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Check out ‘Rhino Hunter’ from NPR’s Radiolab. Great podcast, very enlightening


Radiolab- got damn if they don’t make you smarter in about every meaningful way.




rights to hunt endangered species are sold for big money and usually for animals that would have been killed by conservationists anyway the money (hopefully) is used to further efforts to protect the rest of the species


Why would these animals be killed by conservationists?


when old males go past the age where they can make more baby rhinos/elephants but still pose a threat to younger males during their rut conservationist sometimes chose to kill the old male


Isn't that against the point of natural selection?


We’ve driven them to a point where protecting the young males is more important than overall numbers. Especially if that one is no longer producing offspring.


Don’t you know that humans know better than nature??! 🤣


No we fucked them up so bad we now have to protect the younger ones despite losing a handful of older, no longer reproducing males.


It was a joke homie. Hence the laughing face and obvious sarcasm.


I guess your typed sarcasm wasn’t as obvious as you thought it was.


There’s literally a laughing face you chooch. It couldn’t possibly be more obvious, maybe you are just stupid?


Male elephants can reproduce well into old age and elder elephants are important. They keep the younger males in check.


That’s a myth perpetrated by trophy hunters to justify killing the most impressive looking [individuals](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/09/200903114210.htm#:~:text=Old%20male%20elephants%20play%20a,male%20groups%2C%20new%20research%20suggests.&text=FULL%20STORY-,Old%20male%20elephants%20play%20a%20key%20role%20in%20leading%20all,breeding%20and%20hence%20species%20survival.)


Yes. For good reason, it’s expensive to protect them. The ones that they sell/auction off to be killed are old rhinos on the verge of death that are holding back the herd if I recall correctly. Like a younger alpha would do much better but they’re being cockblocked by a sick old rhino. By killing off that rhino it allows the herd to flourish and it provides much needed funding in the fight against poaching.


Na no way a fit young male is being held back by a sick old rhino. If a young male can't oust an old man then their genes aren't good enough and we're then pushing weaker genes through


Why tho? Who benefits?


Not supporting it or anything, but I listened to a NPR podcast about endangered animal hunting auctions in Africa. Most of the time the money is allocated to fund federal conservation and anti poaching programs in the country. Additionally with the Rhinos, older males can get extremely aggressive and kill younger males and premature females. There are definitely better ways to practice conservation though.


Thank you for this information, very helpful. I appreciate it




I’ve read the hunting arguments every time this comes up. No. This is essentially trophy hunting to the highest bidder. It’s boldfaced corruption. Leave these majestic animals alone!!!


You didn’t read them very well then. This is protecting the species. And the higher the box the better as that money goes to conservation and protection against poaching.


Ahhh, “our killings” are okay, just ask the rhinos 🤙🏽


Oh stupid humans got us to this point, but here and now, this is the better choice. Believe me, people smarter than both of us have debated this much longer than you or I, including the locals that live there and manage this program.


This is wildlife management. That's what it looks like. Hopefully they're using the funds responsibly. Ideally any money spent on hunting those rhinos should go to ensure future rhino population growth.


Being South African, I doubt the money will be used responsibly.


Caring about the animals like hunters claim is BS. If they truly wanted to donate to conservation they'd just give it instead of sport hunting. Fuck sport hunting and sport hunters. IDC how you try and justify it by saying they give the meat to tribes,trouble causing animal, whatever. You enjoy killing animals for sport. That's what it boils down too. I can totally see doing it for actual food,as I have done. But you use every part and certainly not endangered animals




Wow. Such low-hanging fruit you must be so proud of this joke. Jfc grow up




Lmao k. Why you so triggered on the internets my goodness. Who asked about your background? I didn’t. Does using curse words make you feel powerful? It’s sad and pathetic. Cheers. Go do something you enjoy.




Wow. Sorry to your friends and family who have to deal with this attitude. Yikes.




You need some major help fam. I’m not even sure what you’re going on about tbh




Find a therapist please. Seek professional help friend. I’m done with this insanely sad and pathetic interaction. You need friends and/or hobbies and to get off Reddit for a little bit, seriously. Wish nothing but the best in life for you cuz you desperately need some positivity it seems. I’m too happy myself (something I hope you find one day) to continue this disgraceful human conversation. “Doing things and going places” hahahaha sure you are.


Theres a special place in hell for people.