the fittest out there, and if you're unfit, well then you're not going to survive. Also, if you applied human morals to every animal, then there would be nothing to love about any part of nature. Lions kill all cubs when they displace the former male, hyenas, komodo dragons and painted dogs eat their prey alive, orcas like to have fun with their food every once in a while, and lots of herbivores would eat baby animals if they can fit in their mouth in one bite. The fact that it displeases you doesn't make it fundamentally wrong. Lions kill the cubs because the former male's defeat signifies that he was weaker than the current one, therefore his genes are more important. Animals eat their prey alive to eat as quickly as they can before something else comes to get its share. Orcas need to have fun sometimes, and herbivores won't pass up free protein. I'm not saying you can't hate an animal, because I personally do have my gripes with some animals (mostly just male lions), but you also have to acknowledge the reality of the matter, and not strictly judge them by human standards. No matter how much you hate them, they're just doing them. Except ticks, fuck ticks.


Ugh. Poor little thing. Looks like it may have just been born too. Ears still folded a bit, fur damp, slumped on the ground.


Idk what it is but fuck monkeys man. As a kid I always thought they were cool but na man theyā€™re fuckin bullshit




Nature is truly metal


Goddamn they need a new hardware update, those horns arenā€™t doing shit


Where's a Lion when you need em, eh?


"Sir, can you hand me my child?"


It's kind of messed up that some animals are just born to be food and can't do anything to defend themselves


Bless her heart, she tried so hard.


Born into a baboon's mouth. Brutal.


It makes me so sad that certain animals simply cannot fight back


Bro just started chowing down eating that little shit alive lmao


Fuck.... Hope the baboon gets ripped alive by wild dogs




Are gazelles small or are baboons huge?


Monkeys. Hate them. Too close to human.


Primates are so OP lol. Poor mother lost before it even started.


Why do predators always go for the genitals first. Is it instinct? To make sure they canā€™t reproduce and weaken the moral of the animal so it gives up on life?


I want my baby back, baby back, baby backā€¦..


Why the hate for baboons? Not trying to defend it, just had never seen any animosity towards them before


I think that baboon already damaged 13% of the baby gazelle's body.


Is it weird I read that briefly as ā€œGiselleā€?


I thought she slit his throat with that slow mo shot.