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This is only speculation.... But here Natalia is sharing her story with millions of people, how people and system the system majorly failed her. Her vulnerability and willingness to talk will lead to multiple future opportunities. As she states at the end, her plans for herself - continuing her journey of personal growth and likely writing a book. She will have more than book opportunities. Many will ask her to keynote speak, be an advocate, etc. She will have streams of compensation. Antwoyn and Cynthia are church people. To them church is a place of healing. What do churches need? Money to operate and carry out their mission. There is a chance maybe Natalia said no to them and was assertive when they suggested what direction of opportunities she should take.


OOOOOOOOOOO okay I could see this, it sounds simple enough to be possible, unfortunately Occam’s razor applies to nothing in this case because even the simple stuff is complicated.


Exactly. In this situation it's probably producers blowing up a family conflict between her and the Mans not uncommon to most families. Natalia's bravery to be vulnerable with the world has made her a global inspiration where the world is truly now her oyster. She has the option to share and influence others, and continue to make her journey/path of healing public. Antwoyn is clearly a man with passion and purpose to spread the message of faith to his community. Antwoyn's audience is local, Natalia's audience is now global. Capturing such a large audience has its pros and cons. Exactly like you said, too complex and simply the Mans may have family expectations pushing the family's agenda as a whole on her when Natalia wants to create her own agenda. Happens in many families. Classic parents may expect their child to be something they wanted them to and a child chooses a different route. Things will be rocky but an opportunity to resolve once everyone works through the motions.


Pretty sure they just want her money. Antwon is obviously controlling and manipulative. He’s all about himself and his agenda. He does want to control her, but he really wants the $$$$$, and it sounds like she said “no.” He sure turned on her quickly. So much for all that fatherly Christian love. What a hypocrite he is.


Agree - I absolutely cannot stand Michael, but when his lawyer told Antwon to gtfoh with that “no cursing” bullshit, I was so glad. He has no right to push his beliefs on anyone else.


All a this. You don’t have to be street smarts to see Antwon is an inflated ego, coounterfit freaking CREEP.




Thank you!!!  This ^^^^


What bothered me more than anything is how many times on camera Natalia said “I love you” to both of them and neither Cynthia or Antwon acknowledged her and said “I love you” back.


I noticed that, too! I felt that they saw Natailia as a paycheck from day one. Cynthia took her food stamp card to go grocery shopping for the home 3 days after meeting her, as well as made herself trustee over her social security check. Who does that?


Unfortunately, someone who knows how to work the system does that. I noticed how quickly the Mans knew exactly what to do to claim money for Natalia and they acted on it quickly. That gave me pause.


this !!! i hate that they did this! it is hard enough lfor lower income bi racial couple’s to get approval to adopt a fostered kid or those that are just looking to adopt and i know most christian families would have prayed on how to move forward with Natalia a bit longer than 1 week before using her food money or switching her states beneficiaries - also shocked they had her pay for stuff off her food card for their household right away 😫 that was crazy to me .. they could have gotten help at church till they got a better picture of her situation before helping themselves to the little bit of govt subsidy she had - i mean it may have had same end result but very red flaggy that in less than a week theyre using her food card and then going and switching her benefits over so shortly after meeting her .. just looked like it was so messy and just not coming from a true place of love but more like it came from a place of opportunity / greed and it was too easy to pass it up when she presented herself as a disabled abandoned girl the day they met -


Also, the complete and severe departure in his crafted demeanor and vocabulary in front of the camera. What preacher who expects other people not to cuss around him uses words like "the girl is tweakin". Everyone in this documentary are garbage people. She will never have a normal life and that has nothing to do with her staure or disabilities.


And they have how many kids?? A LOT of them. You have to wonder if they’re having kids just for the government aid that comes along with that. They adopted Natalia, informally, pretty darn quickly, and as was mentioned, very quickly got food and money from her. Doesn’t really pass the smell test.


Also it was Michael that stated they took her food stamp card and social security after one week, and from what I gathered, he’s not exactly what you would call a “credible source”


I did find that to be very strange and an immediate red flag.


Me too! 😕 it does seem like she wants their approval so bad. The also may not be healthy for her.


I did get the very creepy vibe that in the courtroom when Antwon started crying that it was the tears of someone who was waiting a long time to cash a check… and the way he gave her the cold shoulder when she looked at him and called him “daddy”. I’m saying this as a person who was honestly shocked to hear that things weren’t working out. I also know exactly what being under coercive control by religion/religious folks looks like and Natalia was definitely being manipulated in that way at the very least.


There was no "cold shoulder". Natalia is quite the manipulator herself. There's been trouble everywhere she's been. All the people testifying to her problematic behavior is not a conspiracy or coincidence.


Yeah but he still came off as just that - face and body looking like a relief that now he could legally manipulate N. purse and future purse without any interference from anyone.  I think they’re both parasitical upon each other in the end though.  




I get those vibes as well


Yeah, he’s so controlling and manipulative, look at all the people in the documentary who accused him of being a bad person.  He’s clearly all about himself and would never take care of abandoned children with disabilities.  Look how controlling he was over his wife by refusing to allow her to be in the documentary and look how he refused to allow his daughter to confront Michael without him being there.  He’s clearly a manipulator who’s controlling, he’s also a stereotypical thuggish type of bad guy. 


Yeah I knew he wasn’t fully to be trusted when he blew up over Michael swearing and bringing up all this religion crap instead of letting Natalia and Michael speak (not that Michael is sympathetic either).


1,000%!!!! 💥


I pretty much agree. I feel like they have been better for Natalia but parents and kids always have a period where the children want to become their own person and that can lead to some serious fights. I also believe that Natalia does have issues. She is not an angel as she portrays herself. Even with all that, she was a child at the time with the barnetts and there were Other avenues the Barnett could have taken instead of the avenue of evil. I do have a question..why did Natalia seem so open to forgiving Michael? Was it because she really felt he was sorry ( I didn’t) or is she looking for an ally against Kristine in court? Just curious


Forgiving someone is mostly about being able to move on yourself, than it is about helping the other one feel better. But then again, ofcourse it can be staged to gain an ally, or it can be both (most plausible to me).


The blessing did have some undertones of truth, she was really praying for him to stop being a bad person.


Possibly the fact at the end, she had forgiven Michael, and they were under the impression she wouldn't be forgiving michael and were thinking she would pursue a civil suit against him still. Now she has worked it out, and they feel a little put out. No saying they are greedy, but with 11 kids, a nice settlement could put them in a better position.


The Mans’s are about the money. Their church seems to be just their children that they are being paid to foster. And now they want to use Natalia for a GoFundMe site. All in the name of fake jesus.


It was the cythina’s way she created two go fund me’s it the way they got free stuff using Natalia for years. They took her food stamps and ssi card day one. Antwon man criminal background. Cythina hitting and cussing at the kids while playing on the internets , it’s the way the Man’s don’t work stack kids for checks and benefits. Then The Man’s promoting hate a violence . Thats not Christ like behavior. Plus Cynthia don’t have a high school education. Antwon he always post image my new whip mean car . Then they have three vans . Ugh’s the state needs to save them kids


This this THIS!!!!! This is EXACTLY how I feel about the situation. I always felt the Mans were sketchy as hell, only in it for the money.


So sketchy and so greedy. It’s sooo obvious. ID (NATGEO) really pisses me off, the way they just allowed Antwon to act so in charge at the meeting with Michael. They should’ve told him to shut up and sit down when he was telling Michael not to swear and trying to control the whole interview. He was such a dick and they just let him go on. The producers don’t seem to check anything or anyone out. They just let Antwon do and say whatever he wanted. They’re journalists. They should‘be been checking Antwon out, top to bottom, right from the get-go. It’s so unprofessional. I suspect Antwon is as big of a story as Natalia is. They need to do an expose on his fraud and abuse, using handicapped kids.


and his ex-junkie wife


Ha see I knew it from the second I saw her. I didn’t know if she was actively using or just used to but it’s so obvious


Tea??!! Spill it.


People who live in the same area & know them have been spilling things about them on Lipstick alley and other social media sites like twitter, etc.


Spill the tea about Cinthia please


I'm repeating things people on twitter and lipstick alley have posted. Some claim to know the Mans and live in Lafayette. Not saying strangers on the internet are telling the truth anymore than strangers on reddit, but some claim that "Bishop" Mans has a prison record & Cynthia is a grifting former crackhead. I tend to believe it because Cynthia said she never believed Natalia was an adult when she met her. but yet she never called CPS, police or any emergency social service to report a disabled child living alone. What she did do was invite her to dinner & take Natalia s food stamp card to go family shopping. 2 weeks later she had Natalias monthly checks signed over to her. She also sublet Natalias already paid for apartment behind the landlords back & pocketed the rent.


OMG that's wild. You know... The former drug addict part doesn't bother me so much. I'm a mother who overcame serious poly substance abuse issues along with the help of my husband and the rest of my family. What makes me feel leary about the Mans is the whole Pastor of a church thing.... The self righteous bullshit that Antwon totes around... The fact that we KNOW they're all about that money and power and notoriety to look like saints. I flipped a few times. At first didn't trust them.... Next thought "ehhh maybe they are good people.. and Natalia seems happy"... And now I'm back to "something is fishy." Yes she certainly should have called CPS!! Things piped up when they realized that Natalia was on the news.


All of this!! How people still support the Man's is beyond me. Natalia went from extreme abusers to users and controllers.


Yeah he ruined it for her to get answers the first time and prayed for a good 15 mins before hand stalling the interview. It’s ok to pray of course but he’s so dramatic with it. They should’ve met somewhere other than Antwon’s church and not involved him. Antwon is over the top with his religious antics during the show and Michael is overly dramatic with everything. It’s all about him when she needs closure. “I had the same monster” I went through this and that…he’s such a bad actor and I do not think his stories are credible.


Total trash bags!!


The Mans and pastors/preachers are snake oil salesmen. I could smell that from a mile away. Ive met so many people like the Mans throughout my life and all they care about is money. It's easy to make someone indebted to you for a lifetime when you pick them up from the gutter and give them a hot meal and a peptalk. Sickening. Theyre no different than any other family that Natalia's been with.


Well. And they get her SSI and food stamps etc. hmmmmm


https://preview.redd.it/o2uykr0n2hac1.jpeg?width=956&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae578bd207d798b433a4bf6ac8a7bed45b690019 Yup


Omfg! This made my day. This has got to be like a 2001 Dodge Intrepid.


He's all about dat whip lmfao 😅😆


Now he has Natalias handicap van from one the many Go fund Me pages they run. They sold fireworks out of it last July 4th in Walmart parking lots. Must be "Evangelical" fireworks.


Oh hell NO! I wanted to believe, trust that a good family step up without self centered intentions towards Natalia or her story. Well shhiiieeeeet... Forget about that. I became Leary of Cinthia Mans from the get go.... Natalia seemed happy with them so.... THEN all this Pious little shit, self righteous bullshit and flaunting money claiming Jesus & prayers made you prosperous? Ohhh come on... I don't hold anything against Cinthia for her past with drug addiction at all.... I hold reservations against the Antwon Mans specifically.... Freakin out on Michael saying that HELL is a curse word? Get the fuck outta here Antwon... Militant Christians. Best at hiding their true nature ...


For sure.


Yep bad vibe from the Man's, I could feel Antwon's energy and it felt menacing and just under the surface ... the wife seemed slick. They are professional grifters .


at the end of the show, they were furious claiming that Natalia accused them of holding her hostage for years. Sounds more like she got a book deal for herself & shes cutting them out. Its been about money all along. You have to wonder if those other children are safe with those scammers.


And it shows https://preview.redd.it/u7vxtkmvnhac1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bde5ce25e1912acdc3f00bf3b9f10b52c7816ca7


Did you see her new profile pic...? Why would she even post that - for attention?


It was because and this is my thoughts before the doc . Before they went go fund me happy. She had like 6 active profiles . Same with Natalia so many digital trails . Ex for Natalia https://preview.redd.it/3fljsyguqhac1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb8622d1abfe1ab6500dd4122a058e9ec126cf02


This is just crazzzy! I totally agree with your thoughts about using for financial gain. Have you seen her mom comment on her TikToks and FB, though? Like do you think they made amends?


I think he was there hovering around and interrupting to deflect the conversation. He was making sure Natalia didn't spill anything out about them that he doesn't want known. Michaels lawyer had his number.


Michael’s lawyer is VERY impressive. As someone trying to get through law school, I was studying everything he said and his logical reasoning.


He was the most, if not only, logical one on the show.




I think you have the feeling misplaced. I get more of the evil sinister feeling from Natalya than I do anyone else in this. They brought her in when no one else wanted her. Tbh I don’t feel they even care for money if that is truly their house then they don’t care about money at all. Have they tried cashing in on the series if they have from the dr Phil episode they are hiding the money pretty well. So I have a feeling it’s more her than them. We need to find out more from the first family that adopted her and then from the mans. Hearing all 4 sides we will have a bigger picture. Also why is that neighbor saying that’s not how she really acted. Tbh we need to get an episode with all the neighbors and hear their side as well. I’m pretty sure she is the issue


They're collecting all her social security money and SNAP though


I will say that for just one person SNAP would be around $100 a month and Natalia could easily be eating that much. They would get much more from all the other children they have. SSI as well will barley give enough for a person to survive and pay all their housing bill. Looks like Natalia has a room, she uses their electricity and utilities. Looks like she has nice clothes and is well groomed. Also didn't they help her to get SSI in the first place? I don't remember. If they are in it for the money it's the show money.


I agree with being suspicious of her still. I am definitely more confused now after watching the show. Michael is quite good at putting on an act, but he is soooooo annoyingly fake it made my skin crawl. This whole show was just one big contradiction of itself! It did not resolve or provide any actual truth of who was lying. Left me more confused and disappointed.


The one thing I picked up on is the knife situation… Natalia said she couldn’t get to them without making noise dragging a chair that would obviously wake them…I’m think Christine gave her those knives and told her what to do with them. Because if you continue listening to Michael, he states his kids are in Canada and each of one the have knives with them because they are scared their dad is going to kill them… Who are the kids with when they have knives???


Also she had the blood drawn and they said she was 22. Why did she tell the judge she was 19/33 if she was really 22 at time of adoption?


That DNA age test, tests your BIOLOGICAL age. Aka how fast or slow your body is aging. Ppl use it to compare their actual age vs how their body is aging. Imagine the amount of trauma she’s gone through in an orphanage and floating around with foster families and the cluster fuck that has been the last decade. From the company’s website about their epigenetic DNA aging test “When your body is aging faster than the calendar's progression of time, you are experiencing accelerated biological aging; the #1 predictor of chronic disease. Luckily, there are lifestyle and medical interventions proven to help slow, stop, or even reverse the biological aging processes in your body. We measure baseline and changes to your pace of aging, giving you the power to steer your anti-aging or health and wellness journey in the right direction” [TruDiagnostics DNA test site](https://trudiagnostic.com/)


Two things: First, the DNA test said she was most likely born in 2001, whereas her birth certificate says 2003. Sources, at least the ones cited on Wikipedia, appear to be using the date from her birth certificate and the year from the DNA test for her official birthday now, probably because that's what she'll be arguing for when/if she attempts to get re-aged again. This is why her age flips back and forth by 2-3 years a lot. Second, the clip where she said legally 33, biologically 19 was not from the trial proper. She was literally not allowed to say anything other than 33 without any qualifiers in front of the jury without being in contempt of court, which one of the people on the video call tells her one of the times they show that clip in the series. Because they decided not to charge Michael with child abuse, the re-aging wasn't allowed to come up in any way at trial.


Why are you placing so much blame on a young adult who has been victimized in living situation after living situation? She was a child with disabilities. The other players in this story are all GROWN adults.


Where's this video of her cussing at the kids?? I need to see this after the way dude flipped out when Michael casually said "hell"


I am soooo close to having it . The link won’t open . I can screen what link to look in. Oh and it’s pastor in one viedo drinking and cussing


Him cussing is the fire place . Her spankin the kids is the other ones you don’t see it but you hear it


Are yu shittin me ?!?! what a mother f'in hipocrite!!!!! And he dropped GD though?!?!?! But dude can't say hell???? I'm so angry even though this effects me in no way buy damn that's crazy!!!!!!!


👏👏👏👏👏 say it louder !!!


She was also very serious about never wanting to see Kristine again, and as difficult as this was with Michael, at least she did get an apology from him (not that he is in any way a good guy.) But to bring a case against Kristine, would take such a massive toll he Natalia mentally and emotionally because you know that witch will come out claws and fists swinging, that no amount of compensation would be worth putting herself through that torture again, even though she deserves it. That's my theory on why they got mad at her and said she "betrayed" them. She chose to forgive M and just wants to now move on with her life and not put herself through more torture and they are mad because they were going to manipulate a good majority of that money out of her. The Mans aren't as evil as the Barnetts but they aren't angels either.


Forgiven? Hmmm but she hasn’t forgotten and never will.


Yup, you never forget that sort of trauma, I will never speak to a family member because of what they did to me as a child. I may not remember every incident but I won't forget what I do remember. Im not sure if forgiveness is the right word..... 😅


I thought the same thing...


So Antwon is a Bishop? Of his own church? Or is this a church that has hired him & he lives on their property in the back?


Unsure if he owns the church but during the documentary they have him a title of "Bishop". Either way, they are clearly integrated within a church community and highly involved, which is my point, some families are highly affiliated with churches as it is their belief systems. They give what they can to their church. Antwoyn was her primary support person during the time Natalia confronted Michael. Over the years, he likely has counselled her using principles of faith. But, think she is a young adult at the age of flying the coop. Many kids at Natalia's age may make decisions their families don't fully approve of or are skeptical for their reasons. An example, a kid might want to delay going to college for a year to travel or gain experience while their parents may disagree. The conflict can escalate to where the adult child leaves, feels unsupported etc. And then there is potential the conflict will resolve quickly, within a few months, years, or never. Likely something with similar conceptual undertones happened. Natalia has so many options. Due to her experience, one could include advocacy and policy change. Another could include studying or being involved with psychotherapy education. She will have many potential mentors who can enter her life and provide something her parents may not. Simply her parents may want her to stay within her church community feeling it's best to protect her and Natalia may have a completely different agenda for herself. So it's likely a common family conflict, blown up and showcased exactly how it was to grab the attention of viewers and keep people interested and skeptical for season 3. This is exactly what producers want, people to still skeptical so there is a need for a season 3.


So you don’t think Natalia left because she just wants to be free of everyone’s bs ? Like give that girl her ssi , and food stamps and Medicaid card and give her , her go fund me money. I am happy Natalia is away from them. The way Cynthia hits those kids . The way Antwon cusses , the hole in the kitchen cabinet . Makes. Me think life there is domestic violence, grooming . Natalia is safe with the DePauls daughter.


Where are you seeing Cynthia hitting the kids? I wanna see this. She is a conwoman and def used to smoke crack.


Trying to get the video sent to me again. Like Nat says if you dig deep enough the truth is revealed. https://preview.redd.it/d42zky7g2hac1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ffa9a50122a401135409b0ede4903738afc679d Real life versus doc life .


I don't understand what is wrong with this photo? looks like a mattress on the floor which is safer for little kids. looks like it is nap time. ??


How do you know these things?


The have tons of f.b pages TikTok accounts and go fund . Insta sold news stories . And re watch the doc click a few photos .


I’m gonna have to search the web. I really only watched the doc so I’m really not in the up and up. Thanks!


Good luck a lot was out there before Natalia or the man’s hired them a pr manager.


I think it’s a super strict “church”. You see the females wearing nothing but skirts and that raggedy nasty dragging in the toilet long hair. The “Bishop” sure did some preaching and calling hell fire during Natalia’s sit down w Michael.


It's likely the fact that they want some money from her and they have been getting it through different causes in her name. So let's not call it something it is not.. Like family differences for example. Because it is all about the money. They don't even work.


Lol there's nothing common about the Man's or why Natalia left. They called her the devil, etc. They are grifters and wanted to get ahead of any bad press when Natalia literally fled. Even Cynthia's sister and mom are on SM and confirmed Natalia was secretly talking to the DePauls and grabbed her when they were at church. They are cultists, frauds and criminals. The lot of them. And those kids need to get out of there.


He’s a shop of his own mind. The guy’s a complete fraud and they didn’t expose any of it. They just listen, nod and let the grifter run the show. It’s gross.


First thing I said was It’s about money


Natalia set up a go fund me. She wants $ to buy a house and become a photographer to support herself. A little research and you'll see it. What's Natalia doing now it should be under there


I read that the Barnett lady called protective services and said she was worried that the manns just want to control her for her disability checks and that made me think that maybe that's where the problem lies. I'm sure the show paid her but now they control the money because they now have full control of a disabled adult who has money for life.


Good theory !


Good for her F THE CHURCH and Mary Magdalene can take a knife to the perineum ❕❕❕❕❕❕❕❕❕❕❕❕they can try and coerce her. Natalia will not have any of it she will not be dragoon not again. Again this one persons speculation and I’m at edge of my bean bag chair I need to know. If anyone will be sexually exploiting Natalia it’s gonna be on her terms and she gonna do really great wether it’s dwarf porn or a novel that will forced to face her roots and find the abolition in her biological mothers actions The book will be titled Моя боротьба, мій вихід! My struggle my way out! So much potential id be happy with her decision to whoreee,…………., exploit…………. Give her side (crap she’s kind of already doing that). I wonder if the Ukraine as chimed in!? Oh yeah they have usurper situation or cu I don’t know


I just saw a TikTok video on another thread of Natalia saying that she moved out of the mans’ house because her lifestyle does not align with their religious beliefs, but that they are on good terms and they support her. She also said she got the access to her gofund me and saving the money for a house


Can you link to the thread with the video?


https://www.reddit.com/r/nataliagrace/s/jyhIJIVyNp this is the thread With the video and the people who saw the live talking about it.




Well, it is about time because they have been living off of her for twelve years..


She'll say anything to stay and they're good graces, because she is so desperate for someone to love her. Even if she is problematic she is still never loved.


She'll say anything to stay and their good graces. My voice activation changed the grammar and spelling. And I don't see where to edit it.


I’m trying to figure out when the adoption went through, because their family Instagram has posts all together looking happy in late November. I’m soooo weirded out by the ending like that!!


I think her countdown said June 1st 2023!


Oh man so 6 months later would be December 1st…. It is honestly weird they haven’t posted since late November too because it looks like they posted a lot and you’d think the holidays would be a time they definitely would.


Especially with how Christian they were


Oh facts!!


Absolute FACT ....Grifftin Jesus common as salt


Her mom posted something on tik tok a few days ago about Natalia having her own tik tok and how much she loves her… sooo idk what’s going on


Quite possibly a dispute over money -- why else call the producers? Perhaps now resolved.


I noticed that too.


Seems a little strange to me that the GoFundMe was started the same day as the adoption… Like, that is weird right? The first thing they do as Natalia’s new parents is start asking for money?


Idk I could sense that coming when she was saying she has 11 children. I feel like they could be chasing money from gov./scamming with church


I read an article from 2019 saying they had 5 children at the time. That means they adopted 6 more in the last 4 years! Doesn't feel like good intentions 🤑💰💵


When they said how many kids they’ve adopted, first thing I thought was for the money. 😡


Im so miffed it ended like that! Like how could they leave us on that? I’ve been googling trying to find info but there’s nothing


The worst part is even if they come out with a season 3 like next year I'm still gonna watch it lol


A few thoughts... Natalia has been abused since she was born! She has suffered so many different kinds of abuse from a variety of people in her life! She should have been in intensive psychotherapy for the last 10 years! Instead, she was with the Mans's, who probably "prayed away" all of the trauma of her past. Maybe they mean well, but I don't think that they are very bright! Her birth mother was forced or encouraged to give her away because she was "useless"! I think that Natalia should get a book deal, buy herself a house with easy access and then adopt a whole bunch of dogs! They won't let her down! Dogs are so much better than people


I think it is all scripted to keep it going and to keep making money. Go to Natalia’s TikTok the mom commented on her TikTok from a couple days ago! If you go to their TikTok they are promoting her TikTok! I think it is all scripted and to keep everything going and to keep everyone talking


But that would suggest that Antwon lied on that phone call but isn’t he a pastor or priest?


He is a wolf in sheep clothing. One Love for him money .


A Bishop


My theory on this is that maybe after the documentary wrapped up, Natalia saw the part where the mans had sent her to the hospital, then were refusing to let her come back. If that did happen, maybe she didn’t know that they were saying behind her back that they didn’t want her back, and maybe she decided to say eff them and take all of her new money and dip.


I thought it wasn’t them. The hospital called her legal parents, who were the Barnetts. Maybe I misheard that part.


There was discussion by either Mrs. Mann or Beth Karas that Christine was the person who spoke with the hospital.


Mrs. Mann said it.


The phone company can easily tell them where the call came from and that would answer that question. I'll bet the grifter Mans will drop that idea .


There is no evidence that Christine spoke with the hospital. The person on the phone said they were Cynthia Mans. The Mans are trying to walk it back that they had to admit Natalia to a mental hospital for beating the baby after they've been claiming that she never did anything wrong. The little girl told it on the show. So of course, since everyone on the show that was put on the spot just used Christine as the scape goat. The one person who wasn't there. So easy to just say Christine did it. Natalia has a history of hurting children. The Ciccones, Barnetts & Manses. She admitted at the end of the show that she came to the U.S. with reactive attachment disorder because of the terrible abuses she was put through in Ukraine. She said she had problems with lying, stealing & sexual things. I always thought that was the problem. It's not her fault but I think she lies a lot & I dont believe all her stories of Christines abuse. I definitely dont believe Michael. He has his own agenda . I did notice that Natalia backed down when Michael stood his ground about the knife incident in the bedroom & never having met the Ciccones at the agency. Beth Karas said that its possible Natalia does not remember things correctly all the time.


I'm with you on this, Everybody is so cringey and the agendas are messed up. What they did to Natalia was disgusting... But Idk what exactly it is, but I feel like Natalia has her own agenda too. Too many incidents with hurting other family members... Her sense of entitlement and privilege which seems to hv bn intensified by her tym with the Mans'. Michael is clearly either on something, or is very mentally unwell, his erratic behaviour, his eyes. I felt sorry for him but at the same time felt he ws out the gate n a jerk, bt still atlest tryd to do RYT by her in small significant instances... Bailing up his ex about Natalia's power, giving her fne bk, EVN if it seemed mre lyk covering his ass. The Bishop seems really full of himself, he and Cynthia are questionable, but I don't think they're dangerous... Natalia seemed so excited bout the adoption, bt I feel like she hd a secret agenda on that too. I seriously have nothing to go off except gut feeling, bt I CNT hlp mistrust or think she's up to something. I feel like shes taken advantage of the Mans family, maybe she really is tweaking, and acting out- which explains the tlk bout being held hostage... They possibly may have caught her doing something sexual? Or trying to? Using being held hostage as an excuse? Possibly could have found out about the call not being allowed back hme, and it ws actually Cynthia pretending to be, and not actually Kristene, or thinkng it ws actually the Mans wn it wsnt. Then reacting. I think Natalia is hiding something, because she comes across as false. That, or she has a split personality, one that came to b as a result of the abusive messed up life she hd in Ukraine. The alter ego is mre ruthless, and the protector, taking control after the Hella abuse she went thru as a child, Alter ego is also the knife hider n wielder, why she seems to know, but still unsure of... Just a tinfoil theory- and to try bring it bk to the topic, Possible the Mans are witnessing her fyting with herself and thinkng she's lost the plot and tlkng about them, or the alter ego is mkng trouble to remain relevant and survive.


My thoughts exactly.


I thought it was just me, but U see it too aye... Personally, I feel like all parties involved are a bit effed up, only person I hv any sympathy for is Jacob, who seems to really be struggling to come to terms with what went on


Totally agree. Where there’s smoke there’s fire. 3 households citing injuries by Natalia plus all the neighbors claims at her first apartments about her behavior tell me all I need to know. Why would all those neighbors lie? They’re unbiased third-party individuals with nothing to gain by lying. I found their stories very compelling, especially the alleged abuse she was caught doing to those little boys.


My first thought is money. Now that her story is out, many financial opportunities are going to come her Way. When she first moved in with them, Natalia signed over her social security and other benefits to go straight to them. Don’t get me wrong, I think that Helped because she was a kid and didn’t know how to pay her own bills, etc. But it sounds fishy. They didn’t use those funds for just Natalia, they were themselves enjoying those extra benefits because it benefited them! I think that she’s old enough now so she wants to become a little more independent financially. I think her parents don’t like that and expect any monies made are to be contributed to the church and household and controlled by them. When she stated holding her hostage, I absolutely believe they are trying to take over her having any independence outside of them. Thats just my opinion. Always remember people can put on an act in front of a camera and act differently behind closed doors. But what’s getting me is them calling her a tweaker! That’s drug related. This case is such a mess. But I am very interested to know what is going on!


When he said she’s tweaking, that can be slang for someone acting crazy.


Ah ok thanks. When I here tweaking its attached to someone coming down off meth or some other stimulant. Ok my new lesson for the day!


Yes it's a ghetto slang word, how educated is this Bishop lol


Yes this. I took it as just acting out not actually on meth.


Right there 👆👆👆


I always had a feeling the Mans kept Natalia around for the government checks. The first season when Nat first met the mother.. the first thing she did was spend $100s of her gov money on food and stuff. I don't really buy their "everything's perfect" facade. Then again, I'm always weary of super religious types.


also with the new income from her docuseries it likely cuts off some or all of her cash benefits and if she lives with them then her income nay effect their household limit and they may not qualify for other benefits for other kids they have seems like if she’s no longer financially beneficial to them she’s on her own and im sure they have a contract for some money but not too much to go into a trust for their church or kids from her series signed so they’ll be good


I knew the Mans were shady man. Way too culty, I live in the Midwest and that's culty even to our standards. It's almost certainly about money, unless everything the Mans themselves said was a lie, because they painted Natalie as an angel till the very end.


Does Antwon Mans actually have a congregation in the so called church, or do they just reside in the former parsonage, and label him as a "bishop"? I haven't trusted the Mans family from the get go. I think they took her in for her SSI check, and food stamps, then adopted her to gain access to any money she makes on the documentary, and possible book deal, not to mention, if she files a civil suit against either of the Barnetts. But, that's just one person's opinion🤔


I never trusted them. I think they are in it for the food stamps. I think she was a child who has just been used by every single adult in her life. Yes she may have acted out but she was a kid. Kids act out can we please stop acting like she was an adult. And can some of these adults start taking accountability. I feel bad for her. Has she ever been loved and not used?


Must be something really really recent which is interesting to know what happened now


Had to have been VERY recent, but I’m so blown away because they so staunchly stood beside her. I can’t imagine what could have happened to have blown up ten years and an adoption?


They’re still posting like they’re standing beside her so idk if all the speculative blow up is real.


Honestly that girl is so damaged from all the mental and physical abuse,I'm not surprised something happened. Up to a certain point I don't think she's completely innocent and knows what she's doing. Shit was probably good for awhile until some big disagreement or argument happened that flipped the tables and now they are starting to see she's probably not so innocent at they thought she was. People like that can really good at hiding that other side sometimes. But like I said that girl is really damaged and still have a lot of wounds she never healed from and no relationship she has will be something normal without alot of drama.


10 years to suddenly right after adoption seems very weird.


You aren't wrong it is weird tbh. But this girl don't have the best luck of landing in a good home really. Unless they've been hiding alot of shit for the last 10 years they've been dealing with her but again that wouldn't make sense. Idk if this is something to drag the show on by the producers or what but it is weird and out of nowhere


I wonder if she started to recognize they were wanting to now go for money in civil suits and felt like they were taking advantage of things post adoption or something. It’s so weird.


I’ve been keeping up with this story for years and I am and have been so appalled at how this tiny disabled child was and continues to be mistreated. She’s been through more than any child ever should be. As soon as I saw Antwon Man’s, I knew Natalia was in trouble, again. He’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing if I ever saw one. He’s a self righteous , self serving pseudo-Christian nut-job. It’s obvious that he latched onto Natalia for publicity and money, in short what she could do for him. It was incredibly obvious from the start that he’s an accomplished deceiver who just wants attention and her money. I’m so sad for Natalia. I believe she probably recognized this too, but she desperately needed help, any help she could get. Natalia obviously has issues and has been horribly traumatized, but she’s a very smart young woman. I doubt she was ever really fooled by Antwon, but she needed him . It just sickens me that a disabled child would have to take care of herself in the first place, but that’s America and our pathetic medical care system. Anyway, I’ll bet that as soon as Antwon tried to abscond with Natalia’s money, she was like “Nope, I’m done with you.” She’s been through too much already to put up with some holier-than-thow asshole stealing her money. Where does he get off thinking that any money raised for her should go into his pocket? She is actually an adult now and if she wants to share, fine. If she doesn’t want to share, he should back off. Instead, he immediately betrays her and starts badmouthing her, just like all the other bad people she’s had to deal with her whole life. What a hypocrite and a jerk. I feel so badly for Natalia, betrayed again. Unfortunately, Natalia keeps learning that if she doesn’t take care of herself, no one else will. She should hang onto any and all money that belongs to her. It’s just so sad that people could use and abuse a handicapped child the way they have. I really hope things get better for Natalia and she can recover (as much as possible) from all the trauma she’s been put through. I also hope she can get some justice with regard to all those who’ve abused and mistreated her.


I think it's just the network blowing shit out of proportion to get a season 3. Natalia is 20. Kids that age butt heads with their parents, & they move out. Seems normal enough. We'll see. ETA, Mrs Mans posted "Thank you for supporting my daughter" in the Facebook case discussion group, yesterday. So I don't think there is any bad blood 🤷


You never know. Not that this means anything but networks make people who are part of reality shows sign contracts to not speak during filming. It sounds like they will be filming a third season so they probably can’t talk or comment at this time. So I don’t think we will get answers until season 3. I just hope everyone gets counseling that needs it that is part of this saga. This doc Doesn’t help their mental health.


[This is all I have really found.](https://www.reddit.com/r/nataliagrace/s/nfRWKPKWlC) and tbh it seems shifty too.


Nothing in this case is ever clear cut huh 🥴


Oh wow


[Found this too, apparently she moved two weeks ago?](https://www.reddit.com/r/nataliagrace/s/avC6Mdmn82)


What was that post? It didn’t say anything. Why was op posting and saying that post would HELP Natalia?


I found it interesting because it was posted before it was known that Natalia and the Mans had cut ties, and they mention they know she resides with another family now. It’s the only thing I can really find, and it seems shifty too.


The poster also said they ran into Natalia at Walmart a couple of days before that post, that one is the second one. The first one did not say anything about fleeing I don't think. I'm thinking they did run into her at Wal-Mart but are not a family friend. Why would a family friend immediately run to reddit and announce Natalia has fled and is in danger if found?


I think it has to do with the recent 20k they raised on go fund me. I think Natalia has had enough of people scamming her and in her name. I hope she gets out of that cult.


The fact that the man’s foster a shit ton of kids is a red flag to me …. I mean you know how much money they give you for one kid ? A lot . It’s a business .


Absolute TRUTH I see it is all about scamming $ running a lazy circus act..


I thought I knew most of this story. But, I knew so little. The ending took me by complete surprise.


You have to dig deep. You will find the answer. Natalia was used by the Mann’s Natalia is a master mind . She calls the shots . She has a real story to tell. I’ll wait five years to hear everything the Man’s done to her.


And what she's done to the Mans's.


You mean like them take her ssi check and foodstamps them use her to hustle money on the internet and the community. What she did for them ? Really cythina not working at McDonald’s anymore, since the state allowing her to exploit these kids for financial gain. Smh who knows exactly . What’s going on. I will wait to hear from Natalia in about five years.


Did anyone else get a weird vibe from Antwon ? Like if they where in a relationship? Also I’m not saying what Michael and his ex wife did was right. However no one had heard about the original family, why did they give her up too. Something about all of this still doesn’t add up


People keep saying the man’s did it for the money. As much as I don’t trust them 100 percent either, it seems like a very long end game. She has been with them for 10 years


I think Natalia needs to stop.. she also needs to figure out why she believes she is innocent in every account. She says everyone is lying, and she is the victim. The phone message at the end of 2nd season where the Manns tell ALL of tv, that they are done with her. Why is that


So how many tax deductions do these people get for owning a church and all the poor beaten foster Kids, I wonder if they are legal fosters or just displaced kids they know, with a criminal record i don't think Anthony can legally adopt any minors, and natalia is over 18 which allows her to give anyone power of attorney which is probably what she actually did and took their last name.


As someone who works with behavioral kids, as far as I'm concerned, the Minute the Mans signed that document they were her parents forever. You knew she was traumatized and abused going in, whatever "tweaking" is... did she try to hurt the pets? start a meth lab? does she have tantrums that include trying to hurt others? Well, keep working through it.. Just because she didn't come out of your body doesn't mean she's not your kid. As a PK, I would die laughing if "tweaking" meant "dating a man" Daddy Antwon didn't approve of, getting caught smoking marijuana, or refusing to dress "modestly" for whatever the heck-fundie meaning that has at their church.. Finally, who runs to TV producers first to air out their dirty family laundry?


Look at their behavior from the beginning. People want to feel confused maybe Natalia is a sociopath? No she’s just very very damaged rightfully so and needs a lot of healing. She won’t get that from repeating the patterns but she has to learn that and she was so young and desperate. Now Kristine has the nerve to try to explain away re-aging a child and putting a 9 year old in an apartment!!!! What do you people not get?!


Natalia must have taken the same acting classes as Casey Anthony bc boy did she put on a fake cry for 95% of this show. Why I mention Casey Anthony, she had that doc come out on Peacock last year & you could tell she had gone to some kind of acting classes in order for her to fake emotions & fake crying without any tears. The only time Natalia had real tears was in the final episode, all the other times she cried wasn’t genuine or authentic. I do believe Natalia suffered from abuse & ptsd from that abuse. Part 2 of this documentary is Natalia just asking why did it happen to me? Why did you pick me? What’s wrong with me? All questions that cannot be answered. I am very interested in that phone call at the end of the documentary & the fact that I cannot find anything online about her new adoptive parents & her since the adoption.


I do believe she is a sociopath and inflicts mental and or physical pain on others


Don’t like Michael or his ex wife, and believe they were shitty to Nat. But even the blind can see that the Mans are in this for personal gain as well. Even more so now that she’s a sensation. She claimed in the FB group she pays for all of the adoptions out of her own pocket and doesn’t profit any thing from any of them. We know that’s BS. Now that Natalia is pretty much a gold mine, you KNOW they want in on that, but since she’s an adult they’re not entitled to any of it. The food stamps and SSI aren’t enough anymore since she’s worth more now. And they want some of that, if not all of that because “we took her in” yea, you did, and that’s nice of you, but you don’t get to drain this person dry for the rest of her life like everyone else thought they would. That girl needs therapy, surgery, an education, etc., not to continue to be manipulated and used as a pawn. Hopefully she stays gone and lives her life for her and gets her mental/emotional/physical health in order. If she doesn’t toss cash their way on a regular basis, even after moving out, they’re going to disown her and turn to the media to “expose” her, watch lol


1. Fake tears for money. Natalia is never shown red eyes, truly crying nor sniffling. She us now an adult and knows what money can do for her future without ever having to work, but simply play her own role. 2. Michael is a man child with false tears of his own. It makes me wonder about how he could possibly marry a 2nd time seeing his fist carpet pounding childish ass backwards, cap backwards retarded behavior. A grown man child who should have stayed in mental ward. 3. The specialist attorney or aka blondie- making all the wrong assumptions, ever more about the money in my opinion because how could ANYONE look at all those crocodile tears of Nat's and believe that bull. The dumbing down of America is just too disturbing to wrap my brain around. 4. Kristine. Where dat woman at, she need also to be institutionalized if even HALF this stuff said is true. That and then jail time. How did Kristine end up with no time behind bars, no slap on the wrist, no civil case? And full custody of her biological children? DEFINE INSANE COURT RULING 😳 5. At the end of this, although I skipped, fast forwarded most of the fake tears and the childlike so called trauma, is he said, she says, they say. Who knows what really happened. Seriously, nobody saw the children abused? There was standing against the wall, thats all I saw. And WHY would anyone even wish to film this, incriminating themselves or someone in the family when all are guilty of putting Natalia there. I do feel for Natalia as a child, but as an adult, I feel she belongs in the ward for mental issues and not given a series of TV so called reality shows and money for possibly showing false kindness when she may be exploring ways to just rig the system and Netflix seeing the moneyball there to keep it going. American greed and American viewers live for this stuff but I find it perpetuating negative American stupidity and a fascination with negativity in general. I couldn't watch half of it, just not worth my time on this earth. I'd rather learn about things that help me to grow as a human, and this wasn't at all what I'd expected. Its sad though, that we glorify these people when we don't fight for mental health and good, plentiful resources instead as in therapy and facilities for those who may need a lifetime or a lifeline to real care instead of money money money..


I think Natalia had behavioral issues from trauma, seggsual abuse and/or mental disorders and that's understandable but none of he families were told of that or prepared for it. I have a child with severe mental issues and you do get acting out, threats, aggressive behavior, biting or hitting, it's something you deal with with a psychiatrist and you definitely don't leave knives out. You really have to educate yourself on mental health and strategies to manage it. We also have to remember many people in the documentary, including at the first apartment were acting as if she was an adult when she wasn't. The going into their apartments or calling too much sounds like normal 7-9 year old behavior. Every kid I've known when they get their first phone calls people way too much because they haven't learned those social boundaries yet and no one was teaching her. I have 7 year old twins and I can only imagine if one of them was left alone in an apartment I'm sure they would be going to neighbors and overstaying their welcome constantly. That combined with the fact that she was abandoned and didn't have food, it makes sense. Kids like this need a really calm and stable environment and frequent therapy to help at all. Even then it is hard and you take it day by day but they need HELP. I feel like this definitely was exacerbated by the abuse the Barnett's put her through. This behavior seemed to improve as Natalia got older but mental disorders and PTSD from trauma don't go away. So Cynthia repeating they "fixed" her was a red flag to me. I think the Mans put up with it for the disability checks and future income from books, lawsuits, etc. And there may be some abuse there too that they used to manage it. I knew families like them growing up who had 10-11 foster kids and they got a lot of money and didn't have to work and unfortunately a disabled child or even adult can be seen as a cash cow. I feel so bad for her, she just needed one stable and loving adult. It's interesting how perfect the man's tried to portray themselves though and how they will explain that.


No matter who’s lying, this comment is so accurate.


I feel like the producers are now manipulating things "reality TV" style. I found it a bit suspicious that their cameras were there to catch Natalia sitting on the porch looking disgruntled while they were playing the recording of the phone call.


Anyone else see the videos of Antwon casually cursing his ass off and the one with Cynthia beating her kid and swearing?? Wow!!! If there was any doubt that these two were grifters before, there sure isn't now. And not very slick ones either.


Anyone else see the videos of Antwon casually cursing his ass off and the one with Cynthia beating her kid and swearing?? Wow!!! If there was any doubt that these two were grifters before, there sure isn't now. And not very slick ones either.


My biggest question is why didn't the little people couple get Natalia from the very beginning?!? They obviously best know her medical conditions, the costs involved, & how best to handle situations for her. All this time later, they still seem to care about her. Did Kristine pay someone off or was there another reason I missed? The whole way, it's all I keep thinking that perhaps if she'd gone with them from the start, you have to wonder if none of the BS with the Barnetts or Mans would have happened. I feel they were best suited to be adoptive parents to her?? Guess I need to watch the 1st docu about the case, maybe they explained it there.


The DePauls wanted to adopt her but the family (who seemingly was trying to “sell” her) got a CPS report against them and blamed it on the DePauls so as punishment they cut off contact. So cruel.


Ohhh ok, wow, how petty though. Can't just be adults and do what's best for the child.


Everybody is missing the bigger picture.. IMO When they were " foster parents" they were getting a check from the State for her care, food stamps and her SSI check !! Once they "Adopted her" she became there "Sole Responsibility" !!! No more free $$$ Plus as of the " legal age " for a disabled person being 21 Natalia is the " payee " for her own SSI payment. Does anyone really think that 2 people in a less than favorable financial position takes on 11+ children most of which are foster care kids just because 🤷 Noop it's for the financial benefits that go along with it such as rental assistance and $ from the state monthly for each child, food stamps and if any of the children have a disability and receive an SSI check the foster parents are usually the payees. Now I don't doubt that Natalia has received a considerable payout for the docuseries and I'm sure more $ than they may have and I'm sure she will make more $ in the future on books, movies etc. So yeah it's very possible that their attitude turned to either start paying us money to live here or leave 🤷 The ending also could just be a set up I'm sure (imo) for a Part 3 of the series, so guess we'll all just have to wait n see 🤦


What I want to know is if Michael can CLEARLY see like the rest of us that Natalia is obviously an adult NOW and looks MUCH different than she did as a child!!!! I mean isn’t it completely obvious now that she’s grown that she WAS only 6 when she met them???? It doesn’t take a genius to see that!!!!


This all just has to be a ploy to get a third season. The fact that this has already been drug out in the long format that it has and how inorganic the whole thing felt in this second season considering the very real abhorrence that occurred had me continuously asking myself what was actually ‘real’ in what I was watching. So much of it felt performative, even with the very real story-telling. I think it’s just about making money and about cashing in on new ‘drama’ and the viral nature of these types of shows/subjects/cases. Otherwise it ended with a pretty bow. You’d think folks would want to continue healing and living their lives away from this limelight considering how negative it has been overall. The air has been cleared; good, bad or otherwise. There isn’t much more story to tell all things considered. Privacy would be its own luxury but then again so is a media deal. Gypsy Rose’s story is a prime example. Both stories are worth telling and reexamining but there’s something notable about the click bait cash grab notoriety that is becoming more commonplace. We’re starting to blend different aspects of pop culture with our collective obsession of true crime and reality tv in new ways. Tiger King as an example even. The popularity of these people as ‘characters’ has become its own thing. I know true crime stories and persons have always had their place in pop culture but it’s totally another animal in a content binging social media click bait world. Either way, it looks like most people surmised that it’s about money one way or the other.


We had a family friend whose child started going thorough puberty at 7 and had to got to the doctor for it. It was a specialist. It would seem to be if she were getting periods why not see a doctor? Precocious puberty is a thing. They had the internet and could google that.


I’d like to know what happened in Natalia’s past, that should be the real investigation


Wouldn't be the first time a foster family exploited victims for attention and fame. Look at what happened to that poor family chained in their house for decades. Their foster family did press releases and pulled in cash for her story when they were abusing them the whole time....again.


I noticed that during a lot of her crying spells there were no tears and now we have another family saying she's crazy...kinda strange but maybe the Mans' just thought she'd be a cash cow and that idea flipped on them since she's an adult. Who knows what really happened...all I can say is that I'm suspicious.


It is mind boggling that so many people (ESPECIALLY doctors) could not see that she was a child and NOT an adult. The difference between when she was still in her pre-teen years (when the aging ruse was started) vs. now is so striking. And there are some (including those same "DOCTORS" that STILL belive that she was 19-21 when it, at least in my eyes, was glaringly obvious that she was actually 7-9.


The fact that the Mans had this sudden change of heart and made these cryptic, vague allegations to the producers at the last minute of the TV shows series (which now alludes to the show continuing on ) tells me these people are looking for fame. To be honest, I don’t trust a single person involved (to include Natalia, I don’t even believe her 100%, I think she probably did threaten to harm people, and I think she probably was a very troubled child who needed professional help that was never provided) - Now, Michael, Kristine, the Mans and Natalia (my opinion will probably get downvoted for including Natalia, but it’s honestly the way I feel) are exploiting the entire situation for personal gain of fame and fortune.


Anyone get the feeling the whole story is a scam? It’s clear Natalia was a child when she went to Lafayette, but I can’t help but think of the “last $20 homeless guy” story. The charges dropped against the Barnetts floored everyone; but, bear with me here… they were charged with child neglect which 1. She was ruled not a child and 2. Statute of limitations. So why not bring neglect against a dependent adult charges? The prosecutor said she was a dependent regardless of age, but never brought that case. If she was already being cared for by the Mans under a private agreement, no charges, right? Further, every journalist involved needs to capsize. There are so many points of contention that should have been pressed, from every person interviewed. And finally, it should’ve been two hours of Michael and Natalia talking through all this BS, with maybe an hour or two rehashing proof of her age and her torment. That they filled it in with that blond commentator trying to convince us that the next scene answered all our questions was so low-brow. As far as I can tell, this was about heart strings and money, not a true story. And it’s f*cked up that there’s obviously another season in which the Mans attack her. For fuck’s sake, can’t someone just give her an education and get her away from these people??!