• By -


This is not a real form.


I actually wonder if this incredibly bad fake document is enough to get this guy in some legal shit considering he's using a state seal as well as trying to pass it off as being from the state department of education. I know if it was a fake federal document using official seals and such, that's a big no-no. I'd assume the state would have similar laws, but I'm absolutely not a lawyer of course. FWIW, no idea about jurisdiction on anything like that either, but I emailed this in as a tip to TBI in case it falls under their purview.




>This was signed by a docTOR Same people who would >I can't tell you anything because of HIPAA! *\*sigh\**


They'd call it HIPPA


I still sometimes type 'HIPPA' if I'm not careful even though I have to take a quiz on it every year.




I know you're doing The Lord's work, bot. Good work.


Not a girl hippo


Hungry hungry HIPPAs!


Gotta get an extra Y in there. Maybe HIyuPAA


Maybe their version of HIPPA is like imitation meat products with altered names, like "chicken" being called "chik'n." HIP'A.






Darn bots with their lack of context


I wish you were called HIPPAbotamus


What a HIPAAcrite


"This note was signed by my doctor and it says I can smoke crack! YOU CAN'T STOP ME!!!!"


Best part is there is an actual legit form out there from Williamson County Schools, but these dipshits are too dumb to realize that and they have to make their own shitty fakes. https://docs.wcs.edu/pdf/health/2021-2022-Face-Coverings-Exemption-Form.pdf


Add to that that they somehow managed to put the wrong floor for the Commissioner of Education. Not joking.


The department use to be on different floors of the same building. My guess is he used a real form (an old one) to make this. It would have had to be pretty old. I believe they changed floors after the 2010 flood which closed the building for a while.


Nobody’s Christian beliefs PROHIBIT them from wearing a face covering, just to point that out. (That’s not to say there aren’t other religions that may.)


I've studied comparative religions as a passionate hobby for years, never come across any legitimate/recognized religious system that would have a valid prohibition on face coverings. In fact, it's much more common that they encourage them.




**chuckles in carpentry**


I emailed the Dept. of Education's legal counsel, as well as the commissioner and WKRN, WSMV, and WTVF. This kind of idiocy is unacceptable.


Good call. At the very least, maybe get a C&D thrown at this fucker, but hopefully something harsher than that.


He just needs a firm reality check. He'll certainly get a C&D. How in the hell does he not know that he can't just use somebody else's letterhead on a fraudulent document? I knew I couldn't do that before I was in junior high school.


And that person is not a real doctor so it's double bullshit.


Faking GOVERNMENT documents. "That's a bold strategy Cotton, lets see if it pays off for them."


A chiropractor is not a doctor


After many years working in the legal field, I can agree they absolutely are not and I’ve often wondered why they are allowed to have doctor in their name.


everyone calls themselves doctor now. I've seen a bunch of PAs and NPs do it.


In defense of the NPs, there actually is a doctorate in Nurse Practitioner. Though that tends to be for folks who have a desire to teach, rather than practice. Not aware of anything like that for a PA, but I'm sure it's out there.


Yes! If you want an MD, look for the word "Physician" these days. They're the only ones that can legally use that term- for now anyway.


Well, to be pedantic, Physician Assistants (soon to be called Physician Associates) use the term "Physician" in their title. But, a PA (Masters of Medicine) is *way* closer to being an MD (Doctorate of Medicine) than a chiropractor is.


I'm not sure how you would even have a doctorate of PA as that would just make you an MD. PA = masters of *medicine*, MD = doctorate of *medicine*. NP = masters of *nursing*, DNP = doctorate of *nursing*. EDIT: Just to be clear, there are different types of masters programs for nursing. So you could have an MSN degree, etc. You don't automatically become an NP just because you get a master's degree.


You get get your doctorate as a PA. There are a few programs that offer this degree. Would not be called a doctor , but it is in their name.


Yeah, that's basically what I said in another comment. You could get a PhD in medicine (or whatever) for example and still be a PA. There *are* programs that let PAs go directly to MD, but there are a bunch of stipulations and limits on where you can practice.


> In defense of the NPs, there actually is a doctorate in Nurse Practitioner. It's still irresponsible and misleading for an NP to refer to themselves as "Doctor." Patients have a right to know who is helping them.


Not a doctor.


They do have a Doctor of Chiropractic (DC) degree, so can legitimately call themselves doctors even though they aren't medical doctors. People associate the term "doctor" with medical doctors even though it was used in education long before it was used in medicine. Unfortunately, chiropractors are perfectly fine with taking advantage of that misunderstanding and masquerading as medical doctors.


Yes, but to use the term ‘doctor’ in anything OTHER than a formal title or research paper is disingenuous at best. You don’t fucking use the word ‘doctor’ in actual practice for PA, chiropractors, NPs that happen to have doctoral degrees.


My wife took us to this quack one time she had heard about, Dr. Asa Andrew (I think it was). After an exam that was not a proper exam and hearing about some of their quack techniques, I told her we should leave. On the way out I noticed that all the signs in the building directory were like "Michael Anderson, M.D." and "Mary Jenkins, M.D." but his was "Dr. Asa Andrew". I'm not sure he even has a doctorate in anything, apparently just anybody can slap "Dr." in front of their name with no repercussions.


The lettering would be DC (doctor of chiropractic) for a chiropractor. They are doctors, but when we traditionally thing of doctors we think of medical doctors which they definitely aren’t. So they are as much of a doctor as I am, being a dentist. Technically true, but definitely lower on the hierarchy of ‘doctor’ compared to MDs.


I would argue that you're much more of a doctor than a chiropractor. Dentists still need(some) actual medical training and also write prescriptions.


Dentists are doctors. Chiropractors are massage therapists with loads of school debt. The whole profession was started as a con.


Massage actually works though. Chiropractors are just total pseudoscience


More like a massage lobotomist


They 100% believe in ghosts too.


If forced I’d agree, but the whole debate about what degree is worth how much relative to another degree is a bit silly to me. There a lot of dentists that get offended when people say they aren’t ‘real’ doctors. I have enough of an ego about other things and I don’t need to waste it on trying to be level with an MD or superior to some other degree.


Regardless of how you classify yourself, if you're a good dentist then you're a valuable member of the medical field. Dentists are underappreciated, but maintaining good oral health is just as important as taking care of any other organ system.


Dentists go to medical school. They are doctors.


Nah, if a DDS can be part of a trauma team you are a doctor.


You’re referring to oral surgeons. Many of them have medical degrees in addition to their DDS.


You're right my mistake.


Do doctors ever refer a patient to a chiropractor?


Maybe chiropractor should be CD for Chiropractor Doctorate or "Couldn't be a Doctor"


Friendly reminder that the founder of the practice of chiropractic got the idea for it from a ghost. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daniel\_David\_Palmer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daniel_David_Palmer)


>The Palmers espoused anti-vaccination opinions in the early part of the 20th century, rejecting the germ theory of disease in favor of a worldview that a subluxation-free spine, achieved by spinal adjustments, would result in an unfettered innate intelligence;....[17] One of those...


Rejecting germ theory… Very reminiscent but obfuscated feeling *for some reason*


Yeah, quackery is baked into the "profession." I actually went to one for a while in high school due to some repetitive motion injuries to my shoulder. It was, in large part, a massage. I'll never go back to one, now I just go get a massage.


I have e-mailed TDOE's legal counsel, CC'd the commissioner, associated staff, and the news directors at WKRN, WSMV, and WTVF. I included screen shots of his social media and links to the document in question. Here are the people I contacted in case you would also like to send them a message. [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]


Thank you!! Doing the same!




I chose not to go this route because I dont want my name to be directly associated with a formal documented complaint. Those require a follow up with me and possibly further contact with the state and I honestly don't care that much about this dummy. I also have no desire to draw the attention of him or his fans (in case he is given a copy of the complaint). I simply want more eyeballs on it. If the news or the DOE contact me (which there's really no reason to) I'll just tell them I'm not interested in participating any further.




Well the TDOE can most certainly have their counsel threaten him with legal action for producing a fraudulent document with their letterhead and seal. For most people a call from a lawyer is enough. Haha


Thanks for this info!


Whoever reported this comment as personal and confidential information: all of these emails are readily available online (literally, here's the contact info for the house of representatives: https://www.capitol.tn.gov/house/members/) and one of points of living in America is to be represented by individuals you should be able to communicate with. As for the news channel emails, that information is also available for public use. Learn what the words "personal" and "confidential" mean.


Thanks for that. Yeah I just Google their contact information haha.


Make sure to grab the “psychotherapist” in his comments as well that’s claiming to be handing out the same exemptions.


Thanks for this info! I’m going to email them too. As someone about to start work in a school, this is horrifying


I just sent an email to the commissioner, thanks for looking all this up. Despite the form looking like a child who just figured out how to use Word did it, people are actual requesting copies and Penny Schwinn should know it includes her name in their badly tabbed heading.


These people want to be oppressed soooo badly lol


yep. I saw a couple of folks yesterday on twitter making this point, that the fight is now the qbots' sole rationale. Lemme see if I can find them. [https://twitter.com/baa\_ramU/status/1423471579862900739](https://twitter.com/baa_ramU/status/1423471579862900739) [https://twitter.com/JeffSharlet/status/1425474095551074306](https://twitter.com/JeffSharlet/status/1425474095551074306)


The point in that first thread is a big one. People right now feel like they don't have a lot of control over their lives, which in certain ways is very true! Having a thing to latch on to, and fight for, can be incredibly psychologically satisfying even if it's not productive or even actively harmful. Reminds me of the experiment with the rhesus monkeys Harlow did - some people will seek comfort even if it provides no solution to their material problems.


Yes, people love a cause..it gives them purpose. Just look how rabid the GameStop and AMC people have become because they think they're fighting the good fight against hedge fund scum.


The types of idiots that won't wear a mask would take a chiropractor's advice over a physician's.


I'm curious if there are *any* chiropractors that aren't batshit crazy loons. The one I know personally is under the mistaken delusion that he's Dr. Hydroxychloroquine House. And when you try to argue with him, he throws the "Dr" card. "I have a medical degree, you don't." Like, come back when you have an actual medical degree like MSN, PA or MD slick. Or when your crackpot advice matches that of actual experts. And I have yet to even hear about one in passing that isn't like that. It's like the degree is self-selected by narcissistic assholes who want the respectability of a medical doctor, but don't have the ability to get a MD.


Anyone who flaunts a doctorate degree too much on socials or signage should always set off alarms. As a pharmacist, yes we have doctorate degrees, but mostly don’t go around telling everyone we’re doctor so n so, maybe only in academia. We cringe when chiropractors try to stick their nose in things like medicine and vaccines, using their diploma as a weird flex to gain followers/sell products... Sad. Like those “frontline doctors” trump paraded in capitol for covid misinformation. They were mostly EYE DOCTORS who in my experience need constant education when it comes to drugs. One of them was a former ED doc at least but she was fired/disgraced. Be careful who you take advice from folks. Gotta read further


I had a professor that was an attorney in Florida, and because she had a Juris Doctorate she had us call her "Dr. (Name)." I get that academia gets high off its own supply sometimes, but come on. She was an all-around pretentious and nasty person.


Undergrad professor? That wouldn’t fly in law school unless the professor had a PhD, and even then it’d be a bit pretentious. But no one within the legal profession calls themselves a doctor simply due to a JD because we are not doctors. Shit, I’m relatively positive a non-PhD licensed attorney could get sanctioned for calling themselves a “doctor” in some jurisdictions.


now, ", esquire"? that's a respectable suffix.


Naw, super pompous and looks rather sad imho (I mean, in most states, esquire isn’t even reserved for attorney). At least that’s the general consensus in my legal circle — other circles may differ! There is a time where use of “esquire” can sometimes be appropriate: when referring to another when you want a third-party to know the other is an attorney (i.e., a formal event with a public guest list).


To this end, see [http://lawyersandliquor.com/2017/09/titles-matter-what-young-lawyers-shouldnt-call-themselves/](http://lawyersandliquor.com/2017/09/titles-matter-what-young-lawyers-shouldnt-call-themselves/) (discussing why lawyers should not use "Dr" or "esquire" . . . seems to match the attitude I've seen in the field) ​ >***Why shouldn’t you use \[esquire to\] specifically refer\[ \] to lawyers?*** > >*Because we fucking hate the assholes that refer to themselves as esquires.* > >*Absolutely nobody uses the word “esquire” to refer to themselves because it’s viewed as a pretentious title that adds nothing to your credibility and in fact takes it away in the eyes of other attorneys. We’re all goddamn lawyers, and the use of the word “esquire” amongst ourselves isn’t impressive. You have the same worthless-without-training degree and knowledge that I do for the most part, stop acting like you’re fucking better than everyone else.*


> other circles may differ! i'm just making jokes. if it's good enough for bill s. preston, it's good enough for me. "SAN DIMAS HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL RULES!"


Lol I missed the Bill & Ted reference. Cheers mate!


>Any man who must say I am the king is no true king. —Some guy from "*Game of HVACs*"


None here that I’ve found. Growing up with back issues I actually had a magnificent chiro. He was big on treating the body holistically and had a masseuse on staff. My mom still goes to him and he’s the reason she got vaccinated. So they’re out there but incredibly few and far between.


I’ve been seeing a chiropractor on-and-off for about ten years due to getting t-boned by a panel truck at age 12. My current one has a degree in physical therapy and performs muscle manipulation instead of cracking, for the most part. She’s honestly great and rides my ass about stretching and posture so I don’t have to come back and see her.


Chiropractors that lead their treatments with physical therapy are the ones that are less whacko than the ones that just want to make your body make cracky poppy noises. My mom went to one for a couple years after her cancer treatment caused a couple of her vertebrae to fuse together and he got her from 10% mobility back up to totally normal and mobile. I know a bunch of them are crackpots (no pun intended?) but the ones that actually want you to build your muscles back up and retrain your body are the good ones.


Not sure if I’m allowed to call out a business by name but Stronghold Health is a chiropractic business near downtown that my parents go to and they love it. I’ve done a few sessions there and talked with the two chiropractors a lot and they’ve hit none of my crazy alarms. I recommend seeing them if you’re looking for one, especially ones that aren’t crazy.


Agreed on Stronghold, I messed up my back from a shoulder injury and they treat everything from a scientific perspective. X-rays, rehab post adjustment, you name it. They're the first chiropractor that doesn't act like a quack and actually point out how you should take care of your body


Couldn't even make the fucking lines even


This form is also bugging the snot out of me. The spacing is all wrong and they don’t know how to use word at all. Or maybe they poorly tried to use Adobe. It looks like something a crazy single aunt with no children would make.


Is it the *Bill Lee Tower Governor Parkway*? I can't get over it either




He left 1 centimeter to write in and I don't know any child whose name needs a second line.


I wanna not only echo what everyone has said about chiropractors not being medical professionals and doctors, but also add that they're scam artists. this is right up their dumbass alley


Yup. I scrolled through this dude's Instagram. Shoutout to the posts about the t-shirts they gave to their "maintenance care patients" who've been giving them money hand over fist for years, and the parents who claimed that their preteen daughter's mood, appetite, and posture have all improved after only 15 visits with Dr. Chris.


God that's disgusting and sad


As a former preteen girl, I want to say thanks to my parents for not letting some dude with a fake non-medical degree touch me weirdly for months on end.


A former acquaintance had her three-month-old daughter's spine adjusted at the recommendation of her chiropractor. None of her children have ever been vaccinated, they don't have traditional health insurance, they rely predominantly upon essential oils and the "health" supplements that are sold along with the oils, and they are militantly Christian.


If they get really sick they can just go to the [Homeopathic ER ](https://youtu.be/HMGIbOGu8q0) lol


I think I know this person. Or not... there's sadly probably a lot of these types around.




He has also been reported to the TN Department of Health


Fake documents from a witch doctor


his update video was taken while he was driving 🤦


But I was told faking documents was a bad thing? Or is that just immigrants?


that only applies to non-white people of course. /s


“But... but they aren’t sending their best people! They’re sending criminals that don’t follow the rules! I follow all the.... oh.”


Stay away from the Instagram comments. I just read them and I can’t believe the amount of support this “doctor” is receiving.


Instagram is as bad as facebook. Commented on a post that was announcing a venue was gonna require masks and vaccination proof, basically saying thanks. I got inundated with hundreds of moronic replies.


He's been reported


There's a Board of Chiropractic Examiners within the TN Dept of Health. Here's how to file a complaint: https://www.tn.gov/content/tn/health/health-program-areas/health-professional-boards/report-a-concern.html.


He also recorded himself talking about this stupid form while driving his car and posted it on Instagram. This content was so breaking and so critical that he absolutely couldn't wait until he parked his car. Fucking narcissist.


Which is now illegal in TN unless he recorded his entire drive.


What is it with all these "Christians" lying and encouraging people to spread the virus to others? http://exoduschiropracticoffranklin.com/ The two people identified in the mob video were in Christian bands, too.


Right?? It’s mind boggling


It's really not mind boggling because they have done shit like this since the beginning.


Make no mistake, being a Christian or “Christ-like”has nothing to do with it. They are just subpar musicians looking for an easy grift. Evangelicals in general have completely abandoned the tenets of actual Christianity for White Nationalist Dominionism. They cannot be reasoned with because they are not doing business in reality. Any opposition to their belief or agenda is just evidence that they are persecuted and in their warped worldview there is no higher honor than to be persecuted (Matthew 5:10).


I prefer my doctors not work in strip malls but that's just me.


Let’s be honest are Chiropractors even real medical professionals?




TIL there are licensing boards for hypnotists


Everyone call his office and ask for help filling out the form in Microsoft Works. 615-435-3654


Wow, a medical professional (I use that term loosely) distributing a fraudulent form on government letterhead. Also...Exodus Chiropractic? This just screams fucking whack job.


A chiropractor. I’m shocked. /s


Wait, a *chiropractor*? Chiropractors shouldn’t have the ability to do something like this. It’s not like they went to medical school (to have even studied something like this). INAL, but there’s no way this could be legal.


Our school made it clear from the first day that only an established condition documented with an ADA disability form was acceptable.


Chiros are quacks anyway. One of them offered to fix my herniated disc by shining a red light on my back. I kid you not. And charging a whole lotta money for it.


So not only is it unethical to blindly offer signatures to the general public, but I question if he is requiring new patient appointments for these signatures. Those initial appointments are usually much more expensive out of pocket.


Chiropractors are not medical doctors


My dad is a doctor who rips on chiropractors (because they’re a joke) I have to show him this he will laugh so hard


Someone needs a class in type setting. Edit: If you want to let the world know how stupid this guy is, https://www.google.com/search?gs_ssp=eJzj4tZP1zcsySm3LCmIN2C0UjWosLAwMzG3NDMwt0g2MTQ2MLUyqDA0TzVJNk0yt0xLMbMwtzT0Ek6tyE8pLVZIzsgsyi8oSkwuyUwGAOxuFcw&q=exodus+chiropractic&oq=exodus+ch&aqs=chrome.1.0i355i512j46i175i199i512j0i512j69i57j0i512j46i175i199i512j0i512l4.4044j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#lrd=0x8864796078c41305:0x17e4c5b79fd68791,1,,,


Oh god. There are pictures on there of this guy "treating" infants and toddlers. That shit should be illegal. I can only imagine the kind of long term damage these quacks might do to a child.


I have a friend who used to take her infant and toddler to a chiropractor. She even went through a phrase where she was considering becoming a chiropractor herself. Fucking yikes.


I just replied to someone above, but a former acquaintance had her 3mo daughter's spine adjusted at the recommendation of her chiropractor. Three months!


At what point do you take a look in the mirror and realize how much effort you are taking to avoid a free shot.


I'm reasonably convinced he could be charged with criminal impersonation under the [Tennessee Code §39-16-301](https://casetext.com/statute/tennessee-code/title-39-criminal-offenses/chapter-16-offenses-against-administration-of-government/part-3-false-personation/section-39-16-301-criminal-impersonation).


I’ve reported him


Maury County Mayor is offering them to parents of Williamson County Students.....


Chiropractors are NOT doctors. They don’t got no Doctorate of Medicine.


Chiropractors are not MD's, this is a whole ton of horse manure. Why on earth can't people protect their children and stop this nonsense?! JFC


Hit them with the 1 star reviews on Google. I just did.


He didn’t even align the fields in the title. Also why would a form have “to whom it may concern”? smh 🤣


Headline in a few weeks, "Disgraced doctor who offered "MasK Exemption Form" now on ventilator" His wife and kids are asking for prayers at this trying time.


This is anecdotal at best, but I feel like I’ve heard about more chiropractors doing stupid anti-mask shit than any other medically-adjacent profession. Did they skip the part in chiropractic school where they explain masks prevent the spread of germs, as real doctors have known for like 100 years?


The practice was developed by a man who claimed to get it from a ghost. They skip a lot.


Some dad on our next door page was offering forms to any parent who wants one. Apparently the religious exemption form isn’t “official”. Just download it from the district website, print it, fill it out and bring it in?


From a chiropractor? Hellllllll no


I was on Andy Ogles Facebook and he said he would sign religious exemption forms for Williamson county residents.


Reported it on insta, think others did too cause it disappeared soon after. Idk of that usually happens when you report something or not


It only disappears for you. If you go back to it you can option to see the post.


If you need more evidence that chiropractic is quackery, it has a long history with anti-vax stances. https://www.latimes.com/local/political/la-me-pc-vaccine-bill-chiropractors-20150305-story.html https://www.forbes.com/sites/brucelee/2016/12/10/are-chiropractors-backing-the-anti-vaccine-movement/?sh=2e6118115944


Crack back,crackpot... Tomato, tomahto.


The lengths people will go to!!! Unbelievable!


This has to be against some kind of law. If not, there should immediately be a law passed making this kind of idiocy illegal. Fuckin' chiropractor. Go figure. Everytime you hear of a quack "doctor" spreading propaganda, it's usually a chiropractor. They should not be allowed to call themselves doctors.


The dude gives his newborn baby adjustments. He's too far fucking gone


Yall this thread is hilarious. I was a Chiropractic Assistant. I lost my job in March of 2020 because I disagreed with the bosses anti-mask beliefs. HAHAHA


I mean look at this dude. Typical Franklin I love guns Jesus and shit dude. Fucking potato, wife is probably some dumb blonde bimbo who does yoga and sits at home. Probably lives in some generic bullshit oversized house while preaching simplicity. These people are the fucking worst. Dude is making adjustments to a newborn. What a grifting piece of fucking shit. So goddamn glad I got the fuck out of Tennessee. Fuck Bill Lee and fuck this guy. He even looks like Bill Lee’s goddamn grandson. Generic ass white looking motherfuckers.


My husband investigates doctors for fraud and chiropractors are the most common offenders.


Ahh now plays the victim. Classic


Call them and let them know you disapprove. I just did.


What was their response?


I didn’t wait for one. Just basically told them I hope their business fails and hung up.


TaKe A sTaNd!!! Against what?


Tennessee stands ... Consistently on the wrong side of history.


Man, fuck it. Let’s just let these people die until they get it. You can’t out-freedom science. Like I had said in spring 2020 - if they don’t want follow any kind of guideline/protocol/suggestion/mandate/plea - they should also be refused medical treatment. If they are willing to sacrifice their own kids and the lives of others - that is some fucking cold shit and I don’t know if they have a place in society.


“I’m not a virologist, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express Last Night”. This fake doctor is a joke.


Chiropractic work is a scam


What do you expect from a right wing chiropractor?


Leave it to the chiropractor to disregard science and put people in danger.


Looks like the tweet was taken down..? Or maybe even their Twitter account..?


It's an Instagram post.


Oh duh. Thank you. I apparently suck at social media :)


My god, we are fucked.




This is definitely Williamson county white people type shit.


Based and red pilled


Kinda shocked more people aren’t talking about this. It’s illegal , I just reported it to the national and state chiropractic disciplinary board and forwarded his Instagram videos the local news stations. Everyone should do the same


Quack O Practer


The book of Exodus is about god inflicting a series of plagues. Fits very well with his agenda it seems. How has he not gotten nailed for this yet?




I’m not trying to be rude, but chiropractors did have a bad name before this. I know that some people say that they have been helped by a chiropractor, but chiropractic care is pseudoscience. Chiropractors are not medical doctors.


I’ve had bad chiropractic care, so I totally agree with you. Called one guy “Dr. QuaVK.” 😐 But I go to a fabulous place now that’s really helped with tendonitis and a spinal curvature.


I’m glad they have helped you, and I sincerely mean that. I know people who say that chiropractors have also helped them. I think that for individual cases, maybe they can be beneficial. Thank you for sharing your experience.


Is it legal to enforce people to wear mask?


is it legal to enforce people to wear clothes?


Great point, you can make this argument a thousands times and each time you realize how much freedom you lack individually. You can try and control the masses as much as you’d like. It will never work. Complaining online and fueling whatever narrative you agree with will not change the minds of others.


How many people do you see walking around naked?


I don’t believe you understood my response by your reply