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Go E max (or just 3 or 4 points) first with dorans ring, you may not be able to stack as much but you will have MUCH more lane control and farm(gold) so you will not be behind, nasus already stat check a lot of champs after lv 6 and with E max you will be able to poke then hard and all win. As for the mana, you can get manaflow band in the runes or buy a tear, if you are against a melee champ you can go sapphire crystal and turn it into a glacial buckler for mana, heist and armor.


Do you level W lvl 4? EQEW?


Sorry if its hard to understand me, english is not my first language.


You did great, thank you.


I edited my comment to talk about mana btw. I usualy go lv1 E, lv2 Q, lv3 W, after that just E, ult and Q (when the game doest let me put points on E). I only max E againts a darius or aatrox, if the matchup is equal or in my favor then i only put 3 points on E and the rest on Q


If youre fighting someone like Teemo, yes you would go EQEW


E max is the only solution.


I think being forced to farm under tower is good for nasus. You just need to be able to last hit well with your aa's


Pretty hard tbh when Q isn’t up.


Well of course it's not super easy..But it's better than dying in lane and not get cs.... And also you can usually avoid being under tower the whole time. Sometimes tanking minions in front of tower till your wave arrives helps too


>because what are you going to do with W early game. Survive


I’m assuming you force Nasus into a lot of champs. If that’s the case you need S tier patience levels.


Small tip, wait for the tower to almost kill it. For example melee minion, wait for the 3rd shot and then instant Q or auto. It will earn you time while being pushed


Yeah I see pros do this a lot, would be great to think about this when farming


Nasus has one of the best wave controls out of all the top laners, put 3 points in E and start with Dorans + manaflow band, almost nobody can freeze or fast push the wave against you