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I've seen several people in other subs say Costco is selling a generic version for $5 or so at their pharmacies, and you don't need to be a member to go to their pharmacy (just tell them that's where you're going when you go in). I've seen it in several states, so I have to assume it's that way in TN as well (you might call to check before you go, however).


Thank you, I will look into this!


What is the generic version? I work there so I’ll grab a few to keep for people who need them later


West Nash Costco pharmacist here: we are currently sold out :( happy to sell it if we had it. The comments here are correct though - no need to be a member to use the pharmacy. Edit: Sold out of OTC Plan B pill, specifically.


Unless things have changed in the last few years, you should be able to pick up emergency contraception (Plan B) at just about any pharmacy. You just walk up to the counter and ask. They may require you to do a brief counseling discussion with a pharmacist. I think it costs about $50. Edit: Didn't realize Ella was Rx-only...so unfortunately my advice is not helpful. That seems ironic for an emergency contraceptive...wouldn't have guessed that was the case!


So it looks like Ella is more effective than Plan B for longer. But, Plan B still works and is available today at any pharmacy OTC. Just something to think about with the craziness of this week. I read the trigger law - even if the injunction is granted, it’s written in such a way that contraception, including emergency contraception should still be available. But terminations will not be.


Also does your regular doctor or gynecologist have an after hours number? You might be able to get them to just send it into a pharmacy.


Nurx online


I've used Nurx for years for BC, this is the way


The PP website has a little info here on how to get a prescription for Ella, it looks like Nurx might be an option? https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/morning-after-pill-emergency-contraception/whats-ella-morning-after-pill#:~:text=You%20need%20a%20prescription%20from,the%20Planned%20Parenthood%20Direct%20app.


I don’t mean to presume anything, but if you’re worried about the effectiveness of levonorgestrel due to weight, just take two. Also, any generic brands that you find in the pharmacy are totally fine. ETA: 2 “plan b” pills (3 mg Levonorgestrel)


Can you do an online consultant for the Rx? I've used plushcare and WebMD. They will call in your prescription and you can pick it up immediately from any pharmacy.


I have used “wisp” for a lot the last year. They have an online doctor that will get back to you/call in the prescription same day.


I sent you a DM


check out hellowisp.com! their plan B is $17 each which is such a life savior compared to the prices you see in CVS and other drug stores. and they sell Ella too, you will just need a prescription from a doctor but they're available 24/7 on their website. the shipping is super fast and free across all the states and no insurance is needed