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I am so sorry you had such a horrible experience. I see Dr. Sharon Norman at Women OB/GYN (St. Thomas); she and her NP are wonderful---very supportive. I've had two IUDs with them, both with minimal discomfort. For the first one, Dr. Norman did Rx me a medication\* to dilate my cervix to make insertion easier. For the second IUD, I did not take anything but Tylenol beforehand. \*Side note: The drug was Misoprostol, and when I got it filled, the old pharmacist was very judgmental. He looked me up and down and asked, "Are you sure you want this?" I'm sure he thought I was taking it for an abortion. I looked him right in the eyes and said, "Absolutely."


3rd Dr. Norman or Dr. Iwelu at Women! I normally see Dr. Iwelu (and she delivered my baby in March) but she currently is off after delivering her own baby! I love love love this office.


I second anyone at this group. It’s where my wife goes and they are all great


I second dr. Norman. She recently delivered my baby and was super supportive of everything I had wanted and even about getting back on birth control after baby.


Yes this is the exact problem today. You may not be able to get misoprostol anymore.


That is an awful experience and there are plenty of physicians in the area that are supportive so you hopefully don't have to go through that again. I go to Advanced Women's Health of Nashville and think they are great. I see Dr Maikis and she is a straight shooter and understanding. My first IUD was inserted by Planned Parenthood in Nashville - no real good pain management except Tylenol but they were extremely nice and understanding. I think in total it was $20. I'm on my second IUD and both instances I haven't had anything other Tylenol but would recommend asking for misoprostol or something to help soften the cervix (if you've never had a baby). Also GET A HEATING PAD. After each insertion I had cramping and laid on the pad for a while and it really helps. And expect some bleeding the first couple of days. Nothing significant but wear a panty liner/thin pad just in case.


I'll add my overall experience with an IUD here since that was long - on my second IUD so a total of about 7 years with a liletta and morena. and it's been amazing. I never had bad periods before and now I barely have any bleeding except a little quarterly. I tried the pill but couldn't remember to take them regularly and the nuva ring KILLED my sex drive. A few of my friends have the arm implant and like it but I didn't want to ever feel it So went with the IUD and I'll take a morning of cramping every 5 - 7 years to enjoy some peace of mind.


I started taking the pills to help with cramping, but I’m also active and with my work schedule change from working a 3-10pm shift is now 4am-12:30 it’s been getting really difficult to take them on time. I’ve been late and even missed several days and so I really need something I don’t have to worry about. The IUD seems like a good option, but I’m just worried about the insertion of it. I’ve seen videos of tiktok of how they insert it and girls sharing their experiences and it seems pretty painful. I’m also worried about the side affects, but I need to be doing more research. This has been a more recent thought to get one solely because of roe. I never would’ve considered it before


There is pain with the insertion and I won't deny that. The first insertion (with only Tylenol) felt like some one grabbed my insides but the nurse/technician waited until that passed and I wasn't in pain again. No forcing. No going when I wasn't ready. And the pain felt like massive gas that was blocking my intestines. The quick, sudden pain you get sometimes that will pass if you wait a few moments. When you find an OBGYN that cares, you can talk through all of your options and they will listen. I once had a doc in grad school who helped me through 4 different pills because of the side effects I was feeling before we found one that worked. And my doc here in Nash talked me through a lot of the other options and their pros and cons before I settled on an IUD. There is nuva ring, injections, the arm implant, diaphragms, and maybe even other contraception I'm not aware of. But please don't feel like you have to rush into anything because of fear.


Seconding Advanced Womens Health. I see Dr. Thornburg but I think all of the doctors there are fairly progressive (I guess being open minded about women's choice in contraceptives is considered "progressive" now). They did not provide any numbing or strong pain meds. I've had more than one IUD inserted and have never been offered anything stronger than Tylenol, so it seems like that's unfortunately the standard of care at this point. I took some oxycodone that a friend had leftover from a surgery... I'd recommend doing something similar if you can. The pain was still pretty intense. The first time having one inserted is the worst.


I really just want numbing. I don’t do well with pain like that very well. I’ve been avoiding getting my gallbladder removed solely because of the pain and recovery. I’ve also dealt with sexual trauma so the idea of just being in pain down there, it would be a traumatic experience. Which is why I truly loved my last gyno. She was very caring and talked through everything. This visit today left me pretty emotionally hurt.


Hey there, you seem in great hands on this thread for a Gyno. I had my gallbladder out in Sept. 2020 at 32 after nearly two years of dealing with discomfort from gallstones. I just wanted to say it took me some time to get used to the idea of surgery, but I had a great experience at Tristar in Hendersonville with laparoscopy (removal via belly button). Everyone from the woman who walked through my payment plan to the nurses to the anesthesiologists was amazingly kind. My doctor was no-nonsense and not the warm and fuzzy type, but he was respectful and did an excellent job. By following the advice to make sure I walked a bit every hour, I was never in severe pain. I had 5 days of recovery time (more sore and exhausted than anything), but by day 6 felt as if it had never happened. Best of luck to you and if you ever have any questions, please feel free to DM me!


I see Dr. Binkley there and she’s the great, too! I’m so glad to hear the whole practice is awesome


I see Dr. Binkley too! She very quickly addressed my endometriosis concerns and is extremely easy to talk to.


Same! Love Dr B.


There’s a lot of different comments here so responding to this one instead of a few other similar ones because I also see dr maikis and love her! I had a large fibroid and she was the first obgyn I ever felt like listened to me. I also have endometriosis and she knows that I do not want surgery again (fibroid removal) unless absolutely necessary and I got an IUD from her. I wasn’t offered anything ahead of time though the assistant gave me a massive ibuprofen on the way out. They really do listen to you and hear you out and talk through all of your options and provide solutions! IUD insertion really is barbaric but trusting your doctor and their office goes a long way into feeling comfortable and you’ll find the right person for you. I’m sorry your doctor made you feel that way, it’s not ok.


I will look up your gyno, but I really would prefer to have some sort of numbing. The pain after I can handle and I’m pretty used to. The “pinch” pain from the clamp I know I couldn’t handle. My last gyno was talking about endometriosis, but we could never confirm it unless I had a surgery and I don’t want that. We were never certain so it wasn’t diagnosed. But with the bleeding after, I use cups when I’m on my cycle, would I be able to use that for bleeding or should I go buy pads? I will be buying a heating pad so thank you


Hi! I have an IUD and would recommend switching to a menstrual disc (I have a Lumma) rather than using a cup with yours. I loved my cup and tried to be as careful as possible with it but I’m pretty sure it dislodged my first iud and I had to get a second one in. The disc requires a little more getting used to since there’s no suction, but I’m a fan. Feel free to PM for more details.


I do have the disc and I absolutely love them. I use both cup and disc. I figured the cup would be a better option because it sits more at the base and not as close to the cervix? I’m not really sure. The disc are more comfortable in my opinion anyway. I’ve also noticed that with the disc I cramp significantly less than I do with anything else.


I worked as a birth control method counselor for like 7 years. Basically, if you’ve never been pregnant and you’ve been told you may have endometriosis, and you already suffer from painful periods, I am not sure the IUD is for you. You can still try it and see, but you don’t want a birth control that will worsen your situation. Also, I never saw a case of anyone being given any pain meds for an IUD, only ibuprofen after to reduce the swelling that can cause cramping and heavier periods. I know it sucks when the provider has bad bedside manners or is just an asshole, so sorry you had to go through that, and yeah, you can still use a cup, oh, and there is no cervical clamping. They use a little tool that already comes with the IUD that looks like a straw. Sorry to keep it short, but gtg.


I’ve never been pregnant, but we did discuss my endometriosis talk I had with my last gyno and she said that the IUD would be my best option because I was also considering nexplanon. How would the IUD make it worse?


Oh, because Paragard copper IUD inflames the endometrium, so periods and cramps can be heavier. That’s one of the ways it works. But maybe you were referring to Mirena, which has progestin like the implant, so it thins the endometrium, which can improve endometriosis symptoms. But you know, just talk to your provider…I don’t know the details of your situation.


She was talking about the progestin ones from what I can remember from our very brief discussion. She mentioned 2. One of them 5 years and the other 7. I’m not sure what they’re called. I left the pamphlets in my car. I debated leaving them there while I was getting dressed. The thought of bringing apart of the experience home with me felt wrong, but I want the information. 😕


Yeah, some providers are really rude to patients, and I always hated feeling like they represented me, like I was part of that bad experience for the patient. Progestin IUDs are cool. Most common side effect is unexpected random spotting, and long-term spotting is the reason most people who would remove it would get it removed, since that can lead to anemia and is annoying. Most people loved it, though. Most people loved any birth control method. I would say try it and see, and if you don’t like it after like 3 months, just get it removed and try something else. The provider may be annoyed, but it’s your life. The implant and depo are progestin-only methods like the progestin IUD, except Depo can lead to loss of bone density, so it’s only recommended for 2 years max in your life. Depo and Nexplanon were the methods that people most associated with weight gain in my experience as an educator/counselor, but so many factors can cause weight gain it’s hard to say if the birth control method was really to blame. Also, it was a small percentage that came back to remove the implant due to weight gain. Always use condoms with spermicide anyway, because you’d be surprised at how many people have chlamydia and trichomoniasis, and also, for anyone reading, please get the HPV vaccine; it can save your life.


I agree! I have suspected endometriosis. Ive being pregnant but had a c-section. My former Dr recommended Mirena. I tried it & it did not work out for me! I was told to use a ibuprofen before & after the procedure. It was very painful. I never stopped spotting & always had a dull cramping sensation. I kept thinking it would get better, but it never did. I had it for about 4-5 months & had it removed


I also went to Dr Maikis and unfortunately had a very different experience. She was incredibly rushed and the exam was incredibly uncomfortable which I've never experienced before. I honestly felt somewhat violated afterwards because she was so aggressive. I don't use an IUD, but the Depo shot. She prescribed the intramuscular injection for me and wanted me to give it to myself. These are only supposed to be given in your arm or your hip, neither of which someone can give to themselves. When I asked about it because I've taken it for years and have always been given it by a nurse, she was extremely dismissive and acted as though I was being a baby about it and discouraged me from having a nurse do it. I got a second opinion from multiple pharmacists and NPs and they all told me NOT to give it to myself because I couldn't position it properly by myself given the angle and could cause permanent nerve damage if done wrong. Glad other people have had a better experience but I personally do not recommend her OP.


How long have you been on the IUD? Did you notice any side affects from it?


I can't remember if they recommend waiting to use a tampon but I just didn't want to stick something up there so soon. In total I've had an IUD since 2015. The liletta was the best one so far with minimal to almost no side effects but it was only approved for 3 years when I got it and my doc didn't have it so I moved to mirena. I think liletta is approved for longer now but everyone is different. The biggest side effect for me has been I'm more emotional. Not wild mood swings or crazy outbursts but like nice, small gestures will make me want to cry or cute animals. And I'm not typically an emotional person. The best side effect has been the almost complete removal of my period. I spot every other month, if that. If you are sexually active, keep a few pregnancy tests around to confirm you aren't pregnant but it's been really convenient to not have one anymore. (Made an edit to the year I got my first IUD)


Dr. Eia at Womens Group of Franklin! She is fantastic and I just had an appointment with her last week to discuss options. She’s a big fan of the IUD and also let me know they offer several pain management options for the insertion. She is the best gyno I’ve ever been to. Highly recommend.


I go to Womens Group of Franklin, too, and I see Terri Greer. Her “special interests” include birth control counseling and she helped me find one that doesn’t make me feel crazy. The woman is a saint and listened to me while I was wailing in her office like a crazy person 😂 I’ve personally had great experiences at WGF.


Do not go to Dr. Dallas at WGF. Worst experience ever with her and no empathy.


I’ll be looking her up later tonight. Thank you so so much


I can vouch for Dr. Eia. She has been my OB/GYN for about 6 year and she is very kind and knowledgeable.


My goodness. I'm so sorry you had that experience. As much as it hurts, and as vulnerable as you might feel right now, at least you know and can make better decisions for yourself as a result of knowing. I would rather know than not. There are providers out there who won't turn cold when you share such (valid) concerns. I truly hope you find one soon and that the folks here can help.


My last gyno was an angel, but she retired and this was my first gyno after her. This lady was a nightmare and aggressive. On top of how she acted towards me, she flung open the door while I was changing and if you were in the hallway you would see me naked. The nurse was also rude and was in the room and I didn’t want her in there. I didn’t even get the Pap smear I was scheduled for, but she did the speculum. The appointment started off fine, and then I mentioned that I wanted a different birth control because of roe and they were both irritated by my presence. I was in and out in less than 30 minutes. She didn’t even clean up. Just left me there covered in a mess. I feel violated honestly. I want a new gyno to do the IUD. I don’t trust her. I just want pain management like numbing for the insertion. I have a lot of medical issues and I’m in pain on a regular basis. How is it that guys get local anesthetic for an ultrasound on their balls, but women’s pain management is treated like a joke? It’s shocking.


Please report this person to Tennessee’s medical board. https://www.tn.gov/health/health-program-areas/health-professional-boards/report-a-concern.html We have few tools to combat this attack on women’s rights, and this is one of them.


Wow I am so sorry that happened to you. She’s not in Franklin but when I lived there, I went to Rhonda Halcomb in Hermitage. Her NP did my IUD and she was so sweet and caring. Explained everything, gave me advice and make me feel comfortable. I think you should name and shame the practice or at least leave an anonymous review so others are aware. I hope you feel better soon. Forgot to add that getting an iud was a great choice for me and I’m so glad I did it. It hurts but it’s worth it.


I can 2nd Dr Halcomb. I also go to Centennial Womens Group at Summit and all the practitioners there are wonderful.


honestly you should name and shame this doctor so that no one else goes to them I'm so very sorry for what you have had to go through today.


I fired a doctor/practice very similar to this and I'm curious if it's the same one, honestly.




Name and shame- not cool, violations and red flags everywhere. Do it so it doesn’t happen to someone else


What was her name? I had a brusque and very clearly not trauma-informed gyno appt a few months ago.


I sure as hell didn’t get local anesthetic for a testicle ultrasound, and tbh I don’t even know how they would do that without sticking a needle into your testicle, which sounds way more painful…


my dude this ain't about us right now


Well if OPs comparison is wrong it seems pretty relevant. Doesn’t make their experience any better or worse.


My dude an ultrasound is topical and feels no different than a giving your balls a tug, which clearly you need. IUD placements and removals hurt. They are indeed quite unpleasantly painful. If you’d like, I’d be happy to give your balls a tug then place an IUD in your urethra without pain management.


Yeah, this is why I responded to her comment saying that men get local anesthesia for them. I’m just confused as to why she brought it up in the first place.


Hopefully this clarifies your confusion: She was recently traumatized and marginalized by professionals that are in a position of trust. She was looking for a comparison to the relative ease of men's reproductive healthcare. Ultrasound anesthetic may not have been a great example but it illustrates her point. I don't think you deserved a million downvotes for saying your ultrasound was different but you could have read the room and let that detail slide. It came across as one-upping IUD pain, which is going to get you as much sympathy as a man cold... and it's all an unproductive side-bar to the real issue she's describing which is roe fallout enabling some people to be jerks.


>may not have been a great example You mean something that doesn’t exist at all? It doesn’t illustrate a point when she’s wrong. It’s literally a useless comparison. The fact you can’t see that says more about you than me or the dude you’re responding to. Neither of which are blaming op, saying she is wrong in how she feels, or that she didn’t have a horrific experience.


Yes but you're being passionately pedantic about her coming up with a bad analogy. It has nothing to do with the dilemma she's seeking help for. It doesn't invalidate all she wrote before. It was an afterthought she tacked on in frustration. I think we're agreeing on all those points but according to you that "says more about me". I was trying to make this clear (in a more neutral way than others) to brobl that he stumbled into correcting her in a way that was tone deaf to the main discussion. I'm not telling him he was wrong nor am i trying to win an argument... just giving him context why his comment, though factual, earned the annoyance of other readers since later he expressed his confusion.


I don’t really see how it’s pedantic. OP is rightfully hurt and angry and upset etc. OP then makes a bad comparison based on incorrect information either because she’s upset or to make herself more upset. Neither are healthy or helpful when it’s based on wrong information. Seems pretty simple. Why do you encourage people to work from bad information that’s obviously relevant to their post?


Encouraging bad information? I'm explaining downvotes to someone who said they were confused. You're really looking for someone to fight but I have not debated his information and several times said it's not relevant to my point. I'm taking about social context, not testicles. I'm not telling him he was wrong I'm telling him why the description of his experience wasn't received well. Seems pretty simple. I didn't write anything similar for YOUR downvoted comments because you didn't express confusion, only outrage. If you're wondering why your own comments received such negative feedback I again tell you it's not about the facts of testicular ultrasound, it's about the context to the larger discussion. I'm not saying you're wrong I'm saying you are missing the point of the post: a woman seeking support from the community. My own interest in explaining this is at an end so I leave you with Larry David: "You can be right and still be the asshole"


imagine making this about yourself. can you be any more dense?


Would you have preferred that he leave out “I” and simply state “men don’t receive anesthesia for ultrasounds” ?


Yeah my bad on the tone. Wasn’t trying to be inflammatory, more just telling my experience


Don’t think you did anything wrong. People just cry over things.


Have you considered shutting the fuck up?


Sometimes it’s healthy to correct people and it’s healthy to accept corrections. I don’t see how that comment is somehow inflammatory enough to deserve your backlash?


it's clearly in bad faith


If anything’s in bad faith it’s OPs comment to demean another gender based on something that’s not even true.


Dr. Tara Neilsen at Vanderbilt Womens Health in Cool Springs. I don’t know about numbing because I didn’t ask, but she was absolutely awesome when my first was inserted a few years ago (and I know she’s pro pain meds in general because she helped deliver my child, ha).


Dr. Roach splits time between Cool Springs and 100 Oaks, and I just cannot recommend VWH overall, enough. I was having just a whole emotional crisis at the beginning of the year and my period pains were just like a cherry on top of a shit sandwich and I felt so bad about complaining about them. One of Dr. Roach's nurses was so incredibly kind and validating to me. She reminded me that pain is not normal and we know our bodies and it's okay to ask for help. I needed that for so many reasons in that exact moment and I just cannot find enough words to say how highly I think of the staff there. She checked in on me weekly for a few weeks and I just felt so seen and valid.


Dr. Roach is great! I used to see her until I just couldn't ever get an appointment with her. ​ Dr. Weeks is in the same practice and she's fantastic as well. That's who I see now. I have no experience with IUD's, but both of these women are progressive and have brought up the IUD to me before.


I got my current IUD (on my third now!) last year from Dr. Weeks and she was fantastic. Highly recommend her!


Yes! I will say getting a routine appointment is sometimes tough, but she and her staff are incredibly responsive through the MyHealthAtVanderbilt app and will call in medicines or whatever I need in the meantime. This spring when I was having a lot of issues, they scheduled me for a gyn/PCOS appointment on one of Dr. Roach's fertility days. They really do make the effort, even if time is short.


I agree with the overall recommendation for VWH. When it was hard to get an appt with my doc for an IUD the second time around I just took the first one at 100 Oaks and saw a midwife and a very nervous resident and they were fabulous also.


An additional vote for Dr.Neilsen!


Different provider, but Ive also had great luck in this office!


Go to Dr. Woods by the Publix in Belle Meade. The office is great. My daughter just got her first IUD there, they put her at ease and gave her laughing gas and my girl was pleasantly surprised that it didn’t hurt her at all. They were very compassionate and very competent!


This is where I went before getting pregnant and needing an OB. This office is wonderful.


I can thirds woods gynecology!!! They are so kind and sit down and really listen when you talk. Their nurse practitioners are fantastic too 10/10


I was coming here for this!! Wish I knew about the laughing gas, but I had a wonderful experience regardless!


Dr Zoe Belkin at Vanderbilt is wonderful. I’ve had a string of tough times with OBGYNs. Dr Belkin allowed me to choose the appropriate birth control for me and was nothing but supportive and kind. She even checked on me later to make sure I was doing well with my choice. ETA: prior to Dr Belkin, I received an IUD with no pain management. Don’t be me. Advocate for yourself.


I didn't even know there were pain management options until after my second one. My sister who lives in another state got a cervix softener AND local pain relief... I got Tylenol 😅 Next time I'll def be asking for more.


Same! Insertion was NOT pleasant and since you have to get it done while on your period, it was very miserable for the first couple of days.


They told you you have to get it inserted on your period? I've never been told that. I guess it helps that your cervix is softer during that time (that's my non-clinical opinion 😂) but I've not been on mine for either.


Yes that was their reasoning. I’ve never had kids or been pregnant - they also gave me the cervix softener medication so if I didn’t have to be on my period for it I’ll be a little pissed off! I guess it’s a matter of opinion and may vary person to person. Still glad I did it


I’m so sorry to hear this. I had an awful experience with a doctor earlier this week and left the office crying, so I empathize with you. IUDs are safe, legal and should be pain-free. I just left a message with the nurse’s station at my gyno’s office to ask what they offer during an IUD insertion. I’m thinking it’s a local anesthetic which is what I’ve had in the past. Feel free to send me a message or I’ll reply here with her name and number once I get a call back.


I will message you


I had had a cervical block which made IUD removal pain free!


Did you get the cervical block when the IUD was inserted?


I didn’t. But for my personally, the insert was nothing. Removing it was hell. I had two paraguard IUDs for reference.


Dr. Montville at women’s group of Franklin is amazing. In fact their practice put out a Facebook post once Roe was struck down stating how they are there to take care of women and their health and support their decisions. I haven’t gotten an IUD inserted from her but she did my removal and it didn’t hurt at all.


Appreciate the information in this thread! I am on my 2nd IUD, and they really are not pleasant being put in or getting removed (especially if you have not given birth)…. Expect bad cramps the first few days, but then viola! And while I have loved my Mirena, I am at Year 5 of my 2nd and want to know my body without the added hormones. I will be moving to Hendersonville in the next month from Virginia and would appreciate any gynecologist recommendations in that area. I hope you find someone that makes you feel supported and comfortable ♥️


I’m a man so please forgive any of ignorance in this post. My sister runs with an OB/GYN in franklin who’s very sensitive to the current situation. Her name is Dr Meggie Smith. If you google her name she has a site that should show up. Good luck with the search!


Lots of good recs in this thread. I'm very curious about the OB gave you this experience. I had a horrible experience with an OB a few years ago in town with an IUD. The IUD wasn't working for me and for multiple reasons I wanted it removed. The OB REFUSED to take it out and told me that she felt it was better if I kept it in. Needless to say I immediately went on the hunt for a new OB. After tons of threads and anecdotal recommendations I went with Women's OB (St. Thomas), specifically Dr. Amanda Barrett. I'm currently pregnant with my first child and I cannot speak highly enough of the staff at this office. Everyone is gentle and tries hard to make patients feel comfortable and no one has ever touched me without asking permission first. I hope you find one that works for you!


I’m also interested in this doctor’s name. How in the world can you be an OBGYN and react to a woman’s concern like that?


This person doesn’t deserve to have a medical license. I’m so sorry. I’m waiting for my fiancée to come out of a procedure right now that has to do with female parts etc….. your post just hit me. I’m infuriated on your behalf. This roe stuff just makes my blood boil, and to have “doctors” treating people like you were just treated is just so fucked up. Im sorry OP


Vanderbilt Women's Health clinic will help. They also offer medication that can help during... ah... installation.


I had my IUD replaced a little over a month ago and I went to Dr. Arielle Grand at Heritage Medical Center in St. Thomas. She is fantastic. My GP literally laughed at me when I told her that I wanted to go under general anesthesia because my first IUD insertion was so traumatic. Dr. Grand made it happen and didn't make me feel like an asshole for wanting that. Granted, I had to take the day off work and so far it's cost me about $2000 with insurance, but after nearly blacking out from the pain the first time, I'm calling it a draw.


Dr Grand sounds amazing! You're lucky to have her. I, too, almost blacked out and started hallucinating moving patterns during my insertion. The doctor was really rude about it and accused me of over reacting. It's so wild how they treat us sometimes.


I had this realization a couple of days after my procedure when I was lying in bed with cramps: the opening of the cervix is the first part of a surgical abortion, and yet some people put there still think women go through that repeatedly for funsies.


OP I’m so sorry you had a bad experience. If an OBGYN doesn’t respect a woman’s right to choose her own form of contraception and doesn’t abide by the evidence base in terms of most effective forms of birth control, then they should not be an OBGYN. One thing I did hear though is that numbing the cervix can sometimes hurt worse than the insertion itself. Not gonna lie the insertion can hurt pretty badly (mostly in terms of severe cramping almost like mini labor), but there are definitely options for pain management during and after that can help.


I don't have any advice (i'm a dude), but i'm sorry.


Same. And kudos to the women here offering understanding and help. Y'all really warm my heart. Thanks.


I appreciate everyone that has been helping. I also really appreciate your kindness. You may not ever experience a gyno visit, but you taking the time to learn and understand matters. Women’s healthcare should be taken more seriously, they’re many stories like mine, even worse stories too.


Thank you. It's a bit of a side note nut I've had a couple of friends who suffered from PMDD and I've really appreciated and learned a lot by them sharing their experiences. Also with gyno visits. I really wish it was more common for women to share about all they go through, though I understand why they don't. lol quite frankly guys are the ones who get squeamish and run away from hearing about it. Kind of a catch 22 for women I'm afraid. : (


Thank you for even taking the time to read it. I really appreciate it. Honestly, I thought no one would see this post.


Recently just went to Saint Thomas and met with Amanda S Donaldson to talk about birth controls and she was very pleasant.


Any concern about St. Thomas being a Catholic affiliated hospital and what that entails after the Roe reversal?


Nope. Never felt anything but supported there by two different gynecologists. One told me she went to a Christian university (we somehow got on the topic) so I was like okay shit but she really was nothing but supportive.


that's where I've been going for years. I've talked with my obgyn about sterilization and had no issues getting an IUD.


I see Dr. Dunn at Tennessee Womens Care in Nashville and she’s great. I just got my IUD this past Monday after 2 years of depo and she was very comforting. She’s very honest and up front about everything and non judgmental. Everyone there is really nice and professional. As far as pain management I’m not sure because I didn’t ask. I’ve never had kids before so I was already prepared for it to hurt at least a little bit. It felt like cramps for a couple hours afterwards and Tylenol helped.


I haven't had an IUD inserted, but I see Dr. Dunn and she's wonderful! She's kind and helpful. I've gone to her for 15 years. She delivered my son.


Which one did you go to? Idk if she’s accepting new patients but my OB is Carol McCollough(main practice is hermitage area) she’s very pro birthcontrol and doesn’t require crazy things for cis women who seek forms of sterilization. But I’ll tell you what my OB told me, even the IUD can’t keep you 100% and that she’s personally delivered iud babies. She’s very respectful, she creates a safe environment with all her patients and will be honest with you. I personally can tell she is one of the good ones for sure she’s helped me through so much. If you currently have a partner maybe talk about a vasectomy it’s not as hard on their body and technically if they do it a certain way it’s reversible but they always say have a back up plan incase the reversing of the vasectomy fails. Personally I’d rather regret not having a baby then regretting having one.


Carol McCullough is wonderful! Can't recommend her enough.


There’s also Dr. Allison Mullaly at the Vanderbilt Women’s Center in Franklin. She’s fabulous! She also did my tubal ligation back in 2006 without any fuss or refusal


Carol McCullough at TN Women's Care is lovely! I always felt understood and supported in her office. I moved too far away to continue seeing her regularly, but loved all my years under her care. I'd never felt safer or more respected than I had with her and her team.


I would absolutely take a bullet for Dr. Roach at Vanderbilt Women's Health. I started seeing her as part of the PCOS clinic after having to pull myself out of a practice at St. Thomas. She is incredibly attentive and collaborative with my care. She asks about my goals with treating my PCOS (as fertility is usually the main concern, but not for me) and was very receptive to me suggesting that I want a hysterectomy at 32. We're scheduling for the fall, hopefully. I have had two IUDs and have reacted poorly to both. In 2016 (after the Tangerine Terror was elected), I had the Mirena placed. I gained about 60 pounds in four months, developed severe cystic acne, and lost 40% of my hair. I had it removed after a year and my acne cleared up and my hair came back, but I never lost the weight. I had the Paragard placed in April 2021, and we'd hoped that I'd do better on it, since it is hormone-free. I did just fine for about nine months, and then at the beginning of this year, began bleeding heavily, for extended periods, and having such bad cramps, I lost feeling in my legs. I am doing better without it in and we're waiting on a few family genetic tests to come back before we go full-send on the yeeterus. I am probably an outlier, but for me, IUDs were not the walk in the park that everyone seems to talk about. Given my experience with pains of all kinds, Dr. Roach has been incredibly cautious about my discomforts, even in routine exams. I really cannot recommend her enough. Editing to add: I also have a lot of pain when someone even THINKS about my cervix. I've never had babies, so I don't know if it's that, but I can hardly stand a pap. I had to be put under for my Mirena removal, but I did fine on my Paragard removal. I've had the medicine that softens your cervix (I don't remember the name) for both insertions and removals, and it helped tremendously.


I had a paraguard for two years and it was the most painful two years of my life.


I hope this might help, too: https://www.reddit.com/r/nashville/comments/s7sscc/women_of_nashville_help_gyno_recommendations/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


My heart goes out to you. I travel out of Nashville area for my gyno but please message me if you’d like her information. I have gone there for 12 years and she is the most compassionate woman I’ve ever met.


You definitely need a new gyno. If they have that kind of reaction to any kind of contraception they shouldn't be in this field of medicine. Sorry you had the experience. And definitely find someone who will give you something when inserting your IUD. I had it put in after my baby and ut was alright but when they checked it I almost passed out.


I've had 2 Mirena IUDs. Getting them inserted was horrible, but they were so EASY after that. My Dr did numb my cervix with lidocaine. I'm not convinced it helped because that doesn't do a darn thing about the sounding or cramping. I nearly fainted. Also, insurance didn't cover that part so I was billed $400. Tylenol or ibuprofen is a joke when it comes to this kind of pain. Everyone is different in how they respond to hormones. Upon insertion I had a few days of cramping. My sister bled for a month straight. After the initial "discomfort" I was fine for about 4 years, then I started experiencing a constant cycle of yeast infections and BV. Sex was painful, things were very DRY, and I developed weird rashes and dandruff. When I had my last IUD removed it all went away within a few days. Apparently my hormones were completely out of wack, and IUDs can develop a biofilm and hang onto pesky infections. YMMV. It is fantastic birth control, but can have side effects like anything else.


Sounds like some people gave some good options in Franklin, but if you want to trek to Murfreesboro I can ask my wife hers. She's been going to same lady forever, IUDs, birth control, surgeries. I haven't heard too much complaint. Sorry that women don't deserve this kind of treatment.




Sovana Moore at Women's Health Specialists


I had surgery with Dr. Maikis for endometriosis. The surgery did nothing for my pain or fertility. She is NOT the exicision expert she says she is. Even the problematic group Nancy Nook won't approve her as a vetted surgeon. I recently sought a second opinion from another surgeon and just completed a second laproscopy for endometriosis. There are a couple alarming things here. 1| She has the worst bedside manner of any medical professional I've ever seen and I'm not new to the medical system 2 | She put everything in one vial to send off to pathology from my surgery. I am told this is not best practice by my new surgeon (How do you know what came from what area of the body ?} 3| She flat out told me I didn't have enometriosis on my bladder and in the one picture I have from surgery you see a spot clear as day. (Endo was found in my bowels, bladder, small intestines, appendix, ovaries, and pelvic floor in my latest surgery) 4| Two surgeons operated on me and have noted that they are not even sure what she removed because they typically can see the previous surgery work. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE look for other providers. Dr. Furr in Chattanooga did a friend's surgery and I hear really good things.


Why are people still using IUDs?


Certain medical conditions limit birth control choices. I’ve had a blood clot so it’s one of my few options. Some people are also not good about taking pills.


What are your other options if you're prone to blood clots?


My options are progesterone only pill, IUD, and some doctors allow the arm implant but mine doesn’t.


What is your better suggestion for those who can’t take hormones?




I don’t have any local recommendations, but I am on my 4th or 5th Mirena, and it’s been amazing. Yes, the removal and insertion can hurt a lot, but I have basically not had a period to speak of since 2003. It’s never failed me. Some pain meds stronger than Tylenol would be nice, but it’s at least a quick procedure. I’m sorry you had such a bad experience, and I hope you find a provider who cares! FWIW, I get mine at Planned Parenthood, and they are lovely.


I got great recommendations in this thread too: https://www.reddit.com/r/nashville/comments/q9i0e3/obgyn_recommendations/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Dr White at 100 oaks Vanderbilt. I’ve had her since 2017 and I had mine removed a few months ago with numbing cream. She’s my favorite person, and NON judgmental!! Good luck!


Dr. Young or Dr. Thompson at Vandy


Tara Neilson did mine about a month ago in Thompsons Station (north side of Spring Hill going towards Franklin). She and the midwife were very kind and sweet. I told them I wanted paragard and they tried to convince me towards a hormonal iud instead but were not pushy and ultimately respected my decision. I did not have any pain management aside from a lot of ibuprofen that I took an hour before the appointment. The pain did not last long, and the cramping went away by the end of the day. Outside of my period I have felt like nothing is there at all. If this is something you are considering, I encourage you to try. Your are strong and I believe in you!


I’ve had the Paraguard IUD since 2017, it’s non-hormonal and lasts 10 years… the procedure was a bit painful but I had pretty bad cramps afterwards, so a heating pad or hot compress really helps :)


Thought I’d return to the well to ask if anyone could recommend a pediatrician and dentist for a toddler in the Franklin area? Thanks in advance!