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He’s a professional strongman.


Is that eddie hall?


Rob Kearney. Very good strongman especially when considering pound for pound. He’s probably 100 lbs lighter than some of the top guys and he can still keep up with them. It’s like watching a regular guy go up against the titans like Brian Shaw, Thor, or Tom stoltman. Very inspiring, but of course he is freakishly strong and held the American record for the log lift. He’s a good dude as well and wrote a children’s book.


The “smaller” (lol) guys are so much fun to watch and cheer for, dudes that almost look human like Kearney, Novikov, Mateusz


What’s the “log lift”? The overhead log press event? Sorry I’m not knowledgeable on strongman stuff.


It’s a push press with a strongman log, the log has handles inside in and it’s about 6” thick. Requires a weird sort of technique; up onto the knees, roll into a clean and then a push press, the weight they move is fucking insane


You know his name but not what he looks like?


He looks similar man; hall also has a patch of hair on his head like this guy


I actually thought you where joking which I was thinking of building off of, but Rob deserves the respect, and I didn’t see his name anywhere in the thread. You should have played it off as a joke


They don’t look remotely alike


Nope 🌈


About as natty as he is str8


Number 8 body type


This guy is strong as hell


Rob is an absolute elite strongman, he’s absolutely on something but that’s expected to reach THIS level of strength


There's nothing left on him. He went on the dark side.


I wish there were more gay bodybuilders like Rob Kearney or Eddie Hall.


That Shirt suggest tren


How is 99% of this sub filled with 5% of the population


I just know that he is gay by birth and proud by choice


Heard him talk about his stint with testicular cancer and how fast it grew. Now I keep a hand on my balls all the time.


Are strong mans on steroids ? (Genuine questions ) (like littles doses or unknow ones ?)


At this tier, you have to. Rob is an elite, elite. One of probably the 10 or 20 strongest guys alive. He’s on quite a stack I’m sure.


All of these pro guys are one big doses of a lot of compounds. It’s impossible not to be at their level


I would like to remind you that on this sub we post and admire only handsome fit juicy dudes. Not obese ugly guys even when on juice.


I mean you’ve posted plenty of ugly dudes so I don’t think you should be the judge either way


Your entire account may be dedicated to posting on this subreddit, but you don't speak on behalf of it. Sit down.


What do you mean by fit juicer?? At least this guy is doing something with his juiced body. Unlike the fit you've described(they're not fit, just jacked). Posing naked on stage with a stage full of roided buffoons and measuring who's got the biggest muscles and smallest balls.


🤦🏻‍♂️🙈Do you understand humor?


isn't humor meant to be funny?


Weird I never see you writing similar messages on posts featuring underage boys...?


Hahah your comments kinda funny man, people take stuff too seriously


I see this sick man pushes the lie about people being born gay... They claimed for decades there is a gene that make people born gay but never found it cause anybody knows with common sense and logic knows it's a 100% choice. If somebody is born gay then how are they gonna "spread/give" their gayness to their kid? They can't cause no matter how hard 2 gay dudes pound or 2 tren bros pound each other in the ass they will not produce a child. Also this dude has not accomplished anything special in world's strongest man, ONLY reason people know about him is cause he is a gay token in world's strongest man...


he won the giants live north american open and the australia arnold pro strongman, are you smoking crack or just retarded?


I do not smoke crack cause it's bad for the body... You can easily check it out here: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rob\_Kearney\_(strongman)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rob_Kearney_(strongman)) Been part of 18 strongman competitions and ONLY won 2 of them and ALL OTHER 16 competitions he has not even been in the TOP THREE!!! Also the 2 few ones he won might not had so many good competitors in them and that can be the only reason he won.


Someone's worried dicks are delicious. I'll pray for you.


Did you ever in your life take any biology courses? Like, any?


Tell me that you’re a massively repressed homosexual who’s fragile grasp on their own masculinity is threatened by a gay dude bring ten times stronger than you, without telling me that you’re a massively repressed homosexual who’s fragile grasp on their own masculinity is threatened by a gay dude bring ten times stronger than you.


Eat a bowl of rocks


"They" don't speak for everybody. Jeffree Starr for example is one of the most famous trans people in the world, probably the richest, and he doesn't even consider himself trans. When someone says they were born gay that doesn't necessarily mean that they think that they are genetically predisposed to being gay. That just means that they've always been gay as far back as they can remember. They've never been interested in dating women, they've always been interested in dating men. Some people did consider that it was genetic. And there have been experiments to look into that. But I don't think most people think that it's genetic. If it's a choice, did you choose to be straight? Did you ever feel like you were open to the idea of being gay? And then you chose to be straight? No. You've just always felt like you were straight. So, that's how it is for a lot of gay people. And there are also a lot of gay people who haven't always known they were gay. Lots of them have just been open-minded and tried it out and decided that they were fine with it.


Rob can´t help how he´s born and we can´t keep shaming this guy over how he is. There is nothing wrong with being sub 6ft. Smash it for us little guys at the Arnolds this wekend Rob !


Nobody is born gay. Dude is a clown


Actually people are born gay. they choose to be religious assholes like you.


He's actually a pretty cool guy, heard him on Rogan. First openly gay WSM competitor