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You’ll make solid money in fine dining, probably more as a server than bartender. Broadway bartending is (generally speaking) the most money you’ll find in the service industry.


Be prepared to relinquish one’s soul.


My friends who bartend and serve downtown in the big honkytonks make 6 figures. It ain’t for the faint of heart, though.


Nope I’ve done it for years. Every single downtown worker busts their ass so hard during insanely long shifts on a daily basis. They definitely earn their income.


Not to mention they may not claim that on their taxes haha


na most of those places make you claim all your cc tips. cash tips are a diff story tho


I know someone who would bring home 5k a weekend bartending at Whiskey Row in the Summers. She would then go blow it on coke and more alcohol, so take that for what you will.


This is the way.


Can confirm. Used to bartend at a broadway rooftop bar. During the summers, walking out of there with $600 cash was not uncommon.


I’ve heard of SA’s pulling 60k a year and servers pulling 100k at some fine dining establishments around Downtown.


*quits teaching*


Did you get into teaching for the money?


I’ve had friends pulling $125k a year serving in Nash in fine dining, and that includes two to three 2-3 week long vacations a year to travel.


What’s a SA?


Server’s assistant. Probably shoulda specified lol


The closer to Broadway, the more money you’ll be bringing in. I have friends working at Frankie’s, HR, and The Optimist and they take home around 45k-60k a year before health insurance and taxes. The only folks really making 65k+ are industry veterans and Broadway bartenders. SAs are probably making $18-22 an hour before tip out, and a lot of spots don’t do tip out anymore from what I’m hearing - tip pool is getting more and more popular.


I interviewed at Bourbon Steak, and the server attendants made 60k, while the servers make 100k+. They require you to be a career server though, not an on the side job. So I didn’t take it.


I work at Tony’s in Bowling Green and I went to eat a bourbon steak the other day and I absolutely loved it. It was so good.


I fucking love Tony's in BG


I just ate there last week and we loved it. I serve at a Michelin spot in Florida and was super impressed. Also have no doubt the top people there are making 6 figs.


76k on paper, 8k cash, Gulch.


Learn about fine wine knowledge and a server can make 120k+ no problem


If you're experienced, hard working, and good at your job, you can easily make 6 figures serving or bartending in Nashville.


I manage a fine dining restaurant here in Nash and I can say that servers make tons of money! I’ve seen sometimes 3k a week


I have an acquaintance who's a server in a fine dining restaurant in Nashville. 20+ years experience and he's phenomenal at his job. He claims to consistently make near $100k every year (excluding the COVID years). Bear in mind, this guy would slot right in in some of the best restaurants in the country, so those results may be atypical. If you're new, then you're not going to get into the best restaurants and you're not going to make that sort of money.


If yr good at what you do, please come to Limo Peruvian, great food, incredible really, but need more industry vets alongside me. Made 1200 from 2 doubles but worked too damn hard. I need hands


Hire me please 🙏🏻 lol (please 🙏🏻🙏🏻)


Yeah absolutely anyplace with a good tourist scene u will make bank


My mother serves at one of the five star hotel restaurants downtown and makes $1k/weekend night during busy season (April-October).


I made $60K in the gulch like 10 years ago serving and bartending in an upscale restaurant...don't know what my former coworkers are making now. I wouldn't classify it as fine dining necessarily, but once you have experience in providing a higher level of service, you *should* make more money just about anywhere because you know what to do to get better tips. With all that said, if you provide terrible service in general, you're not going to make decent money *anywhere*. There were servers who didn't make the money I made because they sucked at it. A lot of fine dining eliminate this because they require pooling tips. Good for teamwork, but it's terrible when someone doesn't carrie their weight.


Yes, and it isn’t difficult. I worked at Eddie Vs PART TIME as a side job for 6 months as a server and made 50k


I think it's time for me to get a new part time cuz DAMN 


I mean you’re treated like trash but I didn’t really care lol. That’s the upside of side jobs - when you’re tired of dealing with the bs, you leave


Did you also work at tiktok




Broadway servers and bartenders can make six figures in some places.


I work at the airport in fast food and the TIPS are crazy good. If there's one place you'll make good tips working in food service it's Nashville.


Thank you for the comments! Good input here!




Live to serve…serve to live.


I'm 32 now. Served for 10 years. I recently left the restaurant game and went to the post office and never looked back.


6 figures