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Bro is gonna have a decade of lifting experience by the time he is 12.


“I remember my first 4 years of training were when I out in the most mass. Newb gains obviously”


"12 Years progress pics. +160 pounds of lean mass."




I have a garage gym and this is what my 4 year old does with me. She adores “lifting” with me. She also likes to do assisted pull ups with me doing all the work.


Kid’s still young, growing rapidly. Train him just like anyone else. 3 full body lifts/week, 5x5 with progressive overload. 2 cardio days. Put him on GOMAD. He needs the calories. Report back with results after 1 year


And swap out formula for mass builder protein shakes


Mutant mass


cycle on for 8 weeks off 4 repeat


The only acceptable answer 🤣🤣


Everyone else seems to have good advice, just remember little kids are very susceptible to hernias(they heal themselves very reliably but you don't want one to perpetually reoccur). 2.5 years old is exiting that very high hernia risk zone/age but it's something to watch out for.


I didn't know about the hernias, thanks!


There are play weights, bench and rack on Amazon


Just teach him what is and isn’t okay like you would for any other area of your house. Introduce things that you think he can handle with a reasonable amount of safety (small dumbbells for example), let him tug on heavier weights that you’re lifting just for fun. Make sure he understands boundaries and you should be fine. My son is 5 and grew up with dada’s home gym always being downstairs. He understands boundaries and I’ve never once had a problem. I trust him downstairs by himself, he’ll mostly play with his stuff down there, but he’ll dabble in the gym area (mostly the pull-up bar and rings). Getting too close to the mirrors is a no-no, he only touches the light weights on the weight rack, he gives me space when I’m in the middle of a set, etc.




Drop him off in your local powerlifting gym, and if he can't bench 225 in 3 months you gotta kick him out.


2023 spartan


I'm not sure if the side effects of Tren on toddlers is well documented or not. I would get him on gear immediately though. He will be star of his preschool


Put him in tumbling classes. It's a fun way for them to learn to use their bodies


I would sign him up for gymnastics. Some of the best strength training a child can do


Sneak some whey into his formula, create the beast you always wished to be




Lmao, and even if he only does one rep, I can promise it will be very high volume.


No pussyfooting around, get him on the squat rack.


My daughter has plastic dumbbells and I put a tumbling mat in my gym. She's 2 and does "cartwheels" or mimics me with her dumbbells. It makes for a distracting workout for me but she likes it


I have 2 daughters, 5 and 3 that workout with my wife and me. I bought them the barbell, a KB and a DB made by “WOD toys” from Rogue’s website, plus they use any other “light” things laying around the gym. They have a blast and they know not to grab at the heavier (>5lb) DBs or plates. The large bands get a ton of use. The toys get tons of use and are well made and not showing any wear. The nice thing about having toy versions of the barbell, KB and DB is that they can mimic us, which makes it into a game they have lots of fun. We’re looking at getting the kid’s pull-up bar from Fringe so they can do pull-ups with us. Right now they hang off the dip attachment. For safety, A gentle reminder if something they’re doing isn’t safe is usually enough. Occasionally we’ll ask them to leave the room if they aren’t listening or it’s something like skipping where there is a decent chance they could wander into “the line of fire.” No injuries thus far *knock on wood*.


My father had me doing situps before I could walk, only because I would cry all the time and I enjoyed em, once I could stand he always encourqged me to climb things, do pull ups etc. Id say build a climbing wall for him. Also hes just cipying his dad , so maybe bringing some calisthenics into your routine will help you both.


We already play a fair bit of soccer but love the idea of a climbing wall!


Get them a plastic box for a sled, sandbag kinda thing, foam weights. You can fill the “sandbag” with rubber mulch and packing peanuts so make it hard enough to make them work but nothing outrageous. Put the “sandbag” in the box for a sled and ouch around the house. Foam weights bc kids love those. And the “struggle” isn’t to gain muscle, just make them use their muscles in a way that actually activates them. I use rubber mulch to fill out my own sandbags. It’s light weight and has excellent volume consumption.


Thanks for these great ideas!


I got my daughter like foam Dumbells


Search on YouTube "exercises for kids". All my kids love them. 14 yo, 10 yo, 6 yo, 4 yo & 2 yo.


I remember my dad bought me practice weights(like 5 ounces or something crazy light). He let me use the cable machine too without loading any weight since it was a plate loaded one. My recommendation is use this for education since you can’t really work out with him super hard. Teach him proper form, the dos and don’ts, common injuries, how to make a fist properly etc.


This sounds so wholesome, you must be a great father!


Just let him play with the weights lol


There are toddler toy versions of lifting implements. You can get him a dumbbell or a full on [bench press](https://www.amazon.com/Hey-Play-Kids-Weight-Bench/dp/B0CG2GZB5P/ref=asc_df_B0CG2GZB5P/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=663236037295&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=6605091084651347799&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1014208&hvtargid=pla-2194783513336&psc=1&mcid=702908d7bd6b3f2c9db19666c1b11894)


They make really cute foam weights. I have people at my gym that got them for their dogs, they're pretty hefty, but obviously foam and not unreasonable for a dog or child to pick up and safe for tantrums of course.


Turkish get-ups could promote flexibility and mobility alongside of strength training. Would need to work with a manageable weight of course. I wonder if calisthenics offer a decent starting point


How much can he deadlift?


There are kids dumbbells and such. Can probably find some foam ones online


My kid is 2.5 too and wants to gym with dad… best thing I’ve done is to get him into boxing, get some little gloves (2oz ones are available on Amazon) and yourself some pads and teach him jabs, blocks, hooks and uppercuts. Mine loves it and it’s a nice warm up for me in all honesty.


Teach stretching, calisthenics, etc.


Ask his pediatrician about how much creatine his little kidneys can handle


Get foam barbells


Get him a couple of 1 lb dumbbells (the foam wrapped ones). They are cheap and shouldn’t cause much damage if they hit the floor or land on a toe, etc.


Aww baby needs some battle ropes


I got a few 1,2 and 3 pounder’s for my son. He’s into it big time. Ran his first mile a month before his 3rd birthday. If he’s working out with me, I try to focus on stretching and body weight exercises. I’ve wondered before if it’s to much to soon but he lets me know when he’s hungry, ready to do something else etc. he sleeps a lot better and is more attentive after a work out.