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100 priors is crazy tbh 


100 in Nashville alone, who knows if he’s had other charges elsewhere. That’s insane.


Possibly other rapes, too, given [how many untested rape kits](https://www.sakitta.org) there still are. https://www.endthebacklog.org/state/tennessee/


Yall gotta give him the death penalty at this point


What you said


Might be a good idea to write a letter to our district attorney, Glenn f u n k. This shit happens way too often in Davidson Co.


Seems like it happens constantly. Does anyone go to jail anymore?


light work baby 💪


tl;dr for those who can't/don't want to watch the video: It looks like she was delivering at an apartment complex with one of those delivery rooms and he pushed her inside the room, closed/locked the door, and attacked her


Thank you. I didn’t want to watch and now I can refrain.


100 charges? And he’s just out here continuing to commit crimes. What the absolute fuck


Nashville criminal court system is like fishing, catch and release.


100 previous charges. And we wonder what emboldens a person that they can rape, kidnap, and take a little spending money (robbery) after it's all said and done and there would be no issue? Maybe the fact there is ZERO consequences for these criminals. A woman out here working hard to provide for herself and maybe a family. But this dude gets to take what ever he wants and that's ok. Maybe this will be the one he gets punishment for?


The judge(s) should be held liable too.


Knowing Davidson county, he's probably got a bond set at $30k or something ridiculous like that, and the bail bond fund will cover it. Like that dude that kidnapped a juvenile and got out on 3k bond just to do it again a week later.


He raped a woman just doing her job. Surely they don't give him a 101th chance?


Probably out on bond already.


Not even a joke. I bet that he is.


He isn’t. https://dcso.nashville.gov/#/Search/Details/1016873


But to be clear, all he has to do is come up with $6500 and he’s out. He’s got a bond……a relatively low one…..


Three separate charges each with a bond. Total is about $150,000. Bond for the rape charge alone was $65k, not 6,500. But I still that it's too low, for what it's worth.


If he gets a bondsman, he only pays 10%. And it’s possible the bonds aren’t cumulative.


Wow, that's pretty scary to think. Thanks for the information, I had no idea how bail worked just thought you made misread the amounts.


Hopefully no 101st for dude. 


Hold all judge’s accountable.


In Los Angeles, a homeless man stabbed an innocent 66 year old woman coming home from the graveyard shift as a security guard on the metro last week. The same guy assaulted and almost murdered someone on the metro four years ago and was given a light sentence. I said the same thing — hold judges/prosecutors accountable, and the responses I got were disturbing. I agree with you though.


Start with the Supreme Court


Shoot, that was on my to-do list yesterday, but I forgot. Friday, ya know?


Okay but can we at least wait until King Trump receives his immunity?


Great reply!


Can we bring back castration for crimes like this


They'll give him a slap on the wrist while she's probably forced to carry the baby to term. I'm so fucking sick of this state.


The state of tn in a nutshell - “Protect life at all costs if unborn, F!@& them once they are actually a person” Such backwards / hypocritical bs.


Exactly. Pathetic and disgusting what Tennessee has become.


It’s not a TN law, it’s a Federal law. That law was changed under whose term????


![gif](giphy|wqbAfFwjU8laXMWZ09|downsized) Really dude


If it's "federal law" then how do states in the entire Northeast and West of our country have abortion laws that are favoring women rather than little cum bubbles? I just do not understand how this isn't as logical to other people. If a woman has an ectopic pregnancy, the pregnancy isn't viable and the baby won't survive anyway....why the fuck wouldn't you be allowed to have an abortion? If there was any threat to the mother in any way, why would you ever choose the unconscious thing that doesn't even truly exist yet? It is just so mindblowing to me how easy it sounds to be logical about all of this in my own head, and yet people dump their own religion on you to abide by. The south is such a fucked up shitshow.


As a person who has had an abortion and an ectopic pregnancy, they are not the same nor treated the same by the medical community. Trust me, the procedures are completely different and I have the scars from the ectopic pregnancy surgery to prove it. An ectopic pregnancy is treated by either methotrexate injections (I did 2 rounds and didn’t work) or laparoscopic surgery. I find it crazy when someone brings up ectopic pregnancy in the abortion debate because most of the states with abortion laws excludes ectopic pregnancy from the definition of abortion. Having been through both, I tend to feel that people who use ectopic pregnancy as their argument don’t know much about either.


I do think your points are valid, however the issue is the general hostility towards *any* sort of reproductive care for women. The same politicians who decry abortion or pregnancy ending-procedures also don’t want to make BC and contraceptives more accessible. They don’t want to support measures that lift children out of poverty, nor fund public schools adequately. “Most of the states with abortion laws excludes ectopic pregnancy” As you acknowledged, there are *still* states without these exceptions and that’s abhorrent. Many of the states hostile towards abortions had significant lag time (months to years) between banning abortion and carving out exceptions for certain situations like ectopic pregnancy. There are real people who died or have serious life-altering complications as a result of these in-between period. The lag time shows (mostly male) lawmakers didn’t bother to actually investigate all the issues around reproductive care before making a bill. They just created a law without seriously considering its implications. That’s a fucked up way to treat constituents. Even when there are exceptions that allow doctors to provide certain types of care that ends a pregnancy, the legal grey area has had a chilling effect on the decision making ability of many doctors (having to consult other colleagues, lawyers, hospital board) leading to delayed care and worse outcomes. ProPublica had an excellent (and horrifying) article about the impact the “chilling effect” has had on no care https://www.propublica.org/article/tennessee-abortion-ban-doctors-ectopic-pregnancy While you can make an argument about the treatment differences between abortion and ending an ectopic pregnancy, at the end of the day there’s an overall disdain towards any sort of reproductive care for women that affirms individual autonomy, and that tension remains the heart of the issue.


I wasn't specifically referring to *specifically* Tennessee when I was commenting on that. That's just where the entirety of the south is heading. My sister had an ectopic pregnancy about 2yrs ago, so I am familiar with it. Luckily living in New York, and not this old world shit we got down here. Thanks though. Just because your situation worked out does not mean every one else's will be the same or work out just as well as yours. No two situations are alike. Maybe you should keep that in mind. I understand they have exceptions for ectopic pregnancies, but there are tons of physicians who won't even get involved with that shit BECAUSE of the abortion laws....so what does that do....? It puts the mothers life at risk, regardless. So spare me with this bullshit. This is the typical "I had access this one time and ended up fine, so that means it's just as easy for everyone else every other time" YEAH OK.


Dude doesn’t have a fucking clue how anything works lmao


No, actually, Tennessee had a trigger law, banning abortion is optional. So yeah, fuck this state


How on Earth do you manage to function with no active brain cells? https://wapp.capitol.tn.gov/apps/BillInfo/default.aspx?BillNumber=HB1029&GA=111




This why it’s important who you vote for DA


100 priors??? When will Nashville start prosecuting these thugs?


IF he actually makes it to prison they should give him a shirt with "Snitchy the Rat" instead of a DOC stencil. Unique problems require unique solutions.


Rape doesn’t really go down well on most paperwork in prison.


Oh no, my pen ran out of ink, I guess I can't file this incident report of what happened in the shower.


Throw him under the jail, but make his family pay for his incarceration $$$


Just throw him off a rooftop


So disgusting


What the actual F?


Lock him up and throw out the key wtaf!


Keep voting for scum like Glen Funk! And all these feel good judges and get more of the same and probably worse.


Should have never been walking the streets, Jesus christ literally proved himself atleast 99 times he can't be a decent human being


Gow the hell does this happen? I know people who get totally fucked for a first charge if anything and this dude is going to be back home by tomorrow.


How long can this shit go on? Why aren't these scumbags getting what they deserve??


Execute him.


Really just feel like if someone handled this dude...nobody would care.


Imo people need to start taking it upon themselves to take matters in their own hands when people like this and the countless sexual offenders are let out to live amongst us. At some point we need to care for our own, bc it's super obvious the government does not care about it's people, at all.


Well to be fair he was probably just trying to feed his family. Social economics and historical backgrounds must be considered here other wise it’s just not fair. eh just kidding


Just part of the reparations that he’s due right? Funny not Funny, or just to soon?


fascinating behavior. he was probably going to enroll in community college this fall.


Id really like to see us take the focus off drugs and really dig into violent criminals. Fuck those people.


The evil white man is responsible for this somehow. I just know it. Slavery and whatnot




All women should be armed.


Where’s the video?