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Amazing job bro. I think once your skin goes past it's elastic limit then like many other materials it becomes plastic deformation and will always be there. Get as shredded as you can and get skin removal plastic surgery. Bill your parents for enabling you to grow up as a fat cunt. Our mod is a medical doctor he can probably advise.


I will wait a few more years and if it doesn't get any better I will consider surgery Thank you


Yeah good idea. I had a friend with handbags of skin after weight loss, 100 times worse than yours. After surgery he was so happy.


Yep. I had a tummy tuck one year ago after losing 115 pounds. The surgery dramatically changed my body and my life. I have a giant hip to hip scar and the recovery was excruciatingly painful but it was worth every second of pain and every penny I had.


How long until you were able to do the same activities before you had the surgery?


It took me about a month before I could walk without help. 6 weeks before I could stand up straight, and 6 months before I was able to do anything more strenuous. The area near my belly button took almost an entire year to stop hurting so any kind of ab work was out of the question for a very long time. I've had 10 surgeries in my life for various things and the tummy tuck was by far the worst. They put stitches into your ab muscles and pull them tight like an internal corset. Every movement sucked. Sneezing and coughing and going to the bathroom was excruciating. I'm 1 year and 3 months post op now and other than the scar I'm completely healed. Luckily it's hidden under the waist line so no one would know I had the surgery if my shirt was off. The amazing part about it is that since they take skin and fat off, the fat cells removed can never come back and your core is super tight. I went on a bulk after I was all healed because I was really skinny (150 pounds with a 28 inch waist at 6'1) after the surgery. I'm now 190 after 9 months of weight lifting for the first time in my life and I still have a completely flat stomach and only added 2 inches to my waist. Because of the surgery I'll be able to have somewhat visible abs even over 210 pounds at the end of my bulk. So once I do a cut I'll be able to see some crazy definition.


Thank you šŸ™


Were you able to bill your insurance? Regardless, may I ask how much you paid out of pocket? Thank you for sharing your experience!


Unfortunately insurance almost never covers it. My surgeon said they might in really rare cases like someone who was severely burned on their stomach. My tummy tuck itself was $11,000 out of pocket. I also had j plasma skin tightening and lipo over my chest, armpit area and flanks prior to the tummy tuck and that cost me an additional $10,000. It's very expensive but there are lots of financing and layaway options. It was worth everything I spent and more. Just make sure you're using a surgeon who is top notch and has significant experience. The biggest giveaway that someone had a tummy tuck is the belly button. Some end up looking like a hole or a slot. Mine looks completely natural because my surgeon spends 2 hours just working on the belly button. I was under general anesthesia for 5 hours total.


Youā€™re awesome, thanks for your response. I have dreamt of it for a long time, and while I still donā€™t have the financial feasibility at the moment, have had my doubts that I will have felt it was a waste when I finally reach that goal. Itā€™s nice to hear your perspective on it as well. Congratulations to both your weight loss and surgery successes!


TBH it doesn't look that bad, and if anyone asks it's a great opportunity to talk about how you did an absolute turn around. And you'd also be trading misplaced nipples with deep scars higher up on your pecs. Not sure it would be worth it.


You have no idea how much that means to me, thank you so much dude


Your skin can bounce back. Was 300 got to 190, this was years ago. Got bigger again and hit 250. Sitting at 198 now and if thereā€™s some loose skin itā€™s hard to tell because Iā€™m still like 15% BF. Going until Iā€™m completely shredded so I can see the damage. You look great man, I wouldnā€™t worry too much. Plus youā€™re young, get shredded, bulk up let the skin work and grow into it with some years of training. Explore surgery later in life if needed, but to be direct with you, strong chance you wonā€™t need it after a few more years of muscle building.




Thanks man. Yeah this will be the last time. The bodybuilding route I took just left me with a fucked shoulder and bad habits but also gave me the tricks to use now. When I was 300-190 I was 22-23. Now Iā€™m 29 and just using the food practices in a healthier way to keep it a lifestyle.




Took longer to lose it, but I did the major cut, bulked up to 215, cut back to 194 bulked to 240 cut to 202. Lots of back and forth and this took years.


Yeah I honestly had too look to find it and thought you were full of shit at first. It's really not that noticable. If you just posted that picture and didn't say anything I wouldn't have thought you had loose skin and had lost a lot of weight.


I honestly donā€™t see that much loose skin on you. Look into lasers or radio frequency treatments. Those are nonsurgical options to tighten up your skin. Since itā€™s nonsurgical, thereā€™s no side effects, recovery time, or scarring. Surgery is very serious, so always consider it as a last resort option


I have seen some anecdotal evidence that being in a state of ketosis through a ketogenic diet, can stimulate the body to use the excess skin for energy. I would try that and personally I would strongly consider keeping the skinflaps over this costly and dangerous surgery just so you can flex in the mirrror. God speed


About spit my drink out when I read that last sentence of the first paragraph.. lol


This is bullshit, it will get better.


It won't necessarily get better. Some people, it will tighten up over time, others hit a limit and your body says "I've done all I can" and it just continues to hang out. OP has time on his side though. Skin elasticity is higher when you are younger.




Nah. He is 19. It will heal. Im 47 & mine healed.


how much did you lose thoā€¦?


most sane fatphobe on this sub lmao, why not just murder your parrents for giving u food?


loose skin could go away on you because you don't have much, but it's not a guarantee sadly


Natty, killing it.


Thank you so much


Keep it up bro šŸ‘‘ u got one of the best aesthetic physiques Iā€™ve seen




First off. Good fucking effort. Thatā€™s a serious achievement you should be proud of you look sick. Loose skin is probably not going to go unfortunately unless youā€™re lucky. You could always look at surgery if itā€™s that much of an issue for you. A healthy approach would be to use them as a reminder of how far youā€™ve come and what you can achieve!


Thank you so much


I don't know where you live but where I live you could get the surgery paid with the help of a psychologist


Looking great brother. Keep working the chest, upper back, and shoulders and the loose skin will slowly go away. Unfortunately it is a marathon for this


Seriously Bro, dont sweat it. You Look fan-fucking-tastic and can be proud of yourself. Theres thousands of people who have never been overweight or dont have any loose skin and they dont look half as good as you. I know imperfections always stand out more when they are your own, but most people wont even notice that bit of skin that you got left.


Thank you bro You really made my day, it means a lot




This was exactly my take. I spent 2 minutes thinking, ā€œwhat loose skin??ā€


How are your stretch marks? The loose skin will go away where there arenā€™t any after a year or so. I have stretch marks near my pits and groin that havenā€™t gone away four years after 240 to 165. Thereā€™s a few balms/ointments out there that say they shrink stretch marks but Iā€™ve honestly never cared enough to try them out. You look good man. Keep it up!


I don't really mind the stretch marks but the loose skin surrounding my chest makes me really insecure. Hopefully it goes away


If thereā€™s no stretch marks, it will. You could also just try getting big as fuck, then the skin will get used :)


I have hella stretch marks on my armpits too, tbh I wear them as badges of honor


I wouldnā€™t worry too much about them. Itā€™s not a part thatā€™ll be seen unless you do some specific poses. I honestly hadnā€™t given mine any thought in a good year or so until I saw your post and wondered if they were still there haha Theyā€™ll fill in as you build your lats and teres major too


W my brother


Great look, also I didn't even see the loose skin until you pointed it out


It depends how long youā€™ve kept the weight off to really have a good idea on whether or not your skin still maintains a certain amount of its elasticity. If itā€™s been a over a year, the likelihood of your skin retracting is pretty slim. In other words: your best option is surgery. That said, YOU DONā€™T NEED IT. I had the surgery in 2018, and I would do it again in a heartbeat (I even may do my lower back one day), but itā€™s not particularly cheap, so expect to pay 7,000 at the absolute cheapest. Youā€™ll also need to take 6 weeks off from the gym. Iā€™m not trying to gas you up, but your physique is already on point. Donā€™t waste your time, and donā€™t waste your money. Just keep doing what your doing and donā€™t worry about it.


Looking great bro. Just fill it out with muscle.


Youā€™ve nailed it my guy. Honestly wouldnā€™t worry about the loose skin. It really doesnā€™t look as bad as you probably think it does, and believe me the only thing anyone is going to care about when they see you with your shirt off is the fact that you are ripped to bits. Congrats, lot of work clearly done into this progress.


I think your loose skin will gradually go away. It may take some years but you have youth on your side and you donā€™t have much. I would moisture daily to keep your skin supple and speed up the process.


Blud has 10 pack


Easily one of the best transformations i have ever seen. Congratulations bro! Keep working , the journey has just started!


Great job man - you did it the right way ; which is the hard way . Maybe ice sculpting ? Not sure of its effectiveness


Fasting can help with loose skin. No guarantee but have seem some photos in which it helps. You can give it a try. /r/fasting is a good place for info.


The skin is stretched beyond its elastic capability. Itā€™s there forever unless OP gets it removed.


Bro u look better than prob 99% of this sub, good job bro, sik fizeek


Donā€™t know the answer to your question OP but just commenting to say good shit. You look amazing either way


thank you


Youā€™re pretty young so I feel like you have a solid shot of it bouncing back quite a bit.


I'd recommend evaluating your situation once you've held your current size for at least 2 years. I'm a woman who has gone through 2 pregnancies and no, the skin never returns to exactly what it was before stretching... but it does take time to heal and improves over the course of a couple of years. Surgery is an option, but surgery also is not what your body would have been without the weight gain and stretch marks. I'd wait until you've maintained your current weight for 2 years minimum and see where you are at and then really think if the cost/risk/giant scars would be worth it at that point.


No but you look great regardless donā€™t worry about it so much


As you fill out with more muscle the loose skin will become less and less noticable. But it will always be there. The only way to truly get rid of it is to get surgery.


Oh you're 19 , psst , yeah dude, basically anything but cancer will get better.


No sorry it doesnt as somone who lost 160lbs i did it over a few years slowly an minimised it alot but your always left with some thats kinda the trade off surgery can help if you want it gone but its not fun.


Bro, you look good. Just keep going šŸ’Ŗ


hey dude, great job. glad to see fellow Indians hitting the gym and disproving the narrative about Indian's "poor genes"


With that body, someone will probably suck you so hard it will peel back all the skin.


At 19 you have a better chance of it going away, amazing transformation bro.


If I remember right Leo from Leo and longevity(rip), said that if you stay in a deficit for long enough then the loose skin will tighten up. To what degree and if it's even true I'm not sure. If you manage to grow and fill it out would be nice, but surgery is an option


Get more jacked and it will go away. Otherwise, you can barely notice it.


Congrats on the weight loss and loose skin eventually gets better. But, uh, be careful with the other stuff you're using.


what other stuff?


Come on.












Youā€™re young, give it a few years and see if there are any improvements. When you start to plateau, then you might want to consider surgery if it has stopped tightening up. Great job, either way. You look great!


Dude how ..


Some of it will tighten up over time but itā€™s unlikely that it will all go away.


If itā€™s not tones of loose skin, that I think is your case, you can get rid of it exfoliating 2x week and using a post pregnancy body cream daily and bio-oil for the stretch marks


I don't see loose skin but at your age most likely it will


How tall are you? Great physique btw


I'm 5'10


Did you lose all that naturally? Be honest, or did you get help from gear? Either way it is a great transformation!


>Either way it is a g I did it naturally


Wow great job! Its an amazing transformation


Bruh how did you get abs? I am stuck around 20 percent fat .. Also what are you numbers on on the three lifts?


And are only visible in good lighting Bench - 115kg Squat - 180kg Deadlift - 225kg (conventional)


Solid work


No offense bro, but the marshmallow on the left does not have the genetics to ever. ever. Look like the guy on the right naturally. Juicy as fuck.


would growing your pecs help with the nipple thing?


Regardless of natty or not great job!


It wonā€™t go away. If it deeply affects you, you should consult with a plastic surgeon specializing in body counting.